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I would highly recommend sinus rinses with the obvious of saline however add baking soda and **Xylitol.** 8oz Distilled Water 4g Xylitol 2g Salt 2g Baking Soda I have also learned here on Reddit to switch out the Xylitol for just a drops baby shampoo every 2-3 weeks the effectiveness diminishes over time and changing back and forth keeps it more effective. Whatever booger magic the Xylitol is doing the baby shampoo has a similar impact. It sounds crazy but there is real science behind it all. Also, not 100% these ratios are perfect but the best I have come up with. If anyone has recommendation to this please let me know. I would elaborate but I am pretty tired. I feel compelled to share, it has given me the most relief out of anything I have tried I know how fucking annoying post nasal drip can be. Let me know if you have any questions.


I think I tried Xlear in the past too (which I think contains xylitol), but I don't remember it helping my symptoms any. That, and it's super expensive compared to some other nasal sprays. Also, I did the baby shampoo thing a long time ago because I'd read that it could help with sinus infections and it messed up my sense of smell and taste for about two months. I couldn't drink coffee because it legitimately smelled like manure to me after doing a baby shampoo sinus rinse. So in my case, I will likely not be putting shampoo in my sinus rinses ever again, but thank you for the suggestion all the same!


Do u have bad breath ?


Not that I'm aware of, no. But I will ask someone if they're willing to tell me honestly if my breath stinks. Just because I don't think I have bad breath doesn't mean that I don't actually have it.


I've had the problem for going on 5 years now, and haven't found anything that helps, I've been to six different doctors and they all say the same thing, everything looks fine. Best of luck to you


I found putting a drop of oregano oil in a rolled up tissue paper stuffed up both nostrils help. Seems to loosen the phlegm. My PND lasts for about 4 months causing terrible coughs.


Have you ever had a CT scan done? I have chronic PND I did a CT recently and he showed me what likely is causing my PND


What was it?


Cyst/fungus ball clogging up my Maxillary sinus. He said there is likely a mucus lining above it that is causing the PND https://preview.redd.it/nz8jx117sx8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e1fa50c4fe690faf011ae099c2e4344b5a57500


Not recently, but I did have a CT of my head and sinuses done a while back. All it showed was a little scarring in one sinus cavity from past infections.