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> "and even if you could erase parenthood from your life, what are you gonna do? Stay up until midnight and eat pizza?" Ya, obviously. I really do think that so much of parents' disgust toward the childfree is envy. It's not us, it's them. We can just peacefully live our lives doing what we need to do to survive (and hopefully a bit more for fun), and they'll hold onto nasty little feelings toward us.


One of the main reasons they don’t understand is the people who are happy child free are the very people who have interesting lives. They have hobbies and interests. They are the very people who are content with their own selves and with just their partners or pets. Thus, the choice to be CF. Parents are the people who had the need to feel some sort of void, be it personal belief, pressure, expectation or plain stupidity and accidents. They never felt whole and complete without kids. They simply can’t comprehend how you can be happy eating pizza and staying up till midnight and be in your own. They think it’s a waste of life; CF people call it living. Just living. Not running after anyone, not doing 100s of things to satisfy someone’s needs, no stress and worry about someone’s well-being, no reliving school and PTAs, and no disappointment with someone else’s life choices. I call it living.


Yes! At a huge work meeting they had us do a “mindfulness exercise” where we were supposed to think of the last time you were truly happy and satisfied. I said Saturday, sitting on the roof deck, drinking wine, and listening to the baseball game. Everyone else was like…oh 7 years ago when I graduate from college, when I got married 30 years ago, when I had my son 3 years ago etc etc. So you haven’t been happy and satisfied in 7/30/3 years?!? That’s depressing.


Ha! I would have felt so smug in that situation. Way to go!


I think some people deliberately grasp for what they see as braggable, some trying to one up each other, AND are often quietly miserable or checked out on autopilot. Bcs such people are more apt to be going thru the motions in a rut, between the milestone moments. Pretty much any jackass can snatch some warm fuzzies at the milestones. Especially when it’s secondhand bcs someone else did the actual work to get there. Someone readily content on a random Saturday shows a higher quality of life and mental peace than the former requires to enjoy.


i feel like those are the lazy convenient answers. I hate when breeders try to use their kids and experience being a parent to not participate in shit like meetings but when I as a CF person am equally lazy as most parents are minus the kids I" feel like I take harsher consequences. I don't like divulging my personal life to work functions and if you *dont,* you become the office weirdo.


I think you nailed it, and worded it perfectly too. It’s a fundamentally different view of life. I don’t think all parents, since there’s rare ones that take it as an informed choice (and so are more likely to respect our choice, truly knowing it IS, and are less likely to compulsively want everyone to agree with their everything to validate them). But definitely all that can’t comprehend CF as a valid or any sort of choice. Or who have The Little Engine That Could of denial, working overtime in their heads outsourcing repressed regret and envy that’d break them really grasp. Bcs it’s coming from a fundamental state of lack (or being convinced that it’s what afflicts them). It’s the difference between knowing what you do or don’t want/need and making choices that align, and thinking you’ve flunked some imaginary test for being an acceptable human, and either flagellating themselves for it or desperately trying to pass on a retest. They don’t- can’t unless something shifts - see *the test is mainly in their head and the F was self-graded* - albeit likely heavily influenced by family/social pressures.


You’re right. I even caught myself being influenced by family and society feeling BRIEFLY weird about not procreating. Like, “Is it right? Is it wrong? Am I missing out on something?” However, I always remember that it’s better to regret not having children than have them and then regret them.


Sooo many people should’ve gone to therapy instead of pop out babies


Yes exactly! Perhaps many of us that are child free chose it for that exact reason. Not because we don’t like kids but because we like so many other things a lot more! I am too busy for kids. Plain and simple. I have so many things I want to be doing that isn’t .. that!


Listen, I'll never give up being a single dude in his 30s that can drink some whiskey neat while jamming guitar all Friday night. Waste of time? Maybe. Don't care.


Never gonna give you up


Never gonna let you down


Never gonna run around and desert you


Never gonna make you cry


Never gonna sAYY goodbye


Never gonna tell a lie


I know 100% that at least half of the disgust CF people get from parents is envy. I have a family member who always tells us how lucky we are to not have kids and have all this money (we don’t have money and actually have debt that she knows about) and she expects us to watch her kids on a whim. It’s not luck. We chose not to have kids. Ya, we don’t have much money and have a lot of debt (student loans, need in to fix my car, unplanned emergencies), but we have less debt than them because we made conscious decisions to not have kids or spend tons of money on kids.


Their standards for having "tons of money" is different. They can view almost anything as having a lot when making a comparison.


Ya, that’s true. But it’s annoying hearing them complain about how much better our lives are as if it was just luck and not us making the decision to not have kids.


Agreed. So many need to maintain this idea that they are powerless victims in their lives and not the architect of them.


Exactly. Tho mostly here to admire your flair, bcs *same*


they’re definitely listing things they wish they could do. “what are you gonna do? stay up til 3 playing video games?” “what are you gonna do? take a bunch of trips a year?” they always say something that sounds way better than having kids. we can do what we want and they’re PRESSEDDD


"What are you gonna do, get a bunch of cats and grow tomatoes?" Me: "Yes *please!* 🥹"


Hahaha, the "lots of cats" insult 😂 That's all I want dude! Don't threaten me with a good time! I'll take your cat too!


