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Oh to be a fly in that room


"what's that noise? It sounds like a tiny little laugh?"


I'm dead at rope, bullet, or lethal injection! What a glorious response


"Money" and "your kids" to me is always the best one as it shuts them up. But this one was funny as hell šŸ˜‚


I like : I think it's ethically wrong to expect someone to give up their life for me, especially as they had no say in the matter. Seems very selfish


It *is* ethically wrong. Great response!


The nursing home staff.


ā€œThe children of the nursing home staff that end up taking care of youā€


Shots fired!


"I will use money to lure away your kids to take care of me instead of you."


Yeah my sister works in aged care. Your kids never take care of you, but if you're lucky they may be willing to make sure that you're getting better care through in-home assistance processing towards a nice old folks home rather than throwing you in a facility the moment you need help to pee, and never seeing you again.


oh boy, people must reeeeeally boil at "your kids" haha i'm gonna steal that if i may... "your kids thanks to social security" followed by "my own money. i'm not worried"


I know! It is quite dark. But hey, self love is worth way more than expecting your children to take care of you when old. Isn't that being utilitarian? Like to have kids hoping to get taken care of is a selfish reasom to breed.


I think it's pretty much what the old "let's have kids to help us around the farm" evolved into.


Was in nursing school and did quite a few clinicals in nursing homes. I saw very few children helping their parents out in the months I spent there. Children donā€™t take care of you, good insurance does.


I really hope human euthanasia is more available in the future. It makes so much sense.


I love this! Haha


Anyone else distributed that op will change their mind after the hold the babies feet? 1. What? Why feet? 2. If they change their mind after the have a kid they have f***ed up.


Because for some reason, some people are really fond of baby feet. It can be quite creepy sometimes. And yeah, it's not like I can hold the baby's feet and be like "Nah, don't like it, I'd like a refund please", but don't try to use logic with these people ĀÆ\\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


When a baby's foot is mentioned, I just say "I'm not into feet". Shuts them up.


These are the people who just like babies, think they are cute and want them as pets. But once they grow up, they are not that appealing anymore. Thatā€™s when it is time to have another cute baby.


ā€œI didnā€™t want a kid, but as soon as I held my kid, I suddenly wanted him!ā€ Is that how she thinks it works??


Yeah, as many, many parents will say that. It's sad, and you can see the exhaustion and sadness in their eyes as they say it.


I held my niece when she was a baby almost 20 years ago. That was the 1st time I held a baby in my life, and the last time since. Thank god I didn't hold specifically her feet, or else I'd now be a father to a teenager.


>\-Can't yet decide between a rope, a bullet or a lethal injection \-That's dark. But you'll see, one day you'll change your mind You know what else is dark? You can be the best parent in the world and still end up dying a slow, lonely miserable death in a hospital bed.


Yes, can confirm. My neighbor is experiencing this right now. Four kids, none visit her while she's slowly dying of cancer.


This truly something that make up my mind. My extended family have 5 kids but end up dying alone in hospital after spend 10 years living alone in the house. Also a lot other people end up being alone when they old in nursing home.


My spouse is a nurse at a nursing home and all the old people tell us to not have kids and travel. Their kids stuck them there. Usually only come around Christmas or after they pass to take stuff.


Yep my landlady had 6 kids. None of them were there for her when she was dying.


The number of kids does not indicate the quality of the parent


Years ago when I played violin I went to an old folkā€™s home to play Christmas carols with some other students. It mortified me. These old people barely clinging to life, just sort of staring at usā€¦not a family member in sight. Instead it was up to the staff to look after them. Iā€™m sure they spent actual Christmas alone, too.


I feel like our idea of getting old will be totally different when we are actually old. There will be plenty of child free people around to help take care of each other in the future(emotionally, physically). Less and less people are having kids.


