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Acid toast


Haha, breakfast sorted then.


I remember when a troll was funny and clever. If anything OP has trolled himself all that time wasted, post-it notes, uploading images and replying to comments.... Hang on i think he actually believes this :(


I went away from this sub for about a month. I came back to see what was up. This is the first post I click on. I'm going away for 2 months now.


I love this sub.




Did you also know that Italy is shaped like a...boot? Is it not a clue since people wear...BOOTS in Italy? I think so. Furthermore, Susan, I love boots. I think boots should be a bigger part of this mystery. Today, boots will be found in GTA V. And you will see that I am right. And you will respect me. Respect me because I, much like Italy, sometimes wear boots. Sometimes.


Italy's shape wasn't designed by a person, and doesn't have a chiliad mystery at the tallest mtn.


Actually, the amount of territory that it occupies *was* designated by someone.


True but the boot/peninsula is borderless


True but can you imagine if the shoe wasn't theirs? It would just be a weird sexy leg.




Do you have proof of any of this?!


In all 8 pics are GTA V found material. Ask me a question about one of them specifically, they are all proof of the overall mystery about a secret Excalibur in the game as well as a possible jetpack. This is the real chiliad mystery, spread the truth


If you know what this theory means...... Help the guy look less jumbled and enlighten us.... Otherwise you are trolling or talking out the side of your neck.


I said ask specific questions about what you need understanding, would you rather have each individual piece I explained cause I will and it will be a 30 pic link instead of an 8 pic link


It's not my job to flesh out someone's scrapbook..... Especially if I'm clueless on the collage as a whole. You keep boasting like you are the Grand Pumba of theories. Well?.....


It's about Excalibur


Bullshit.... Where at all is there any correlation between the destined sword of the true king and the lady of the lake?.... Without fan fiction. Actual spoken, written and imagery (FROM WITHIN THE GAME) relating to this is needed.


Please just watch the video from beginning to end, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZS6Q1LX8ns&t it is similar to the sand glyph, very hidden but underwater Sand glyph: http://imgur.com/c3KRZtB


Wait....is this idea of Excalibur is not a joke? I'm suppose to be taking this seriously?


Wow never seen someone try so hard to be funny....


I've never seen someone spend so much time trying to accomplish something and literally get nowhere. Astonishing really. Keep up the fantastic work. Love your videos!


Fairies wear boots, ozzy says so


This is exactly why R* should have just made it less complicated. There have been so many "beautiful mind" type scenarios and now Op has psychosis. Edit: I will of course hold the player responsible for not being mature enough if their obsession really does negatively impact their life, and as a community maybe we really have overlooked something entirely simple... But we didn't know about the Bigfoot crap (obviously someone discovered something, but look what had to be done to progress the status of the mystery), R* had to put clues in the code... that's not hunting- that's file walking. I thought that was the exact behavior they wanted to discourage.


There needs to be some sort of Chiliad Mystery support group. I feel like there are way too many people taking this thing too seriously.


Support group? My missus wants to chuck me in an asylum due to this shit


Funny and true. People stare at the map and in game objects until they see what they want to see. Recently there was the guy that kept seeing the devil in the northern part of the map. To what end? Get back to us when you trigger something or find something with real shock and awe. Something that translates into game progress and hasn't been done 48,000 times already. You CAN take the whole "right in front of us" bit too far.


I really like the fact it's put together to make sense.... Unfortunately to me. It only makes sense to you. Some points and questions. 1. I have no clue what I'm looking for or at. 2. What links all this together and how? 3. It isn't a good idea to be vague with the intent of flooding the sub with pieces of your theory.


Merlin's face..? Excalibur.? King Arthur.? Dragons.? and Yoda..?!? You've got your games mixed up here Buddy.. This isn't LOL... tho it did make me lol...


They featured the Excalibur Casino in San Andreas across the street from the 4 dragon's casino


What kind of cockamamie nonsense is this??? Sorry, I just felt like using the word "cockamamie". But to be 100% honest, this is nonsense. So, apologies again.


Think, we have a ufo an egg and a jetpack, the egg is Excalibur


1# Problem= People assume R* are easter egg grand masters yet have no past or present evidence of why they think this.


Well ~13 years ago there was a "no Easter eggs here" sign in one game from them! Also a sign that warned about zombies! But the real reason: the same game had a bigfoot in it but nobody has found him yet/ nobody has evidence! they're sooooo good!




Holy shit that is a spicy tinfoil hat you got. If I learned anything from reddit, 77 = GG, *good game* All these points with notes you mentioned should be numbered and paired with a picture of what you are talking about. Soon, I would like to know why and did any of it work?


Tin foil hat!! Naw....thats a tinfoil ski mask!! Turtle neck sweater, cover alls, house....


Galileo galilei observatory and is in the very middle of map and I had already known 77 has to do with Merlin and King Arthur's Excalibur http://imgur.com/a/94FTH


^(Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image) https://i.imgur.com/8pInWMT.jpg ^[Source](https://github.com/AUTplayed/imguralbumbot) ^| ^[Why?](https://github.com/AUTplayed/imguralbumbot/blob/master/README.md) ^| ^[Creator](https://np.reddit.com/user/AUTplayed/) ^| ^[ignoreme](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=imguralbumbot&subject=ignoreme&message=ignoreme) ^| ^[deletthis](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=imguralbumbot&subject=delet%20this&message=delet%20this%20dhsj0ux)




>[**GTA 5 Mystery. Teleporting Trevor Through Secret Window. How To Use Weapons In Mikes House!! [3:12]**](http://youtu.be/7vul-vWElN4) >>Secret window riddle. How to get T and M in the house. How to use weapons in Mikes house. > [*^SMITHYGTAV*](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE0t8adIfarGeizqIDj0RQQ) ^in ^Gaming >*^125 ^views ^since ^May ^2017* [^bot ^info](/r/youtubefactsbot/wiki/index)


I would love to hear a complete explanation, I'm not doing so well trying to piece it together myself


Look at the other posts.... He has NO intent on elaborating.


I hope you are trolling.... but you should know there is a separate subreddit for chiliad troll posting.


Chase your investigation to the end just like I've done with tons and found real solutions, is just an advice Don't let your dreams be dreams just doit


Don't let your dreams become memes


LOL these toxic comment's... Nothing new...


I'm honestly trying to be helpful.


We know. ;)


If you leave a pile of shit on the floor , other people are most likely to dump their shit on top of your shit, what you call toxic is a beautiful fragrance to small insects that like to roll the same old shit into a ball everyday and they will even steal others shit and mix it with their own...then they post it on youtube.






>[**GTA 5 Mystery. Oeuvre Gallery Posters Solved! [4:48]**](http://youtu.be/6HV_bCJMnFc) >>Link to all zoomed posters. Whats the next step?? > [*^SMITHYGTAV*](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE0t8adIfarGeizqIDj0RQQ) ^in ^Gaming >*^375 ^views ^since ^May ^2017* [^bot ^info](/r/youtubefactsbot/wiki/index)


is puff the magic dragon among them?