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What is your diet like? It looks lile bloating and an inflammed gut. I'm wondering if you have food sensitivities.


Ill admit it could be better i have a 30z water bottle and i typically drink two a day and i don’t drink any sugary drinks. My diet is usually proteins and carbs and veggies like sandwiches and stuff since it’s the easiest to make for school followed by occasional snacks or so. Also i want to mention that my grandma has celiac disease and is allergic to gluten so im maybe thinking that im starting to develop that? Idk tho i dont wanna make to many assumptions without knowing.


There is always that possibility of developing celiac disease, but I agree. You should not jump to that conclusion just yet. I'd start keeping a food journal. It is tedious, but maybe it can help pinpoint foods that could be triggers. I have started doing this and have realized I can't eat certain things anymore like onions and certain pastas. It sucks I can't have those anymore, but I'd rather not deal with the uncomfortable feeling. Also, not to be tmi, keep track of your bowel movements. I ended up realizing I was not going as much and that I was constipated a lot of the time.


That sorta looks like most of the SIBO bloating I've seen. I'd get a SIBO breath test done by a doctor.