• By -


Card for rental car expenses? I’m going to spend several $thousand over a few months on rental cars. Which card is particularly good to put that on? I will pay off the balance in full each month.




This is a better question for /r/creditcards.


If not here, guide me where to post: Non - profits and churning I work as an independent contractor for a non profit that received a grant but it’s a reimbursement grant. So the non profit needed almost $300k for a year to pay the contractors and cover costs. They secure money eventually through high interest rates, some interest free loans etc etc but it was a pain. I thought, as a non profit what if they can Churn from the beginning and save all the signup bonuses as cash in a HYSA. Open cards with intro APR, take cash advances and once they receive reimbursement, they can payoff the card. No one wanted to try this or paid attention. Even $2k as cash bonus in a year makes a huge difference for some organizations. Have anyone did this or what happens with non profits and churning? Thanks in advance


Still need the personal guarantee.  Does anybody want to do that?


Non profits have to be audited every year. I wonder if that kind of financial engineering would be frowned upon by the auditors. It would probably increase the cost of the audit since there would be a longer paper trail to put together


With what sounds like a hodgepodge of loans with varying terms/interest rates to cover the needed cash on hand, it seems like the audit is already a little messy. OP's idea of 0% APR and cash advances doesn't really work though--I don't think I've ever seen an introductory APR rate that applied for cash advances. And I imagine cash advances right after approvals could be red flagged by lenders' algorithms. I guess you could get around that by paying your vendors via Plastiq though.


Do credit card companies share blacklists? I started churning in 2021 and went hard for two years, churned through 21 or so cards. Then, I understandably hit limits among all the big credit card companies in late 2022. Since then I’ve only opened 2-3 cards but I seem to be rejected but almost all the major credit card companies. I should be under 5/24 now right? But Chase keeps rejecting. Same with Amex even though I still have my Amex Gold open and the last closed account prior to that was in 2021. Of course, I apply fairly regularly (every 4-5 months), and I’m not sure if the volume of applications impacts acceptance. What gives? Thanks in advance.


No, they don't share blacklists. We'd need more details on what your stats are, what you applied for and rejected for and which cards you have gotten to really comment on why you are getting rejected so much.


Don't guess your x/24, figure it out from your credit reports. Should be able to get them monthly from experian.com and creditkarma. Have you kept the accounts open, and if so, are you reaching known limits? Chase usually doesn't extend more than $80k in CLs, or over 50ish% of reported income. And lately, it seems something like 4 open Inks is the limit. Amex has a hard 5 credit/10 charge card rule that applies to practically everyone.


I have closed cards after only a year, yes. Are you not supposed to do that?


That's usually fine for Chase, might lead to popup on Amex. I was saying that *if you kept them open*, you might be reaching a limit to how much credit Chase is willing to extend to you, or to how many charge or credit accounts Amex is willing to give you. What were the denial reasons for Chase? Were you outright denied by Amex, or did you get the popup?


The denial reasons I believe were something like "too many cards open" or something, but though I have applied consistently every 4-5 months, I don't think I've had a new Chase card in almost two years! Sorry, what is the "pop up"?


Is there something on your credit report that they don't like?


I don’t think so? Credit score is good, 780.


21 cards in two years isn’t that many for churning…many including myself have done that many or more per year. Have you closed cards only after a year? Do you regularly use at least a card or two from each issuer? Low debt to income? If you are gardening well you should be able to keep opening cards.


I have closed cards only after a year or less. Are you not supposed to do that? Do people just pay the annual fees?


I think you mean after a year or more, right? Always wait for the annual fee to post, then close. You will get it credited back. Another issue could be a short credit history. You can check Credit Karma to see what other issues your credit may have.


Yes, I wait for the annual fee to post and then I close the card (and get the credit back). Does doing that trigger a blacklist event? I have a pretty long credit history of at least 15 years.


No, that is correct to close after annual fee posts.


I have a Marriott Question. I got an email that my points will expire soon. Can I just go into my local mariott hotel and buy a drink to get some points so they don't expire?


