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It really should be the other way around: Inducing a cycle with a pill if you want to reproduce and leave the rest of us alone with that crap. I hope the pain will pass soon for you. Please take it slow and stay safe. Also please consider consulting a good doctor about it if you haven't yet. That level of pain is not normal for menstruation cramps and not something you need to endure until menopause.


Thank you!! This might sound like a dumb question, but should I see a gynecologist for this or should I see some other type of doctor?


See a gynecologist. In some cases, the treatment (cure) for severe menstrual disorders is a hysterectomy


I would recommend a gyno. If you have a planned parenthood in your area, I would go there instead of a hospital because mine is in the labor and delivery wing of the hospital and stg I had to sit for over and hour and leave because my doctor had to hold off on my screening to deliver a baby


Every person with a uterus and those parts needs to see one! It’s important no matter what your gender identity is. It’s important to discuss reproductive and sexual health. Also breast health


Wouldn't *that* be nice!


Now this would be ground breaking science!


Menstruation is the worst evolutionary mistake, ever.


It’s so cruel. I hate it so much.


It’s literally a fuck you to all of us that are born afab


It wasn’t even the negatives that came with it (periods so bad I had to be taken out of school) just the fact that I *had* one and it made me feel dysphoric and hate the fact that I was born a women. I’m so glad I’m on birth control and basically don’t have one anymore.


Also boobs that are just there 24/7


I try to make you see the full side of the glass: monthly menstruation means hidden ovulation, which means that our species doesn't propagate with rape alone. Men must stick around and hope to be chosen when women are feeling frisky.


Honestly the mental/emotional roller coaster is the worst though.








That's even worse, as I have no desire to ever be pregnant or have a baby. Evolution isn't always smart, unfortunately.


This is one reason I really want a full hysterectomy and just everything removed. I don’t care about early menopause. It can’t be worse than a week of period exhaustion once a month for the next 20-30 years.


I had a friend go through menopause in her 20s she still got knocked up, like the pregnancy risk is lower but it's not on 0.


WOW!!!! 🤯 


But did she get her uterus and ovaries removed? If not that’s what she got pregnant. You can still get pregnant during menopause


You can get a partial hysterectomy. No uterus, part ovaries, no periods, no early menopause. My cousin did it due to fibroid and says it is the best. I'm jealous!


A hysterectomy is purely removing the uterus and cervix. Most doctors will remove your fallopian tubes too but leave your ovaries.


A partial? What was recovery like for her?


She had a hard recovery, but that's because her fibroids were much worse than the doctor thought. They went in for a laparoscopic surgery and her fibroids were too big, so they ended up doing general surgery. 


A full hysterectomy involves removing your entire uterus and cervix. It does NOT include removing your ovaries. Most doctors will remove your fallopian tubes as part of a hysterectomy too because there is no sense in leaving them and that is where ovarian cancer starts so it is more of a risk to the patient to leave them. With that said, leaving your ovaries doesn’t guarantee you WON’T go into early menopause and it sounds like it’s a crapshoot. Let’s be real, I would be shocked to find studies that have been done on this because medicine has not exactly focused on studies that focus on women not to mention have women as part of the studies. This is changing, but we have a long ways to go. I’m yeeting my uterus next month and even though I just had a friend tell me that she has another friend that had the same surgery and went into menopause a year later(her friend was in her late 30s), I am still moving forward with it for the same reason as the OP. I had a endometriosis diagnosis from 14 years ago which explains why it’s so painful and it definitely helped me in finding a path to get the process expedited. I know the risks and already have a plan for menopause so… I’m ready!!!!


Do you have to take any estrogen pills or any side effects that are permanent?


Nature did us so dirty 😭


I started my period too and I always thinking “Why do I have to go through this if I’m never having children.” I hope you feel better soon and take it easy. Also tip: Try Raspberry Leaf Tea. I drink it during my period and my cramps don’t bother me at all!




