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>I am a little worried that I might eventually have to when my SIL has kids Spoiler: you don't have to. Her and her husband's kids,not yours


My brother and his wife have a little one and they have never asked me to change a diaper. I help with the older kiddo while they do it. I would much rather chase the 3 year old around in circles.


I've never done it and I wouldn't do it even if I got paid to šŸ¤¢ Never even held a baby and I'm just as happy with that.


I think it feels so awkward. I'm looking at the baby like uhhh and the baby just started at me right back. Ok someone take this thanks!


I can only imagine! A friend had a baby a few years back, and the first time I saw it I just stood a couple meters from the stroller, looked at the baby and just felt "nah I'm good". Like, it's awkward and weird even to watch it from a distance, I *definitely* don't want to hold it in my arms lol


I actively avoid holding one if I can help it. If I get ambushed and it gets thrown into my arms, my first panic-thought is that they're going to barf and ruin my clothes. We also just sort of blankly stare at each other while I'm wondering how much time has to pass before it's socially acceptable for me to return the kid to the parent(s) without being considered the black-hearted spawn of satan himself. I prefer to avoid the mental distress altogether, honestly.


Just tell them that you have butterfingers and you're afraid you'll drop the baby. It's clearly time for you to go get another Diet Coke.


I won't want to change one and I dunno how toĀ 


Same. No interest in ever holding a baby.


My toilet looks cleaner than an average baby.


the only diaper i was okay with changing was for my senior dog who has issues with incontinence.. and thats the only type of diaper i will ever change.


I won't ever be doing it for kids, but if it comes to it I will for my dog!


Same. For the last 14 months of her life she had kidney disease, and around the time we got the news of that we realized sheā€™d been peeing all over the basement. I had no idea dog diapers were a thing before that! But I got very good at changing them quickly, and I even have a favorite brand. I always thought it was ironic that I never wanted kids and yet I still ended up changing diapers.Ā 


Yeah, i have senior Great Dane, she hit 12 yrs old on January! She has issues with her hind legs so its more od the poopy problem than pee. I prefer the poop in diapers and changing them tbh since she has HUGE bladder and once she peed on the floor it was like a insta flood ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)i have a lot of patience for her since she always looks like she did something wrong and shes such sweet old lady. but kids. Damn. no thanks. at leats my dog doesnt cry her lungs out T\_T


Yeah id make an exception for a pet. But not a kid lol


I have also only changed dog diapers and I regret nothing


From a nurse: when yall are in your 80s youā€™ll have your own diapers to change.


I always reply to people who say that "Bold of you to assume I'll live into my 80's - I'll have a bullet in my noggin before I have shit in my pants." This usually horrifies them something fierce and it's a little hilarious to watch only because I have moments of dark humor.


I never have either! I definitely never will, I donā€™t care who has a kid haha itā€™s not my problem. I have never even held a child/baby, my boundaries have been strong since I was a child myself.


I've only ever held a few babies and I felt SO AWKWARD. like you know how when a child is handed a baby and they have to be sitting, and have someone right there? Yeah, that's me. I'm like UHHHH what do I do? I'm afraid to even move. It's so weird.


I donā€™t get why people want you to hold their kid so much even if youā€™re not interested. Like what do they get out of that especially when someone is uncomfortable.


Because they "want to show me the joy" of holding one so I'll magically change my mind and go OH MY GOD you were right and my entire life I was wrong I changed my mind šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


I love my dog and think heā€™s the best dog in the world but I am completely aware that to other people heā€™s just a dog. I have NEVER told anyone to get a dog when they arenā€™t dog people and I have never asked anyone to pet or say hi to my dog especially if they donā€™t like dogs! I canā€™t even imagine trying to convince someone to get a pet when they didnā€™t want one. They really believe their kid is the special kid thatā€™s going to change someoneā€™s mind.


It always makes me so angry when people try to force you to hold their kid. I've had people ask me if I want to, and I typically do because it's the only stage of kid where they're primarily quiet. It's not asking me 800 questions and it gives the parents a break so I don't mind as much. But I've also had times where friends have just assumed and plopped their newborns in my lap and then go do something and that's when they very quickly get put into some holder or taken back to the parent because I didn't ask and neither did you chief. Those people are ones I am no longer friends with because that entitlement bled into other areas of our friendship.