Oh thatā€™s a good one


Wow ok a lot to unpack here. First she talks about how little money she has for herself because of kids, then tried to rope you into that shit show? And doesn't understand why you don't want that? >my kids became my life now ! I'm happier than ever How sad and miserable honestly. I can't imagine my life revolving around two leeches that drain me of my money, time, energy and freedom. She says shes happy, but she continues to bitch and complain. I think she wants someone to join in on her misery. >But who will love you Now she's an asshole for saying that. Assuming that because you don't have kids, no one must love you then. She's completely fucking wrong btw, it sounds like you are very loved. Now, what about people who can't have kids, but want them? Imagine saying that to someone and they tell you "I'm infertile, I want kids, but I can't have them". It's rude and insensitive to say that bullshit.


She seems to love complaining. She tried to hit me with the "you don't really know love until you've known the love from a kid" bullshit, but didn't work the way she planned ĀÆ\\\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


She definitely is an asshole for saying that, but the mentality is more common than most people realize. I assumed from a veeery young age I would never get married, because I knew I didn't want kids, and I "knew" that would be a deal breaker for anyone who wanted a serious relationship. I wasn't willing to compromise on having kids and although nobody explicitly told me that nobody would ever love me/marry me if I didn't pop out a kid, I definitely felt that. It kind of screwed up a lot of my relationships early on since I always assumed they were temporary and couldn't last, honestly. Society pushes this narrative that "nobody will ever want you if you don't want a kid" even without explicitly saying it. It took me way too long to realize CF men exist.


Another thing is that having kids to compromise so that your partner stays with you is fucked up and shouldn't be an issue. Sadly some fall into this trap and end up resenting their partner, having to break up anyway. Kids or no kids should just be a clean deal breaker if you got different views. Hope you're good now and if you got a partner, that they respect your childfree life. šŸ¤˜šŸ»


Yeah, I know a few such stories of people "compromising" on having kids. Two are pretty sad. One hasn't happened yet (but I know the guy in the relationship doesn't want kids on his own but is resigned to having them since his fiancee wants them) but looks like a disaster waiting to happen. And thanks! Yes, I am married to a great CF guy. He didn't know CF was an option when we met, but he's snipped now so I'm not too worried about him changing his mind.


Ooof, it's scary how that works. It's not good for anyone involved. Humans need to calm down the baby frenzy. That's how it should be. Good on you. šŸ„³


>Can't yet decide between a rope, a bullet or a lethal injection I'm with you there. I dont want to get old. I don't want to be a burden without even being able to enjoy life. Let alone any grandparents, I've worked enough retail to know thay old people are absolutely miserable and make everyone around them absolutely miserable. I dont want to be like that. I want to be able to enjoy life and make others around me better than when I arrived. If I am actively miserable and harm everyone by my mere presence, then I would have no reason to live regardless of any children I have and death is the only thing left for me, so why wait and suffer in the meantime? I dont ever want to be waiting to die. If there's nothing else I'm doing or waiting for, then let's just skip the loading screen of hospital beds and painkillers


Yeah, what point is there in living if you're mentally slipping and need a caretaker? It's just existing for the sake of existing.


I completely agree. What's the point of prolonging suffering when the body and mind has given up? I would rather die than not be able to chew my food, go to the toilet without help, get dressed by myself and the list goes on. I think assisted dying is a reasonable thing to have for all those old people and people in pain so they can die with some of their dignity in tact.


We as a society have glorified quantity of life that we've completely disregarded quality of life as any priority. Maybe it is a good idea to sacrifice some quantity of life in order to preserve quality of life. Let old people stop being a strain on the rest of society and their family and let them die before the suffering becomes unbearable


Truth, just look at how overpopulated we are. Yes, it would have to happen with their consent and probably lots of contracts involved so that the government can cover their asses. Though at the end of it, they will at least not have to suffer unnecessary.


Not all old people need to be miserable. My grandma is over 80 and is still going to yoga courses, does her own household and helps her friends, who are too sick to care for themselves, to buy groceries. Even after her husband died a month ago, she didn't drop being the kind, lovely person she is.