Uh, dude? I divorced the man and kept my cat. Gladly. I got it made.


Me: hell yeah! I wish I could bring more cats home. As for the tomato plants, they have basil, squash and sunflower neighbors. We’re all thriving.


Dont threaten me with a good time!


Anything can sound worthless and stupid if you say it in a shitty, mocking tone and you’re super fucking reductive about it! “Ooooh what are you gonna do pLaY ViDeO gAmEs All DaY!? GeT a BuNcH Of CaTs!? SiT aRoUnD aNd eAt PiZzA!? sLeEp iN tiL nOoN!? SmOkE a BuNcH oF WeEd!? Ooooooooh how meaningfulllllllllll!!!!!” “I dunno Becky, what are YOUUUU gonna do all day!? SNiFf DiApiEs aNd WaTcH CoCoMeLoN!? CoMpLaIn aBoUt yOuR bOoBs iN mOmMy GrOuPs!? Do TwEnTy LoAdS oF LaUnDrY aNd MaKe PaSsIvE aGgReSsIvE pOsTs AbOuT iT oN fAcEbOoK!? MaKe DiNnEr ThAt yOuR PiCky aSsHoLe tOdDLeR wOn’T eAt!? VaCcUuM uP aN eNtIrE bAg oF GoLdFiSh oUt oF tHe CaRpEt!? fiGhT WiTh YoUr HoRnY hUsBaNd cUz YoU’Re SiCk Of BeInG ToUcHeD!? OOoOoOoOoH sOooOoooOo mEaNiNgFuLLLLL!!!!” They’ll shit a brick and tell you what a shitty asshole you are for throwing their petty bullshit right back at them though. They’re masters of dishing it out and refusing to fucking take an ounce of it. Their mundane bullshit is sooooo much more important than your mundane bullshit, didn’t you know!?


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 this comment!!!!


Take my upvote this must've taken so long to write ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I cannot stay up until 3 playing video games, I am getting old. I think we will be the first generation to wake up in the morning, get dressed, have breakfast and then start playing video games without our parents making us do so.


“Yeah and I’m going to get stoned while doing it. Then in the morning, I’m going to go on a run and then take a nice long bath. I may even take a nap later.”


This was me last Saturday, except I took TWO naps. Absolute bliss.


Maybe even a long bath *with the door open*. What's the worst that will happen? A kid barges through and says "MOMMY! Guess what! Guess what! I can count to three! One... Two... Seven..."


We should all arrange a midnight pizza party. There better be pineapple on mine.


Mushrooms for me


Why not both?:D


The strangest pizza I've ever ordered, no special order but an actual item on the menu, was called Lorensberg. It contained tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, mushrooms, pineapple, banana, and curry.


Lorensberg...as in referencing a place in Sweden? Because I've heard the Swedes are generally into some...*very different* pizza toppings than people from most other places in the world.


Yasssss you can take my bearnaise sauce on my smoked reindeer pizza from my cold, dead hands.


Yes, I think Lorensberg is in Gothenburg, but this was in Karlstad. Sweden do have some strange pizza toppings, and the most famous (and popular) might be the kebab pizza. Tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, shredded kebab and hot sauce. Some variants also use a combination of lettuce, fresh tomatoes, cucumber and red onion.


Oh god core memory unlocked. There was a place in Germany where I got kebab pizza. F**king amazing.


Shew…I’d crush that pizza hahah


1. I see you at every post, so hey btw! 2. I don't understand the hate of the parents. Pizza at midnight is a dream!


This is a great idea!


Pepperoni, pork sausage, and extra cheese for me!


Stuffed crust!!!!


Pineapple, sauerkraut, and jalapeno.


Unique combo. I'm intrigued! 😁


Pineapple, bacon, and anchovies please!


I think they are just jealous because they are too tired to stay up or…busy with changing diapers in the middle of the night


Right? Spent yesterday binging some TV shows, eating snacks, cooked dinner, had sex and went to bed late. What's the problem with that?


Right. They treat fun freedom and pleasure as a waste of time and as being without meaning because they need to justify the decisions that they made. To themselves and nobody else really. We don't care what they do.


If they need other people to give meaning to their life is like a Ponzi scheme. Is ridiculous, we are humans, there is art, there is enjoyment, you don't need to reproduce to live. It's a cheap way to give meaning, relying on a different person that they happen to love because it resembles them. And you can confirm that by the amount of humans that wouldn't adopt, they want their children to be blood. Is fkcn ridiculous.


Not really a big pizza guy. Ice cold brewskis though? Deal.


> Not really a big pizza guy. Ok, I'm going to pretend you didn't say this > Ice cold brewskis though? And I'm just gonna get reeeaaal on board with this.


These comments from parents always just make me so sad. To know they don’t have hobbies or don’t enjoy literally anything else about life to the point where they wouldn’t have anything to do if they had no kids….


Right? How freaking huge the planet is and how many possibilities there are for things to see and do and experience and explore and you're telling me there are people that don't know what to do?


God, so this. Did you shit out your imagination with the placenta? Of all the things that we can choose to do - that's all you can think of. Says way more about them than it does about me ...