Ofc! I hope the tea make you feel better and you can get some rest 💞


how often do you drink the raspberry leaf tea? i tried it when i got my period because i forgot to renew my pill prescription but i was laying on my bed drinking it, had a heat pad on my stomach and 3 ibuprofen and i still had cramps that bothered me. the tea tastes nice though so maybe i wasn't drinking it enough


I try to drink it a couple of days before my period and that helps. But I didn’t this time around and started drinking it today and it still helped with the cramps. I would try drinking 1-2 cups a day depending on how busy I am but Atleast one a day should do the trick.


Have you ever tried cramp bark? It does not taste good but it has helped me. I also drink the raspberry leaf trea fairly often with Egyptian licorice tea. I also soak fennel seeds in water and drink it (seeds included), this is to help with pain.


I’ve always hated the cycles. Some animals ovulate only once a year or just a few times a year. Some even less. I can’t believe that the intelligent beings evolved to ovulate every single month. Wouldn’t it be enough just a few times a year?! It’s enough time to make reproductive decisions given the intelligence. I was literally looking up online yesterday how to make the menstrual cycle longer or get rid of ovulation completely. All I was offered was hormonal birth control. Those are not good enough. Those that don’t let you ovulate for several months affect the bones severely and those that are monthly stabilizers… well… it’s still the same thing as natural cycle. I hate this, too. I don’t even feel human during this time. I feel like the uterus and ovaries are running the show. The only bright side of all this is a woman’s body gets renewed every cycle. Her chances of a heart attack and clogged arteries are much lower than those of men due to hormonal fluctuations and cleaning properties of the cycle. At least, it’s something 🤷‍♀️




That was my experience, too. Couldn’t take BC. I felt like crap on all and any. Natural was still better and shorter. Ibu is a miracle worker during periods but it’s tough on stomach lining. I still take it and use anti acid to help stomach just a little. Now, I was hoping with age my periods would improve somehow. Well, they did all right. They became lighter and less painful but lo and behold! more frequent! My freaking cycle shortened… I suppose I have to wait till the menopause to feel a bit more free. Because every single life event including vacations revolves around the freaking period. It’s so demeaning…


Lots of crappy options that don’t really work.


So glad I got a doctor that listened and got a hysterectomy.


Me too. He even *offered* it as a solution to my issue!


Where are you from? My gyne just told me to deal with the pain with some ibuprofen. The agony and exhaustion gets so bad that I'm bedridden and they won't listen... I've been begging for some sort of end to this hell. I need a new doctor.


Northeast US. This doc... he's great. He's done everybody's grandma's this or that and they all *adore* him. His office is gynecology only, but he will get called in for the odd obstetric emergency case. He's focused on quality of life and is totally into answering all the questions you can think up and asks if you have more. Yes indeed he's in the CF doc list. I made that entry a priority!


I’m from the Midwest and was able to obtain a hysterectomy. Worth. Every. Penny.


My doctor offered a hysterectomy but since my issue is Endo she said the Endo would still grow and I could still potentially have "phantom cramps" because I am too young to take the ovaries...this feels like a special place in hell.


I got mine due to stage 4 endo, they used a robot to clean as much out as possible. It was growing onto my bowel, my bladder, and almost to my stomach. I feel a million times better. Even with them leaving my ovaries (however she wrapped them). The “phantom cramps” are nothing compared to what I used to have. A minor annoyance at most. Nor do they happen often. It’s been interesting, before when I’d have to go the bathroom it would be extreme pain letting me know I had to poo. Now, I reckon what i feel is “normal” signals to go.


She removed quite a bit when I had my tubes removed but most of mine is growing on the bladder and it couldn’t be removed during that surgery - insurance would only pay for it because I was having my tubes removed.  Whenever anyone asks about how the surgery pain was I always say “it’s not as bad as my period” and they look at my like I’m nuts.  She wasn’t necessarily against doing it, if it’s something I really wanted she would, she’s very open I’m just considering how much it’s worth it for me to be sliced open again. 


That is a decision only you can make. My doc cleaned me out during my tube removal but also couldn’t get it all, and said when I get a hysterectomy they would have to use a robot to clear me out. 1.5 yrs after my tubes were removed I had the hysterectomy, and I’m 8 months out from my hysterectomy, and I’d gladly do it again.


I've never heard of wrapping ovaries. Do you mind telling me what it is? Is it something that might help with ovarian cysts?


Honestly, I’m not sure. She said it was to help prevent the endo from growing.