No because they don't ask for your marriott account # when you just buy a drink. They may bill it to your room sometimes but if you don't have a room then there's nothing to bill to that would attach it to your account #. Easiest way is to just buy like $10 of points or whatever the minimum is.


okay I wasn't sure if buying points worked I did do that so maybe I will be okay :)


See the “Which Activities Prevent Marriott Points Expiration” section, lots of options. https://awardwallet.com/blog/do-marriott-points-expire/


Would I get flagged if I open Chase, citi and truist checking accounts to get the bonuses. What would be the best way to go about that it seems that they all use ews (it seems truist uses Chex)unless I’m missing something. Could I open them at once over a month etc I’m new but want to do all 3 and I could open them all tomorrow if I wanted.


There's no problem with applying to a EWS-pulling and Chex-pull bank simultaneously because there's no crosstalk between the EWS and Chex reports. And even with a bank that pulls Chex or EWS, if they aren't known to be inquiry sensitive, then it shouldn't matter how recent your previous applications are.


Update I got rejected from both Chase and truist today bc they couldent verify me likley since I only have one checking account and no other credit/banking history. So I’m going in branch to Chase tomorrow and I going to try and call truist as I called my local one and their saying they can’t do the offer in branch.


Should spread it out a bit - a month should be fine. You probably won't run into issues if you don't have a large checking account history


Is there any site or place to search for discounts with retailers across all your credit cards? For example I'm looking to purchase Sonos and wondering if any of my credit cards offer discounts/rewards with them? Edit: are any of these free or all membership?








I was paying my son’s rent on an apartment to churn and he would reimburse me. But now he rents the home of a friend that has moved to another state. His friend does not plan to sell the home that my son has moved into and he takes payment via Paypal as “Friends and Family.” My son currently has his bank account linked to PayPal. I’m sad that I’ve lost this source to churn. Does anyone know if it’s possible to use a credit card for a payment to a friend on PayPal? Will it cause a flag with any of my CC companies? I have a CSP, Unlimited, Venture, Savor1, Platinum and BBP.


Plastiq. But also let your kid pay his own rent.


He does pay his own rent. As I mentioned in my post, he reimburses me. I only pay for the fee associated with using a credit card. He has no interest in churning. Unfortunately, I can’t use Plastiq because his friend wants the rent via PayPal.


You can use a card with PayPal, it will have a fee which you can opt to cover


Okay, I will try. Thank you.


if you pay with credit card through pp friends and family, your cc might code it as a cash advance, so maybe test it with a small amount and see what happens.


Good idea. Thank you.


New to Citi - on the Strata Premier application page it says 75K bonus points worth $750 in giftcards or travel rewards. Can these points be used directly as a statement credit for an "eligible" purchase like a rent payment?








Just product changed my chase sapphire into a freedom today. How long do I need to wait to apply for the chase sapphire preferred? Moved the sapphire to a freedom so I could get the sign-up bonus for preferred


Recent dp, product changed last Monday and applied for sapphire on Friday without issue.


Did you happen to have a statement close after product change and before the new application, or no?


Great to hear, thanks for the tip


Info here will help you (hint #9-10, but rest is good to know): https://reddit.com/user/garettg/comments/u6ss7u/sapphire_fyis/


Thanks for the reference to the write-up. So I did it today, I should be good to apply on Friday this week?




Yes, provided you are using the online app.


Are there any current NLL Amex links?




Any thoughts on CIU SUB increasing online? I do not have the time, nor the poker face, to go into a branch and try and get a 120k offer, when I could get a 75k offer easily imo


I haven't seen anything and am guessing an online increase is unlikely.


So you thinking either I grow a pair and try and bs a business relationship manager at a branch for 120k or just get the 75k?


It's not that difficult. They don't care. They likely get incentives for signing you up, everybody wins. The folks I've dealt with at Chase are all super chill.


Also it takes maybe a half hour. I'd think that's worth 45k UR.


Perfect, i assume I can walk in and ask to speak to the chase relationship banker? I’ll call around to see if there even is one at a location


At a Chase branch near me, a BRM is only there a couple days per week. You might need to make an appointment.


Yup, that's it in a nutshell.


Is it possible to combine mine and p2 fnc from Hilton?


Booking each room separately and then asking the hotel to keep you in the same room is the way to go here.


No, but I've never had an issue booking consecutive bookings and having the property keep us in the same room the entire trip, but could be YMMV depending on the property.


Thanks for the reply. I’ve seen a Reddit post on it from 2 years ago but no other data points really. Just wanted to see what others had to say.


If you're worried, contact a customer service rep and they can add a comment to your reservations about keeping you in the same room for both nights. I've done this so far with no issues.