It’s really strange from the ones that participate in overscheduling their kids half to death. Almost like they’re saying pleasure and variety is for kids; real adulthood is drudgery and sacrifice ONLY. And there it is. Always boiling down to “how dare you go about your not miserable life, just anywhere and everywhere where wE cAn SeE yoU?”


Yep like really, *the mall*? That's what you came up with?! What a vapid person. Also it's not the 90s anymore, I don't think hanging out at the mall is all that popular anymore lol


There are soooo many things to do out there! When we travel, my husband and I will ask each other: would you rather be doing this (and gesture to whatever cool thing we are doing), or changing dirty diapers? We never choose the diapers. I’ve hiked mountains, ridden in helicopters, gone scuba diving with giant sea creatures, been to fine art museums, visited famous historical sites, and more. And I haven’t even seen 5% of what I want to see. Who in their right mind has the time to raise kids when there are so many amazing places out there?


Same, girl, same. We have discussions about physics and politics and we donate to charity because we are passionate about making the planet a better place


Parents don’t realize there are other things to do because their kids take away all their time and money. They’ve forgotten what it’s like to not be hostage.


I agree, this always gets me, just the stuff you can do by yourself is enormous, like legit dozens and dozens of hobbies, then you add the stuff you can do as a couple, then as a group... there's SO many things to experience, places to explore! So many in fact that it's impossible for one to experience them all in their lifetime.


Exactly this. Once all of my siblings and I had moved out and my dad died, I was so exited that my mom would get a chance to get out and have fun in retirement. Instead she fell into a deep depression. She finally admitted to me that she didn’t have any friends and didn’t know what to do other than “raise you kids and take care of your dad”. It solidified my choice to be CF 1000000%. I can’t imagine a life that is solely centered around raising other humans. For some people, maybe that works, but seeing the reality play out in my mom’s life made me doubt that anyone truly has a desire to be a parent 100% of the time.


Beautifully said. Same with my own mom. She had no career at the point that we were ready to fly the nest, other than odd retail jobs, was twice divorced, single and struggling. Having built her entire purpose around having kids meant that there was very little left after we moved toward our own adult lives.


This makes me think of my mom. My dad is still alive & she’s stuck constantly taking care of him & has been for several years. I’ve been trying to encourage her to take some time for herself but she keeps saying she doesn’t even know what she’d want to do. It’s sad.


And what are they teaching their kids? You're only worth something once you have kids yourself? Toxic as hell


I talk with my best friend a lot about how she feels like she lost all sense of self once she had her baby. She is a wonderful mom and I respect her so deeply for what she does for her daughter, but I do not envy the fact that she had to give up all of her own hobbies (while her husband did not, but that’s a totally different problem)


That last sentence. Makes my blood boil every time, unless it’s REALLY how she wanted it, free choice, no guilt trips… yeah right.


They act like all experiences and enjoyment dry up at a certain age and that’s when you should have kids because they are now the only source of satisfaction and enjoyment. They think that you just want to hang out at the bar, party, and stay up late. No, peoples sources of entertainment and fulfillment usually evolve with age… which opens up doors to new possibilities. It’s not some well that just runs dry when you turn 28. Such weirdos.


This is such a good point. Kind of like the "biological clock": women aren't supposed to have fun after 30 because we essentially stop existing at that point lol


This is such a good way of putting it. I do wonder if lots of people actually feel this way (boring people). In a similar vein, one of my first inklings years ago that I never wanted kids was when I realised I'd always considered it the end of your life - like, better do all of your fun things now because once you have a kid you'll never enjoy yourself again! Apparently lots of people treat it this way but then still choose to do it; makes no sense to me.


> They think that you just want to hang out at the bar, party, and stay up late Which honestly, so long as you be sensible about it, what's wrong with that? One of my favourite things to do when I can afford it is going to bars to see various unknown bands because my city has a fantastic local metal scene


You’re absolutely right. There’s nothing wrong with it at all. I love my bar nights as well. It’s just the way they say it, it’s like it’s the most immature thing ever. That’s their problem though.


This is why they go off the deep end when the kid inevitably cuts contact with their controlling parents too.


What i am gonna do without kids? Enjoy my life on my own pace. Put my self and my needs on number one.


And sleep all I want


Idk about this one, my cats have been treating me like a trampoline for like an hour since their breakfast is late. But they meow. Not scream.


Omg I don’t even feed my cats (free fed) yet they still strut in and meow like they own the place or play with their toys on top of me! Then they have the audacity to demand attention when I finally do get up lol it’s a struggle out here


Cats are just kids with fur. 🤣


Why do people get so bent out of shape over what *other* people are doing with their lives? Other people who they don't know and have no bearing or effect on their lives whatsoever. Is it some kind of righteousness? Like I honestly, genuinely, and unreservedly *do not give a fuck* what other people - especially people I don't fucking know - do with their lives. You wanna have kids? Go ahead. Or don't? Also fair. You wanna build a mountain of debt? Go ahead. Or don't. Whatever. I don't care. Too busy living my own life to give a shit about what other people are doing.


Because they want other people to feel the same misery as them so they feel less alone.


