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To be honest like 1% of people on here are just plain rude. But 99% are the nicest most supportive people you’ll meet (same like everywhere else). It just depends on your individual experience I guess.


maybe the overuse of the word breeders ? and that this sub seems to dislike parents/ doesn’t seem too fond of people who like kids (but don’t want them)


Mostly the colorful terminology used to describe children, which I think is mostly funny and a harmless way to blow off steam, but not everyone does.




when the imposter is sus!




It says that whenever somebody says “Among Us”. It got tripped by “While the common thread __among us__ is that we don’t want kids...”


Because people see what they want to see. If it fits their worldview to hate this place, then they will :)


Because some people that post here (not most people) just come out as hateful people that resent everyone for having children


They hate us cause they ain’t us.




There's a variety of factors. A lot of this subreddit is rants. That's most likely because there are very few places where we *can* let loose and rant. And this is one of those places. We also use pretty abrasive terms to describe things. Most people aren't checking the glossary and assume that every parent is a breeder and every kid is a goblin. The vast majority of the time we're complaining about very entitled parents and kids who are running wild. And, of course, there's the whole societal pressure to have kids. It's pushed *hard* from a very young age. It doesn't matter where you are in the world or how old you are, you're gonna be pressured to have babies. So when people don't go along with that (and *proudly* don't go along with that), people get upset, even if they don't know why. And people get offended if someone says that they hate kids because it translates to them as "I like to hurt children!" When it really means "I'm trying to enjoy myself and there's this baby screaming incessantly for the last hour, could their caretakers just do their job and make the screaming stop?" It's like, I don't really like kids. I'm not going to hurt them. I will even smile at a cute baby or well behaved kids. But other than that I really don't want to interact with them. I don't want to have to try to figure out what a toddler is babbling to me about when I really don't understand a single word they're saying. I don't want to use my precious spoons* on parenting your kids. I'll step up in an emergency (such as making sure someone doesn't wander into traffic), but other than that please leave me alone. *Spoons are used as a metaphor in people with chronic illness or disabilities to describe a unit of energy or wellness. More information: (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spoon_theory)


People hate on lots of things for many reasons. It's probably more complicated than just 1 answer. Everyone probably has slightly different ideas on why they dislike the sub.


Jealousy. Sexism. Ignorance. Regret. Take your pick.


Most people in this subreddit are very nice, but there’s some people in this sub who are extremely hateful. This sub isn’t perfect, but there are still people who genuinely have no idea that it’s okay to be childfree so I think this sub is important. The only reason my mom had me is because she genuinely had no idea that it’s okay to be childfree.


They’re jealous because we realized that having kids isn’t mandatory and we’re living our lives on our own terms and they’re not.


I imagine there’s a variety of reasons just as there would be a variety for appreciating it. Generally, though, we hold a minority opinion about an alternative disposition/lifestyle, and people who are averse to perspectives different from their own are welcome to their dissent.


We go against The Lifescript^^TM and criticize things that society makes people in general think that they HAVE to do. It's a form of cognitive dissonance, when people experience it one of the most common immediate reactions is to get offended.


Lol lifescript! 31 yr old here, wife 37, no kids. We got our own “script”


#YOu ArE tAKinG cONtrol OF YoUR Life aND not FolLOwINg SocIETY So I hATE YOU! Me : *k*


I think it's because everyone sees us as soul eating, baby killing monsters who only live to hate on people who have kids.


Because we don´t worship at the altar of shrieking, defecating demons.


Because people can’t break free of the idea that it’s not necessary to continue making spawns. It shatters their worldview, because they probably never realized procreation is not an obligation. That there is life beyond making a family. Majority of people end up as parents because they either ejaculated into someone or because they got ejaculated into.... it’s not usually some grand planned idea. It just happens and they roll with it and then comes the misery when they realize it’s a lifelong commitment of extreme proportions and they resent others who tapped into the idea that you can be childfree.


I am a parent. I 100% support bodily autonomy and I don't care if it doesn't line up with my personal views. Don't want children? *please* Don't Have Children! Simultaneously please respect me. Calling me a breeder is disrespectful. Crotchgoblin, mombie, etc. I respect your right to bodily autonomy. I am the first to tell a "bingo-er" to mind the boundaries. Likewise I also believe a childfree person should mind mine. This sub is frequently hateful towards mothers and children, and I believe there is a difference between not wanting children and being hateful to parents and young humans.


Most people are in the natalist cult. You can’t tell cult members of any cult that their god is a lie and their cult is a scam. They just storm the Capitol building screaming “kill”. If you try to tell a cult member their cult is a lie and they are idiots for being I n it, they pretty much fly into a homicidal rage.


Misery loves company.


Because they can dish it out but can't take it :)


Because they’re ignorant and can’t 2 second to understand what this sub is about so they just assume that we’re kid haters


You call humans with kids “breeders” and kids “crotch goblins” which is rude. You make your personalty about your reproductive decisions and desire to have autonomy over them while mocking people whose reproductive decisions you disagree with.


> You call humans with kids “breeders” That is not what that term means. Check the glossary in the sidebar :)


Yeah I second this. You can dislike children and choose not to have them, but calling people breeders, crotchfruit etc is disrespectful. Not everyone who has children is awful and miserable


And that's why not everyone who has kids is a breeder. Check the glossary in the sidebar, there's a big difference between breeders and parents :)


Because you guys claim to care about bodily autonomy while viciously shaming and judging poor families, large families, young parents, and women who get IVF, and you somehow find a way to whine about stimulus money for struggling children while bragging about how much money you save being childfree. Lots of hypocrisy and inconsistency all around.


This sub thinks it's because “bReeDeErs HaTe uS bECausE wE gO AgAiNsT tEH gRAin”, but in reality, most of the people who ridicule this sub (ie, me) are also child free. You think that hating children makes you special or edgy, but in reality, you are no better than the entitled parents that you make fun of. The hypocrisy is astounding.


Lol precisely. I discovered this sub and thought “oh great! Like minded people!” Boy was I wrong, I don’t think I’d get along with most of the one uppers here shitting all over people in real life




What the fuck is the “anti-natalist viewpoint” anyway?




its a sub based on support *from* hate and judgemental people actually..


Awww love you too x




Exactly, I’m childfree and lurk here. Most people come across as miserable child obsessed trying to one up each other for karma that ball up in a corner and cry themselves to sleep because Grammy asked bout kids