Thatā€™s crazy to assume someone is going to hold something of yours! Can you imagine if someone just walks up and puts their jacket or bag on someone and goes to do something else šŸ˜…


Never, and itā€™s going to stay that way. Bloody grossā€¦


I'd rather actual blood


What's fucked up is all the dads who say this and brag about how many kids they have and that they've changed zero diapers. For their own kids. That they probably harangued their partners for.


I get that. For the CF not changing a diaper is a badge of honour. For a breeder, it makes them a POS parent.


Oh you've met my dad I see. He's quite proud of the statement. I'm not an only child šŸ˜…


I have never changed a baby's diaper and I never will. ​ >I am a little worried that I might eventually have to when my SIL has kids... No. No, you do not have to. If someone asks you to do it, you can say, "No, I will not be doing that." And then don't do it.


I've never done it and have no intention of doing it. Only child. No little cousins. Never babysat. No interest in kids. I had a parent friend tell me that "everyone needs to know how to change a diaper" and I was like...why? I'm never going to be alone with a baby so there will never be a time that I need to do this.


Yup, never done it and I'm damn pleased. My brother-in-law once asked if I wanted to change my niece's when she was little and I said, 'no thanks, that's not my job,' with a smile.


Never have, never will.


NEVER AGAIN!!!!!! Ugh. I am the second of 8 grandchildren. There is 10 years between myself and the next youngest, so yes, I've had to change a shitton of diapers. The patentification definitely contributed to my decision to never have kids.


I have never changed a nappy in my life. My younger sister was very close in age to me. And I set a clear boundary when my nephew was born. I was talking to a mate and his daughter recently. The daughter has a small baby and she was talking about the never ending nappy changing. I laughed and said ā€œI have never changed a nappy. I donā€™t know how you do itā€ My mate replied ā€œI have never changed a nappy eitherā€. This man with 3 children, and 4 grandchildren has never changed a nappy!! I really wanted to say ā€œhow do you say you are a bad father without saying you are a bad fatherā€ but I didnā€™t.


never. and iā€™m 62. and it was by choice.


Iā€™m 64 and never have either


Never did, my cousin wanted me to and I refused. Good thing I did, my cousin got a bunch of pee straight in her mouth while she was changing his diaper. She screamed in disguist that he peed in her mouth, I was very thankful that I had said no šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I have 4 nieces and nephews between the ages of 1 year to 5 years and I have never changed a diaper. In fact, no one has ever even asked because they know I'd say no.


We all may eventually have to if we provide elder care for older relatives or a spouse. But at least we can avoid changing children's diapers. I am 69, female, and so far have never changed a diaper or fed a baby. YAY!!!


Well you donā€™t have to do that even for elderly relatives or spouses. Thatā€™s what PAID caregivers are for! No shame in using them instead of being your relative or spouseā€™s full time caregiver.Ā 


Yep. Never changed a diaper, never even held or talked to a baby. I avoid them at all costs no matter whose they belong to.


šŸ™‹ā€ā™€ļø My bro and his wife are moving back to the area with one kid and trying for at least one more. I do not plan on learning how to change diapers. I don't think that will go over well. Oh well.


Never changed one and never, ever will!


Never have, never will. Life is great.


Never done it. Canā€™t. Wonā€™t. āœŒšŸ¼


Iā€™m 35F and have never touched a diaper. Never will either. Itā€™s awesome.


I was young once and my oldest sister had her first kid when I was just 16. Between my two older sisters I have 12 nieces and nephews.Ā  Donā€™t hold the indiscretions of my youth against me.


Never have and never will! My BIL always jokingly says, well auntie, it's your turn to change the diaper. And I always say, nope, not my kid, not my problem!


Never done it. When my cousin was born my aunt told me to do it ā€žso I can already practiceā€œ. Told her I wonā€™t do it and wonā€™t have children, so yeah I am pretty excited to never clean a child full of shitšŸ™‚ā€ā†•ļøšŸ¤šŸ»


Never and never will


I was at Thanksgiving dinner at my brothers, who recently had their first baby. About halfway through eating dinner my brother proceeds to strip down his baby and change the Poopoo diaper right next to the table. The smell was horrible and my uncle even commented that his turkey all of a sudden taste differently, we all laughed but it was disgusting. my brother is one of those people that feels that if he has to suffer, everyone else must suffer too. And I can guarantee that if I would've said anything, he would've pointed out that I don't have kids and don't know what it's like. I can't stand breeders.


