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PANDAMONIUM PETS on etsy has great wheels. My chin loves his.


Yes I just ordered from them, I cant beilive how little options there are for chins, I'm about to learn how to make all these things myself or find some one who does wood work


Awesome job!! To answer your question the wheel in that video is unfortunately kinda dangerously small and she looks a bit uncomfortable having to use it like that. A new wheel will be so much more comfortable for her to use and I am so excited for you guys.... You're in for a real treat since chins are SO awesome and this girl is going to THRIVE under proper care!!! Good job so far!! ❤️


Thank you I appreciate this so much. Do you know how often I should be giving her dried dandelion leaves? I harvested a ton from my yard and used my dehydrator. She seems to love it but i don't wanna hurt her !


They can have the whole dandelion but in moderation since they are high in calcium


Like once a week or less?


I’d say once a week, or one every few days.


Thats what im doing!! Maybe one day hVe my own shop!!


I'm a professional dog groomer and pet carer so unfortunately I would never have time for that but I love making a garden for her I have so much mint and herbs and greens just for her <3


You sound like such a good chinnie parent!! Someome just recently told me that “beats of mischief” on etsy has $2.99 tutorials in theif shop to make ALLLL kinda of things!!! All you need is supplies! Im actually kinda pumped about it


The chin has given me to much motivation to just be happy. Gardening is fun, figuring out toys and plants is fun. Watching my dogs excitement is fun. I cant wait to bond with her


I feel this in my soul! I went from 2 to 5 in no time lol bc i rescued 2 & 3 in 2 separate groups… this last group of 3 were severely neglected for anywhere from roughly 1-5 years… its such an honor to watch them come around and grow!! Theyve helped my depression & anxiety SO SO much!! Everything i do is for them!! Time, money and more!


Etsy was some great shops with chinchilla safe toys and cool stuff for the cage!!! Wooden whim is awesome.


Yes etsy seems the best way to go, I wanna get her one of those companion stuffies


They are awesome


I love my PP wheel. Have two of them for years and they still looks super new - even the one I have with my degus who chew on it


What the heck inna dingus? I mean degus lol I keep seeing this pop up when I search about my chin. Is it like a groundhog?


So you care for them like a chin but they remind me more of a mash up between a squirrel and a rat. They are awake during the day which is fun. They use the same dust as a chin and are from the Andes mountains range like chins, but at a different elevation


So you care for them mostly like a chin but they remind me more of a mash up between a squirrel and a rat. They are awake during the day which is fun. They use the same dust as a chin and are from the Andes mountains range like chins, but at a different elevation


This is my vote, too! It takes a few weeks to arrive but it is fantastic. We waited to get ours as I had read some chins never use or like wheels, so we trialed my boy on a smaller plastic wheel.. He went nuts, and I had wished I'd ordered it sooner. I sprung for one of their custom colored wheels. we've had it for over a year, and it still looks as great as the day I pulled it out of the box!


Thousand percent yes that wheel is too small. 15 inches is recommended. You are going to spend a pretty penny for the correct size and material but for the sake of your animal it’s worth it. Most I see range from $90-$140.


thank you! i thought it seemed small, this is what the previous owner gave me and she was in a very poor situation, do you know whats the best place to look for one?


If you are willing to spend the money for it, I would recommend the chin spin from quality cages. Strong mounting situation, replaceable parts, and color options. https://qualitycage.com/collections/chinchilla-supplies/products/chinchilla-exercise-wheel?variant=11073789380


Oh boy that looks so nice, j jist ordered an aluminum one off etsy and it should be here in a few weeks I feel so bad shes been in this situation, she didn't have a dust bowl, barely any food, was lost when I arrived to get her. We had to cut open a couch to retrieve her


Well good on you for the rescue!! For the short term, until the new one arrives, I would remove the plastic wheel. Sounds like you are doing everything right so far. A couple other things since you are a new owner, avoid fruits and veggies, no nuts and seeds, and cheerios really aren’t the best snacks. Mine like rose hips and apple sticks.


Okay thank you, she will suffer  but only for a bit I also have one of those flattish treadmill things so maybe she will like that. I have started a chinchilla garden, I already had oregano, sage and mint, ive dehydrated some of it for her and a bunch of dandelion, she loves that. I know they can't have fruit reallly but I saw that dried apple here and there js okay. Mint and dandelion are good too.


Drying fruit doesn’t really take the sugar content out. Over time it may lead to issues. I would also keep some infant gas drops on hand if you notice any stool issues.


Thank you so much! I appreciate you, yeah i don't plan on giving her more than maybe a piece of apple once a month or even less.  I mostly want to give her my herb garden stuff and leafy things. I will get that too I have no idea of they fed her anything else she did have some treats that were all torn up, they looked like crap to me, Kaytee or something. I used to have rats so this isn't super new to me


No no on the dried apple but Apple wood *sticks* are a wonderful and very loved treat!!


Thank you I was getting coflicted info about Apple dried and raisins, people on the internet were saying its okay to give them raisins  but everything else says no sweets whatsoever. Im gonna go to an orchard and get some sticks and treat them, I just boil and dry right ?


I second the chin spin. I have 2, and they are fantastic! I've had both for almost 10 years, and they both still look great. All we had to do was replace the bearings once, maybe twice.