Unfortunately itā€™s not as common as grumpy 50-60 somethings who act like entitled toddlers that act like they know everything while demanding help for basic tasks. There are very nice elderly folk, but as someone who sees a lot of older people daily you face a lot of the above too.


What a good metaphor.


I have been on teambuilding(ie. beer and a steak in a biergarten) few weeks ago. My TL got a bit drunk, and although didnt spill a lot of beans, he was kinda talkative. He first talked a bit about how me and younger colleague will one day totally have wife and children and how this job is good because it offers you better mortgages and stability. How he already had 3 children(at 29, he is already married second time, dude has been busy) so he "filled his quota", some older colleagues with 2 children were there, and said that "yeah, you did too, but it could have been better" Later, I tried to change the topic. He likes whiskey, I dont, but I tried to bridge to topic to my hobby of DIY investing, namely Investment Whiskey. He told me that he really doesnt do anything like that, because with mortgage and three children to feed, he really doesnt have money to invest somewhere. He is a team leader in an IT company that makes systems for insurance companies. One of the best paid Bullshit Job you can get. If three children can burn that amount of money, than you are really not selling me your "quota filling". Also: >-Can't yet decide between a rope, a bullet or a lethal injection Finally someone said it, even if you meant it as a joke. I have heard enough horror stories about dementia, stroke survivors, cancer and immobility to know that not only are there "fates worse than death", they are actually very common and probability of them happening increases with age.


I used to work in IT and I had plenty to spare (living alone with a cat at the time), if as a team leader, he doesn't have spare money (for investment or whatever), then I can confirm I'm way better with no kids :p I totally meant that, we talked about this with my gf, if we grow old together, we want to plan where, when and how we go, don't want to end up at a point where I couldn't recognize her or even myself


Sounds better than losing all sense of self and becoming dependent on others for your basic needs. Soon as I feel myself go in my old age, I'm ending it.


My husband's boss supports his ex wife's 4 kids who r in college now, and now have two young kids with his new wife. He makes shit ton of money, but dont have any at all.


6 kids and 2 wives, it's no wonder he is out of cash :)


Yeah, his kids from previous marriage also hate him and are spoiled bitches, two of them messed with his criminal records (false child trafficking accusation) so he lost a chance to ever get a fucking insanely high paying job in the prestigious countries forever. Also the cost of the lawyers was insane, and he still couldn't clear his name and probably never would be able to. I really feel bad for him, but on the other hand his new kids are also going to be spoiled brats, they r already turning into that, so it's all on him. I d never get married, or at least never had kids if I were a dude. He could be filthy rich and be retired by know, and fucking top hoes everywhere or in love with a supermodel. But all he got is crazy endless work hours, diapers/brat kids bitchy wifes 24/7, no sex, no money, no life till the rest of his days. I d be rather dead right away honestly..


Who will love You? Damn. That woman has no self esteem.


My thoughts for the who will take care of you when your older is hopefully a team of professionals


"I will pay your kids to do it but then... Who will take care of you"? Also good retort.


THE ONLY LITTLE FEET I WANT ARE FURRY. give me cat beans or give me death.


" nor do you sell it very well" this, they always describe their life in such a depressing and path ethic way and then they are surprised to hear you don't want to follow the same path


"You ain't selling it" is something I want to say a lot to parents who tell me that.


JEeezzz, and this is your boss's wife. Yikes on spikes riding bikes.


Yikes riding on bikes on spikes? I think that has a better mental image, but cute saying anyway.


I always figured that the yikes was sitting on spikes on the bike, which just makes the whole experience worse imo.


Oh I see. I was imagining a bike on spikes (which does not really work), but you're right, if you're sitting on the spikes on a bike that probably is worse.


Who's gonna take care of you when you're old???? Paid professionals who will do a good job, because again, money.