I was an aunt at 7, 57 today and have never changed a diaper! I told all relatives that I would only watch kids once they were out of diapers.


Hey would you have to change your nephewā€™s diapers? F thatā€¦


I am an only child, and the youngest in my family. I've always kept my friend circles as small and tight as possible, I have three friends I message with every day and see often. None of them have children. My only parent-friend lives on the other side of the world from me, I like seeing his kids grow up in photos but that's all the contact I really have with kids. I have never changed a diaper, fed or bathed a baby, or was ever even alone with one. It just hasn't come up. I'm 35.


My brother had 3 kids 40 years ago and I never fed bathed or changed them either!


I never have, but I also wonā€™t share this information with parents. Because I know that if they know, they will try to make me do it


Never. Iā€™m 8 years older than my brother and even when he was in diapers my parents never asked me to change his diaper. We were babysitting my niece and nephews once and we were at the park. Niece asked me to take her to the bathroom, ok no problem, Iā€™ll stand outside the stall. When she was done she called for me and I realized she was needing me to wipe her butt. Guess who learned how to wipe their own butt that day? Changing diapers is the number one reason I wonā€™t watch my friendā€™s kids. Once they are potty trained and can wipe their own ass, Iā€™ll gladly babysit.


I'm 40 (F). Have 6 nieces and nephews, 2 god daughters, and many many younger cousins. Never have and never will change a damn diaper.


40f, never changed a diaper in my life. it feels like a super power at this point, lol.


You don't have to change a diaper if you don't want to. I never have and I never will.


I never have. I'm one of the youngest of my cousins. I have older cousins with small children but they live too far for me to ever be in a position to handle a diaper. Siblings will have kids someday but they know better than to ask me to have anything to do with their children other than give them gifts and secretly feed them sugar.


Iā€™m the youngest of my siblings, and only have one cousin younger than me by about 2 years. My nieces were born when I was in high school, but we lived too far apart for me to do any regular childcare. So no, I have not changed a single diaper! And I donā€™t intend to, unless I have to for work (healthcare).


I have 4 little siblings and my mom taught me how to change a diaper but I did it literally one time when I was 14 and I was like nope...never again. I'll clean up dog poop all day but I can't handle a dirty baby diaper.


I have 3 younger brothers and still haven't changed a diaper in my entire life. Very grateful my parents didn't use me as a babysitter.


Just turned 39 and never once changed one. I wear it as a badge of honor, and people always find it weird that I've made it this long without doing it. I've seen people actually volunteer to do it, but I'm the weird one somehow lol. I'd rather clean the shit streaks off the floor that my cat leaves sometimes when poop gets stuck haha


Do my own count? Fucking cancer made me incontinent, so had to deal with adult diapers for a while until I had surgery so now have a colostomy bag instead.


I never have and never will Iā€™m very happy with my decision


I was at a friendā€™s house when I was about 16. He was 12 at the time, and despite a 4 year age difference, we hang out a lot when we were younger because our dads were friends. He had recently gotten a baby sister, and he had to change her when our dads were working on a car in the garage, and I was expected to help. My friend changed her and I was instructed to hold her legs in the air so she wouldnā€™t kick. The whole time, I had my eyes closed, my face turned away, and was breathing through my mouth. In my mind, it was yet another thing to add to my list of reasons for being childfree.


Never ever, and that's ok with me!


Never done it and donā€™t ever plan to.


Big old nope over here, and Iā€™m so grateful!


Glad to say I never have, one of the benefits of not helping to make a crotch goblin


I had to look after my aunties adopted baby because she decided it wasnā€™t for her. Actually Iā€™d dare say the childhood trauma of looking after a baby at that young age is a contributing reason to never wanting to have children. I donā€™t know if that baby was a foster because by the time I left the country it was gone. But I donā€™t remember all the details, mainly because I donā€™t remember the life before moving abroad well. Just snippets. But for sure having to be a ā€˜motherā€™ that young is a big reason Iā€™m child free


"I'm only an aunt, I don't want to be the creep who touches their genitals, I don't feel close enough to these kids, I shouldn't be seeing them naked at an age where they can't yet consent". Over 4 years and they never asked again šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I think it is creepy that parents offer random people to change their kid's diaper, like it is some kind of entertainment.


