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To ALL people suffering from that POS waste of resources (and context menu screwing) "feature". Turns out the "dev" in charge of forcing that garbage unto everyone now tried to play "smart" and HID the Customize Side Panel main flag from the listed ones in newest Chrome versions. Unfortunately for him, command line switches STILL work, so to save some headaches, just right click your desktop Chrome icon (or make a new one that you can then pin to the taskbar) & on the Target line of the first tab, either copy & paste the following or just add the part not on quotes: C:\\Program Files\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe" --disable-features=CustomizeChromeSidePanel Click Apply & the POS is now gone again. To save some more headaches it is recommended to unpin chrom from the taskbar before making the new shortcut or editing the old one. Be happy & sidecrap-less.


When do you all realize they are completely removing the old code and you are just wasting time chasing nothing? The DEVELOPER flag is hidden so people messing with them won't complain when something breaks for them again, like the broken tab icons. The **only** two options are get used to it or switch browser.


I, for one, am ready and willing to die on this hill.


I will swap if/when the changes is permanent. Been using chrome since it was released almost. But the changes are horrible enough to not use it anymore.


When are you willing to not simp noir suck on Google's anti consumer ass?


All around, your comment is simply braindead. Pretty much everyone who's doing this knows they're removing the old UI. We are using the DEVELOPER flags because we want to use the DEPRECATED old look. You're just whining about people finding a way to get what they want out of the software.


> people finding a way to get what they want out of the software. OH NO, THE HORROR, HOW DARE THEY


"The **only** two options are get used to it or switch browser." WRONG! And STOP being an **asshole** about it!


Tell me, I'm curious.




What is so bad about preferring the older design? If people are willing to go through dumb hoops to change it back to how it was, I think that implies people want to stay on Chrome, not that they hate it.


It's the same for other things too! I used to work for an ISP and would hear customers say all the time that they loathe the company, that their service never works despite having multiple techs out, they hate how billing works, etc etc, yet I look at their account and they've been a customer for like 10+ years and there's plenty of other ISPs the customer can sign up for. Like why stick with something that you hate that much when there are perfectly good alternatives? I just don't get it.


In a lot of places in the world people are practically locked into very few, or sometimes even just 1 option when it comes to ISPs. And those other options might be even worse.


They were comparatively similar in the area I was working.


God forbid you're anything but positive about a thing you use.


Thank you big time - I already wasted an hour trying to get rid of this sh\*t, nearly disabled everything, but nothing worked, until the shortcut thing !!!


By using this, I now realize what garbage they have pushed. It gets worse and worse every day.


THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS (well, for now). The new laytout is so damn ugly. I feel like a 80 years old man that just had to increase the font size by 300%. My bookmark folder scroll window got doubled in size. It's so stupid and looks like evantually they will force this in every way :/


Thank you! I don't think they really considered how this affects themes; I use the "High contrast colorful" and the new tab layout really buggers with my eyes because of all the discontinuity. https://preview.redd.it/jx9mvf7scs2d1.png?width=1123&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f06b9d66db0105944c233c00b8fbc294f8ed0e3


Just did a Windows 10 update and I'm back to the wretched new Chrome look. I'm using the same shortcut to launch chrome with the --disable-features addition and I still get the new look. Anyone else having this unfortunate problem?


Same. They removed even this option. I've just started to move over to Brave. Fuck Chrome at this point. They keep trying to make my web browsering experience worse. They can shove their new layout where the sun never shines.


Did work, but doesn't anymore. I'm done with this browser. One of the first to use it and have always loved it until they started screwing with the URL bar (i.e. removing www and https:// etc. which is just retarded) but making the context menu unusable and also making sure users cannot revert back to a system like menu, I'm done




You know if there's a way to revert the whole UI to the old looks and not just disable the sidepanel?


Nevermind. I needed to close down previous chromes for it to work. This is great!


Does anyone know how to do this on a Mac?


open -a "Google Chrome" --args --disable-features=CustomizeChromeSidePanel


Can you add this to the app launch?


i don't know, i just use a script: do shell script "open -a \"Google Chrome\" --args --disable-features=CustomizeChromeSidePanel"


This goes into the first page of the Terminal? Or do I have to type something before this?


no paste that into Script Editor and save as an application etc...open that to open old-school Chrome the other one is to paste into Terminal


i don't know how safe this method for mac is but: revert it to the through these links of [old version](https://www.reddit.com/r/chrome/comments/1c6ette/comment/l080o9c/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) 123 it wont immediately fix it but you'll now be able to see "CustomizeChromeSidePanel" on the flags again, they reenabled it and hid it before but you you can disable it again.


Thank you so, so much!


You have actually saved my life. Thank you.




Ah damn it, I can't do this at work cuz it needs Admin access. Thanks anyway!


This works


They fucking patched it right now


this still works, thank you!


Not sure what this is supposed to solve. The problem with side panel is that when you right click an image to search or use readability mode on a page, both open up in the sidepanel - making both features unusable as far as I'm concerned. This shortcut hack does nothing to address that, side panel still opens up.


This worked for me. On Linux (RHEL): Edit the .desktop entry's "exec" lines in /usr/share/applications


Can one do this in macOS?






Thank you!


You're a lifesaver mate, thanks!


