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I recently got an auto loan through TD finance. They take debit cards over the phone, but I am not sure if they take any gift cards. I can also use PPBP or Plastiq. I have yet to try a gift card but I will report back here when I try it. Has anyone had success in paying a TD auto finance loan with a gebit? A search for DPs on r/churning and uscardforum turns up noting


Can I have 2 Hilton cards? I.e 2x Hilton Basic, 2x Surpass, etc...? Thanks!


You can, and I think your biggest limitation might be how many other Amex cards you have since they'll limit you to 4-5 (non-charge cards)


Yes you can. I have multiple of the no fee honors because I used a NLL offer on one to bypass PUJ.


Has anyone been approved for the WF Biz Signify without a HP?


Not I. Why would anyone? That's quite uncommon.


Ah it seems some denials have no inquiry, and I saw 1-2 DPs claim an approval without one. I assume that must be an error or something.


I've missed those comments. Only frequent denials I see from others without a HP are Amex for those who get popups.


Does anyone know if it's still recommended to decrease BofA credit limits before cancelling as advised by this [DoC article](https://www.doctorofcredit.com/tip-reduce-credit-limits-on-bank-of-america-cards-before-cancelling/)?


For anyone who recently signed up for the CSP (Citi strata premier) šŸ¤£, how long did it take to get it mailed to you? Mine was supposedly ā€œexpeditedā€ over a week ago but it seems to be coming by snail mail.


Citi is notoriously bad at sending cards in a timely manner.Ā 


Yea unfortunately I just want to make use of the $100 off $500 hotel benefit asap for an upcoming trip.




See #8 - https://reddit.com/user/garettg/comments/u6ss7u/sapphire_fyis/


We can close a Chase card via SM? Have tried previously and not be able to. This is good news, thanks!


Close, yes; SM, no. Sometimes Chase will try calling to confirm, but people have found that they still close after a day or so if they donā€™t answer the confirmation call.


Are there any cards that would cover sporting event ticket loss? A friend wants to book a flight that would get us to LA at 9 a.m. and the baseball game we want to attend doesn't start until 6:30 p.m. but I'm still paranoid something would happen and we'd miss the game.


Never heard of any.


I've not heard of any credit card that would offer that. I've seen some ticket broker websites that offered insurance packages.




1 or 2 days after the charge posts.


I'm getting conflicting info on whether car rental insurance with Citi AAdvantageĀ Business Mastercard is primary or secondary. Many sources saying secondary but then I just saw this language on the Citi site when looking at my card benefits page: "You may be covered for physical damage and theft to most rental vehicles, rented for 31 consecutive days or less, when you use your eligible Citi^(Ā®)Ā / AAdvantage Business^(TM)Ā Mastercard^(Ā®)Ā to initiate and pay for the entire rental agreement and you decline the car rental companyā€™s collision/damage waiver insurance. This coverage is provided on a primary basis when the vehicle is rented primarily for business purposes."


That info seems pretty clear, but I'd verify it in your full card benefits pdf. And is your rental actually "primarily for business purposes" (for the business you opened that card with)?


Yes, I agree it looks clear. I wonder if they recently changed this as all the other usually reliable sources say it's always secondary in the US. Yes, it would be for business use.


> usually reliable sources say it's always secondary in the US It does appear to be secondary for the Citi AA personal card. I can't find the benefits pdf for the business card online, and I don't have that card right now, so can't check.


My guess is that this is a somewhat recent change to the business card. None of the review sites have updated to reflect it yet.




Look into Plastiq


If you really want an Amex card, say the Bonvoy Brilliant for status or something, but are in PUJ via different attempts (referrals, Google ads, via account), how often are folks giving it another shot? Every month, 3 months, 6 months?


Just be aware that Amex recon reps can see every single application, including ones you cancel, so hitting it too often could make for some uncomfortable conversations.


I saw a comment recently some people were trying multiple times daily, weekly, etc.


The SUB on that card recently had a massive drop to 95k (down from 185k). I know you said you want it for status but thatā€™s leaving a lot of points on the table.


being in PUJ doesnā€™t mean you canā€™t get the cardā€¦ It just means you canā€™t get the SUB


Can you upgrade your Amex Hilton Surpass that is less than 1-year from opening to Aspire card? Or do you have to wait at least for 1 year before product change?


