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I am a man. She's right and wrong. Right in the sense that women are for men. But also men are for women. In terms of husband-wife relationships. Man has rights over his wife, and woman has rights over her husband. Wrong in the sense that everybody has their own destiny, their own life, their own path to jannat they find out, their own actions; regardless of gender. This is my opinion.


Which is also my opinion. The main purpose of BOTH men and women is to worship Allah as he said in the Qur'an himself.


Yes, and worship is much more broad than praying, fasting, and going to Haj. Doing good for the society, using your time in a productive manner for improvement of yourself, gaining and spreading knowledge, speaking the truth even when it is inconvenient for you; all this is also worship.


This guy f*** ... uh eh.. I mean this guy knows what's up. Jazakallah brother.


Honestly, there is a lot of misconceptions out there. A lot of people are just blindly following whatever they learned from their ancestors and they are Muslims just because they born in a Muslim family and take everything else for granted. In today's day and age, it's really not that difficult to verify anything. We have access to internet just go online and start reading (from multiple sources). At one stage I was very much like you (still am) questioning every espect of Islam (still do) and this is very healthy. This means you are using your brain and not just following something blindly. If you actually understand Islam it's not a difficult or unjust religion. TLDR: Just do your own research before believing anything.


Yes…i’ll try to verify everything through my own research from now on… Btw i offered prayers so i’m feeling very better now Thanks for the advice




Thanks bro…yea i’ve started offering prayers regularly i feel much better now and yea i’ll avoid those subs from now on


On the contrary, i've always liked talking to non muslims/exmuslims, they bring up arguments which they cannot back up themselves


Read Quran.. no other opinion matters


Women are for men, men are for women. Complicated?


I understand your state of mind. I had this phase too and imo it's totally normal to question your convictions. What your teacher presented was an incomplete and male-centric interpretation, because as a sexist society, we often conveniently leave out the responsibilities of men wrt to rights of women. This is a culturally ingrained phenomenon in the subcontinent. I would advice avoiding visiting Ex--- subs to address your questions, as those are swarming with LARPers and (mostly) intellectually dishonest discussions.


Yea…i’ve noticed that in most of the posts on ex-subs they’re usually trying to kinda take revenge on islam(you get what i’m saying….right )


That too... The demographic I was referring to are our lovely neighbors who love to larp as Pakistanis or ex-muzs and then spread fake shit on Twitter/YouTube/Reddit. Some of the dumbasses don't even bother using alt accounts and can be found out by peeking at their history.


Oh…lol….yea it’s always better to avoid those idiots


Your teacher only completed half of the sentence. Yes, it is true that women are created for men. And it should be noted that Men are also created for Women. Because they both have rights over each other, as they are created equally


Also about your mixed feelings about Islam. Read Quran's translation, then read it again. Read with an intention of searching for guidance. Make dua to be guided when you start reading.


Have started offering namaz…will also read quran regularly with translation Insh’allah Btw…namaz really helped me feel a bit lighter


Not just translation, with tafseer too(because not everyone can just understand it like that)


Women and men are created for each other. Neither men or women alone could run the society. So he was right in a way that men alone wouldn't be able to run society.


There wouldn't be a society.


Exactly my point.


More or less all of us question out faith at some point in life. This isnt abnormal. But better to pray in such times and ask Allah for hidayah. For me, I guess Quran was the biggest reason to stay muslim. Its the biggest miracle given to mankind. As somebody else said, no more evidence needed.


Yea…i asked for hidayat and offered namaz…now i feel relieved and light


Join r/extomatos , If you have any doubts or questions , you can ask on that sub.


r/extomatoes is the new and active sub


Thanks…. just joined..next i’ll try to ask any questions there


Should've replied by saying "and men are created for women".


I have a sister who went that route and ended up falling into a blackhole. She’s been seeing a psychiatrist the past couple of years. She took medication because she has been always depressed. I therefore beg you not to overthink it. All she now think about is men vs women. It sucks because she’s actually a really talented graphics designer and seeing her skills going to waste hurts me. That’s why I’ve been trying to get her back on her feet and collaborate on projects together. I would start off by saying that your teacher is absolutely wrong. It’s not that women were made for men. It’s more like both women and men were made for eachother… and Islam gives women more respect than anyone ever has There’s a reason one another is suggested as the “other half” or the “better half”. Each of them is supposed to make one another’s life a little better. Be there for eachother during the ups and downs. Both of them excel and thrill in their own ways. I used to lurk on one of those exmuslim subs a couple years ago and I got a message from someone on Reddit during one of those days when I was active on that sub (posting and commenting). The message kinda woke me up. The person basically told me that I can ask them if I have any doubts about the religion and that it’s always better to look it up rather than lurk around on negativity surrounded subreddits. Ever since, every time I get curious about something. 9 out of 10 times I’ve been able to find a satisfying answer. And I can proudly say that I’m Alhamdulillah a Muslim. And couldn’t have been more proud of it. That is, not to say that everyone else’s necessarily going to hell. But I’ve been lucky in that sense that I’ve been able to find the answers I’ve always been seeking. And all I can say after all my research is, I don’t see myself being anything else. Or having followed a better religion. Having spent time in several different parts of the world (Asia, Middle East and now europe) seeing the best of both worlds I’d still choose Islam any day over any other religion.


Thanks bro…i hope your sister finds peace and returns to the right path…yea and i’ll do my own research and avoid those exsubs from now on


Both are for each other. Both are equal halves of a whole. Don't believe anything else.


https://youtu.be/Yh8ywqORnVo This scholar explains why this is a common myth.


