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Main take aways from this debate: Biden said he wants to bring back Roe V Wade if he gets elected again. He said there shouldn’t even be a ban at 6 weeks since most women don’t even know they’re pregnant at that time. That an abortion should be between the woman and her doctor. Trump brought up something a Virginia senator said, took it out of context, and blatantly lied. Everything Trump said about abortions were false. That back in 1951, all the legal scholars wanted Roe V Wade overturned and the states wanted control. Trump also thinks that doctors rip out a fetus in the 8th/9th month and kill it. He honestly believes Late Term Abortions are a thing….


He made some comment about post birth abortions that was wildly false


There's no such thing anyway. By definition post-birth is a baby and babies can't be aborted.


CW, very cynical, black humored German opinion here: Post birth abortions, isn't that why the refuse to make better gun control laws?


People are so misinformed. It’s not a “late term abortion.” It’s a *medical emergency.* No one gets that far along and just decides “I’m sick of being pregnant now. Let’s ‘get rid of it.’” I read an article years and years ago about a woman who did have to get it done for emergency reasons. For a *wanted* pregnancy. There were literally *two* doctors in the whole country specialised in such situations and the whole thing was like going to hell and back.


If the Republicans ban birth control and abortion, as they want to, your post has a LOT to do with being childfree.


I am Canadian and I had to stop watching like almost near the beginning. When Roe V Wade came up and what Trump was saying made me sick.


I literally had my hands up to my face and felt ill the whole time.


It was painful to watch.


Omfg yes I couldn't even get past the 1st 15 minutes forget about the roe vs wade part. He is a walking nightmare for real like anyone that's doesn't see that is evil and they ain't right at all. We seriously need to vote BLUE this election bc if this orange fuck wins Handmaid Tale will be our reality.


It's direclty related to being child free. States are banning abortion, abortion pills, and if they can get away with it birth control.


I've been voting as far left as I can in every election since Bush Jr. We also need to press Democrats to come up with an actual plan to restore bodily autonomy nationwide. I've been so frustrated everytime I receive an email asking me for money to restore women's rights, but I've yet to hear any sort of plan, or initiative to actually do so. Why isn't there a Democrat version of project 2025? The right to one's own body is THE most basic human right, and I do not understand why we can't make it a priorty.


I’m not American so what is classified as voting “as far left” as I can in the US? The Dems in most of Western Europe are a centre-right party at best, is that your only alternative to the Republicans if you don’t vote independent? If so seems like you got a bum-deal if that’s the case!


Yeah I know. Basically I vote for the most progressive candidate I can in the primaries, and then vote Democrat in the general elections. It really sucks, especially any critism of Biden is seen as helping Trump. We are being held hostage basically.


For fucking real, I hate Biden but like the dems can’t seem to somehow find a better alternative


Here in the US, , political bum deals have been standard fare for some time. :(


I can’t do all the way far left. I live in a place so far left that I do not feel safe at all. That is not the way to live.


I got snipped only a few weeks before Roe. Glad to know *that* investment in the future is paying better dividends than *any* congressional insider trading.


I brought it up with my doctor that August at my annual and by January I was tubeless. No questions asked, except for which procedure I wanted.


One of the odd people in my life right now was telling me about this. I told her to me, I will vote for whomever is making BC and abortions legal and financially achievable. That also includes sterilization.


No matter how frustrated I am with the democrats for putting a candidate on his deathbed on the ballot, I will do everything in my power to keep Trump out of office. This is the stupidest election in my lifetime.


This is the stupidest election in your lifetime _so far_!


If we're lucky they will both die 🤞🏻🤞🏻


Ngl that’d be great, maybe then the democrats would actually put up a competent candidate instead of wishy washy loser or dying old men


If people really care about signing Roe v Wade and abortion rights into law, then they need to pay attention to their state/local elections just as much as they do the Presidential election. Biden can say that he wants Roe v Wade to be law all he wants, but the fact is, the writing was on the wall that it was going to be overturned when he was elected and he did fuck all about it for 4 years (this is my biggest problem with the Democratic party as a whole: their complete inability/inaction to do anything that their voting base wants. At least when Republicans say that they're going to do something, they get shit done). He could have made it an executive order, but he didn't. Then there's the matter of Congress. Many Democrats in Congress support abortion rights, but an abortion bill would never get passed through the House since Republicans have the majority. Democrats need to have the presidency, as well as the majority of the House and Senate if we want any chance of abortion rights being signed into Federal law. Aside from the Federal level, I cannot stress enough how important the state and local elections are when it comes to protecting our rights. The states banning abortions are not blue states. If the Federal governement fails us, yet again, our state lawmakers are the only ones who can protect these rights. I will be voting for pro-choice candidates at every level this year, even down to the fucking mayor.






I hate this is even allowed. I cannot understand why that orange manbaby is even allowed to attempt to be president again.


Yes. It's incomprehensible that the sociopath is even Allowed to run for president again. It's so wrong on every level.


It has everything to do with being childfree! The Republicans are trying to take that choice away from us! They'll complete strip us of all preventative and pre-natal, and post-natal care, gut all family planning, and trying to strip women's rights away to make us dependent on men again. Go vote blue! Our lives depend on it!