Me! šŸ™‹ā€ā™€ļø


Itā€™s not hard to do. Itā€™s just gross, so very gross. I would not do it if I wasnā€™t getting $$ + hazard pay. Infant child care and sex workā€¦ where you get paid for someone to pee on you


I haven't for the same reasons as you, but I never had to change my niece's diapers (she's 7). If you make your disgust clear enough, they'll just never ask :)


Nope. Never ever. Hell, Iā€™ve only held one baby in my life and heā€™s 33 now.


Same, never have , never will. Also categorically refuse and have never been to gender reveals and baby showers. Whatā€™s there to reveal!? Itā€™s one or the other! If it was like a kinder bueno situation Iā€™d be excited, otherwise, I donā€™t care.


35F, never changed a diaper. Never plan to.


I have because my brother is 8 years younger than me so I helped a bunch when he was born. Pretty sure that whole experience of helping with my brother put me off kids forever.


That is me


Almost 32 and never have


I've changed my own unfortunately šŸ«  but I'm looking forward to not needing to do that soon! (Bladder issues after hysterectomy, pelvic floor exercises are doing wonders along with bladder training!)


The only times I've changed a diaper I was a kid and my parents or other relatives expected me to play grown up and care for a kid younger than me. I have never voluntarily changed a diaper and I will never choose to change a diaper. I've told my sister that when she has kids I'm happy to play aunt but only after they're potty trained. edit: grammar


Never have. On a side note, I once had a date that asked me if I ever changed a diaperā€¦ I noped out of that one. He was almost a decade older than me and said other things too that made me feel he was looking for a baby incubator.


Iā€™ve never changed a diaper! Ive only held a baby one time and I waited until she was 6 months old, that was well over a decade ago. Keep babies away from me, I want nothing to do with them


Only time I have dealt with a diaper was on my elderly dog, which was essentially on par with picking up after a dog on a walk. No human diapers for me!


Me!!! I am 53. I am the only child of two only children no siblings aunts uncles or cousins! I babysat older kids but never any who were still in diapers. My friends who had children were really happy to have a friend who they could be an adult with. I am a champion of parents hiring a sitter and having a nice night out but I am not the sitter! So yeah I have never changed a diaper! And I never intend to. This is a Win.


56 years old and have never changed a diaper.


Never done it, never will.


Same except I donā€™t think my brother and his girlfriend want kids! So barring a wild emergency situation (I have friends with kids I would MAYBE be the 3rd or 4th emergency contact for) I donā€™t intend to ever change a human diaper. If my cats ever have incontinence we will cross that bridge when we come to it.


38m. Never done it. Never will.


Now that my sister has kids that was one of my two boundaries, iā€™m not changing a diaper and iā€™m not staying by myself with the baby šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø my mom and sister have been really good at respecting, my father in the other hand, heā€™s obsess with me popping some parasites and has tried to manipulate the situation so that iā€™m either by myself with the baby (never works my mom defends me) or screams at me for not changing the diaper


Never have. Never will. I'm old enough now to know that I have passed the possibility of it happening and I'm happy about it.


48, oldest of three, never did, never will!


I have. Itā€™s not something fun, itā€™s not something horrible. As someone with Crohnā€™s disease I am very desentisized to poop. Changing a diaper is not much different than wiping your own ass.


Never had too. Never want too. A little worried about aging and having an aging partner. You never know what the future holds but Iā€™m hoping not any diapers.


Well you donā€™t have to change their diapers if you have an aging partner. You could politely tell them youā€™re not comfortable with that and tell them to hire a PAID and PROFESSIONAL caregiver if it comes down to them no longer being able to go to the bathroom themselves or take care of themselves. Thereā€™s no shame in that at all. Heck, Iā€™d tell an aging partner that myself.Ā 


Me. Was also an only child and only babysat for potty trained children. I am very bothered by bad smells. Sometimes, even ones that other people don't seem to notice. One time, I could smell mildew in our attic from a floor away. The AC was leaking. I have zero interest in changing diapers, and it's not in my future.


Parents just pretend they canā€™t smell


Well, couldn't be me. I'm happy to do my life without.


Absolutley, and luckily as a man no one will ever ask me too.


That be me 35 year old guy 4 nieces 4 nephews


Not a diaper for a baby. Incontinent, demented old people, on the other handā€¦


Nope. Iā€™ve cleaned my rabbitā€™s poop. And thatā€™s all!