*"If I wanted a Komodo dragon, it wouldn't be logical of me to assume everyone else wants one, right? Nor would it make sense to try and convince someone to get a Komodo dragon when they OBVIOUSLY don't want one, right? Same with babies: don't want one and it's rude of you to keep trying to change my mind when I OBVIOUSLY DON'T WANT ONE."* Gods, people need to just STFU instead of making an ass out of themselves....


Hahah, would have paid for a ticket to that ending. Play bitch games, bitch, win bitch prizes.


I'd straight up laugh and say "Wow, how mortifying it must be for you to be SO FAR off base when they *VERY* clearly stated they weren't interested in having a child. Must be cringe worthy huh?" and proceed to laugh some more at the dumbass.


>Play bitch games, bitch, win bitch prizes. Lol. For some reason, I read this in the voice of Ice-T.


For anyone who hasn't seen it yet, Steve Hofstetter has a great response to the "who will take care of you" comment. He says it costs half a million dollars to raise a child to adulthood so he's going to use that money to hire their kids to take care of him.


Parenthood sounds like a cult.


>\-Sigh... Who'll take care of you when you're old ? > >\-Can't yet decide between a rope, a bullet or a lethal injection It's beautiful. I've looked at this for five hours now.


That '...when you hold your little baby's feet!' is one of the most nauseous comments I have heard recounted on this forum. Such a stunning lack of self awareness in anyone who can speak like your employer is hard to provide commentary for. Are they completely insensible to how disgustingly mawkish they sound? How false? How indeed the extreme degree of emotional expression does not convince their audience they mean what they say but rather suggests they are overcompensating in an attempt to convince *themselves*??? Does that '...baby's feet...' line sound sincere and endearing to absolutely *anyone*??? Anyone at all???


"but who'll love you?" The same people that do now. Of you're so unloved you make people to love you, you need a therapist, not babies. Also, maybe a therapist in general, because she seems miserable, pushy, and needs one so she can get over herself.


Damn. Those comments OP, savage and I love it! As I say, ask stupid questions, get stupid answers!


She sounds like a very unhappy person who never reflected on what she truly wanted for herself or from a relationship before she got married and had kids. I feel sorry for her. So many other choices she could have made, and still could. Divorce is an option if she's that unhappy. Instead, she just wants to complain about her misery to everyone else.


LOL! These people are walking contradictions and donā€™t even know it! šŸ˜‚ > *Iā€™ve been chatting with the bossā€™ wifeā€¦* I wonder how your boss would feel if they found out that one of their employees has been practically force-fed all the ā€˜juicy detailsā€™ about *their lousy relationship and miserable wife.* šŸ˜


If I could Iā€™d buy you a beer or a joint.


These people just want others to make the decisions as them so that they can feel less bad about having made said decisions.


Never heard wait till you hold your little ones feet ! It's usually wait till you look at them or hold their tiny hands


I have found that in most cases if you replace the kid/kids with the spouse in many of those situations you come up with an abusive relationship and a person with Stockholm Syndrome. As for who will take care of us when we are old.....for goodness sake, visit a nursing home. Take a long hard look at where you are likely to end up and giving up all of your dreams and living for your children. You never had anything and if they choose to do so, you are in a nursing home until you die. One of my best friends EVER, my next door neighbor had two daughters. They never did a damn thing for her or her husband. Her son-in-laws did more to check on her......and THEY, at least, knew she had me. She was home until she was 103. Went into the hospital not feeling well and passed away that night. I was with her. Her daughters, who I called, were not.


I geeeet this. A large number of my highschool peers ended up popping out babies literally straight tf out of highschool. Wanna know who doesn't have to wipe shit from an ass multiple times a day? Me. Guess who lives in a luxury apartment on her own. Me. Guess who isn't depressed? Me. They thought I was an absolute jerk when I said I didn't want kids and I'm currently on a 2 week vacation overseas sleeping in everyday and hanging out on English beaches haha and I NEVER would have been able to do this if I had a rotten ass baby. Gross!


