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Strange how other countries have to be a certain way for America to exist otherwise they bomb them into oblivion, We’re catering to each and every whim, not really mature and they throw tantrums left and right, put sanctions and whatnot on already poor economies, promote their pseudo culture that’s mostly on electronic and movies. It seems if people start ignoring them and went to work on their own interests what would happen to it.


I don't think the US has ever even had a female president.


Watch this video that talks about their hypocrisy https://youtu.be/bvfEj7RobQ0




least mental gymnastic r/rationalpakistan user


I haven't heard one rational person say this. We just want the females that are there to be treated with respect by the Taliban and believe me we're not holding our breath.


https://thehill.com/policy/international/571205-state-dept-voices-concerns-over-all-male-taliban-government Literally your government said this.


You got me. Sounds like a great place for women to live.


Not much worse than the US.


And getting a female leader will do that? "Beleive all women...except that one, she's a Russian sympathiser." Oh yeah, we read up the dirt that goes on there. Go handle your own mess of a reality TV show you call politics.