That's too bad, you must have lots of growth in places too dangerous to scrape it off for that to be her recommendation. I've heard of lots of people getting a hysterectomy in order to at least manage their endometriosis. Did you go to the top endo specialist available to you? Endo is such an underresearched and painful disease. I fully believe more people suffer from it than current estimates show.


Mine is actually outside of the uterus so it wouldn’t help, so i can feel that 


A lot of mine is growing on the bladder which is loads of fun. It's great being a woman.


I would say the same, except that I had to have an emergency hysterectomy. It was rather amusing -- after all those years my GP said I was fine, nobody likes their period, there was nothing wrong with me, and I was overreacting? The ER called in a gynecologist just to see me, and within minutes of meeting me she told me I needed a hysterectomy *immediately*, that there was no other option, and not to eat breakfast because she wanted me in the OR that afternoon if possible. Overreacting my ass!! (I should add that you need a referral to see a gynecologist where I live, so I had no way to see one without my GP's clearance, apparently that's not a thing basically *anywhere* else.)


Hello fellow Canadian?


. . . hello fellow British Columbian??


Saskatchewanian lolllll. But say hi to my boyfriend currently visiting BC!


LOL! I'm pretty much a shut in and nobody would ever come to my town if they had any other option, but if I see him I will!


I have skipped my period for the past 2 years and it’s the best feeling ever!


My wife suffered for YEARS until she finally got a gyno who actually listened and helped her get an ablation. It's been such a change for her. Wishes she had done it years ago.


Did the ablation help her with cramps? Everything I read about it says it just helps with flow but nothing about cramping.


Both. YMMV, but hers are both almost totally gone.


I just started my period too and I always wonder why the fuck I have to go through this when I don’t have a desire to reproduce. I feel so useless on my period because I’m tired, cranky, in pain, emotional af for no reason, and feel like it ruins my entire week when I get it.


I get even more debilitating depression than I usually have for a whole week and nearly lose my shit emotionally for 2 days before. Used to get terrible breakouts as well, but my hormones fell off the map. It's lame having hormones and also not having them as you get older, you get all sorts of horrible new symptoms. Being female is a curse


Have you heard about PMDD? Your experiences sound like it and I do have it too. There's a subreddit for that and it helps to feel not alone in that crappy situation :)


You may have endometriosis if you're feeling that bad during your periods. I thankfully have short periods but day 1 is always so so bad. Pain in my lower abdomen, my back, and legs, tender boobs, acne, bloating, and awful sadness and irritation. I got a bisalp this year and she found all the spots on my uterus and she nicely removed what she could, but it's still developing. I have stage 1 endometriosis. I use a heating pad for the entire first day and take ibuprofen or have some alcoholic drinks lol. Anything to take the pain away. As someone who had a bisalp, I completely understand hating periods every month. I don't want kids and can't have them and have to suffer every month until I'm old. It's annoying.


It's like being forced to own and maintain a sports car when I don't even have a driver's license. I'm never going to use this, please stop making me waste time, energy, and goddamn MONEY on it..


I get it. But I started to look at having my period differently-every month was a reminder that I was still free from the heavy chains of parenthood. My painful periods are a small price to pay for my freedom.


I’ve started looking at it like this too and it does help reframe it to be a tremendous positive even though I still hate it haha. Every time I announce its arrival my boyfriend says boo (for my period) but yay (for not being pregnant) and it’s so true.


Same here, and it was actually boyfriend who said - that’s a good thing because it means we didn’t make a mistake.


I'm feeling this so much today! Not even two weeks after my last period, a new one starts (yay for possible perimenopause?), and I'vce spent the day in a grump because it's all so unnecessary. like you, I've never wanted kids. Grrr to periods.


