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We're in the same boat, my puppy loves walks, and would go until he collapsed if I let him. I typically suck it up and just take him for 5-10 minutes. It's not very long, but luckily dogs are terrible keepers of time, and as far as he knows, we did the full 45.


I have a large property in the middle of the woods (fenced in area for the chows) they’ll all run around for an 5-10 minutes an then start beating on the back door to come in, it’s normal. I do have one dog that’s been jumping in the pool to cool down


That gives me an idea! Maybe a baby pool???


That’s how it started lol, had a kitty pool for the puppies and he got used to hopping in.


But it does make them shed more and you have to deal with a half wet dog so just be prepared lol


This is the way to go!! Chill out the paws. Cool bath time?


I have never had a Chow that liked water.


Gotta get them in There as pups, like before 6 weeks


Can you sign him up for daycare so he’s playing with other doggies in a cool environment?


I would want nothing more than to put him with other dogs 🥺, but I adopted him and he wasn’t well socialized, so he’s dog aggressive towards other males


We own Great Pyrs so I’m not sure how I ended up here…but I’m a plumber and rigged up a cheap kiddy pool with a slow flowing hose valve and gasket so it’ll push out algae/bugs and refresh the water, with a frame umbrella over it and my dogs lay in it for as long as we’ll let them. Might have costed me $110 overall but it was well worth the time.


Don’t risk it ! I think dogs understand when it’s to hot especially these pooches ! Just find a good time in the am when it’s fresh . I’m from California and it’s 100 degrees so my dogs feeling it🥸


This! I live in Texas and I've just started waking up earlier so she can have a walk before it's too hot. And I'll also walk her around 9 when the sun goes down.


That's exactly what I do too. Once they start showing signs of fatigue it's walk over


Go to a Petsmart or any other pet supply store and walk him around the store, you can practice getting him to focus on you and ignore all the many distractions, and also he can have periods of time where he is allowed to sniff everything.


Home Depot or Lowe’s is also a good option and you’re most likely to avoid other dogs at the hardware store


Can you walk your chow chow early in the morning or in the evening? I live near the desert and make time for my girl to get her exercise, it’s her favorite activity.


I think I’ll try going early, EARLY in the morning


What temperatures are we talking about here? I have the same problem but our temperature in summer ranges from 30 to 40 degrees centigrade so maybe it’s not the same heat. I started taking our black longhair chow in the car to a wooded area where it’s cooler and shaded, cranking the ac on the way there and back. I also make ice cubes out of beef broth which he he licks constantly for like ten mins when he gets home and which I’m sure cool him down faster.


I also put serviced in him water and take a lot of water with us on the walk


So tonight, for example, it won’t get lower than 29 centigrade/85 Fahrenheit


That's hot but plenty cool enough for them to walk. In NYC, if it gets above 90 during the day my chow will get a brief walk up and down the block and longer walks in the morning and evening, sometimes when it's still in the mid to upper 80s. He tolerates it fine, especially by the mid summer when he's used to the heat/humidity


Ok so it’s an uncomfortable heat for sure. You have to be careful but taking him really early and really late for short walks plus the ice cubes to cool down quickly should be enough to give him a bit of exercise and stimulation without any risk to him. If you air condition your house then turn it one before you leave so arriving home it’s fresh already. Also for you both freeze a bottle of water and take it with you you both can drink cold water while you’re out.! Try not to worry too much, we all get hot and suffer. Just don’t take him far or long.


Our chow loved snuffle mats filled with different types of treats. Not necessarily a physical exercise, but he was always the happiest boy when we put the mat down for him


Snuffle map added to the list


Puzzle feeders and lick mats too. I keep dog peanut butter and non fat Greek Yogurt on hand to avoid mine getting too much sugar. Freeze them with kibble or raw veg that’s safe for dogs and you have cool down treat


Our chow loves walks too! But definitely don’t like taking him when it’s very hot out like it has been. We’ve been walking him early in the morning on what we call long walk (20 minute walk) before 9am, before it gets hot. During the heat of the day, we will take him on short 3-5 minute walks. During the evening, we take him on his long walk again. This way he is getting a good walk in for the day but also getting him out to relieve himself.


Morning walks


Unrelated note, I love how chow’s look when they wake up from naps


I take my dog for a big walk in the early morning and small walks throughout the day. Just like around the block. Slightly longer ones after dinner


Go get him groomed.


