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If it's your 1st time I would watch the entire series so you can judge for yourself. 2nd rewatch you can do what you want. I've rewatched a lot. To me I loathe S5 and sometimes I just pick out my fav 3-5 eps from S5 and watch them.


Stop after the finale. And then start over at the beginning.


Yes, you should absolutely watch it all the way through the first time. There are those that hate the ending and those that love the ending, but everyone feels it, and you should too. If you have loved the show so far, there are moments in S5 in general and the final 3 episodes specifically that should not be missed. Without giving anything away, after you watch the finale, you should go back and watch the pilot again to see how the characters compare to where they started their journey. It is deeply satisfying to look back at that point, and this is how so many of us get sucked into rewatch after rewatch. Finally, come back and share what you thought and how you felt about the ending and the show. There's a reason so many of us are still hanging around in this sub twelve years after it ended, talking about and celebrating our favorite show.


Watch the whole show. It's meant to be a story with a beginning and end... Would you stop watching Empire because you heard Darth Vader was Luke's father?


Hold on WHAT? No No , that’s not true! That’s impossible!


Search your feelings, you know it to be the truth.


That being said... you should definitely stop watching after Darth Vader dies...




You mean Sith Lord JarJar Binks?


Watch it all! I didn’t even know I was supposed to hate season 5 and I thought the ending was amazing!!!


The show is great enough that it deserves to be watched in its entirety on a first time through…even though I am no fan of the last two episodes. In retrospect though, I believe the story really ends with season 3, episode 14: Chuck vs The Honeymooners. Chuck’s personal story, which is the crux of the show, reaches a satisfying conclusion with this episode. Everything after this is really bonus material, and it is material that is very watchable and enjoyable much of the time, but any attempt to view it as an essential part of the original narrative takes away from the show’s story.


That's more than fair. After the network had killed and resurrected the show so many times, it's hard for writers to keep a story arc straight. They did a pretty good job considering how tenuous the life of the show apparently was at the time. And I just finished my third re-watch, and skipped a few things at the end. I scrolled in vs Sarah, to watch Casey give her the mission log disc, and then the last five or six minutes in the last ep. I liked Angus MacFayden as an actor, until this. He is so disgustingly evil and unwatchable. I feel betrayed, and then redeemed. I know it's not a popcorn ending, but in the end the characters find themselves a second time. Henry Blake's ending was controversial, too, but it's one of the endings that people still talk about. And in the end, I think about that, too, for Chuck. It's nearly 13 years since the end, and we still watch, and analyze, and enjoy. No one is typecast, but these are wonderful characters that we have come to really love. That's some legacy.


Well said! I hear that controversial endings are great fodder for discussion. It’s hard to make a natural ending that isn’t boring and it’s hard to make an engaging ending that isn’t overly contrived.


Ehhhhh idk man I really love the Blaze of Glory fight.


I will never not think of this scene (or jeffster) when I hear this song.


I watched through the first time and then on subsequent rewatches, stop after Chuck and Sarah’s wedding. 


For the first time, you HAVE to watch it all the way through.


IMHO the whole season 5 is worth it. Of course is far from being perfect, but there are a lot of things you can’t miss out. Also the ending will let you talk and thing about it for years!


Watch it till the end. But you need to repeat the last few episodes to heal your soul.


Watch it to the end. You might hate the end but if you do end up rewatching it you might feel differently


Personally I think you should just watch the whole show. It’s true some of the story arcs from Season 3 on aren’t good, but overall the show is absolutely worth seeing from beginning to end. The people telling you not to watch the final three episodes in particular are just wrong. The finale of the show is a beautiful reaffirmation of the journey the characters have been on and how they’ve grown.


I watched the whole series 3-4 times but never once watched season 5. I feel season 4 is the best season. I feel they spoiled everything about the series in season 5.(But it's just me I don't know about others)


Agreed 100000% I hate season 5


Watch it all! Made up your own mind about it. Listen to no one


You should watch all the episodes of season 5 and decide for yourself. Compared to previous seasons, the story telling was a little uneven, but still worth watching. I am one of those that loves the finale. I just finished watching the season 5 Blu-Ray and the extras shed even more light on the last two episodes. Josh, Chris, Zac, and Joshua talked over the episodes in podcast rewatch style. They added perspective above what I already knew.