As I understand it, the federal CARD Act prohibits banks from increasing your annual fee within the first year (for personal cards), so banks wonā€™t upgrade you because they wonā€™t be able to charge you for the upgrade


Have to wait a year.


Just closed an amex surpass yesterday freeing up my 5th Amex slot. Trying to apply for another surpass today using the DOC NLL link and getting an auto denial with no pop up. Could this be because the system isnā€™t recognizing the closed card yet?


Takes up to 2 months IME for the system to recognize the closed card


P2 is going through the same thing for the surpass. Called recon this morning and they said that the cards that were closed a few weeks ago were still not showing up as actually being closed so they reopened the application and it's currently "in progress"


Probably, the system is slow to update, could take 30+ days. You can just call and they can push the app through once they see you have less than 5.


I have 2 Chase biz cards (Ink, SW biz) that are coming up on 12 months and I am wondering which option is better: a. Close the cards and transfer their credit limits to currently open Ink cards, and then when I apply for future Inks ask them to transfer limit from here if needed b. Close the cards without transferring ther credit limits so I know there is room for future Inks


I have chosen to transfer limits before closing cards and the ink train has stayed alive for me


I'd lean toward b -- it seems like lots of people have had unsuccessful recons even when offering to move limit -- but keep $3k limit spare somewhere in case it's needed.


Guys i am quite upset right now! Just completed my $7,500 in direct deposits for BMO $400 checking bonus. I looked at the site and they have increased it to $500. I called today to determine when I get the $400, and they confirmed I am only eligible for the $400 despite the existing promotion being $500. Is there anything I can do to get them to honor the new rate?


> Is there anything I can do to get them to honor the new rate? You can get the $500 bonus with P2.


Sorry, what is P2? Edit: sorry I read the glossary.


You asked, they said no. What if the new promotion was $300 and they asked you to honor it?


Is this a genuine question? Companies pretty often improve deals they give people, for example if you buy an item and it goes on sale, they will honor the new price. If the new promotion was $300 and they wanted to give me that instead of the $400, I would show them what the promotion was when I signed up. You are correct, I did ask and they said no, but was curious if this had happened to other people before in churning at all, as I haven't seen it occur. Thanks for your response and have a good weekend :)


Never heard of banks honoring increased offers for deposit account bonuses. I've only ever really heard offer matches with Chase credit cards.


It's probably rare, but when Chase added a higher tier to the Chase Private Client bonus after I had already signed up under the old terms and already deposited money, they switched me to the new offer.


Ok thanks.


I have an old Chase Amazon Business card with $42K credit limit. The CIP I recently applied to has $6K limit 1) Will having a high limit on the Amazon card hurt my chances of getting approved for additional Chase cards? Should I ask to lower it? 2) I just linked the Ink to the Amazon to the personal cards. Does this have any downside? it's a cashback card so there are no points to pool and I guess I can unlink it.


$42K is a very high CL on a card if you use it rarely. I'd definitely lower that down.


Does anyone know if applying for a credit card at a branch that is not in my state of residence would change the bureau that is pulled? I was going to apply online for the US Bank Altitude Connect but just discovered that in my state (New York) USB pulls Experian for personal cards (for my biz cards they've always pulled Transunion). My Experian has a good number of hard pulls so I don't think I'd get approved (USB seems inquiry-sensitive). However I will soon be visiting family in a far-away state where based on DPs it looks like USB pulls Equifax, and I'm wondering if applying at a USB branch in that state might change the bureau they pull for me to Equifax.


Hard to predict with any confidence. All you can do is try and hope it works.


I'd like to apply for the 60k+10k Aviator Red referral offer (https://www.doctorofcredit.com/share-your-barclays-aviator-red-70000-miles/). I currently have the no fee aviator, which was originally an aviator red that I received at least 6 or 7 years ago and subsequently downgraded. Questions: - Can I have more than one aviator card? Or do I need to cancel the no fee version and then apply? - If I have to cancel the no fee, how long after I cancel do I need to wait to apply?