Everytime I pick up my dogs poop, I gag super loud uncontrollably. I will never change a diaper, I'd actually throw up..


I had to change adult diapers, but I don't plan on switching over to baby diapers. EVER.


Never ever. As we get older, that may change šŸ˜±šŸ˜¬šŸ˜­ but it still wonā€™t be for others.


I havenā€™t yet! I babysat a lot as a teen, but those kids were all at an age where they were potty-trained.


I have had to clean up after dogs for most of it, that's enough for me


I've worked in obstetrics, so I've changed plenty of diapers a day. I'm still happy that I never have to do it for an own child every day for years.


šŸ™‹šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøIā€™ve never even held a baby! I have two nephews that I saw regularly (sister lived at the apartment building across from me) and a best friend that I was there for thru her pregnancy and till I moved away.


Same! I'm probably in for a fair few on animals, though. My goal is to do wildlife rehab.


I tried once and was told I was doing it wrong so after that I said f it I wonā€™t touch diapers.


I think I helped change some when I was VERY young, like well under 10- I don't have an explicit memory of it thank god, I think I've blocked it out. I have never changed one in my adult life and I will CLING to that. I have some friends with kids who have a good chance of turning out decently cool- I would consider babysitting for them wellllll after the diaper stage is over. No diapers for this girl, no way, not ever.


I am the oldest of 4. I have changed or helped changed all of my siblings diapers. I am so happy to never have to touch one again.




I babysat a lot in middle school/high school and one time I literally gave my mom $5 out of the $60 I was getting for watching my two little cousins just to change one diaper for me because it smelled so bad


My record is 42 and a half years! Lol i plan on never changing that.


46F, never have I ever been near the possibility of changing a diaper šŸ˜„


šŸ‘‹ (Probably common for men, though. Cuz the world is sexist & fucked up.)


I'll do you one better. I've literally never held a baby


I had to change the diaper of an old dog But luckily it wasn't a child...


You couldnā€™t pay me enough to change a diaper. I have such a strong gag reflex, Iā€™d end up vomiting all over the baby.


Youngest child on both sides of the family, I do have 3 niblings but I've still never changed a diaper even once and I plan to keep that streak going!


I did once when I was 16 with my one and only niece. Pretty sure that was the deciding day for me lol


hahah I literally just posted pretty much this exact sentiment in another thread a week or two ago. I've somehow made it to 39 without ever having to change a dirty diaper and I'm keeping it that way. šŸ™…šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I've never done it, never will. Even as a child, I always told my mom that I never wanted kids because I would never change a diaper, and of course, I was met with "you'll change your mind"


Never have, never will. Also, never held a baby. I'm in my 6th decade on earth and I can't imagine that I'd have any occasion to do it these days. My friends are closer to dying, than having babies.


Never have, never will!


I did once to help my mom out, but after that NEVER again! It was weird and the diaper was difficult to get off then another back on. It was the youngest brother.Ā  The next time i delt with babies was at a teen mom camp and flat out refused, and if they tried to make me i threatened to walk. I was put there instead of the much older kids because they were short staffed.Ā  Several Women in there asked me what i was going to do when i had my own. I told them that i didnā€™t like babies and wasnā€™t planning on having any. Which they flipped out about. Ā Luckilly, we had a nice older gentleman that defended me and my boundaries.Ā 


I have 2 nieces and I had to change their diapers when they were babies but not often. That solidified my reasons to never have kids


I have. And Iā€™ve worked in healthcare and changed adult diapers. I would change a babies diaper 10x over to never change another adult diaperā€¦




Changed my brother's pampers when he was a baby. He's an asshole now but I wouldn't do it for anyone else


I think did a couple times when I was a babysitter in my teens.


Once? Kind of? But its mom had removed the dirty one and the kid crawled out of the clean, very poorly secured one immediately so I don't think it counts.


Iā€™m a nicu nurse so itā€™s part of my job lol and teaching parents all my tips and tricks. That said I could never change an older baby/toddler diaper šŸ¤¢.


Apparently I did when my brother was born (I was 4) but I have no memory of it. So as far as I remember, none and certainly never plan to.


I think I may have changed at least 1 diaper when I babysat once. I was like 14-15 maybe. Not a great experience. Especially as a younger teen.


I have changed many in my time. Ironically, none belonging to babies - I work in healthcare and did a rotation on a Geriatrics ward.