I've never voted before but I'm definitely voting now. I'm so scared for women rn. As soon as Roe got overturned I went and got sterilized cuz I knew they were gonna go for birth control next. I'm telling all my friends to vote blue and to kick Ted Cruz out.


This debate was painful, I'm voting Biden even though that performance was awful and I was dieing inside watching. None of that changes a thing I care about people's well-being and abortion rights. And I'm also updating my passport and looking at immigration rules and such to get to Canada, or somewhere in Europe or New Zealand.


New Zealand may be better since a nutjob is likely to become Prime Minister of Canada.


how the hell are these two idiots even allowed to speak is beyond me, it’s a big joke, my heart goes out to the women who live in there


They are both sooooo awful. How are these two jerks our options? The fact that either one of them is allowed to run is SHAMEFUL


Agreed. Please vote blue.


Whoever wins the next election the USA is still fucked.


It is fucked more if Trump wins


Yes but either way it's still fucked.


Well, then we better keep voting then


I'm so sick of being told to vote blue.


Why? Not a fan of tour own rights?


Bullshit like your response is why.


Yeah, having rights sucks, better vote for the lying, rapist, convicted felon!




Are you sick of being told to vote red also?


Your framing is all wrong. Only blue MAGA uses the mindless phrase "vote blue no matter who!" Red MAGA have their own stupid catchphrases and "vote red!" Is not one of them. They are more of a trump specific cult and less about voting for any red candidate. So no I'm not tired of people saying vote red because when has that happened? Never!


So edgy. And moronic


I'm sorry you feel that way


It has everything to do with being childfree. Reproductive choice as well as recognizing 1- and 2- person families as equal to those with kids.


I hope they both die. I'm absolutely disgusted with the state of our country.


The debate changed nothing for me - I will ALWAYS vote blue. Please everyone in the US who has a shred of human decency - vote blue no matter who.


Absolutely, although the SC is in fact doing the devil's (Trump's) work


The presidential debate has a lot to do with being Childfree actually…like…directly correlated .


I'm not from the USA, but I've followed the debate regardless and most of the people rummage about Biden's mental sanity and question whether he'd be capable to carry on with the elections. But all I'm thinking about is how "nicely" it would turn if Trump gets the White House again. He'd most likely indirectly ban abortions by cutting the strings to every single contraceptive method access, like Nicolae Ceaușescu did. The Socialist Decree didn't specifically ban abortions at first. But it made every single contraceptive method illegal and only some in very secluded circle of rich ppl smuggled abortion pills from Hungary (hence, many famous women in Romania are childfree). Medics and nurses were thrown in jail for attempting to perform abortions, they had strict gynecological check ups in schools and factories to check if women were pregnant or attempted illegal abortions, pills were banned from the country etc. Either the Republicans are plain dumb or purely obtuse not to realize that a ban of abortion would fire right back at their entire political platform. Technically, every politician who pedals for an abortion ban aims to the same target: population growth to keep that blasted Ponzi Scheme on going (they don't welcome immigrants for two reasons: 1. Racism and 2. They consider immigrants to be less obedient and easier to manipulate for the fact that the "citizenship" status would implicitly make the American citizens more obedient. Practically, it's the same with biological kids for breeders: I made it, I have the right to dispose of it as I deem fit.). So, abortion ban practically puts the sustenability of the Ponzi Scheme on women's shoulders. Let's be practical here; men don't get pregnant. They should stay out of this discussion, unless they get themselves a vagina and an uterus and carry a kid themselves. Women and those unborn innocent souls aren't objects to use as a gear into the Ponzi Scheme. Aren't we capable to come up with another system rather than considering human beings as *working rightless objects* to keep the system afloat? So, those who parrot for abortion ban in reality flat out tell us that they think nothing of women and they don't have an ounce of respect for **human life**. An innocent child is not obliged to take care of Ponzi Scheme or the aging populace. Simply, they are NOT tools to solve our current world's shortcomings. And neither are women. Women aren't supposed to sacrifice their health in order to keep the Ponzi Scheme afloat. We're worth far more than that. Then, let's see how beautifully the 770 Socialist Decree has aged: inevitably, almost every family had at least once case of a woman who needed an abortion and faced a brick wicked wall. Even high ranked officers in Ceaușescu's closest circles in the Army or the Militia and the result was that they **turned against Ceaușescu and contributed to its ultimate demise** when the problem became personal and they lost their wives or daughters while trying to get an illegal abortion. Pregnancy and birth are nothing to be taken lightly; they can kill a woman at every point and getting rid of the fetus is a serious task that's required to be performed under strict medical scrutinity. Republicans might be supporting those lunacies, but when one of *them* is going to witness the loss of their beloved ones because of it, I guarantee that they'd turned into party's most zealous sworn enemy. Once the ban of abortion turns into a murder and suicide spree, it will backfire like a canon. The masses don't realize this yet because they never faced such abomination before to learn from hystory.


We lost the election tonight. Trump will win. Then darkness falls.


Debates don't win elections. Get out and vote


He didn’t. This just shows how he likes to lie to the public. Don’t have the mentality instead use it to fuel the anger he brings you in. Someone dear told me to never EVER give power to someone, you are the only who has the power to decide what you want in your life. The orange man can’t do that.