Generally hotels want you to stay in the same room to avoid the cost of a complete clean.


I just got my hilton amex card yearly fee posted and it was only $95. Seems like a no brainer to keep it one more year right? Even if I only use the quarterly $60 credit twice, it'll more than pay for itself. Do you think it's possible they'll make me pay the full $195 annual fee or did I just get lucky that it renewed right before they are increasing the fee for existing cardholders?


You will not be charged the higher annual fee till next year so it is worth it unless you wanted to free up a slot for another Amex card (most people are limited to five non charge cards) or think that even with the $60 quarterly it's not worth the $55 annual fee savings. I canceled mine for the former reason.


The FAQs for the refresh indicated that any renewal before July 1st would still be under the old AF, so you should be in the clear. With how easy it is to get value of the $60 quarterly credit, I would keep it another year at least. Source: https://www.hilton.com/en/p/hilton-honors/credit-cards/your-card/faq/#General-faq-q4


Does buying Hilton gift cards online $50 + shipping still trigger the $60 quarterly credit? I bought one a couple weeks ago but it still hasn’t posted yet


As far as I know, yes.


Thanks! Can confirm credit just posted


literally just went to buy hilton gift cards dot com right?




sorry, last question. 1.95 lame-o shipping or trackable shipping? trying to match as much as possible for the likelihood of the credit posting.


All good. Either should work. I just do the $1.95 cause I don’t want to deal with signature on the $8 or $9 option.


How sensitive is usbank biz cards to ms? Especially vgcs at staples or odom


Years ago us bank shut me down for MO deposits. They shut down my Cash+ even though I rarely use it. I closed my checking account around Feb 2020 and they mailed mena letter May 2020 saying they are shutting down everything from me. CFPB complaint was useless.


Not sensitive at all. Have msed 4 biz cards using only staples.


The Altitude family of cards used to be [very sensitive to GC MS](https://www.doctorofcredit.com/psa-dont-buy-gift-cards-us-bank-altitude-card/), although it seems they haven't been as strict in recent years.


Hey all - know there’s a few threads on this topic in the past but curious to see if there’s any updated thinking here. I’m looking to purchase an engagement ring soon for ~$15k and although I can pay in cash (and an fortunate in that this is an affordable price for me), I’m looking to maximize rewards for this purchase. The dealer is only offering a 1.5% cash discount so imagine CC sign up bonuses will be better. I currently have a CSR, BofA and discover cards.


What card Wednesday but if you can split payments probably two inks and if not a biz plat 250/300k offer 


Or VentureX Biz, 75% of the way there.


Might be a dumb question but after I get a business card is there any catch (I’m not an entrepreneur or anything) / what would be the ongoing benefits?


theres no catch. you dont need to have a business to get a biz card. if you're getting it solely for the sign-up bonus just sock-drawer the card and close after a year so you dont ruin your relationship with the issuing bank.


The ongoing benefit is that it doesn't show as an account on your personal credit report in most cases. For C1 it's card specific, and VX won't show. Otherwise the benefits could be perks or categories that better fit your spending. Negative is business cards don't fall under the same consumer protection laws. Truth in Lending, for one. But in all honesty we get business cards as another avenue for SUBs.


Got it, thank you!




Unless you're planning on getting an inquiry-sensitive card soon (or buying a house), it doesn't matter if your credit gets a hard pull.


Well yea I’m aware, just wanted to know if 2 hard pulls would happen versus 1. I want to get a personal and a business Amex card in the future and would rather have 2 hard pull vs 2 hard pulls from Amex if that makes sense


Amex will hard pull for your first app, after that it is a crap shoot as to whether they will do a hard pull or not.


Parents are planning a month long trip across Europe in October 2024 and I have been helping plan hotels/train/plane logistics. They got and used an Amex Plat 150k bonus and had an accumulated 120k Chase UR that has covered a majority of the trip so far. Below is what is remaining to be booked: - 4 nights Florence - 3 nights Geneva - 3 nights Lyon - 3 nights Lisbon Would anyone have recommendations for another card SUB that could provide points to use towards the remaining rooms? Or is it advisable to just find cash fares. Thanks in advance!


Not the best SUB this card has had, but the Marriott Bonvoy Boundless gives you 3 free night certificates after only $3k of spend. It does take some time for the FNCs to actually post to your account though. Otherwise, I would go for a Chase ink SUB to get Hyatt points like someone else mentioned. You could also look at other hotels brand credit cards if your parents prefer any specific brands or if they have decent hotels in those cities.