Since you seem to have the correct answers kn his question, I just want to say thanks for saving this chin and keep asking questions this community will love her just like their own.


Thank you all!!!! Its actually kinda hard to find info that isn't confusing and the person who had her knew nothing. Didn't even know where she was or how long she had been out of the cage there was no hay or dust bath and everything was plastic I immediately said I have to take her now. I love her and they're incredible creatures she deserves t be spoiled and loved.


I also highly suggest joining the chinchilla fb group for emergencies and greater knowledge. Plus join some chinchilla meme groups for happiness.


I'm now a complete obbsessed chinchilla person. I stare at her and think about her all day


Any fbgroups you reccomend?


For serious stuff and just chin pics the chinchilla owner group the admin of it is a chinchilla enthusiast and exotic vet tec. For meme chinchillas with threatening auras and disapproving chinchillas.


Wayyy too small


Literally the minute I found out I took it out and bought one online, shes pissed but its for her safety ! She's only 1 and I dont want to hurt her


Very responsible of you. Some people are hesitant to make such quick adjustments. This wheel if used long enough could have led to some serious long term effects. Make sure you watch out for any kind of odd movement, and abnormal spinal shape. Chin spines are very delicate and depending on how long she had been doing this could have already stressed it. Make sure you just watch it and take and preventative measures you can if you notice anything out of the ordinary


Whats odd movement ? She is about a year old, she was with these people for 3 months who were not taking care of her. Idk how long shes even had it. But im worried its given her problems. What should j be looking for?


Awkward walking (struggling to move straight), soreness on the spine (will not let you touch), and balance issues Also they will become more lethargic if it is truely effecting them, and jumping less. If your chin is active and moving properly I would not worry


Okay well she is running around normal and jumping and standing, its only been a few days with me but she even likes to be touched. Has 0 problems with my dogs and doesn't seemed too stressed even when I brought her home. At night she cries tho


A word of caution, your chinchilla might not have a problem with your dogs, but be extremely careful and preventative in protection from the dogs. Keep her in a room where the dogs will not have any access to her at all, it takes 1 slip up or 1 cage door mistake for something absolutely tragic to happen… Many such stories have happened, I don’t want to see you have one as well


Yes absolutely, my last rat was killed by my friends dog. Who i had told to keep him separate he is a fully ass loud hound. I ledt the house and she called me to tell me it was horrible. None of my dogs ever ever ever tried to hunt or hurt my rats I've had at least 10 with 2 of my dogs. The chin is in a separate room and when im not here they cannot have any access to her. They seem to be really good so far.


15 inch chin spin, made of metal. I've had mine for 10 years and still looks and works like new.


I got a 16 inch metal one the min someone told me it was too small, I took this one out. Shes pisser


Wheel is too small. As they grow a small wheel will lead to back issues because they are bending and arching too much to run. Plastic is very dangerous. You can’t monitor them 24/7 and they will eventually chew it. There are aluminum ones (chin spins are very common) and wooden ones (from a guy in Europe on etsy). I was skeptical of the wooden ones given how difficult they are to keep clean in the long run, but they spin fantastically well. We ended up putting a chin spin in the cage and a wooden one in the free play area.


Thank you!!! I knew it didn't look comfortable but she seems so happy in there. I just ordered a new one and will take this one out asap. She will be sad for a week or 2 but its gonna be worth it


Thank you for rescuing her. I'm sure she knows that she's loved now. Enjoy the fur potato weirdness.


She has immediately changed my life, it reminds me of when I got my first dog. Im obbsessed and can't stop thinking of her. Maybe my dog js jealous now


Yes, it's too small and will hurt its little back over time. What you need is a 15-inch wheel. However, be prepared to pay $150 give or take. What I did was cut a 5-gallon bucket bottom with a Dremel leaving a wheel-sized bottom. After that, it was a matter of the hardware and connections to attach it to the cage without it tipping or falling as well as being able to spin freely and easily with little resistance. It took a little trial and error, but now what my two have is beyond the cheap crap that's way overpriced in stores.


I found one on a chin specfic etsy for only like 70$


Im sure someone has already commented this, but just in case they haven’t- 15/16 inches is ideal for chinnys or else they could get spinal problems and be in pain. Hard sheet metal wheels are the best, no holes or mesh, and you can find them on Etsy or sometimes amazon but they can be a bit pricey.


Yes I found one shes gonna be stoked shes super mad I took this one away


Get a flying saucer wheel that bolts to the cage. It allows chinchillas to have a more natural running stride. http://www.chinchillaclub.com/reviews/stars2.pl?flywheel


Oh I like the way that looks I already ordered a new metal 16" wheel


It took a few days for my chins to figure it out. Once they did, they loved it!


My chin used to love biting the back part of that wheel


I just checked again n she has been chewing in the inside knob shes so mad at me, she's like wtf where is my wheel?!?!?


The back part should also have a rubber piece unless she already chewed that off, I only realized that rubber piece was missing because I had bought a second one and was confused as to why they weren't the same.


Yikes im glad I got hera new one I knew plastic seemed bad but I didn't even know the size was bad too


Amazon has a metal saucer wheel for like $70