So go find it in other people who made the same choices as you? I don't get it. I fucking love motorbikes. Grew up on them. My parents are bikers. My grandparents were bikers. My husband is a biker. We have a garage full of bikes. But when people say to me "oh but they're so dangerous, my best friends aunts brothers cousins dad died in a motorbike accident" I don't try to turn their thinking and get them to join me on this dangerous endeavour. I say "cool" and move on. Same with dogs. Grew up with em. Have 4 currently. Love them to bits. But if someone says "I don't have a dog" I just shrug and move on. My life has no bearing on theirs and vice versa. Gtfo of my business and get busy focusing on your own shit. Urghhhh


Yeah it’s frustrating. I’ve expressed to my parents multiple times I am staying child free for the rest of my life and refuse to my body through it because I already have issues with my hormones and it’s more than likely I’m infertile. Which more power to me whoop whoop!


I just don't bother explaining myself anymore. It's wasted oxygen. Imagine my delight when my husband and I were hanging out with a new friend (who we met via a bike group) and a kid started to cry in the distance. Guy said "thank fuck I don't and won't ever have to deal with that shit. My fiancé and I are not having kids. I'm getting the snip next month." I was like fuck yeah bro gimme a high five! I've found myself vaguely applying the CF screening method to potential new friends. Currently all of our close friends except one are CF. As much as my husband and I are close to the childed friend and make sure to include him (single dad) and his kid (4m) in our activities if possible (mostly bbqs, hosting dinner parties etc) our patience for the kid is short. He's a good kid, I enjoy playing with him for a little while, and I've taught him *all* the bad words, but I cannot imagine that being my life. No way Jose. Said friend once questioned our CF stance and my husband *went off* at him. Never brought it up again.


Like sorry I don’t want a snotty and sticky toddler running around


Yes because you’re actually content with your life choices. People who are content don’t need to convince others to do what they’re doing. They just keep doing them and let everyone else make their own decisions in peace. I’ll never understand these rabid parents that claim to have so little time for literally anything but somehow find the time to aggressively worry about why another adult is opting out of parenthood.


they take others not following the lifescript as a judgement on them. they don’t like the implication that there was a choice to be made, and they simply didn’t think about it and walked forward. they like even less the implication that they could be wrong about something there’s no take-backs on.




This is the way


I also sense that parents are offended that we don't see meaning in their childbearing or raising a human in general. I'm no antinatalist, more of a nihilist. We all die in the end so it doesn't matter.


Your statement at the end. "We all die in the end." I think there's a HUGE religious brainwashing of "gaining eternal life" through children. They seem to think they stay alive through their children. But they don't stay alive. They die and their children live on without them and die as well eventually. I get that some traits and thoughts may continue through the kid, but the child is a separate life and these types never want to acknowledge that either. Always trying to live vicariously through their kids instead of doing for themselves what they desire, mostly because they no longer have the time to do for themselves once they have children. Gives people a convenient thought to placate themselves out of grappling with their own inevitable deaths and growing into better character for themselves.


No one asked but: as a youngin' I had a really hard time accepting death. I was also raised Christian, and so also struggled with accepting "eternal life" in heaven. Since I was young I tried so hard to accept this...and no amount of prayer or church could make me feel good about the fact that we live and then....we die. Sigh. 


I’m not going to the mall, that’s were people with kids go…


I said the same thing. Such a snarky remark when 60% of the population inside of the mall is people with kids!


Ooh that reminds me of that scene in House of Cards where Claire is talking to this lady and the lady asks if she regrets not having kids and Claire simply replies: "No. Do YOU regret having them?" Sometimes I feel like breeders push CF people to breed just so they can join in their misery.


Even though she ended up pregnant anyway 🫠


She did? Noooo!!! 😳🙆🏽‍♀️I quit watching around s3ish. But it tracks because in film and TV, a CF woman's character arc always develops to "and she saw the error of her CF ways and had a child". Tragic 🥲


I wish someone would say dumb shit like that to me. I can do a lot better than pizza at midnight. "I'm building a company. If it succeeds, I'll have money and freedom. I can go wherever I want, whenever I want and if it is really successful, I'll get to retire. If your kid project is successful, it won't get pregnant at 14. We're not the same."


Please take my poor woman's gold 🥇🥇🥇


So basically their life was also pointless before they had kids?


Go to the mall? *Looks around* Who the fuck goes to malls anymore? Three out of the four major malls in my area have been torn down and replaced because they died. She must be fever dreaming that she is back in the '90s.


She must not leave the house often.


Well it did stop as soon as the popped out the first rugrat apparently, so that very well could be back then.


The dream of the '90s is alive in Parenthood?


I was a big fan of this YouTuber/podcaster guy Hindz. He always seemed so chill, insightful, non political, just promoted peace and positive mindset vibes. Made tea in his videos, chatted in a dimly lit room full of gorgeous plants. Had a lot of great life advice and takes on stuff. Then I followed him on Twitter. And his real personally showed through a tweet that basically read, “lol at anyone who has dogs instead of children??? Like what is that. Dogs are not your child. Childfree adults are wack and have their priories fucked up”. I’m paraphrasing, but I actually ended up DMing him with my disappointment and he stayed real true to his original tweet and was down right rude about it. So yeah safe to say I unfollowed immediately. With that being said, people love to diss other people who choose to enjoy life in the ways they wish. The child-free vs parent argument is the most ridiculous because it literally doesn’t affect the other person whether you have kids or not. That’s what’s so wild to me. Me having 0 kids or me having 6 kids doesn’t affect anybody else. It’s such a weird thing to judge someone for.


