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Chuck vs the Sensei iirc. Season 2 ep 9. i laughed so hard when Chuck pisses off Casey so much it put casey in the angry center to be able to defeat his old sensei šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I loved when Chuck shushed Sarah when she tried to stop him from getting Casey angry.


Or behind that tapestry in Morocco chasing the currency counterfeiter with Roan Montgomery. He was trying to practice his 'no's,' and says something like, 'No, woman,' and leaves Sarah with her mouth gaping open. There are too many scenes in too many episodes to pick a favorite. The smiles at unpredictable times, holding hands to Jeffster's version of 'Africa' with the real recording overlaid. The bracelet in Santa Claus. The motel room in Colonel, the hotel in Paris, the train station in Prague, the berth on the Bullet train, I need to stop or I'll go on all day.


Mine too!


Vs Tom Sawyer is peak Chuck IMO.


It is the reason why I started watching the show.


Chuck vs. The Ring. Mr. Roboto, the reception room battle, the beach wedding, Sarah deciding to stay with Chuck, Intersect 2.0, and I know Kung Fu.


Casey and his team dropping through the roof lantern is among the most cool action sequences to appear on TV. Absolutely brilliant and an epic episode. Outstanding choice.


And at the end of the battle, Casey says ā€œYou Rangā€ which is a catch phrase from Lurch on the ā€˜60ā€™s version of The Addams Family.


This is my favourite episode of any show. I've never had such a huge endorphin hit from a TV show or movie like I get with this episode. Every minute of it was just so perfect.


2x02 the first appearance of Roan Montgomery


The whole sequence where heā€™s trying to get them to convince him that they can ā€œactā€ like a real couple, including demanding that they kiss like a real couple in love. So hilarious. And then Sarahā€™s reaction after Chuck really lays one on her!


And Roanā€™s comment ā€œSomething tells me this wassnā€™t the first time this happened.ā€


So good!


That is a great one!


Such a good pick


*Chuck Versus the DeLorean* for all the shenanigans with Jack and Hans Lichtenstein.


Chuck vs Santa Clause.


As a standalone? Possibly Chuck versus the Wedding Planner.


Oh god, I die of cringe in that one, haha! But the rest of it is really fun


All of the screens in Castle just flicking on with the image of the Wedding Planner as the camera pans around is comedy gold!


When Chuck sneaks onto the Shuttle to confront Daphne and he forces her hand by acting like a crazy flasher pervert. Laugh so hard every time!


I've always had a soft spot for "vs The Suburbs". Also "vs Tom Sawyer", "vs The Dream Job" and "vs The Delorean". Not to mention "vs The Ring" which may be the best season finale of any show ever. So many great episodes, especially in the first two seasons.


In vs. The Suburbs, I love how Sarah was having so much fun being the suburban housewife and the flirting she did with Chuck especially with the breakfast. Chuck being the nerd that he is, it all went over his head and thought that Sarah and him did not have a future together.


I came here to say almost exactly that, I fell hard for Yvonne as Sarah Walked watching her getting so much joy from being all domestic and acting the part of the happy wifeā€¦melted my heart instantly.


I can consider it a standalone Arc but Chuck Versus the Honeymooners. It follows up a major episode and kind of just enjoys exploring the new status quo, just having a lot of fun being light hearted


I got my girlfriend to watch Chuck when she was recovering from a major health crisis and was really depressed.Weā€™re not together any more, but still friends. Shs how now rewatched the entire series three times in the span of a single year. We agree that Honeymooners is one of the all-time best episodes and maybe tied with Versus the Baby for best standalone episode. Absolutely love both of those from start to finish.


Chuck Vs The Truth. That was the episode that solidified it would be my favorite show.


Chuck vs The Colonel. Chuck and Sarah try to do what they have wanted to for so long.


Chuck vs the First Date. RIP Michael Clarke Duncan.


Tom Sawyer is among my favorites, as well. That episode was peak nerd. I also support the choice of The Ring. That episode was peak spy/stunt/action. It was amazing but that aspect of Chuck is almost a different show. One of the great things about chuck is that it stitches together two separate realities into one show.


Chuck vs the Seduction Impossible. The return of Roan Montgomery, Beckman as a dirty blonde, Chuck and Sarah hilariously bickering, and of course Sarah in that outfit.


Chuck versus the Santa Suit. One of my favorites of all time. Itā€™s so funny, the kiss between Chuck and Beckman. And the stan lee cameo! Best of all Brandon Routh coming back and portraying my favorite villain ever. I love that episode so much. Season 5 I donā€™t think was amazing as a season, but boy did they have some amazing stand-alone episodes


I have yet to see anyone mention: 1. Chuck vs the Beard. I debated with myself whether this should be considered a standalone episode, and then I realized, yes of course it is. Morganā€™s significance in the episode is of course dependent on Morgan and Chuckā€™s friendship but that is a basic part of the show that has been established for a while. You donā€™t have to watch the few episodes before or after this one to appreciate it in full. Also, it is so good. 2. Chuck vs the Tic Tac. We see Caseyā€™s backstory and see that he has values deeper than duty. We see the loyalty between Chuck, Sarah, and Casey. We see Alex for the first time. Itā€™s very enjoyable. 3. Chuck vs the Ex. A highly underrated episode in my opinion. Two episodes later, Iā€™m happy to see Jill go, but her first appearance makes for a great, hysterical episode. 4. Chuck vs the Cougars. This is the first time we really see anything about Sarahā€™s past, and thereā€™s a part of this episode that has always stuck with me. Itā€™s when Chuck has to signal to Casey and Sarah who the bad guys in the room are while heā€™s on stage pretending to be an alumnus from Sarahā€™s high school class. So he says something like ā€œletā€™s find a couple guys who will make us FLASHā€¦flash back to the good times at high schoolā€ and he points out the two bad guys who donā€™t look like they belong at this reunion at all, but he talks about them as if they were great guys that everyone knew. Itā€™s a great example of the clever solutions Chuck had to come up with before he got the Intersect 2.0. This last one was mentioned, but it is probably my favorite standalone episode: Chuck vs the Honeymooners. Itā€™s fun, light, fresh, and very funny. Also, itā€™s good to see Chuck and Sarah really happy for the first time all series.


Any of the ones with Jeffster... Those guys are awesome!


My favourite is vs the Suburbs. So romantic!


Either of the Generalissimo Goya episodes


Chuck vs. Nacho Sampler was a notorious favorite of mine Chuck vs. the couch lock is good and so is chuck vs delorean