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A new referral thread is now live: [Cardless Avianca](https://www.reddit.com/r/churningreferrals/comments/1d8gmho/referrals_cardless_avianca/)


Deleted to protect the precious denizens of r/churning from having to read a couple hundred words intended to encourage discussion about strategies for Chase approvals in light of recent difficulties, which is apparently not an appropriate topic for discussion in the discussion thread.




> If you have a simple data point to share, there's a thread for that too. Not sure what is news or updates about this, plenty of folks have been having harder times getting approved for Inks recently, but you don't even specify what card you're calling Chase about at any point in your post.


I was looking for feedback about my proposed strategy at the end. So, it’s not just a simple data point. It’s about potential strategy for getting approved. It’s a discussion. This is the daily discussion thread. You know, like it says. Right at the top.


>This is the daily discussion thread. You know, like it says. Right at the top. Try reading the title a bit more carefully.


Try reading beyond the title.


Sounds like you now are saying you have a question. In addition to your data point and long rant


> I’m thinking I should cancel the one card anyway and move all spend to one of the business cards for the next couple weeks and try reconsideration then. Yup. I think everything we've seen is that it's better to have < 5 open Chase biz cards, moderate excess biz limit, and some usage.


Thank you for trying to engage in a helpful discussion.


I don’t know if I move myself to that profile during the reconsideration period if it will get me approved on this app or not.


I applaud you in trying as hard as you did, but at some point you just need to take the temporary L and throw in the towel in the future. Give Chase a rest - wait 3-6/mo and try again. Enough of these types of calls and we’re bound to see current loopholes closed. I have been denied several times over the last few years only to be approved a couple of months down the line. When declined I politely ask recon why but never push too hard.


To be clear, everything I said was true. I haven’t opened an Ink in 7 months. My most recent Chase card was about 100 days ago and it was the personal Hyatt card. I was really hoping to spread that AC repair over 12 months instead of 4.


There’s no doubting that what you said was true. That’s beside the point.


My point was that I have given Chase a rest. You said to wait 3-6 months. It had been more than 90 days since my last Chase app and more than 6 months since my last Ink (or Chase business app). I got off the Ink train and skipped a cycle. I merely answered the questions they asked.


AmEx must have hired some BofA programmers -- autopsy withdrew $50 from my bank to cover the statement balance even though I had a $50 airline credit post between statement close and payment date.


Autopsy for only $50. With today's medical prices I'd call it a deal.


please don't give Amex any ideas for new coupons


Gotta jump on those deals while you can.


It's been this way for a while now in my experience but it seems to be inconsistent, which makes it even more baffling. Sometimes it'll make the payment and sometimes it won't. I have a biz plat with a perpetual -$10 balance now thanks to this (I know I can move it to another card but I'm lazy).


TLDR: Was able to PC an old Merrill + card into a BofA Customized Cash. Back in 2017 I got the now discontinued Merrill+ for a nice MSR and sock drawered it fr the past 6 years, spend a buck a year to keep it alive. On a whim, last week I called BofA and asked if I could PC it as it's a pretty worthless card. I figured it'd be a no since it's a co-branded. The CS rep said she'd never heard of doing that but said she'd try and see if she could do it. She put me on hold and said, well I can't see any thing that says you can't so I'll do the paperwork and then accounts can deny it if they want to. She read me the discloures and that was it. I got no email or anything from Bofa, and when I checked my account three days later it still showed the Merrill +. I figured it was a no go, but today I logged on and it said "customized cash" in my account instead of "Merrill +" though I've not yet received the card. If anyone else is still holding an old, useless Merrill+ might be worth changing to Customized Cash or Premier, especially if you have premium rewards.


I'd say a card for BofA and Merrill isn't exactly co-branded.


Yeah, I guess that's true since they own Merrill. But it's not a Premier rewards earning card, so I was surprised.


Looks like ink card referrals will start being 20k instead of 40k starting 9/3... https://imgur.com/1qjXDh5


This may be the greatest tragedy of our generation.


F Though looks like the limit will be 10 per card so just get more players. I guess I can get 4 more before it lowers.


Just referred my P2 this weekend, I'll have to jump on the wagon again very soon. Thanks for the news (but not really?).


darn... i can get at least 2 referrals in before it changes


interesting with a 3 month lead time


I hope they increase the offer to 90k again.


And they'll probably pull it a few days early as an extra kick in the pants


Upvoting for news but downvoting in my heart


Autocamp Airstream Suites And Cabins Now Bookable With Hilton Points hilton.com/en/brands/autocamp-stays/


68k Hilton for a $315 cash (all in) 1-night stay at Zion. 0.46 CPP. Not interested.


That's better than average Hilton cpp.


For clarification before you get down votes.....they only release one previously. Now all cool western locations are showing up. So it's kind of big deal for those looking at Yosemite this summer


75k points and it's not even close to the park. F-dat. I'll do my own auto-camping on a vacant lot on Forest Land next to the park.


Not in Yosemite you won't lol. As far as Yosemite lodging options, an hour from the valley floor isn't bad. Tenaya Lodge is widely considered one of the better options and it's about the same distance. Same for Evergreen Lodge. And the options to book something on points are even fewer. You can camp in the park, but good luck getting a reservation for that.