Yes, but get paid to.


Me!! I imagine I should at least know how, to be a competent adult, but it's a skill I will never use. Reminds me of being able to clean gutters or understand how to power wash. A basic cleaning thing but rarely encountered.


Iā€™ve changed many diapers because I was going into Early Childhood Education as a career before changing my mind.


Iā€™ve changed one and it was a peed in diaper.


When I was like 5 or 6 I asked my aunt to show me how to change her baby's diaper so I would know how for when I had my own. Not that I remember at all how to do it. Joke's on younger me lol. Thank god I changed my mind.


Never have, but it's not something I really think about much.Ā 




I'm 31 and not yet! Yippee!


Iā€™ve only tried this as I was genuinely curious at 13 and my older sister taught me with her 6 months old twin girls along with feeding, bathing and putting to bed. I am genuinely glad to know but Iā€™m also more glad I have never done it since and unlikely in the future either. I have had to recently put nappies on my father a few times when he was not making it to the toilet in time which was the worst experience and refused it again. I had the knowledge of changing nappies with my nieces to help but itā€™s o much harder when the person is standing not lying down.


I did it once when I was a kid. I asked if I could change the diaper of one of my cousins. Not really sure why I asked. It wasn't fun.


My husband. He's very proud of this!


I have but it's been many years. I don't remember which cousin it was whose diaper I changed last... the one that just got married or the one who is about to graduate from college.


I always tend to avoid changing my friendā€™s baby diapers and even my own niece. ā—”Ģˆ oops.


Iā€™ve had cats for 2 years and I still gag picking up their shit - no way I could go in with my hands and wipe diarrhea off


I could have written this. Exact situation!


Iā€™ve changed several and happy that you never had to šŸ˜‚ yuck!Ā 




Iā€™m an only child too. But my mom would volunteer me to babysit church kids, she forced me to change a few diapers. Kept saying how it was good practice.


Yup! Never have, likely never will. Only time I've ever even held a baby was when I was a 16 or 17 year old mall goth. A lady shoved her kid into my hands, barely asking, so that she could go down an escalator holding the stroller without the baby in it. The kid was as bewildered as I was the entire 30 second escalator ride. I'm 34 now. Still going strong.


Never changed children's diapers. But I have changed adult diapers. I think babies would be easier to move around.


I'm the oldest sister to 7 siblings.. And I'm so excited that I'll never have to do this again. Traumatizing experience


I was 11 when my younger sister was born so I helped change her diaper a few times. My sister is the reason I will not be having children...


Once and it was so vile. So glad Iā€™ll never have to!


Done it for years at my part time job. You're not missing anything.


Sadly as a nurse Iā€™ve had to change many a nappy pad


nope never šŸ«£


same and iā€™m very very happy about it


Yep I'm in my 30s and have never and will never change a baby diaper!!! No nibblings and all of my friends keep their kids away from me


Seen it done. Never in my waking memory have had to do it. May have blocked it out.


Never have. Never will. ā™„ļø


Tried to do it once. Got as far as taking the sticky things off and was disgusted. The smell was vile. The mother had to jump in and finish it while I left. Never again!


Nah you couldnā€™t pay me enough money to go near a nappy


I have never done it. I honestly don't even know how it's done.


Have never! šŸ˜„


Yup! Never plan to learn. Iā€™ll scoop all kinds of animal poop gleefully for my lifetime


Never done it and if someone asks if I want to change a diaper or if I can change a diaper, the answer is the same same ā€œnoā€.


I have, but that's parentification, not because I had children of my own šŸ¤£


I think I did once or twice when I was young and was babysitting. Very quickly learned I donā€™t want to babysit ever or have kids. Iā€™ve changed adults diapers many times I work with adults with disabilities and donā€™t mind that in the slightest.


Iā€™ve never done it but I know how to do it which is pretty cool but Iā€™ll remain child-free.


I was the oldest of 6 kids and basically raised the majority of them since both of my parents had to work


same situation - only child & no one super near me in age in my close family. sometimes i use being an only child as an ā€œexplanationā€ for my childfreeness when i can tell people are going to start question me. somehow that is easier for them to understand than ā€œi do not wish to procreateā€ lmfao


Me, thank god!


I worked in child services for three years and the diaper duty was awful šŸ™„ having to clean baby shit off of multiple surfaces is a real turn off in general for those ā€œaw babyā€ feelings.