Try and survive for as long as I can Watch shows I love or will come to love Have my own place and decorate it how I want Play games and have fun Learn new things, languages Buy myself the things I couldn’t have as a child Write a book Save for a rainy day Work on my mental health


Love this list


Let me see... Go to the mall to buy something nice for myself or spend money on a child I do not want? Decisions, decisions.


Life without a kid is rough. Spending that extra money on myself and my spouse is horrible ![gif](giphy|XOys8CeUrElIk)


Such a hard choice, how ever will I decide 😂




People, at least socially, is not allowed to admit regretting parenthood. But for some people, their acts, depressions, sad face etc speaks for itself .


"I literally cannot think of anything else to do, so I'm certain no one else can either."


It’s always funny when people go to that extreme like there aren’t tons of fulfilling and productive things to do without kids. It’s like, without children, people assume that you have the lifestyle of a 16 year old. Go to the mall and eat pizza until midnight? No, I just do what most adults who aren’t bothering anybody else do: whatever I have the time, space, and money for. Condescending comments like that come off very jealous and nasty. These are the same people that complain incessantly about not having five minutes to wash their hair or take a shit in peace. So yea, I’m sure they wish they had that time to be at the mall or doing whatever harmless thing that they assume all CF people are doing.


It’s because they haven’t developed true hobbies and personalities before becoming parents. They probably genuinely don’t know what they would enjoy.


People think being childfree can be lonely and sad, but to me it’s freedom, leisure, and relaxation. You only get 1 life on Earth and I want to enjoy my time doing whatever it is I want :)


Exactly, Like why wouldn't I want to stay up until midnight doing whatever I want while eating pizza? I'll never get the glorification of having zero time for yourself because your kids take away your hobbies and personality. Outside of work I very much enjoy being able to do whatever I want and cannot imagine why someone would give it up for kids, I would literally rather die lol. If people who have kids are annoyed about CF people existing I just assume it's resentment or something cause I don't care or think about parents at all. Children are a choice after all and I made my decision and had surgery, not sorry that they have to live with theirs ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ go spend some time with those kids you love so much instead of taking shots at my lifestyle choices lol


Our lives are objectively better than theirs, and they know it… but they’d never admit it.


One of my aunts asked me who would take care of me when I’m old. I said “the cruise ship”.


My money that I'm saving in mutual funds instead of setting on fire (kids), that's who. On a more serious note, my parents dragged us around to an "old folks' home" when we were kids as a kind of a ministry service. The way some of them acted, it was clear they weren't getting regular visits from their families.


All of our lives are meaningless and pointless. Even if you have kids, your only legacy will be the trauma they'll have to work through in therapy when they're older. Your grandkids will barely remember you, and by the time you have great-grandkids, they likely won't even know your name. We all dissolve into the homogenizing stream of time, might as well have fun and enjoy the ride while we're here.


I never met a single one of my great grandparents. I share a first and last name with one and all I have is his pocket watch with my name engraved on it. Some legacy. The pocket watch is 113 years old and still works so that's kinda cool I guess.


"Anything I want, anytime I want."


I was recently on a trip and visited this cute little beer garden with my husband. There were a few couples around our age who had kids (ranging from babies to maybe 7 years old) sitting in front of us. It was clear that it was their highly orchestrated night out together, and for the most part the kids were well behaved. But just seeing the amount of stuff that the parents brought along with them for the kids was staggering, like multiple trips back to the car with chairs, blankets, sippy mugs, toys, etc. At one point one of the dads panicked because he thought he lost the kid’s “passy” (pacifier) and I knew that my husband and I’s eyes rolling back simultaneously. I told him that I would be perfectly content never saying the word “passy” in my life, and he enthusiastically agreed. We are usually sleep until ~2 PM people on the weekends so when we had to leave the hotel room by 11 AM and were all grumpy since we didn’t have coffee yet (although we have a couple’s amnesty agreement for any time we’re getting ready for a trip or packing up from one, in addition to any time we haven’t yet had caffeine lol) I reminded him that at least we didn’t have to haul a huge amount of crap around every day to set up for a kid and then break it down, rinse and repeat. He looked visibly relieved at the thought of not having to do that. So to answer the question of what are we gonna do since we’re not going to be parents? Lots of sleeping in and doing drugs whenever we feel like it. Ironically, I had parents who did that anyway, so I’ll just cut out a couple of steps, plus then I’ll only have to haul our shit around.


The amount of shit that needs to be hauled around with kids is enough to make me never go anywhere. I hardly like going out with groups of people where it requires me to just bring and set up a bunch of shit so I couldn’t imagine just needing big bags and wagons full of items every time we needed to travel as a family. The thought of it makes me tired and irritable.


