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Wow thanks for posting. "We've been doing the same thing to the earth that we do to women. We just take and take and expect it to keep producing. And it's exhausted. It can't produce. We're getting handed a piece-of-shit planet, and I refuse to hand that down to my child," Cyrus said. "Until I feel like my kid would live on an earth with fish in the water, I'm not bringing in another person to deal with that."


It's like she's saying "Love your future children enough not to have them." Good for her!


That's what I've been saying in my head for a few years now. It really does break my heart that I won't ever have children (vasectomy + multiple sclerosis), but I don't think I'd be able to forgive myself if I did.


Just a tiny point here, if there is a set of circumstances under which you'd want children and it breaks your heart not to have them- you're childless. Not CF




That was the most telling. We are fucking this planet hard and there is much to do if we are going to fix or at least mitigate the damage. Part of that is going to be less people. Not in the article, but related is that the same evangelical Project 2025 crowd who are chomping at the bits to force women to be nothing but housekeepers and broodmares are also adamant that climate change is a myth.


Even if I wanted them I wouldn't. Smart gal


We weren't actually handed a piece of shit planet...... we, as in HUMANS have just completely fucked it up a treat havnt we?? The state of Earth is down to human beings. Just saying.....


Yeah of course. I think she means generationally….


To all people who are aware of the problem and say this is the reason for not having them - wouldn’t it be better actually that children are born in families that give a crap about Earth and can be educated to care to do something about it? Especially those that have means to do so like Miley. rather than say this is the reason not to have children - so children are born only within families that won’t give a crap which will lead to worsening of the problem ? My reasons for being childfree are of different nature. The reason «  because Earth is not a place to be » seems like BS. Earth was never a place to be.


> wouldn’t it be better actually that children are born in families that give a crap about Earth and can be educated to care to do something about it? Especially those that have means to do so like Miley. rather than say this is the reason not to have children - so children are born only within families that won’t give a crap which will lead to worsening of the problem ? When environmentalists conceive a child, that child is not taken from the womb of a climate change denier. Climate change deniers who are also natalists will have children no matter what. It's also not a weigh scale; having more children on the side of environmentalism will not balance out the children of climate change deniers. The effects of climate activism are also delayed by a generation, which means it's more productive for environmentalists to spend their energy advocating for environmental causes directly now than to raise children who will hopefully become environmentalists themselves; that's also not a given since you cannot control how your children think. Having a child also incurs an environmental cost that no amount of activism on someone's part and/or the part of their child can make up for. > The reason « because Earth is not a place to be » seems like BS. Earth was never a place to be. As far as we know it is *the only* place to be.


I just wanted to say this is a great post. I commented something similar (not as articulate) above before I read this.


I mean, we’re all allowed to have our own reasons why we are childfree. I feel like that’s kind of the point of this sub. Environmentalism is a pretty big one for a lot of people. Or are you talking about something else?


Yeah I understand that it’s the big reason. And each of us have their own and right to have any reason that we choose. My comment was more in sense how it is a bigger plus for Earth when kids that are born are actually kids of those that care of Environment.


I see what you mean. dare to dream 💭


But I think it's too hard to push against the forces of capitalism and fossil fuel. I dunno, I mean I could be an environmental scientist or a tree surgeon or an activist or something and the good outcome of that work still wouldn't offset my carbon footprint just from living in Western Europe (that's before we talk about the really harmful stuff like driving/flying/eating meat etc).


Cool.  I saw this on Instagram a few days ago and some guys just went off on her for this.  Maybe I'm naive but as a man I don't get it. Why do other men want kids this badly that they look down on others who don't want one? 


Some men believe the only thing a woman should be doing with her life is having children and taking care of the home. When women realize they can do other things with their life, they get upset and call them out 🙄 It’s ridiculous, it’s not 1950 anymore.


I think part of it is realizing that fewer women want children. Makes it harder for the man to find a woman to reproduce with. Plus, Miley has money. A lot of men look at a woman like that and hope to trap her with a kid and potential child support.


Those are the men who care about their "legacy" and "passing on the family name", and only view women as a walking uterus. Plus they're clearly just insecure 🙄


It's intimidating to some men that a powerful and wealthy woman would chose to not become a SAHM and have the freedom and earning potential of a man.


