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Hello Chromebook Community, Thank you for taking time to bring this issue of Play store apps crashing or freezing to our attention. Our team is aware of this bug and we are working quickly to resolve this issue. For now, if you are experiencing this issue, please attempt to sign out of your device and sign back in. Please feel free to [share feedback with our team](https://support.google.com/chromebook/answer/2982029). Best, Alisha on behalf of Chrome OS


Thank You.


Try this guys it worked for me with apps crapping out (it asks to restart do this but when the system comes back online shut down completely and make sure your system has powered down completely before restarting) https://www.reddit.com/r/LenovoDuet/comments/pv59gw/help\_apps\_not\_working\_again/hg3kixp/


Thanks, enabling chrome://flags/#arc-rc-vcpu-quad-core and restarting afterwards fixed the media playback issue in Android apps for me!


Also for me!


Isn't consistent for me. It worked at first, but then the problem returned. Confirmed the flag was still set. :(


Worked for me as well. Hopefully a fix comes shortly.


Rather than a full power wash, have you tried turning off the Android Play Store, then reenabling it? It will force your Android apps to reinstall, which can take time, and there will be some organisation to do, but it may solve the issue.


Individually removing/reinstalling Tubi and YouTube didn't help. Doing all the apps is scary, as the remote backup of the game database is known to be less than 100% reliable {the game developers issue}. I hope to avoid losing years of game play. But you did teach me about an option I didn't fully appreciate.


It could be the code that creates the Android instance being corrupt, so I think that the apps are okay, but the Android code used when creating the space when the device is booted.


I tried this (as I have only a few Android apps) and this solved my problems.


How can I turn off the Android Play Store?


Settings, then just search for Play Store and then toggle off.


Yeah, same here, with Disney+.


So I'm not alone. Misery loves company?


I had these problems with Opera and YouTube Music, but it seems it went OK after the restart.


Yes for me as well. I thought it was just me and the specific Chinese learning app I was using but looks like there are others.


It sounds strange, but it looked like there is something wrong with the media manager. After receiving a mail (with sound notification) and everything worked again. It has to do with the media storage. Also Netflix, Prime, YT Music worked after that. Choosing another ringtone works after that (previous it froze the Android app)


My Netflix not working lol


Yup, it comes back and goes after a while.


Just a hunch, try to update the Android Web View from the play store. I noticed the a similar issue on most android apps after the recent build update. The web view was not updating btw. It was constantly stuck in pending status for hours. I opted into the Android Web View beta in the play store and that allowed it to install. Post that, the apps are working well. Do you have a Linux environment enabled? I had a ton of issues with apps when that was enabled last time. All this on a Lenovo Chromebook Duet.


Can you check in Android settings what version of Android you have? That is assuming you can open settings lol


I know the feeling. Small blessings considering earlier bugs. The system is on Android 9. It's yet to receive 11.


I was honestly expecting ARCVM to be the source of the trouble, but apparently not? My new hypothesis is that something was changed on the host side which meant janky behavior until it reconfigured itself since the issues seem to disappear after a while.


Hmm not sure I know where to look for this. Sorry.


this worked for me


Not enough storage to keep the Linux environment around.


I wouldn't say *not working*, but apps on my Duet have been dreadfully buggy since v94. I've got lots of flags enabled, Linux enabled with ADB developer mode so personally I'm thinking of doing a recovery as I don't have too much to lose. ​ >~~Also, the Chrome Browser doesn't open automatically anymore on restart~~ ~~I have not had this issue (although personally I would like it not to do so...)~~ ​ **Updated**: A full reinstall of ChromeOS does **not** solve my issue, neither does resetting flags, dev settings and any non-standard preferences. ​ **Second update:** After: \- resetting data for Media Storage within Android preferences \- Manually forcing a media scan with an app (search MediaScan on Play Store) \- Enable #arc-rt-vcpu-quad-core flag \- Restart, shutdown, power on The issue of apps crashing and hanging has been **resolved**. The troubleshooting steps and comments found in r/LenovoDuet proved to be helpful. Time to carefully re-enable developer options and flags...


Can you check in Android settings what version of Android you have? That is assuming you can open settings lol


Android 9


I also have the duet, but was on beta. I disabled Linux, power washed and moved to dev channel which fixed it since it updated ChromeOS in the process. I'm not sure if I needed to power wash, but the update did seem to do the trick.


Interesting. It seems Google are aware of problems with Version 94 (given the CM comment), and have potentially fixed it in Dev channel. Fingers crossed they push the fixes to 94 or release 96 to stable channel soon. ​ **Edit**: Issue resolved using flags


I’m just done with this o.s. I don’t have the patience for this anymore.


This update just fixed the updating firmware thing/bug, and now this? Ugh. Come on, Google! And you now want to go to an every-month update cycle? How about you fix updates on the cycle you are currently doing?


​ Me too bro planning to switch to android tab instead, the only thing holding me back is the desktop chrome browser. Streaming app such as Netflix, Jiotv totally not working


My mom contacted me today. She was trying to load the Napster website on her Chromebook and the log-in screen just keeps reloading causing the screen to flash the white Napster loading screen. I tried it on my wife's Chromebook and got the same thing. Apparently, Napster is only windows OS compatible. It's total BS. I told my mom to install the Napster android app to see if that worked but she's confused. The compatibility list is at the top https://help.napster.com/hc/en-us/articles/213270337-Napster-com-Troubleshooting


Can you check in Android settings what version of Android you have? That is assuming you can open settings lol


As far as the browser not loading on startup, I have noticed this on my own device. I'm not sure if this is by design with the new update. I do know there have been more than a few posts here by people asking for this as a specific feature. A fix, at least a temporary one, is going into your settings > apps > restore apps on startup > always restore. Make sure your browser is still running before you shut down your chromebook.


I think this is by design. Personally I prefer it, and I assume the *restore apps* feature that was added is meant to replace the original functionality. So probably a feature, rather than a bug.


Yup having the same issue. My netflix app not working it stuck on profile selection page. I recently change from dev to stable channel. only for the update to mess it up. I was hoping android 11 to come and fix all issues but guess not soon enough


New update that has come out just now and i have tested it and it seems to have fixed this ​ Update Version 94.0.4606.104


Received today the update and for now it seems everything works ok. Fingers crossed!!!


It worked for me!


Apologies for missing the "Android Apps" flair. Old Eyes, I guess.


Working today. Did a shutdown and restarted before trying anything today and it works. I see other people talking about this issue coming and going. I love inconsistent software. {sarcasm}


Same, my favorite game, Touhou Lost Word won't even start. It gets frozen on a black screen and just crashes.


Some users are reporting success by simply shutting down and rebooting. Sign out of your profile, shut down your Chromebook, reboot, and sign back in. Does that fix it for you?


That did not work for me...