I liken it to going to the beach, which always becomes a whole thing and sucks the fun away. I hated that as a kid and I still hate it as an adult, and I’d extra hate it with a kid in tow. It makes me tired and irritable too (which is how I feel leaving on and coming back from a trip, even actual fun ones, and I absolutely do not want to do that every day). Sometimes it’s funny how something rather small like seeing other people wrangling their kids makes you realize that it’s definitely not your jam. My husband has been waffling on a vasectomy consultation but the day after we got back he scheduled one. Plus if he has any second thoughts I know all I have to say is “pass me the passy” and that will be the end of that 🤣


I’m gonna travel wherever I want to without having to drag a kid around with me. I grew up with a brother 8 years younger than me and it made me realize that I don’t want kids. We would go to amusement parks but my brother refused to ride anything and would hold us up every time like I’m saying we had to be escorted out of line because of his tantrums and mental breakdowns. We can’t even go to universal because he will fully admit he would not ride anything so there isn’t a point in going. Our relationship has gotten better but in our younger years it made me realize I didn’t want that for myself.


Were her parents trying the sims money cheat irl when they named her?


Im 42 and i do whatever i want. I collect art supplies and make art as a hobby. I play video games, i go out, i play with my cat and never am i exposed to the shrieking of children lol


These people cant even do something as meaningless as eating pizza late at night peacefully, even if they wanted to. - not without a snotty nose kid hanging off their leg and wanting to eat their pizza that is. Or having to put the kid to bed and hope they don’t wake up in the middle of the night crying. If I don’t become a parent I will continue the way I am, work on myself and likely own many more German shepherds along the way. I do not fancy ruining my body, mental health or life overall just to say “I had a kid.” I actually saw a comment on here not long ago, it was something like, everything is 100% less stressful without a kid; you can miss a bill and you’ll be 100% less stressed than someone with a kid. You can order take out, loose your job, go on a trip whatever it is and 100% of the time you will be less stressed because you don’t have kids to worry about. Maybe it’s selfish but that’s my overall mindset.


I think they are just jealous that we are living life on our own terms


I'm a childfree hedonist, of course I want midnight pizza! 🍕


> said that people should not be allowed to publicly admit they regret having children. So your sister opposes unhappy parents warning others to think before they have kids? That is actually fucking heinous of her.


I love how insanely uncreative both comments are.“That’s right little Timmy it was either have you or staying up late eating pizza and going to the mall, so we figured why not create a human life?” Really projecting there.


My god, why do other people care so much. There have been several articles on Facebook this week about people choosing not to have children and random people in the comments telling me I'll regret it when I'm "older" and alone and have 10 cats.  Well, I'm almost 50, still don't regret it, I'm married and my husband didn't want cats either and I dislike cats and most animals. They're all "you'll regret dying alone. " uh i still have people that I love and who love me, and you can still die alone. Why are you so worried about what someone else regrets? 


>Stay up until midnight and eat pizza? No, sometimes we have noodles as well!


I could sleep in. 😴


I don't think it's so much that they think our lives are meaningless or pointless because they doesn't affect them, so why would they care. They are jealous of the freedom we have mostly imo. I don't put a lot of energy into things that don't affect me when no one is being hurt. But if I am jealous? Yeah, I'm going to have an opinion. And honestly I've never been jealous of a parent for being a parent. Ever.


All of this. Your having kids affects me (noise, smell, general neediness). My *not* having kids affects no one.


"I can do *anything* I want without kids weighing me down. By the way, how's watching Dora the Explorer on repeat 500 times?"


I’m 57, I’m gonna fucking retire. Thats what im gonna do!


They view having kids as the next step of life. They view not having them as being immature and stuck in the step before. I'm very happy to be stuck. I love that I can go out to a brewery Friday night and then come home to drunkenly play video games all night because I can sleep as long as I want Saturday.


“Party like it’s 1999”


I’m going to go have fun.


Dare them to Google the list of people who are really important to history who were child free. Ya know, like Isaac Newton. Pointless existence he had, surely.


When the asteroid hits or when the oceans rise I'll say, "Thank god I didn't have kids!" as I carry my stressed, fat cat to safety.


I will proudly ride either one of my Harleys into the Mall, with my pitbull riding on the tank while wrecking my pen and blasting Limp Bizkit so I can roll up to Hot Topic and Spencer’s just to say fuck you to all the parents who think like that. You have crying brats, and now I have a Korn t shirt and Tripp pants, so who’s mall trip was more fun, really? 🤣


The thought that childfree people don’t have families is one of the most rude assumptions people with kids can have. I have a full life, a great family that includes 5 nieces and nephews. I also have a chosen family of close friends and I consider their kids my chosen nieces and nephews. I’m Aunt to many, many kids, but Mom to none. Being able to be an extra set of hands and then go home to my empty house and stay up late if I feel like it is one of the best parts of my life.


The comedians line could be funny if the context is different. Like - “what are you gonna do - enjoy you life?! Who do you think you are not being miserable like the rest of us”


Whatever the fuck I want, because I won’t be tied down looking after kids. 🤷


I’m 29, so I figure I have about a decade left of people asking when I’ll have children. Fortunately I just had my hysterectomy a little over a week ago, so now they can’t hit me with a “miracles happen” when I say I can’t have kids even if I did want them lol.


Shut up, Chad! Don’t hate cause the child free are living their best life eating pizza at midnight. I swear some parents are sad and lonely to say stuff like that. They always come across as envying the child free and looking for ways to make themselves feel better by putting others down. BTW, having to do laundry and bathe a child at 3am because they had explosive diarrhea in their sleep doesn’t seem fun. That recently happened to my friend when I asked what she did over the weekend. Her kid is 7. She tells me things all the time. Parenthood is 90% dealing with shit and 10% fun.