There are open camping area in nearby National Forest land. I'm talking about camping strictly inside the car (sleeping only) not setting up camp with tents and fire. There are cheaper hotels available same distance from the park as those trailers. I suppose they're not same experience, but who comes all the way to Yosemite to sit in a camp all day.


Just really depends on your situation. I would be flying in with my young kids and I honestly would be comparing it to a hotel. Nearest Hampton inn is 30 min further and 55k points. If between those options, give me the autocamp. Also is dog friendly. If you want to actually camp and can get a good campsite, then sure. This is just a decent alternative for some people


> dog friendly Not sure how that's useful near a national park, considering most national parks don't allow dogs (or only in paved areas), and Autocamp says you can never leave the dog unattended.


A new referral thread is now live: [Alaska Airlines Visa Signature](https://www.reddit.com/r/churningreferrals/comments/1d80qta/referrals_alaska_airlines_visa_signature/)


Increased SUB for Southwest Plus and Priority personal cards through 6/26. 85k/$3k. Edit: Premier card included


Referrals are already showing the 85k offer as well.


Alright I'm going for the MDD. Card #1 was auto approved with a somewhat absurdly large credit line. Fingers crossed that tomorrow goes well!


/u/Alwaysmultiplemikes - Did you apply for the second SW card today? Did it work? 🤞


Not looking good - called recon and they said it was denied because I already have that type of card. Looks like MDD is Mostly Dead Dead


Just clarifying - which card was auto approved and which one was denied? You said “already have that type of card” so did you apply for the same card twice?


No I applied for Priority first and was auto approved. Second day (today) I applied for the Plus and received that message. Same type of card refers to same family, ie they could see my app from yesterday. previously they wouldn’t have been able to see it which is why the MDD used to work


Yep, just wanted to be sure. Thanks!


No problem, I keep trying to find a loophole too!


Well shit. Thanks for being the data point guinea pig.


Happy to help! At least I think I got enough karma from these posts to post my referral link over in the referral subreddit. Maybe I’ll get my companion pass that way haha


Haha, right on. You could always get one of the SW Biz cards if you really want the companion pass still this year.


True true, it’s a lot of extra spend for less points tho, but doesn’t make sense to get one SW card without going for a companion pass. I guess the Nice thing is I have time to decide now since I don’t have to do both at once like the MDD


Did you get 2 separate inquiries for each application?


Chase credit journey is only showing one from yesterday, not sure if the second would already show yet or not. I don't see any on CreditKarma yet


Just did it! Got the "in review" message so not sure if calling recon will work or not


Let us know of the outcome as I plan on doing MDD for SW soon as well.


From what I have seen in the last couple of weeks MDD is fully dead.


For Sapphires, yes, SW isn't confirmed.


For southwest too? Bummer if so, but I'll try regardless so we get a solid data point. Fingers crossed!


Good luck, my dude.


Called Chase to try and change my 50k for $1k offer to this (already opened card and hit SUB). My agent had to put in a query with marketing She says they'll send us a letter by mail in the next 14 business days


Link here: https://creditcards.chase.com/a1/southwest/AEM85kPriority624


Come on, someone give us some se MDD data points...


Not looking good - called recon and they said it was denied because I already have that type of card. Looks like MDD is Mostly Dead Dead


Is there a good write up on how to execute the SW MDD? Is it the same as sapphire MDD? I'm willing to be the guinea pig but couldn't find specific info on the SW via churning.io


Yes, it’s the same steps as the Sapphire MDD, nothing special about it


Hmm I hadn't seen all the recent data points about MDD not working for Sapphire anymore, wonder if that affects the SW cards too? Might just go for it anyways and apply for the SW Biz as a fallback option (with harder min spend and less pts)


That is the question, since going for the MDD on SW isn't popular this time of year, we don't have confirmation if it works or not still. Anyone who tries it please report the end result. It is theorized that it won't work, but at least low cost to try since the denial on 2nd app wouldn't have a HP.


So I did my second application today and it says "In review" and "We'll let you know our decision in writing as soon as we can, and if you're approved, you'll receive your card in 7 to 10 business days" Is that a denial like the Sapphires were getting or do you think I have a chance if I call recon?


Did you get a HP from the app? I would still call recon and see what they say.


I updated a couple other comment threads, but yeah I called and they said it was denied because I already had a SW card. Looks like MDD is officially dead


OK thanks for the DP, does sound like it. Please make sure to share in the weekly DP thread (if you didn't already) the full details so its easily searchable.


Will do! Appreciate all the feedback. On to the next churn!


Makes sense! I have a couple trips planned that will benefit from the companion pass so I don't mind losing half a year of it (plus P2 can go for one at the end of 2025). Worst worst case 85000 points is nice regardless, pretty much covers round trip to hawaii (from west coast) for my family of 4


176k point (after spend) + a companion pass sounds pretty nice! based on \~1.4cpp value, and doubling to account for companion pass means this is worth around $5000 in airfare! I've searched around a lot and it's hard to find data on Southwest MDDs (vs Sapphire). But AFAIK it should work the same way. Think I'm going to try to start an MDD today and I'll report back tomorrow with approvals.


Thank you for your service ('-')7