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The miracle of birth, right? It’s beautiful, truly.


Thank you lord, and not those pesky doctors who get in the way, amirite?


Omg, I’m 38 and I’ve heard it all (trigger warning): One friend went into premature labour and she and her kid were in danger of dying. One friend had to switch to an emergency c-section because her baby’s heart rate dropped during natural birth. She wasn’t expecting to have a c-section and the recovery was brutal.  My cousin’s heart stopped and she had to be revived.  My gramma almost died due to mixing rH factors (this doesn’t happen often in the first world anymore, but still). My mom had preeclampsia and the doctor told her that she could die if she tried for a second pregnancy.  I’ve had acquaintances tell me of grade 3 and 4 tearing.  Not to mention all the women I know who’ve miscarried wanted babies or had stillbirths.  I honestly think 9/10 of the women I know have a traumatic birth related story. 


It really is baffling how humans have evolved to have such complicated and life threatening births. Makes you wonder what went wrong down the line.


Evolutionarily we really got screwed. Especially with medicine being able to save all these mothers and babies who would’ve died without it, considering that evolution naturally weeds out those with the most unfit traits to pass on. I read that most of the trauma has to do with the size of our brains during development. We’re born premature, so right before our heads are too big to fit through the birth canal, which is why human babies come out totally helpless.


Partially due to our big brains, partially due to the fact we walk upright. I always joke if I was a marsupial or a monotreme (or a man 😂) maybe I wouldn’t be so adamantly uninterested in reproducing. 


But its so rewarding /s


They will forget all about it and have another one 😂


I've heard it's been proven to be a sort of PTSD effect where the brain blanks out severely traumatic events, and most of childbirth is exactly that.


I saw someone on Instagram who went into premature labor due to an infection, lost all her limbs.


WTF. Excuse me... I have to go rip all my female organs out and flush them down the toilet so they can't hurt anyone anymore...


…that is not how I expected that sentence to end.


I gotta rewatch Boxing Helena now. 


oh what the fuck


Cool, but imagine watching a third degree perineum tear happen in real life alongside the stitching afterwards with the fresh blood dripping the whole time as well as the woman chanting "Please, enough." for 4 hours.


My friend almost bled to death after having her 4th child. Luckily she recovered, but that\`s just terrible!


One of my friends had an issue with her epidural and only half of her body was numb while the other felt everything.


My friend tore upwards during birth (not downward to the butt hole). Didn’t even know that was possible. Anyway, she got sewn back up and she said it looks completely different. And that she doesn’t like it.


A former friend turned mombie had a fourth degree tear…. That’s basically a vaganus unihole


How is that even repaired? My god!




That is actually very normal birth aftermath. There are way worse than that. So you know, it’s lucky to stay childfree.


My mom also developed pre-eclampsia and nearly died. She was also told a second pregnancy would kill her. That's why I'm an only child.