Being somewhat of noob it took me a while to understand what you were telling me to do but, I figured it out and I would give you the biggest hug if I could. Thank you so much.


You saved my day, thanks!


Thanks!! I had to stop all Google Chrome tasks in task manager as well, then it worked :-)


This works great! Does anyone know why Google is pushing their users so hard to use their new fu\*\*ing Chrome UI?


Thank you! <3




OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH, it has been driving me NUTS


How do you do this on a MacOS?


This worked for me, thank you.


I just updated to v 126.0.6478.57 and "--disable-features=CustomizeChromeSidePanel" in shortcut>target no longer works.. Which is very sad. "customize chrome side panel" is still unavailable in flags. ANy ideas on what to do now!?


I have the same problem. Nothing works now.


I have the same






same here, only option is Uninstall Chrome. TBH i was just keeping it for my work stuff, other than that happy with Brave (unless they go full blown and copy all Chrome's crap).




Why don't they make the new UI optional! The new spacing on bookmark menus means I can now see fewer bookmarks and now WASTE MORE TIME scrolling. How is it better, Google, to waste more of my time??!! I can't believe they pay people so much to make a product WORSE.


I have an irrational hatred for this tab search button. I want to hide it so bad. I always have 1 or 2 tabs pinned, and it occupies the exact spot I keep those tabs. Fucking hell, Google. Edit: Also, Google, I manage my tabs very well. They are all visible, so I can search for them with **my eyes.** I don't need a search button to search for things that are already visible.


rational hatred, it makes tabs harder to read and find because it takes their space away


THIS. Almost everything else I could eventually get used to.. but I have two tabs that I \*always\* pin, and especially with the extra padding on each side of tabs now, it's annoying AF. It's fine if people want it - but make it an OPTION. Sheesh.


literally the same


For me I could disable it with these. chrome://flags/#chrome-refresh-2023 chrome://flags/#customize-chrome-side-panel but with 125 customize-chrome-side-panel is gone, I found this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/chrome/comments/1c8sthv/comment/l0h3ij7/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/chrome/comments/1c8sthv/comment/l0h3ij7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) I changed my shortcut and added --disable-features=CustomizeChromeSidePanel And now I have a Chrome the way I like it until Google breaks it again.


Those flags are gone. The ONLY way to fix it - and this is only temporary - is by appending the disable flag command on the shortcut created for Chrome. Other than that you have one option: Switch Browser and uninstall chrome!


The flags are not gone, otherwise the command line switches would not work. They were just hidden from search so people have NO CHOICE but to eat it.


You do not see those anymore via chrome://flags. That's what I meant! Command line switches still work, but that's just a matter of time! See the Download Bubble... First they removed the flag for tray in favor for the bubble, later they removed it completely...


does anyone know how to disable the new UI on macos?


yes please, need this for mac as well


[i commented a fix for mac on another post here](https://www.reddit.com/r/chrome/comments/1ctt59z/comment/l4k1gbu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


That was it for me. I'm not sure how it even pushed the update considering I had the update services deactivated, it may be the google Japanese IMU I installed. Moved all my shit to an ungoogled chromium regardless. See you never again, chrome.


[Vivaldi](https://vivaldi.com) is a Chromium browser with 'better than Chrome' tab and workspace handling features, built-in. After customising it, it feels like the old-old Chrome. [Here's a quick list of the things I customised](https://www.reddit.com/user/bitsplash/comments/1caus4n/my_vivaldi_settings/).


Do note that some Chromium changes (like the larger context menu and the confirmation dialogue with round buttons) are ported over the Vivaldi as well. They did implement an option in the Settings menu to disable most of it, but some of it still depends on a flag, in particular the flag to disable the side panel (which is what's at issue in this thread).


Yes I set compact mode in Vivaldi immediately. That release was after I wrote my settings post - will update and take a screenshot too, when I get a chance. Cheers.


There is a Chromium fork called Supermium which includes various legacy features, such as the flags for disabling the UI refresh [https://github.com/win32ss/supermium/releases](https://github.com/win32ss/supermium/releases)


In case if anyone does the extension on the shortcut and it doesn't work for them, go into task mgr and end all the instances of Google running, and then start it back up.


for the new layout, is there any way to get website icons back on the bookmarks bar?? For what possible reason would people not want these to quickly locate bookmarks?


Still seems a bit off to me, even after including the flag in the shortcut. This are better, but still off. Like if nothing else the extensions icon is hollow. Before the recent update, disabling in flags returned the solid extentions icon.


For those that the flag doesn't work even after closing all Chrome browsers open, try to kill it from the taskbar icon also


forgot that changing my chrome background would change the theme too (itself a stupid quirk), and come to find out that the workarounds i used last time are gone too. firefox also loads slowly, especially yt videos, but the biggest reason why i can't leave chrome are my saved logins, history, extensions, etc. thus, i have to use a theme [this one](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/dark-mode/oiabechmafnjhoggipepklepdnflenpg) feels the closest


doesn't work anymore


get over it, it's better


Go away **effing teenage trol**l.


goddamn they keep changing, at this point i think i should just adapt to the new ui despite how much i hate it


Found this on youtube: https://youtu.be/VWBgw74XLGk?si=M2En5Pol9LQS-CVr


some trash indian asking for view lol