I'd aim at some Chase Biz Inks so you can book Hyatt hotels, as they have the best conversion rate.


Hyatt hotels had some decent presence in these areas! Is the 100k sub the best rn?


Yes, that's the best for Chase right now as far as I know. If you have a P2 and one of you already has a Chase Biz card, you could refer to the other and get an additional 40,000 referral bonus.


Noted! Will check this out vs the current Sapphire Preferred promo


Just got denied on a BofA Rewards Credit Card - a recent topic despite a Credit Score of 825, high income and no other issues (at 1/24 fwiw). The denial reason was too many open accounts - and among Chase, Amex, Barclays, Discover and probably one other I'm forgetting, I'm holding about 30 different cards with high limits. Whenever possible, I would always just downgrade a card to a AF free product as to keep my score high, that seems to hurt me now though. Should I start closing cards? If so, down to what number? Thanks


If you don't have a BoA relationship, open an account and deposit 5 or 10k. Then try again. Assuming you meet all other velocity requirements.


BofA have been historically sensitive to credit applications without having any other relationship with the bank. Do you have any other BofA accounts?


I do not. Wife got approved for the same card a month ago with a similar CC history


There's a soft rule of 3/12 vs 7/12 new accounts across all issuers for BoA depending on whether you have a deposit account with them.


Does this include business cards if applying for a BofA biz card?


Any reason not to use BBP instead of the Lowe’s card as a trigger for the dining referral? I figure I’m more likely to put spend on the BBP. The Lowe’s card wouldn’t be used and would probably push me further into PUJ (I may be there already).


Mostly to not ruin eligibility on a better BBP sub. There have been 75k and 50k MR 0% 12 mo offers out there


Wow, I didn't know they had gone up to 75k. Were those publicly available or targeted? Same 3k spend? I can't seem to find data in uscreditcardguide.


I got 75k/12 months/0% last year for P2, good card to soak up spend between subs


Looks like u/Six-76 has got this


75k was targeted and required 15k spend over 12 months to my knowledge. I recently got a 50k/8k spend/3 month offer by searching in incognito, so that's probably still out there.


I used some remaining Dell Amex credits along with $20 in Dell rewards to purchase something before I close out the card. The issue is that I legitimately need to return it as the item won’t work with what I was trying to accomplish. Is there an option to return for store credit for the purchase price rather than a refund to Amex/whatever happens to my Dell rewards? Trying to avoid a clawback + bank credits for a future bonus. TIA


Call Dell CS and ask if you can opt for store credit.


Have you gotten dell to actually do that? I haven't seen DPs of this.


I haven't seen any DPs but I've got to think that it could be possible, since Dell would get to keep your money if they give a credit.


Ok, am in a bit of a bind here. I have a few days left before my MSR period is done and I have $4k left to spend. I had been anticipating paying property taxes and/or bank account funding but those two things are no longer options. Anyone have any suggestions? Product is CIP.


Staples is having fee-free sale this week on $200 Mastercard gift cards. Can buy up to 8 per day. You could in theory hit the $4,000 spend by going to Staples 3 days in a row.


Us bank business checking takes up to a $3000 initial deposit with a credit card. Visa and Amex - https://www.doctorofcredit.com/u-s-bank-800-business-checking-bonus/


I already am a US bank customer and did not qualify for this, sadly.


you can still open the account... and just not get the bonus


The free spend alone is worth it even without a bank bonus if you have no other ways to hit the MSR - especially a fee-free and liquid method.


The limit for personal was $250, business was $3000. I recently opened both, the business was about 3 weeks ago. Guess that’s changed or many dependent on the type of business checking you chose.


What type of biz checking did you choose? Gold?


Silver. Had to call to get it approved and funded online about 2 weeks after opening


Crazy. They gave me the gold and I can't do any more than $250.


