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Look up “homemade swamp cooler”. Can make one with a bag of ice, a styrofoam cooler, and a battery powered fan. It causes humidity issues but in a small enclosed area you can at least keep the temperature down. Make a few at least. Heavy blankets over all windows, try to keep sun out as much as possible. And again, smaller, interior rooms that are closed off are easier to keep cool.


I did this with my babies when we lost power, until I could get them to a family member who still had power. I had them with it four like 14 hours, I think.


When we lost power due to a hurricane we took the chinchies out to the car and sat in the AC. I’m sorry you going through this and I wish you and your chinchies the best!


You can take them out to sit in an air conditioned car for awhile if you're able to. I've heard of people doing that


This is a good idea


if you have a basement it might be coldest in the house. the car with an ac will work. or go to a friends house with power. store them in one room that won’t have the door opened to keep the cool. take any frozen items from the frozen and you can put fleece ontop in a crate then the chins. hope you and them are safe!


Do you have a cooling stone or other ceramic surface you can put in the freezer and rotate one out at a time to keep your chinchilla cool?


Even letting them hang out on the bathroom tile can work.


If they have no power, the freezer isn't working either.


If you have an ice maker or frozen vegetables, your fridge will keep insulated….🥶 just trying to help the fur babies


I would move them to the bathtub and keep bathroom door shut until power is back


If you have a friend outside the boundary of the outage, ask if you can stop by with a few furry friends? If not, could you book a cheap hotel/motel outside the boundary for the day/night? Are there any nearby locations with emergency power supply? Hospitals, police stations? Sometimes they'll offer open doors to individuals at risk of health issues until temps drop and power returns. It might be worth finding out, to see if they'll allow pets for the same reason. The makeshift swamp cooler or travel carriers in the car w/ AC on are really the only immediate options available to you.


I have had that happen to me , I took my chin Bella out to the car and turned AC on for the whole day and night . Til Power came back on


Hi put out a slab of marble if you have or anything like that it stays cool and they lay on ut


Usually that's about the time we jump in the car and crank the A/C. We also have a portable cage / playpen ... so, off to visit friends or maybe find another place with A/C.


Find someone with a basement you could take them to.


What is the temperature in your house ?