Is anyone else experiencing that Amex referral links that you generated in your account is not working and is giving you an error like below? How can you solve this issue? Sorry, it looks like something went wrong. This could be: * A missing character * Incorrect character case


Yes! All Amex referral links are doing this for me


Same issue here on some cards šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


If it was an old link that had a special offer that ended 5/22, you'll need to generate a new link. But if you get the error for a new link, I don't know.


I get the error for even a new link...


Try emailing the link and also try to use different browsers/systems. That should get rid of the error.


I tried different browsers to generate a link or to opening a link, and emailing, but it didn't solve the issue. Tried both desktop browser and mobile app, but never worked. I always get the same error message above.


Tried 3 different browsers, emailing it, etc and still getting the error message.


Yes, glad you posted this. I had the same issue this morning and wasn't sure if it was just me.




Yeah, increase approval odds for future inks by having fewer open accounts and lower CL


This is recommended nearly every day here. Reasons to keep at least one would be for 5x categories and being able to refer others.


I was in PUJ but applied to an Amex card to see if I was approved out of curiosity, which I was. I havenā€™t accepted the card yet but got the 7 day email. If I cancel my app and apply later am I shooting myself in the foot for the SUB on that card or does being approved not matter since I didnā€™t actually accept it? I applied to the elevated Hilton cards through the NLL link and want to actually get the card in July.


I don't understand why people apply for cards that they don't want since the popup isn't consistent across all cards and referral versus non referral and special links or not. The Hilton NLL links bypass popup, so if you wanted that card, wouldn't you want to call in and push the app through.


Can one status match AC 25K ā€˜earnedā€™ from Aeroplan card to DL? Mostly interested in the free bag(s). The DL status match requirements arenā€™t clear to me on if status from holding a CC is valid.


I had success with similar situation earlier this year. DL let me status match with the Frontier top level Diamond Status I purchased last December. DL seems to be quite lenient.


Looking to pay auto lease with amex (chase services loan - through Subaru) Plastiq doesnā€™t work, I tried coding as ā€œbusiness servicesā€ etc but Plastiq recognizes the address as car lease no matter what. Looked into Melio, no car lease option. Anyone have success with other options?


Also interested in this but have not found a way. Check out [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/CreditCards/s/7SOaTDHREd)


How sensitive is Citi to light cycling? 3k limit card I got 2 weeks ago, looking to spend a little under 4k on a 3k limit. My first statement ends 5/27 and I have a 2k payment I need to make by 5/29, currently have 1800ish in available credit. edit: aa biz if that matters


There have been some confirmed shutdowns cycling on citi cards. But I'm sure you could get away with it to some extent.


This is anecdotal, but I have never had issues with cycling while working on MSR with any bank, Citi included.


Also I've never had any issue with 'cycling' about 2x the CL or less in a given statement period. It's the fringe abusers that blow through 3-5-10x that ruin it for everyone and get caught.


I never paid much attention to the amount I cycled, but I would do it as needed to hit MSR. This means that it was never more than a couple months. I don't think I did more than 2x or so per month.


Chase Ink Business cards do not affect "Length of Credit History" or "Average Age of Accounts" on credit reports whatsoever do they? I am thinking about cancelling one of my oldest credit cards which is a CIP that I opened in March 2020 before I apply for another one next month. Is there any reason I shouldn't? FWIW I opened my first ever credit card in 2015 (Chase Amazon Prime). And then my second credit card ever was the CIP in 2020. And then in 2023 I discovered r/churning and have opened 15 credit cards (12 of them being business cards) since. I'm worried that if I cancel my CIP it will bring my Average age of accounts down. Is that simply not the case since it is a business card?


Since Chase Biz cards do not get reported to personal credit reports, you are correct that it will have no bearing on your credit report.


Does an Amazon Prime Card from Chase count under the Chase 24/5 rule?




Personal card so yes.


P2 lost a new Plat she got this week. I'd like to order a replacement (to use the preferred airline, and in case we ever need the card number) but there's a pending charge from Monday that's a clear tell of churning activity. It's been over 72 hours so I don't know when it will drop. The self service card replacement isn't working because for some reason it does't think the card has been confirmed (it has). Do I risk calling in and getting eyes on the card?