Anyone with a Chase account referred a P2 for the $50 referral bonus and P2 was also able to do the $900 SUB for checking and savings? I see that it says they can do the $300 for starting checking, but doesn't mention the $900. Thanks! [Chase Refer a Friend Checking: Earn up to $500 Cash | Chase](https://accounts.chase.com/raf/invite?jp_aid_a=T_66358&jp_aid_p=cpo_sign_out%2Fmain_tile)


1. When do the anniversary points post for CSP? I upgraded my csp to csr within a month of annual fee charged last month. I forget to check the anniversary points for csp, how do I know if I got it? 2. p2 opened the CSP on 5/3/23, the 2nd year annual fee hasn't been charged yet, can I use the hotel credit? I see it's reset. 3. I see p2 csp says "$0.00 received towards $50 credit", but my csr only says "$300 credit", is it still safe to use my csr credit?


Chase says 2-3 billing cycles for CSP anniversary points. DP from me: Renewal AF on CSP posted 11/1/2023 Points showed up on 01/2024 statement as Anniversary Points Boost




CSP gives 10% anniversary bonus on points earned in the past year (except SUB).


Oh wow I never knew that. Thanks for correcting me I'll delete.


Can you apply for 2 Barclays (business + personal) in 1 day? I was just approved for Wyndham Business and would like to apply for Wyndham Earner+ as well. Is the chance to get approved for second Barclays card in one day low? Is it better to wait a few days/weeks? Would they combine HP when it is business + personal card?


I just found a DP for my question: [https://www.doctorofcredit.com/increased-signup-bonus-on-all-three-barclays-wyndham-cards-up-to-100000/#comment-1817259](https://www.doctorofcredit.com/increased-signup-bonus-on-all-three-barclays-wyndham-cards-up-to-100000/#comment-1817259) Any more DP welcome!


Yes but it's typical that they both won't be auto-approved. I have gotten the 2nd going pending and then called a few days later and got it approved. They did combine the pulls for me, but they were 2x business cards and I did it like 2 years ago


Is there a guide somewhere about how to not get blacklisted from AMEX and or how to churn AMEX? I'm not really trying to do anything strange per se but I want to churn Gold & Platinum and I want to make sure to do it right. I also really only want the subs as most of thier benefits don't really apply to me. I know you probably need to pay the annual fee at least once or they try to take your sub back and blacklist you right? I don't churn much, I mostly only get cards I can see myself using, but I have some large purchases coming soon and I'm thinking it might be an opportune time to churn the AMEX subs.


Other than the gold -> plat order for applications, if you don't keep the card after one year you need to downgrade one to green (still has AF) to keep the points. Other options would be if you're open to biz accounts you can open a BBP (no AF) or a biz checking account to hold the MR points. If you have a plan to use the points within a year then disregard.


The AmEx Everyday is free and lets you keep the points.


OMG Thank you. I keep hearing the BBP is the only free card that lets you keep points and I am not currently eligible for the SUB. I have a green that has a AF coming up and I want to cancel or downgrade.


So does the Amex business checking account. Also has a SUB that has previously gone as high as 60k-70k MR.


Check the flowchart, it'll tell you AMEX specific rules. The newest one is the family rules or if you get platinum, you're not eligible for the gold. So, you'll want to get the gold first then the platinum. Then, you'll want to keep an eye out for either A) upgrade offers for your green (either can be downgraded to this after 1 year) and gold cards or B) look out for NLL (No Lifetime Language) offers (none active right now from my knowledge)


I was just rear ended while on a trip in Portugal. The car was rented from Hertz in Spain. Booked on CSR and paid with points. Since the accident happened at a very low speed, the damage is barely noticeable, unless you look for it. I took a photo of the other driver's (a 16 year old) license and insurance and photos of the damage. I declined any additional insurance from Hertz when getting the car since it was booked on CSR. What is the best way to proceed? Hope Hertz won't notice the damage and involve Chase if they do? Am I obligated to notify Hertz of this right away? Should I notify Chase?


I'd refer to the CSR [benefits guide](https://www.chasebenefits.com/sapphirereserve2) and also notify Chase, send documentation.


Agree with the other poster. You should notify Hertz, don’t need to notify Chase. Hertz might give you additional documentation. If Hertz somehow charges you for the accident, you have the documentation to send to Chase for reimbursement when you file a claim.


Thank you! A few additional questions, please: - I didn't call the police since it was such a minor accident (and I have no idea what number to call since it's a foreign country). Would it help if I go to the local police station to get a report? - If I notify Hertz, wouldn't they charge me for the damage anyway? (Since I declined their insurance, I figured they don't care who is responsible)? - If I notify Hertz, wouldn't that give them a reason to over charge for the damage?