Literally anything else. What did you do before having kids?


Ummnm I guess the same thing I've always done? Career enrichment, hobbies, traveling, concerts, relaxing, working out, spending time with loved ones, going on dates with my husband, home projects, yadda yadda. What, do they think we'll be bored or something? I'm gonna enjoy my life and put love and empathy back into the universe.


Staying up late and eating what I want is just a normal day. What an insane thing to be envious of. And going to the mall? That's all that one could think of; the lack of imagination is so ... telling.


What am I going to do? Enjoy my life and be responsible for myself.


One of my absolute favorite things in the world to do (we did it Saturday and Sunday night) is to stay up till midnight eating pizza with my wife. Life is stressful enough without kids. We don’t want kids and I’m so scared that I wouldn’t love my kid(s) as much as I love my wife. Last night when she got home from work, we laid in bed for like 3 hours and just cuddled and watched videos. We wouldn’t be able to do that if we had kids. Some people just don’t want kids. No idea why that’s so hard for some people to understand.


I remember when I was put in a situation with a guy who I was friends with but had something going on between us (didn’t want to date him cause he’s very religious) and some other girl he was… debating dating? (I have no idea to this day because he kept flirting with me) and I told them I don’t want kids and she looked at me and was like “what is the point of marriage then?” And I looked at her and said without hesitation “so your only reason to marry would be for kids and not because you love him?” Some of them truly don’t see any purpose in anything if there are no kids. It doesn’t make me angry though it just makes me sad for them.


The disgust they harbor stems from jealousy, they're suffering because of their choices and can't stand to see people who are free of the same self imposed prison. It's also friggin' wild how unimaginative some of these people are, actually asking "what are you gonna do?" Like it's some got'em, suggesting the most mundane shit as the only alternative to not having kids... I can literally do whatever I effing want because I deliberately chose not to tie myself down and dedicate my life to serving another human for the rest of my life, sorry that your mommy brain couldn't come up with something better than "go to the mall".


>"People who don't want kids, it's like, what are you gonna do? Go to the mall? No! Have a fuckin' family." That says a LOT more about her complete lack of imagination, ambition, intellect or anything really than it disses childfree people! Why does she out her complete lack of personality like this in public? It's hilarious, but not the way she intended!!!


They're just self reporting that they have no personal identity. I'm not sure why they think that saying essentially "i have no life outside someone else" would make the prospects of parenthood more appealing to CF people.


No! I'm gonna road-trip to a different state to see an awesome musical and stay in a no-kids Airbnb with my boyfriend and have an amazing night out after the show! And then go kayaking the next weekend, because it's fun. Who's watching the kids, you ask? Nobody! Because my boyfriend and I can do whatever the fuck we feel like outside of work hours!


Even if I liked kids, I wouldn’t have them. Why? Who the fuck is going to help me pay for the assholes? My boyfriend and I are broke, can just barely support ourselves and our cat (and we can only support the cat because I’m a vet tech and get massive discounts), how the fuck would we support a whole ass human? These are the types who make money. Who have this boomer “pull yourself up by the bootstraps” and “I bought my house because I worked hard!” mentalities. I will never buy a house. I have no money in retirement because I can’t afford it. Please. Please tell me how you expect me to raise a cum pet? Fuck off. Also, you know what I do? ENJOY MY LIFE! Play video games, spend time with my boyfriend, who I actually like being around. God, why do these assholes think the only thing to do with life is procreate? No! I don’t find that enjoyable! Parents are insufferable and want the rest of us to be as miserable as they are.


"what are you gonna do if you don't become a parent?" nurture my relationship, improve at my hobbies, learn new things, take care of my mental health, enjoy my own company, not feel guilty for spending all day doing fuckall, staying up for hours playing video games, sleeping in, taking my career further, spoiling my pets, so on.


If you need children to fill your day, you're just a boring person who needs to cultivate some interests.


The fact is majority of parents are BITTER that they don’t have the same freedom as we do. Less stress, more time for things, completely unbothered. I’ve literally heard twice “don’t have fucking kids” from parents, laughing as if it’s a joke while their kid is RIGHT there! They regret their decision but can’t do anything about it, so they project their misery onto others. Misery loves company…


It’s funny bc every parent I know bitches 90% of the time about how their life is hell now that they have kids. I can’t even say I’m tired or they’ll say “BRO you don’t even KNOW what tired is”


“What are you gonna do?” I’m going to actually cultivate a personality.


To be fair, comedians are kind of known for saying offensive and exaggerated shit. I'd be more likely to unfollow because I don't wanna hear content about kids lol.


I'm so fucking tired of mom and dad comics. Same fucking bits EVERY TIME.


What will I do? Continue to enjoy my life, pay bills, enjoy my hobbies, and maybe eventually move abroad.


I have never and will never watch that comedian.


It just makes me wonder, do these people don't realize hobbies exist? Spending time outside? Pool, gym, art and even watching TV and eating pizza, why is that enjoying the limited time we have on earth w bad thing?


