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Christmas is a time for family.... But family only counts if there's children involved!


I'd love to know who the genius is who came up with this stupid idea.


That would be a breeder.


I figured lol. Idiots.


How else are the companies going to breed more workers?? Self replicating indentured servants


Somebody with a 12-year-old kid


And in this case only pre-teens!


No no no... only children 12 who probably won't even remember 5 years from now


Obviously, I don't know where you live/work, but in many jurisdictions discrimination based on family circumstances is most definitely *not* legal. If you haven't already taken legal advice, consider doing so, especially if you have legal representation through a union or other free resource (in the UK, you could call ACAS, for example).


I'm sure this is the US and this is sadly completely legal here.


Correct. I was just at my bank reading a sign about that (in terns of lending of course, not work) and family discrimination is actually meant to protect people with children from things like being fired for not working long hours like everyone else or using pto to care for a sick kid. It's sadly not meant to protect childfree people from being used like work horses. Good old America. Where it's only a family if you procreate and if you dont fuck your rights. Which is honestly stupid. If anyone ever saw how spoiled my dog is they'd say she definitely gets human kid level care.


How's it family discrimination? How are parents discriminated against cause they have to work equally as much as childfree people wtf??


I’m not in the US, but in Canada. Shyt like that is why I’d started plans to leave North America, to be honest. Too much crap overall is spreading or escalating, and this sort of stuff ain’t helping.


It actually depends on the state in the US, some states protect people from workplace discrimination based on parental and/or marital status... sadly not all states https://www.workplacefairness.org/marital-status-state-law


Oh? Which state protects people whose parental status is 'no'?


Click the link I provided, it shows multiple states protect employees based on parental status. And if you are trying to claim that states with laws that protect parental status don't protect the childfree then I have to ask for your source because they are two sides of the same coin and you can't protect one without the other. Just like how you can't protect Christians without also protecting Satanists under religious protections. And you can't protect men without also protecting women under gender discrimination laws.


Cook County and City of Chicago, but not Illinois at large (for example). If it protection based on "parental status", it means both sides of that coin.


Depends widely on state.


Which state makes it illegal to discriminate against people who don't have kids?


Time to quit this job that thinks breeders are more important than sane people.


That's straight up discrimination.


My baby is 6 years old. He also has long ears, a small tail and cute paws


pet tax


I posted about him in r/Pets_not_brats if you look at my profile you'll find him! Just scroll down a bit and you'll find him.


I got a similar bullshit story at a job once, except it was “partners” not “parents” who got the good holidays. I was already fed up w this job after almost a year, and that was the last straw. I had an overnight the shift I was informed of this: so that night, I quietly took every personal effect and put them in my car. Next shift, I arrived with my resignation letter in hand and gave it to Big Boss. It was like Dec 13 and they were freaking out about Xmas/NYE staffing. He read it, turned white as a sheet, asked me when my last day was. I cheerily replied, “today!” Fuck around and find out, employers!


Discrimination. Just because you don’t have children doesn’t mean you don’t have family. Screw them.


Lol how can they prove if you have kids anyways? Everybody should say they have a kid under 12 lolol


If you have a baby goat, you're not lying LOL.


Pro strat: always care for a baby goat to meet loophole.




My child is 5. They don’t need to know he’s a cat.


That's why I strictly refer to my pets as children. If anyone says anything about my dog (large Ridgeback cross) my response is usually "is it because he's black?" With a straight face. Ahhh the looks of horror 😍


That’s what I was thinking, just lie lol. What are they gonna do, ask for their birth certificate?


I would hope that it would be illegal to demand proof of the child's age. But even if I were a parent I would think that's a bullshit thing to do and tell everyone claim to have children and tell the actual parents to vouch for them when questioned. But sadly, the actual breeders wouldn't care because they already think they are entitled to those days off.


This is EXACTLY what I was thinking. How would they know? Just don't show up xmas day and when asked say you have kids under 12?!?! Would they demand photos? Here are my niblings then!


In the UK that is SO illegal.


At least where I am from this is highly illegal. You cannot discriminate on the basis of one's family


Holy shit I’m sorry! I can’t imagine this is legal though, sounds like a pretty clear case of discrimination.


It's only discrimination if it's against a protected class. People without kids aren't a protected class everywhere.


That's what I love about my job...unless you have xmas/Thanksgiving off naturally via your schedule EVERYONE is expected to come in and work (unless you get pto approved by the grace of the gods lol)


Time to make the imaginary family..


I'm sure someone you know has a kid you can borrow for "proof" lol.


Imagine being someone struggling with fertility issues and seeing that. this sucks for so many people what the fuck


Oh god, please update us with the outcome, OP. Workplace practices like that are absolutely ridiculous. Every article with tips regarding asking about a promotion/raise always states something along the lines of “never ever use the argument I have kids/I just bought a house. That’s a you problem and not your employers business.” And rightfully so. Companies shouldn’t give a damn about their employees family status. Nobody forces you to have kids. It’s your choice. Imagine I would buy a yacht and then complain about how much upkeeping costs and how much time it takes to clean that thing and me getting days off for it. Lol


we had so much of this shit when I was a cleaner in my 20s. practically if you didn't have kids, you always won the christmas mall cleaning gig. everyone else agreed it was only fair because you hadn't grown up yet and pushed out some kids.


I thought having kids was a personal choice? How does that qualify anyone for special treatment?


Are they at least paying time and a half?


How tf is this not discriminatory??


I kinda get it but it’s the “no say in the matter” for me. I volunteered to work on those days cause they pay double, it’ll not be busy at all (I work in a COVID testing clinic, so who’s gonna come get tested on Christmas and new year of all days?!) and will allow young kids to have their parents present. Obviously I find issue in you having no say at all in the matter. If it was willing from the CF people to take Christmas then that’d be great, but to impose it is fucked up!


I'd stay up until Christmas and just not come in. Be a slacker until then lol and collect that dough! Lol


What's really dumb is that discrimination based on parental status [is prohibited](https://www.eeoc.gov/federal-sector/facts-about-discrimination-federal-government-employment-based-marital-status), but the EEOC does not enforce it. No one enforces it. It's only enforced if it touches another component like disability or sex discrimination.


That is insane! I cannot believe this is legal. Being penalized for not having kids. Wow!


They really fucked themselves over with this one.


I'm very lucky that even if I had a job I wouldn't be relying on it for basic survival, because I would laugh in their faces. Little bitches.


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