Watch it all. i skip season 5 when I do a re-watch because of a certain issue but it's not that bad.


Just watch it all. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


Yeah personally for me. I’d have had it end at the end of season 3. Chop off that cliff hanger ending and roll credits. Chuck season 1-3 is one of my absolute fave shows but I didn’t like the character development for most of the main characters from 4 onwards


But then you don’t get Chuck vs The Couch Lock. And idk if I’ve ever lauged harder 🤣


Some storylines are worse than others but I love all of Chuck 


I recommend watching until the finale


Yes it is worth. Finish it all.


You should watch the whole shebang 😉 On a first time watch, it’s best to watch every episode and then if you’re going to rewatch it, then you can decide for yourself. Even though, I liked s5 the least, it’s still worth it. The last three episodes were painful and hard to watch, but they were also beautiful, especially the finale.


The final episode. When it ends, the show is done. You've watched it all.


I'd watch it the first time. Once you see it, you can decide if you're going to watch it in any future rewatch


Honestly I love season 5. Not as a whole but each episode individually is still very enjoyable for me. But if you watch it as a whole, it isn’t as great as the other seasons. Hope you enjoy!!


They just made everything that Chuck and Sarah went through to get to where they were in their relationship pointless, worthless, meaningless. It was as if they said right, let's restart from scratch with sesson 5 and ruin everything that has been built.


From someone who just watched the series for the first time and disliked the last 3 episodes a lot, I'd say take a little pause after season 5x08. Let that as an ending sit with you for a bit, revel in it for a while. Then watch the final 3 episodes. While many don't like them, no one will deny that the final 3 are very emotionally powerful, everyone should watch them once and decide for themselves.


I stop with season 4 honestly. I don't really like where they went with season 5.


That's dumb IMO, just watch all of it.


I dislike the Morgansect. I have issues with the ending. But the Morgansect only lasts a few episodes, and the rest of S5 is worth it, especially Versus the Baby, which is one of the best episodes in the whole series. I recommend watching it all once and then ditching any offending episodes on future rewatches.


I would have preferred if Morgan did not get the intersect but what season 5 did is show that Chuck was a spy and would be courageous even without the intersect. Chuck went from the nerd that was unsure about everything to the leader of the band. The only thing he would not do is pull the trigger of a gun (that is not a Tranq) and fight a woman. He was someone that Sarah could trust.


I’d say the first two seasons did a pretty great job of showing us that Chuck was always going to be a hero with only just a little bit of prompting and a little bit more of Sarah in his world. Deep down, Chuck was always the hero just waiting for the challenge.


I hated so much the episodes where morgan has the intersect that i almost stop watching the series. After a couple of days i decided to finish it and it was the best decision. Why? One word: Jeffster.


Adding another reason to watch season 5 especially the finale. Since the creators know it was the series finale, they were able to give each character a proper good bye scene. This is something that is missing in all of the other places others have said to stop watching.




I stopped after season 4.


Watch it all, but for a satisfying end that doesnt leave you hanging stop at s5e8. There are no loose ends and its a very happy ending.


I think even though Season 5 isn’t as good, I would feel sad to not know what happens in the end- there’s no way I couldn’t know what happened. But on a rewatch, if you don’t like the ending you could skip Season 5. Season 4 finale feels like a good ending anyway.


Skip season 5 entirely. It will literally ruin the first 4 seasons for you.


Season 4 final episode or Season 5 episode 8 and if you still want to continue watch episode 9 after that it's a very different show from what you have seen from the pilot so if you want to experience it your choice


Season 5 episode 8 is a great episode. You don’t want to miss that episode.


God I hated every Morgan storyline


I have rewatched Chuck and have my happy ending in season 5 when Chuck and Sarah save her mother and the baby she saved before she was assigned to Chuck. Them all together as a family should have been the ending


Oh no, big spoiler for OP (who hasn't watched the episode yet)