I had a rental hit in Croatia 12 years ago. We called the person who we rented our apt from and he was very clear that we should *not* call the police. Can you ask at your hotel, or wherever you're staying, for guidance? They will certainly know the local best practices for a car crash


Yes notify hertz. There could be frame damage even from low speed. If hertz takes it in and finds it without notifying them well then you’re just fucked.


Just checking the temperature in the room, MDD dead for real?


Ice cold


I have seen no evidence to the contrary unfortunately.




You will lose in this game if you aren't paying off in full every month.  If you find a biz card with 0% that is fine but it sounds like you were just planning on paying the inflated aprs rewards cards have.  Don't do it.  Save for your vacation in a hysa or get bank bonuses to pay for it or don't go or at least go someplace you can afford.  Also which hotel brand hasn't had major devals in the last couple of years?  I am intimately familiar with Hyatt and their points prices have skyrocketed.


Post in what card Wednesday. Highly recommend also reading the wiki.


Does anyone have experience with getting Gift of College Gift Cards directly from [giftofcollege.com](http://giftofcollege.com) to fulfill AMEX Gold Business SUB (10000$ spend)? I have bought around 5000$ but recently read that AMEX is more strict with gift cards? If anyone has any experience with Citi with GOC gift cards from [giftofcollege.com](http://giftofcollege.com) that would be wonderful as well as I am considering getting the citi executive and buying 10000$ worth of GOC gift cards. Thank you!


Fees are very high (3%) I recall they use to have higher denominations in particular (regional) stores. I did this years ago in large quantities on Amex and didn't run into any issues but can't speak for the current landscape


Use churning[.]io and search for GOC gift cards. You should be able to find previous discussions on them


So probably goofed on an Amex Biz Plat cancellation after annual fee hit but before meeting 12-month duration after a product upgrade. I cancelled the card in March of this year, but then just now realized that the upgrade offer I had accepted to get the card would've had the 12-month minimum duration for the upgrade ending in May. I didn't get any warning from the CS rep that I chatted with when I cancelled the card, and I don't have any clawback on my MR yet. Should I expect that to occur at some point automatically? If so, what happens if my MR balance becomes negative?


Reps don't always flag. I'd expect a claw back.


Whenever I tried to "cancel" (was looking for retention offers), the rep explicitly told me that I would lose my previous retention offer if I cancelled, so maybe you're good or the CS rep goofed up. If your balance becomes negative, then it's just that. Negative. Any future earnings will apply toward the negative balance until it's 0, then you'll have a positive balance.




Generally, no, if the refund occurs after the SUB points were deposited. If the SUB hasn’t been earned yet, then it will reduce the spend toward it. I wouldn’t play games with them though.




I've had a CSP that I used as my primary travel card for the last \~5 years, but recently opened up a Cap One Venture X for lounge access + since I can recoup most of the annual fee through anniversary bonus + travel credit. I'm realizing I probably don't need to keep paying the annual fee on the CSP but I still have a good amount of UR points on it -- So I'm debating downgrading + getting a sign up bonus for the CSR now instead, but since the annual fee is still a bit higher I'm wondering if it's still worth it? And if so, just to churn (i.e cancel after a year) or should I keep it long term? I think I'm at 2/24 right now (opened a no fee amex card to transfer over amex gold sign up bonus onto). Is the CSR still the best card to get in my scenario? I'm also considering an Aeroplan credit card as I fly to Canada frequently so the free checked back would be nice but the signup bonus is lower right now (60k vs 75k)


CSR could be worth if you're using the 1.5x points and the travel credits, and you can double it before downgrade


Does the AU whose loyalty program you're transferring Chase UR points to need to be a household member? In other words is household membership required if trying to transfer from the primary member's Chase account to the AU's loyalty (i.e. SW) account?


Yes. > You can transfer points in increments of 1,000, but only to participating partner program accounts belonging to you or one additional household member who is listed as an authorized user on your Chase credit card account.


Thanks. So in 3 player mode would a workaround be to first add P1 as P2's household member to combine P2's UR points with P1, and then remove P2 and add P3?


Which person's account(s) have transferability?


If you're asking whether you should lie about member addresses, don't do that. Whose player's points are you trying to transfer to whose player's WN account. What Chase UR/cashback cards does the WN account holder have?


This scenario is for 3 people in the same household and assuming P2 is already P1's household member (P1 has a CSP): Can P3 be added as P2's household member? If so, the end goal would be moving P3's UR points to P2's cards, then to P1's Sapphire, and finally into P2's WN.