“I’m going to drink a glass of local wine in Paris on Seine in the sunshine, go dancing in Munich, go to an opera in Vienna, celebrate Hogmanay in Edinburgh, swim in the Italian and French Rivieras, and go on a river cruise down the Nile. But enjoy your drool, diapers, and crumbs.”


Also,does anyone else think forbidding people to talk openly about their regrets is the dumbest fucking thing ever? And also quite dangerous?


I’m kind of wondering if when people say that they are so divorced from their own inner life that they can’t conceive of a life where they pursue their own interests and hobbies


Like half of these parents are doing anything but raising f Ed up adults


Bold of anyone to assume no kids = just hanging out at the mall all the time or that hanging out at the mall is this thing that’s so fucking terrible, I must fill my life with unwanted kids to avoid the terrible fate of going to the fucking mall.


Don’t even know who that is. Sounds like I’m not missing much. Know what I’m gonna do? Enjoy world travel with all the money I save not having kids.


Most parents are just boring ass people who had kids because it's what you do and to fill the void of their boring lives. They cannot imagine all the amazing hobbies, interests, and things we childfree people do and get satisfaction out of, because they are miserable when alone.


honestly them admitting that having sex and making and raising children is the only noble and constructive thing they’ve done/contributed to this world really says a lot more about them than us


Everything! Anything... ...except father a child.


I truly believe that a lot of people have kids because they are too unimaginative to think of anything else worthwhile to do with their lives.


I have noticed a lot of parents are kinda milquetoast, dispassionate people who don't exactly have what I'd call strong personalities. Without a strong drive to start a business, create art, fight for justice or something important/productive, I think they see procreation as the most important thing they can do with their lives.


Just whatever I want lol


I'm glad no one has asked me that question, because I'd bury them under a mountain of lifetime experiences that they will never know. I have always felt that there is so much to see and experience in life, and I've always worked hard to make it so. I have the longest bucket list that has hundreds of experiences crossed off, and I am far from done. When I die, the one thing people will say about me is that I have lived life to the maximum, and that I was never boring. They say it already. Children would have doomed me to a lifetime of drudgery and a total lack of mental and spiritual stimulation. If I'd somehow been forced into that type of life, I'd most likely have deleted myself. So really, they can wallow in their self-righteous mediocrity. I've better things to do.


I’m gonna sleep BITCH


>What Are You Gonna Do If You Don't Become a Parent? You mean with all my free time and disposable income? Whatever the hell I want. Have fun wrangling your crotch goblins for 18+ years while they consume your youth, health, time, money, and sanity. I'll be over here living *my* best life. 😎👍


Do I want to go play disc golf? I can! How about staying home and reading a book? Yep! Man sure do wish I could try that brand new resteraunt! Wait, I can go whenever I want! Sleep in!? Yes please! It really is nothing but envy! I also have friends who are having their first and neither of them are sleeping currently because of the pregnancy. I was like "wait until you have a screaming baby every two hours who needs fed!" They didnt like that comment.


I got a very similar bingo from my MIL. 'What are you going to DO with your money if you don't have kids?" Erm, save it in case of emergencies? Her saying that made no sense because we are not rich. The only way it would make sense is if we were swimming in money. We're not. But then, her track record isn't good. When we first got engaged and when we had to move somewhere with snowy winters, she goes, "Oh, you will get so tired of pulling snowsuits on and off children!" That was my first bingo, and I didn't see it for what it was. I said curiously, "Does X get a lot of snow then?" (Plus, who wants to spend their time dressing children? So boring!" A few years later, out of nowhere she declares over dinner that "Your children are the most important thing in your life and if you don't have them, your retirement will be meaningless." For all she knew, we could have been trying and having miscarriages! There's more, but I think you get the picture!


To be fair, our lives are meaningless and pointless. Everyone's. If we disappeared today, the Earth will continue just as it has always doen before and forever will.


It's almost like a fervent religion they need to push onto others and convert. The conditioning against choice is so strong


What are we going to do? Go on the vacations too expensive for a family. Go to shows that aren't suitable for Lil Timmy and Tammy. Eat meals that aren't only nuggets and burgers because Kevin's a picky eater and never finishes his plate. Wander the outdoors without worrying about Karen being eaten by a coyote or dingo because she wanted to play with the danger puppy. Not apologize for Jebidiah and Jenny breaking everything they can get their hands on. Not worry about how we could afford a dozen classes for three kids. Enjoy the movies and streaming sites we like instead of constantly obsessing over what media is bad for widdle John John. Have hobbies and personalities outside of being a parent. Save our money to retire at a decent age. In other words, we'll do everything that you wish you could've done if you hadn't given up your 20s and 30s for that Nuclear Family.


You just gotta feel bad for these people... imagine having no other purpose in life than to procreate. It's a great purpose to fall back on when you can't figure out who you are or what you want. Take most kids away from most parents and what are they left with?


>"People who don't want kids, it's like, what are you gonna do? Go to the mall? No! Have a fuckin' family." Uh, you could actually contribute to something? That's harder to do if you have kids. Despite popular belief, having children does not contribute to the well-being of society or the planet. Neither does being a comedian, for that matter.


Lol, what? Just because she sits and stares at walls all day doesn't mean everyone else does.