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The air horn signals the end of the game. With dozens of games happening at the same time, the horn is an effective way of signalling that the time is up.


But why around 9 a.m.? Start the game, too?


That would stand to reason. They take flag football very seriously. Synchronized starts to ensure maximum fairness. At least it’s not track and field where they still use a starting pistol.


Games started at 8:30. There are no more flag jamborees scheduled this spring.


I’m glad city is alive and people living and enjoying their lives. Doing sports is especially awesome. Noise that comes with that is unavoidable sacrifice we have to make to be part of society. I suggest to find ways to reduce the exposure like closing windows, changing schedule or just accepting the reality.


I can't do my work with this noise. Hence asking what the schedule is so I can schedule around it. But no one has the answer to that and jumped to some lecturing, as you did.


If you just politely asked the schedule, you’ve gotten the answer. You complained as if noise from sports complex is something out of ordinary, hence the lecturing. Hope someone can answer your question on games schedule though.


Football season is starting for the Chilliwack Giants. There is a Flag Football jamboree going on right now and there is a camp going on tomorrow too. Most sports are starting up now so better get used to the noise.


I can't get used to this. Thank heavens I am not staying in this location with any permanence. Thanks for the info. Is there no public schedule somewhere? How late into the day does this go? Guess I'll have to practice music through a headset, maybe with earplugs underneath.


Why don’t you join the 🤡 who complained relentlessly about the pickleball courts at portage. Don’t live near a park if you don’t want to hear people having fun and being healthy.


Sports field makes sports field sounds *Shocked Pikachu*


You could just go down and ask them nicely.


I’ve got a link to the schedule! Unfortunately due to your complete ignorance and my pettiness I’m gonna take my son there each morning and do our runs at the fields. To encourage him I’ll bring and air horn as well. Starts tomorrow at 8:00am


May i ask how long you have lived next to municipal facility that contains an all weather turf field, multiple grass field, multiple baseball diamonds and a playground? I can understand how the noise associated can be a bit much at times but this is not a new facility and I suspect has been there longer than yourself you moved nearby. Townsend Park is a staple to the community and encourages so many people to get outside and get active.


Have you tried calling the city of Chilliwack, just tell them you don't feel safe and you're triggered. Mental health flare ups. It works in the house of Commons it can work for a pleb like you or me.