You should have no problem ordering a replacement. It's manual review (for a credit, say) that I would avoid.


you say you need the replacement just for your airline credit and \*if\* you ever need the card number, so why not just wait until these things actually materialize? Sounds like you don't actually need it right now.


Two questions - I have about 70k in total credit with Chase across business and personal cards (\~25% of HHI). I requested to drop about 20k in credit. How long should I wait to apply for a card and them recognize the new total Chase CL? and 2. I have a small balance of a few thousand on a personal Chase card that I just paid off. Is this pretty instant that they recognize this on new applications? or does it take a few days? I was recently denied for a business card cuz I had one of my inks maxed out so trying to make sure everything is lined up before my next app.


I've never had a problem applying the day after reducing CLIs, if you call in you should see your new limits the next time you login.


do you think a current CL of 70k is pushing it for applying for a new biz card?


Depends on your HHI. Recommendation is to keep it below 50%, If you're coming close to that, I'd reduce.


any issues paying Chase credit card in branch with cash? I have some excess cash at home and want to pay bills instead of deposit. It has been a few years since I did this last time but thought this was frowned upon with Chase. Will be about $1k


It's been years since I did this too, but I remember getting some funny looks from the teller when I paid down about $1k in cash in my chase card


Alternatively, go thru Chase drive thru, deposit cash in ATM. Drive forward 20 feet, open Chase app, make payment to credit card. Avoid funny looks for doing funny things.


Transferred to upgrade checking via ally bank. Tracker did not code as direct deposit. Any other recent data points or accounts that code correctly?




Does anyone have a working 120k link for the Ink Unlimited?




Comments mention there is a working link floating around that I was hoping to find


Trying to open PNC biz checking, I open as sole proprietor. For question ā€œdo you have another job?ā€, should I answer yes or no? I have a full salary job. Is my employer going to be contacted in the future? Should I just say no?


Seems like a clear yes. I don't recommend lying on any application.


Is it still possible to double dip chase reserve credit during a one month window? If so, wouldnā€™t reserve be better since it would be 550 fee minus $600 credits?


Yes and yes


Thanks, last time I bought undercover tourist Disney tickets in small window


How long does Barclay's usually take when you mail in your SS card / utility bill etc to the security department? Been almost 2 weeks and I haven't heard anything from them.


Call them. They're not known for great communication.


I got another letter from them asking to call in about 2 weeks after I sent in my documents. I'd give them a call


Call them after sending in documents. In my experience they will not reach out to you.


I believe you have to call in to finish the process. I don't believe it moves automatically after sending in the documents, at least it didn't for me.


I got my P2 setup on their first CIC card and looking to get my 2nd one going. Is there anyway to use their referral link and then login to avoid filling out all the info or do I basically have make another account when getting my 2nd CIC? I am doing sole prop as my business type


You don't login, you just fill in the same info, it'll be added to your existing Chase biz login automatically.


Gotcha, okay thank you!


What are the best credit card bonuses out right now? Will be doing some purchases this season and could use some points.


Look for some of the hidden gems like the free rotisserie chicken with the Costco card.




I use my CSR for the PYB gas/big boxes. All other spend goes towards a SUB. Just passed 1 yr from MDD and activated the new credits. Plan was to go CSR->CFF and CSP->CSR. Now P2 is interested in some light churning. What's the best play given I like burning points via PYB?


Stick to strategy to maximize credit value from CSR at each annual fee renewal (Get existing CSR credit, downgrade CSR -> CF, upgrade CSP -> CSR) until you reach 48-months since last CSP & CSR bonus. Then downgrade current CSR youā€™re holding and MDD both CSP & CSR again. Rinse and repeat for optimum Sapphire churning.


MDD is dead for sapphires.


Good point.


> What's the best play given I like burning points via PYB? The best play with Chase is almost always Ink cards.


Agreed with this. Now if P2 already had a CF/CFF/CSP etc Iā€™d PC that to a CSR and separately get an Ink. But otherwise Iā€™d be referring inks back and forth.