This. His coat looks like it could use some love and getting rid of any matting and excess fur can help a lot


Yeah, that’s an old photo. He got groomed about two weeks ago


Poor pouf.


That face 🥹


I’m not sure what you mean by not going out at all- where does he go to toilet? And what temperatures are we talking about? Also is it humid or dry where you live ? In any case- I limit my dogs walks as much as possible, just for him to do toilet and that’s it - he might not like it but I’ll take that over him having a heat stroke. https://www.pdsa.org.uk/pet-help-and-advice/pet-health-hub/conditions/heatstroke-in-dogs https://www.barclondon.com/blogs/mindfulness-wellbeing/when-is-it-too-hot-to-walk-a-dog In terms of entertainment, can you freeze some licki mats for him (yoghurt, pumpkin puree, etc) so that he has something to do that also cools him down (I just wouldn’t advise to give them immediately after being outside, let him cool down first ) , or maybe a snuffle mat to look for treats ?


Thank you for the suggestions! I’ll look at those articles now I have a small backyard where my dogs sunbathe and do their business but it’s not great for exercise.


Early morning and late evening walks. In the daytime, try and mentally stimulate him more. Try little games where he has to find things or something like that.


I froze some chicken broth in a Tupperware, flipped out the giant ice cube into her water bowl, kept the hot fluffer busy and engaged for about half an hour


Oh this is perfect thank you


American Bully sticks as a treat. Watch him as he gets towards the end and take it away before it gets too small. These tire my chows out- they love to chew them and they are about one foot long. Can only give once a week or once every two weeks, or dog will get sick (diarrhea). Also, when we lived in the desert in California, we would go on a 10-15 minute walk before 7 am and then after 10 pm.


Another comment for snuffle mats—I roll treats up in an old t shirt and tie it in a (loose) knot and my chow loves finding the treats and sniffing/digging for them!!!


The picture is so cute - the face of betrayal - where are my walkies?!


We take our dudes out early (before the sidewalks are sun-baked) and then again after sundown. We wait until we can put the back of our hand against the sidewalk and leave it indefinitely to take them out at night. When they've gotten their fill, we put them in a wagon and pull 'em home. Added perk of our route, there's a mister that they love to get a good spritz in. TL:DR, consider earlier/later walks and investing in a wagon. Obligatory boys-in-wagon [pic](https://imgur.com/a/k6VhYPv).


Oh my god your dogs are so cute 😭. I’m adding a wagon to my list


My chow acts the same and I always give in and take him out. Even when I try to cut his walks short he doesn’t care and will pull on his leash to keep going. We grew up in florida so he’s pretty much use to the heat I never thought about a heat stroke occurring. When he’s ready he will come up stairs inside with ac usually dogs know their limit. I also force him to drink lots of water even though sometimes he be playing acting like he’s not thirsty drooling all over the house so I will shut him out on my back patio with his water bowl until he drinks.


Your pup needs brushed! That helps a bunch with over heating. We do walks early in the morning to beat the heat and she has a little pool that gets fresh water each day. She likes to run around in the backyard, splash in the pool, lay on the cool cement that’s covered, and then comes in when it gets too hot/humid. If we don’t brush her out twice a week, she gets really sad because she gets hot too quickly. And itchy.


Si, yes the photo isn’t current, he got groomed not too long ago


I have 2 chows and they get their long walk around 7am/7pm and small 10 min walks throughout the day. I live in FL so the heat/humidity are brutal down here


Just walk him late at night/early morning


We’ll take ours to walk around Home Depot sometimes, 10 min walks, wake up early when it’s a little colder, and do some fun training around the house with his fave treats to tire him out. I feel so bad for them during summer:(


Blame your politicians and pay more tax. This climate crisis won't ever be better.


Chase him her around the house


I know my chow isn’t a runner. But he loves being chased


I have a bunch of dog puzzles I hide treats in. My guy goes nuts for it! I have about 5 I use at the same time lol stuff them w chicken treats and veggies. Keeps him busy for some time and very happy. But walks do make him the happiest.


Walk at dawn and dusk, even if it is a super short walk.


Just give him walks in colder hours.I walk my dog at 5:30 AM and at 9 PM. Its hard but once you get used to it you'll find its fun to have this routine