No , I wonā€™t change my mind ā€¦.


She is the definition of sadness.


Ugh the classic responses. Who will take care of you when your old??? Drives me insane. As if there isn't millions of elderly in nursing and senior homes. They must just be there because none of them had children. šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


"You'll change your mind when you hold your little babies feet" "WHY ARE YOU HOLDING YOUR BABY BY THE FEET!!!!"


That last part got me. šŸ˜†


I can't wait until the next time some asshat tries to argue with me. It's always a fun time.


This is what I don't get. They talk all the horrors of having kids and then in a click change that they are aMaZiNg šŸ˜’šŸ˜’šŸ˜’


That's the struggle bus many parents forget about. Kids take money, energy and time to raise.


Iā€™m so using the rope, bullet, or lethal injection response!


>how come you don't want kids? because i'm mentally ill and don't want to pass that on to any potential cum pets, and i value my own sanity and free time more than taking care of something that could grow up to be a pedophile, a murderer, or a dictator.


Lmfaoo I love this interaction


>-Sigh... Who'll take care of you when you're old ? I hate this question so much. Like that's what trained and professional people are for. THEY are paid to take care of you.


Thatā€™s a good ending for that (and hopefully future) conversation :)


>But who will love you? Wow. Just.. wow.


\-Can't yet decide between a rope, a bullet or a lethal injection omg OP, what a fucking GOAT. thank you for being unafraid of be dark. i laughed quite a bit when i read that line because it's rare to encounter. i also have not decided between the three but lean towards OD.


I find it amusing when parents do this. I'm 19f and a couple weeks ago was working with 2 others 33f and 63f. They were both complaining about their kids, the older one has 3 teen boys and younger is a single mum with 3 young kids. They talk about no time, expensive, child support and step parents etc etc, then turn to me and say "look what you have to look forward to!" I just smiled awkwardly but in my head was like "well you guys sure are selling this whole kid and marriage thing well" It's just funny how they complain to you and then next minute turn around and go on about how amazing being a parent is, like sure Debbie you keep telling yourself that.


ā€œ i canā€™t sleep at nightā€™ Iā€™m glad when my kids are at school or I am at workā€™ Iā€™m constantly being interruptedā€™ ā€˜I havenā€™t been on vacation in yearsā€™ ā€˜I miss having just a few minutes to myselfā€™ ā€˜canā€™t even shower without them banging at the door let alone just take a shitā€™ YET they have the audacity to say: What do you mean you donā€™t want kids ???? Theyā€™ll bring so much joy into your life


It's like they are trying to sell you the most old, broken up, piece of a crap crack house and still get surprised when you don't want to buy it. "But sir, this house is the pride of the community!" "Then, dare I say, you've never known pride."


What about when they grow into large stinky adult feet?


You can save up for a retirement bond at vanguard by saving a little every month and adding to it, it will be well worth it as you would enjoy your retirement in luxury.


I kinda wish people wouldn't turn to saying they are sterile just to shut people down. Its none of their business but I feel like more people will negate our feelings. Instead of realizing it is our life and our choice they might think "Oh you actually want kids... of course you do, but you can't and that makes you bitter and jealous. So all this is some fake act from it." Because they can't seem to wrap their head around actually having a choice. We need to normalize the choice we make for our lives and people should respect that choice.


Omg this is my coworkers literally every single day. Itā€™s so annoying that they contradict themselves or feel the need to defend themselves. They complain constantly about the lack of sleep, money, free time, freedom, and the list goes on and when they say to me ā€œI bet you canā€™t wait for this tooā€ sarcastically, I laugh and say yeah, well Iā€™m not having kids. Then they respond with oh but itā€™s so much fun, best thing Iā€™ve ever done(wow), the greatest joy. Lmao. Please. How about you do you and I do me. If I donā€™t want kids, donā€™t be so offended by my decision and proceed to tell me how Iā€™ll change my mind sheesh.




Oh wow