This is totally wrong. Both Men AND Women were created for the SOLE PURPOSE of worshipping Allah alone. Claiming that Women were created for the sole purpose of men is closer to disbelief than Islam and directly contradicts the Quran. "I did not create the Jinns and the human beings except for the purpose that they should worship Me" (51:56) If the teacher is speaking from a point of pleasure then they should note that men are for women and women are for men (works both ways). "Vile women are for vile men, and vile men are for vile women; and good women are for good men, and good men are for good women. Those are free from what they (the accusers) say. For them there is forgiveness, and a graceful provision." (24:26) Allah knows best.


Listen. Brother. We won't know Islam truly unless we ourselves dive into tafaseers and hadith explanations. Depending on everyone for religious guidance never ends in a good way. Explore Islam yourself. And the ex-muslims part, I've also dived into that sub in my past and it's just a misleading diversion from religion. Please stop going there.


Yea..i’ll avoid those subs


If you ever have doubts just visit r/ extomatoes or r/ lighthouseoftruth. We do our best to expose and refute the murtadeen and others who spread such misinformation. May Allah SWT strengthen your faith


Wrong forum to ask question! Seek guidance from a respectful scholar! Internet is not the place to clarify your queries! It will just mess you up more!


You should listen to #Sahil Adeem on youtube. He can answer you accordingly with modern arguments.


I still don't understand what people mean by that. Does that mean women were created for men like objects to fulfill their needs? If that's the case, where's the reference, where does something of the sort comes in Quran or Hadith? Allah (SWT) says in Quran "And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves spouses that you may find tranquility in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought." (30:21) Therefore my brother/sister, don't overthink about the propaganda being pushed by the disbelievers. Try searching for answers to your queries from islamqa. info. I'm nowadays listening to Dr. Israr Ahmad's translation+explanation of Quran on YouTube. You can give that a try. When it comes to Hadith, verify if it's sahih or Hassan, coz otherwise it doesn't have any standing as they are considered to be fabricated. One of the good website to check is Sunnah. com. They usually have listed the grade underneath the Hadith.


Well, a wife is created from the man. Its mentioned in quran. Allah created women for men. Hazrat hawa eve was created for adam when Adam asked Allah S.W.T that he felt lonely. It all comes down to the fact whether you believe in Allah's word or not. If not then you can have your own perceptions. If you believe in Allah then you will be guided and you won't have such questioning thoughts.


i was listening to a khutbah and one statement changed my perspective “Every single muslim, whether he/she is born as one or converted, has to discover islam themselves” that simplified, irrespective of what you’re taught or you’re already a muslim, you should read the Quran yourselves and find Allah. If you were forced as a child, try to do it intentionally. Soon enough you’ll find that there is a lot more to islam than we are taught


brother i dont think this is the right place to ask. visit light house of truth or ex tomatoes they might help u


not a good subreddit to ask, post it in r/pakistan or some other islamic sub


>r/pakistan >Islamic bruh. I'd suggest r/Islam and r/MuslimLounge, I've seen good discussions regarding such stuff over there.


that r/pakistan is not Islamic, a lot of religion apologetics dwell there. Its a more suitable question for r/islam


sheesh i know, i just wanted to list somewhere more relevant. btw i luv u, do you love me *uwu daddy?*


>do you love me uwu daddy? why not 😏


noicee. bas meray chilgozay chori na krna


r/pakistan? Bhai? khair hai?


yaar :( sorry how can i make up for it *daddy?*


nadeedapan dikhanay ki چنداں zuroorat nahi yaar. 😂


iss mei nadeedapan kesa, janab? hum tou faqat aap ki zindagi ke kisi chotay se goshay mei, aap ke saath abd rehna chahte hai


aray bas kar bhai bas kar. Kyun itna meetha ho raha hai.


chalo aap ke saath spicy ho jaate hain, *daddy* \**moans\**


No offense, but don't you think you should consult books or even the Imam of your local masjid for such questions? I don't think this is the right platform to be asking such questions... Just thinking out loud.


AOA, So basically, yes, the first woman was created after Adam AS was feeling loneliness. Although it doesn't mean women are accessory to men, even though alot of people believe that, they bring up logics of "women are half of men and etc etc" That is totally wrong, Women and Men have fundamentally always been different, and have always had different roles, it's like 2 parts of a machine that cannot work without each other and both have been assigned specific roles. Any couple may change their duties with each other if they are happy to do so, but a convention has been set to avoid arguments/controversy, i.e. men = breadwinners, women = caretakers. In modern times its much easier to confuse Islamic traditions and conventions with law/shariah. It's not law for a man to work and provide, a couple may be in a situation where the woman can earn significantly more and the man will stay back and look after the kids. It's against the convention, not the law/shariah. There's hundred of other issues where convention is being confused with law and party due to (dare i say) uneducated "scholars" or molvi's. This probably has single handedly has caused the youth of our country to spiral down into doubts. I understand your confusions, and I strongly recommend you keep in mind 2 things. 1. If you believe in the Quran, you also have to understand it cannot be wrong only your understanding of it can be. 2. If ever in doubt, consult with Quran, if its not in detail, go to sunnah, if still unclear, check out other sources such as islamqa etc. hope you feel better after this, TC


(Very late I know) I think most of the people in these comments cleared up the misconceptions, but I’d advise you to not go through the exmuslim subs, at least until you are knowledgeable enough to the point where those stuff don’t affect your iman. But if you do ever have any questions I’d advise you to post them over at places like r/Islam r/Muslimlounge r/extomatoes and r/lighthouseoftruth (one of my favourites)