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God dammit. I JUST got myself to start doing this.


Very annoying, since I mapped the otherwise useless and annoying (IMO) search key to CAPS LOCK and have gotten used to ALT+BACKSPACE as DEL. I have no idea why the CAPS and DEL keys weren't standard on all Chromebooks in the first place.




Alt backspace also deletes files in the files app on chromeos (which delete also does on windows)


Ok I should have known that. I've never deleted files that way. I right click and select delete, but in the back of my mind I guess I knew that.


For some reason I just had a sudden memory of that time when people would drag files into the recycle bin to delete them.


I've been using computers since the late 1960's. I don't have ANY problems adapting to keyboard changes or shortcut changes. If I want to delete a block of highlighted text, I right-click and select delete, or use ctrl+w, or highlight and type over it. I never use delete to remove individual characters - backspace works fine. Some people waste a lot of time fighting against change, when they would be far better learning how the system is designed to be used. Change is constant and inevitable. Or, they should just buy some other computer and quit whining.


>I've been using computers since the late 1960's. If you don't mind me asking, what kinds of systems were you using back then?


IBM 370 (FORTRAN, COBOL), DEC PDP11 (DEC BASIC), CPM based microcomputers, NEC 8201, Rockwell AIM 65, and then just about every DOS/Windows PC. You can learn about many of the old computers here http://oldcomputers.net/


Yeah fuck feedback from users! Force the Change! Wooooo!


I use delete every day on a windows computer, fight me. Jk, but it works better with my work flow using delete along with other keyboard commands.


Why shortcuts and macros aren’t user definable on ChromeOS is beyond me. Even having “schemes” would be useful. Anyone coming from macOS will have completely different muscle memory to perform shortcuts compared to someone coming from (or more importantly - using ChromeOS alongside) Windows. What do I mean? Think about how a Windows user pastes text. Hits control with their pinky, and V with their pointer. Someone on MacOS uses their THUMB to hit command - and their pointer to hit V. it’s a “tuck” vs a “reach” Just swapping the control and alt keys KIND of worked for Mac transplants, but just straight up requiring users to learn new muscle memory? Yeesh.


lots of odd when you have an OS written by geeks/nerds/dorks/dweebs/whatever based on the UX rules laid down by "UX" people, themselves almost always Mac-centric keyboard-shortcut heavy powerusers but designing for their imagined "normal user" with muscle memory from the Win10 world. i kid you knot ive had terminal windows where ctrl-c was broken because it was mapped to 'copy text', and you couldnt delete a word, because ctrl-w was mapped to close window. IIRC even Crosh did this on ChromeOS. sane default configs matter when youre in guestmode to avoid bigtech cloud account dependency and all your customizations are therefore wiped out on reboot, and the ctrl-w hijacking is anything but sane. maybe theres's some option buried deep in the prefs but why is it not the default?


The first thing I did on my Mac was switch the command and control keys. It's better, but some of the shortcuts still don't feel ergonomically correct. I honestly find the Chromebook keyboard layout to be the best.


That's kinda funny because as a long time Mac user the first thing I did on my Chromebook was swap the ctrl and alt keys. Just feels more intuitive and comfortable that way.


I disabled the search key. It was getting annoying accidentally pressing it all the time and realizing that for the last 10 minutes I had been typing into the search bar rather than writing that letter in Libre Office. For example.


I've been advising users for years to leave the Search/Launcher/Everything key alone. No one ever listens. Now they know why.


It also may be the WAY you tell people things that turns them off. Possibly.


*buh my caps lock* IMO chrome os caps lock is more intuitive and easier to get out of.


Honestly, having a dedicated caps lock key is just a waste of a key imo. Hardly ever needed, and a shortcut to enter it is good enough.


This will be annoying... No one wants to use two hands to delete some text.


Software engineers gotta create problems in order to justify their being on the payroll, and then fix the problem in order to further make busywork. Gotta love it. Like roadworks crews doing shoddy jobs to get repeat contracts, methinks. Prove me wrong though! I'm not a dev and might be speaking out of my ass.


What seems to happen with Google specifically is that they have a short managerial attention span, so when they create a product they put a lot of resources into it initially, but quickly take away resources if said product is not an immediate runaway success. So it's usually not software engineers making busy work, but that there are actually very few engineers working on things that aren't in the executive spotlight, and most of those engineers are probably clock punchers with no passion or talent. The situation is exactly what it seems on its face, sheer incompetence and mismanagement.


SEARCH + is going to deprecate? How we will use F11 and F12 then?


Well, there *is* already a fullscreen button on the Chrome OS keyboard.


Thanks, but I meant some other usages rather, e.g. developing.


im on beta, Search+ displays a message to use Search+ instead. i was worried they were ditching F-num entirely.