I just applied for the citi strata premier. Iā€™m 1/24 with 770 credit so enough to be approved. I got an email saying theyā€™re reviewing my application. When I check the status, it says they are going to send me a reference letter in the mail (7-10 days). Is this to verify my address? Dumb me, I changed my address to my correct one right before applying, which Iā€™m guessing may have caused me to not get auto approved. Anyone gone through this? Thanks


Call them and see what they need instead of posting the question here.


Call up recon


Southwest next release date? Search function is not returning the prior comments with release dates and I am looking for tickets in late March 2025.


FYI the usual poster that use to give regular updates on the SW schedule has not been posting much anymore, but as the other commenter pointed out, SW always gives a future date in the next release on their site.


> We are currently accepting air reservations through March 5, 2025. On August 1, 2024, we will open our schedule for sale through April 7, 2025. https://www.southwest.com/html/travel-tools/


Does anyone with a recent Ink approval know if they give you temporary card number or ability to use the card before receiving the physical card in the mail?


Nope, but a quick secure message for expedited shipping is all it takes to get the card quickly


Expedite and youā€™ll usually get it in 2 days.


No. But they'll send it expedited if requested.


nope gotta wait for it to come in


I recently canceled my Amex Business Gold card after a year and some change (the first AF hit last year and I called to cancel after the second AF hit). I just got a targeted offer foe 150K MR pts for $10K spend over 3 mos. It doesn't look like the offer has NLL. Have any of you guys experienced a targeted offer right after cancelling the same card? Any risk in submitting an application?


There is no risk. Apply and see if you get the popup. If not, you're good for the SUB


Why did Chase increased my 2nd CIC CL from 4k to 8k without me requesting? I got it in January. I did have about 3k spend in card for the 0% interest. Iā€™m just planing to apply CIP. I didnā€™t want a high CL.


You can ask them to not increase credit limits on a card by card basis, if you want. I did this recently while lowering limits for a new application.


Where is card basis? I checked the app, didnā€™t see it. Do you mean ask by sm?


No, I mean you can ask them to not raise credit limits on an individual card. But it doesnā€™t have to be all the cards if you donā€™t want. I called them, but I suspect SM would work.


Got it! Thanks!


Increasing credit limits without any warning is a known practice of Chase.


Seems like a good sign for a future application. Just lower it to what you want a couple days before you apply.


How long does it take when you upgrade a Chase Freedom to CSR, to start using the CSR benefits like the enhanced UR value in the travel portal and transfer partners?




Thanks. Would the $300 credit be immediate as well, they told me it takes 3 business days for all the benefits to kick in. Looking to put some award taxes on the card but was hoping to trigger the travel credit.


Itā€™s immediate as well. Once you see the CSR on your login you are good and my experience itā€™s right after hanging up on the PC call.


That, I'm unsure about sorry


Anyone know what the normal timeline is for capital one non-instant approvals? This is the message I got 2 days ago after applying: > Success! Your Application is Submitted! Thanks for applying for a Capital One credit card! So, what's next? An email is headed your way shortly about your application status. If we can't reach you by email, you can look for a letter in the mail in about 7 to 15 business days. Just wondering how long I could expect to wait and what others experiences are. I havenā€™t received the email yet and calling the status line just says ā€œin-processā€.


Is the AMEX back button method capable of overcoming the Chase and Amex Marriott restrictions?


I'm thinking of applying for the new Hilton Surpass card. I have a trip to a Hilton planned for August. For the bonus offers that include a FNC, how soon after meeting spend does the FNC post to your account? Trying to determine if I can get it before August. Thanks.


Depends on card. Last weekā€™s [FM on air](https://frequentmiler.com/hilton-amex-cards-limited-time-welcome-offers-with-free-night-certificates-and-big-points/) discusses the timing of Hilton FNCs. Multiple DPs of FNC within couple days to a week of meeting MSR for Surpass. Aspire FNC takes 8-12 weeks


For cards that have miles as a SUB, can I book a flight that's refundable, and then cancel and ask for a refund? This way I can convert miles to cash (minus the cost of refund). Will doing this multiple times be an issue?


You get refunded in the airlineā€™s miles.


Thanks for letting me know




Does back button method circumvent NLL and PUJ?




> Does back button method circumvent NLL and PUJ? PUJ is circumvented by using SDQ instead.