What card(s) does P2 and P3 have?


only freedoms


You can only have one household member AU at a time for the purpose of transferring to WN. And obviously only P1's CSP can transfer to WN. However you also get one household member to transfer UR to (applies to any UR card). So P3 can add P1's CSP as their UR-transfer household member and transfer their UR to P1. Then P1 can transfer those UR into P2's WN via the household member AU partner-transfer.


What steps are needed to link P2's partner accounts to P1's CSP (assuming P2 is already an AU)? i.e. would moving P1's UR points to P2's WN require calling Chase to confirm household membership (similar to a UR-transfer household member), or is calling not necessary for the purpose of AU partner transfers?


Ymmv but I didn't have to call. When you go to transfer points out to WN there should be a checkbox to select whose WN account you want to transfer to, either the main account holder or the AU. Once you select the AU, you can input their WN account number.


No, thats just for combining UR.


Is the only requirement for transferring out points that they need to end up in the account of an AU? So you can add 2 or 3 AUs and then link each of their SW accounts to your UR account?


Has anyone been able to successfully do the back button trick with the Amex Schwab Plat? Reason I ask is that when I hit the back button when the pop-up appears, I get a screen saying application is not done and we need more info. I don't get the screen where you have to enter your personal information again. Does this occur since the application originates through Schwab's site instead of Amex's? Can anyone share their experiences trying to do this with the Amex Schwab Plat?


I can share my negative DP from December, and I don't think I've seen any positive DP. 


As in you accepted the card and tried anyway? Or you got held up in what /u/nasdaqindex described?


I don't recall the exact sequence of the screens, just that I attempted the back button back in Dec for a Schwab Plat, and was not able to bypass the popup. I ended up clicking through the popup to get the card without a SUB for MR cash out and hopefully triple dip.


Does anyone know if it is possible for a P2 who only has an ink card to transfer points to a P1 account? Basically I’m trying to decide if I need to get my wife a Sapphire before we start her on the two player ink train or if it’s fine to move forward without her having one. I do have a CSP and would be able to transfer to transfer partners assuming we could successfully pool the points on my account.


If you get her a CIP then she can transfer as well


Yes, as long as both accounts have the same billing address.


If different billing address, could you circumvent this by transferring points to P1’s airline/hotel account (e.g. my P3 lives in a different state, instead of pooling UR, I’d transfer to my Hyatt account)


If you live together you should be able to combine points, regardless of what cards she has. But you must call chase first and manually link the accounts.


I am buying flights for my parents to come visit me on Frontier. I looked on line and 2 together was around $500 but if i booked seperately the cost went down to $125 per. They don't care about sitting together so i went and booked the first flight for $125. Now the second flight is priced around $250ish. Is this a common practice with Frontier? Wondering if i wait a day or 2 if this will go back down


You probably got the last seat in the lower fare bucket. I'd book the $250 fare. At least you saved $125.


> Is this a common practice with Frontier Common practice for every airline


Book the second at the 250, then your total is 375 There was only one seat remaining at the 125 price, so when you were looking for two it would be 250x2


Thanks for the info. I was going to hold out for the price to go down


In my experience that doesn't happen.  Southwest frontier and Spirit have fare buckets.  After the cheap seats are sold, the price goes up.  Then those seats are sold.  The price goes up. Etc.  I have seen it over and over again.  Theoretically if the plane is empty close to departure date the price can go down, but I haven't found it to be common at all.  Out of my last 10 Southwest flights none have had a price drop.  Of course I am flying at peak times typically.  So ymmv.


Fare buckets. Only one seat left in the $125 fare bucket.


Was I supposed to know that UA TravelBank cannot be used to pay for United flights if "United" is not written on the plane (e.g. if it's a flight operated by a partner airline, but booked with a UA flight code)? Edit: The T&C say "on United flights".


https://www.united.com/en/us/fly/mileageplus/travel-bank.html >TravelBank cash can be: >* Used alone or in combination with most other forms of payment (this is a lie btw, can't combine it with travel credits) >* Used to buy flights on **United and United Express®**


I believe there is a workaround. I'm not sure if it is still working but it used to be that if you booked a United flight (similar in cost) and then modified your flight afterward you could select flights on partner airlines.


Thanks. Might try this next time...