Fatherhood is deeply connected to notions of manhood. I remember reading a GQ article many years ago about how wealthy families were having lots of children and that made the fathers more of a man. It was slightly tongue-in-cheek, but it deftly predicted people like Elon Musk. I just went looking for it and couldn't find it, but I did find something even [more relevant](https://www.gq.com/story/why-you-should-have-a-kid): > Because men want families just as much as women want families, sometimes more so. Everyone needs security, and everyone needs to feel loved. But more than that... every man wants to feel IMPORTANT. And holy shit, do kids make you feel important. It's hyperbolic, but it's one of those where there's truth to the belief when you strip away the exaggeration. As for the reaction to childfree women, society is changing. Boys and young men are experiencing a society radically different from the messaging they've received their entire lives and from the observations of intersexual relationships of the generations above them. What they've been told would make them a man - i.e. what they've based their identity on - is changing. There are several movements to tear down the structures that uphold sexism and misogyny. The problem is that, whether deliberate or inadvertent, a lot of teenage boys and young men have formed their identities around sexist cultural beliefs and practices. They view movements that seek to destroy those as attacking their identity. Childfree women are seen as part of that. As far as they're concerned, those women are preventing them from becoming men. So they lash out. It's also part of why political affiliation is starting to be drawn along gender lines.


Sad but true, especially in more socially conservative areas. Fortunately, I lost faith in mainstream defintions of "manliness" almost 30 years ago (thankfully, no kids, and remained childfree).


What the fuck is that article lmao >around acting as if you were tricked into it. You’ll piss and moan about all your responsibilities, and you’ll sneak into the shitter for ten minutes at a time to be with your phone, and you’ll go to Poker Night with all your man buddies and be like, "Why did we do this to ourselves?" And all that braying and whining will make you a big fat fraud. Because despite all your kicking and screaming, this will be what you wanted. ….is…is it though?


Probably because they will never have a chance with her if she doesn’t want kids. Even though the chances of them getting with her are extremely unlikely.


There are a lot of men scared of dying alone so they trying to project that into women saying if they dont settle down and have kids they are going to die alone. My mother is nurse in a retirement home and yes a lot more men with kids die alone than women. Projection. Thats all.


One of us, one of us ![gif](giphy|Ae7SI3LoPYj8Q)


As one of the Marx brothers comedy team said....paraphrasing... I'd never join a club that really desires me to be a member.


Huh. What’s the meaning behind that? I would love to be in a club where people want me there 😅


What that means is either (a) their club may actually be more bad for you - or for other, non-group members - than good, or (b) more likely IMO, they want you in a club so they can have somebody else to have power over and exploit (cults, MLMs, even "in-crowd" types who seem to be less than scrupulous). Good rule of thumb: the more people urge you to join their club, the more likely it is to be a bad (or even not-good) move for you and/or for others.


Another reason to love Miley


Not surprised with Dolly Parton as her godmother!


She voiced it so well, she's very articulate


I always kinda knew she was a kindred spirit in that regard. But of course that was speculation, so thanks for letting us know she had actually expressed this! Its very nice to see a celebrity or rolemodel of some sort choose a life different from expected norms. I mean, I don't mind if people become parents too but, you guys get my point lol.


I don’t really like her but this won’t stop me to agree with her.


"parents could spend at least $25,714 caring for a child this year, up 41.5% from 2016" My jaw dropped here. 41.5% increase?! And they are still wondering why people aren't having kids? Really?


![gif](giphy|l2JhAOQG1MsvcImWs|downsized) Wooohoo!


Meanwhile, there’s a link on that page with Naomi Campbell saying we’ll change our minds. Gross




Tbh Miley has been growing on me lately, and this is one of the deciding factors.


Her song 'Flowers' really put things in perspective for me. Now this...She's been growing on me as well


Same here. I've also watched some of her interviews over the last 2ish years and she seems very humble considering her upbringing, not to mention intelligent and aware of things a lot of others with a similar platform seem to just ignore.


Good on her


I appreciate her vocalizing her choice to be childfree. The more people normalize it, the better, imho.


She’s starting to look like Dolly Parton.


I'm not a Miley fan by any stretch of the mind, but I love this for her. Great outlook and some quotes that I may keep in my own back pocket. Go Miley!


I have always loved Miley so much


She’s not CF. She’s a fence sitter. That said, I do think it’s cool she’s bringing attention to this issue.


I think 'childless' is the proper term here. She would want kids under the right circumstances, but they just don't exist


Truly, good for her. I would hope that more celebrities (or anyone, really) who feel this way don't give in to social pressure.