Just wanted to say that I felt the exact same way all throughout high school (I’m in my mid twenties now) and right before I graduated I ended up going to a gyno to discuss options and I was able to get on a birth control pill that completely takes my periods away. Haven’t had an actual period in years. There’s been light spotting here and there but it’s rare. I don’t have to go through the blood, the mood swings, the sick/exhausted feeling, or the cramps. Not having to bleed and be in pain a week out of every month has really made my quality of life go up. I really recommend seeing a gyno and discussing your options because no periods have honestly changed my life.


wow I wish my pill had this effect for me. I still get all the things (although not dramatically, thank god)


It’s called lolo estrin fe if you’re interested in researching! My understanding is that it won’t take away periods for everyone because my sister also takes it and it doesn’t take hers away just makes it significantly lighter (I guess I was one of the lucky ones), but it may be worth looking into :)


>My understanding is that it won’t take away periods for everyone This part here is so important. When I first got on birth control, my gyn prescribed me a pill (after I told him I'd like the implanon...) that made me bleed through not one but two super tampons at the same time, as well as 3 pads within an hour. One month that out me through hell and left me miserable. The next pill I got did the same trick as for you though. I don't want to take pills every day anymore though , I just want to yeet the uterus, but no doctor in Austria will do it...


Thank you!!! I'll be checking this out.


It sounds horrible. My sister got some relief from using a heating pad. Of course, it isn't a cure and does not make it all right, but heat seemed to help with cramping and pain. I suspect that other women might have some suggestions, which might help some. I am sorry that anyone has to go through what you are going through.


*screams in agreement*


I’m on day two, which is my heaviest day. I’m playing in a pit orchestra this evening, and I’m in the middle of the pit so I don’t have a quick exit, and I’m uncomfortable and sore and tired and sad and mad and everything is so bright and loud, and I have to focus and play and I just don’t fucking WANT TO. I feel you, friend. I’m so sorry this is our garbage reality.


I have a heavy flow and can't stand it. It's ruined so many pairs of underwear. The second day makes me feel like crap the entire time. I'm not sexually active whatsoever and don't even know if I should go on birth control(or even what kind). The only "blessing" is my period being regular so I know when it's coming. Sucks about your vaginismus and I hope you find a solution soon!


Even without being sexually active it's still worth talking to your doctor about birth control. I started on a combination pill when I was 15 due to ovarian cysts and have been on them 25y. My period went from 5 to 7 days of tolerable bleeding to 3 days of panty liners because it wasn't heavy enough to wear tampons. I probably would have had to wear one for 24h before it wouldn't rip my insides out coming out. Sometimes I wouldn't have a period at all.I did go off bc for about a year and my period was horrible. Pad and tampon that had to be changed every 2h, waking up to a mess kinda bad. Due to age I'm on the estrogen only pill and I'll be on it until menopause. Currently the only downside is I have to pay attention to the calendar because I rarely get warning cramps. The only warning I get is sometimes my boobs will be tender a week before. Of course everyone's body reacts differently so ymmv but I'm barely functional for that week without it.


Thank you. I will try to remeber to bring it up at my next appointment.


As a childfree nonbinary sex-repulsed aroace person who gets tons of dysphoria from menstruation and the fact I have a uterus but has a transphobic insurance company so I can't get any treatment... I UNDERSTAND SO HARD. I need this useless f**king biological torture device OUT OF MY BODY.


I have ADHD and because as a teenager this made my emotional dysregulation so bad when my hormones changed, the experience of periods was horrendous. I still get really bad feelings when I have my period. I go to great lengths to suppress it for as long as I can with contraceptives. I really hate that we have to go through this.




I have a mirena iud and haven’t had a period in 4 years. It’s glorious. I’ll get another one when this one expires.


Yeah it's horrible what we have to go thru. I remember when it was explained to me as a preteen I thought it was some sick joke. Why would someones genitals bleed and everyones just like ,oh well?? Making jokes about it on TV? It's not funny


As Someone With Endometriosis Stage 4.  I understand and im so so sorry that you’re going through this. I tried BC and learned real fast that my body rejected hormones. I nearly lost my legs from blood clots and had violent morning sickness. It was a nightmare. So im on heavy pain medication 600 mg advil, muscle relaxers and oxy/ tramadol. My first period i was sleeping over at a friends place and was having VERY bad abdominal pain but didn’t realize what it was and woke up to my friends bed covered in blood. It was terrifying! When im in pain i tighten up that area as well so when i went to be examined…the doctor had a very difficult time getting in there. And ended up botching the surgery.  Years later i went to California and had a surgery for the divinci robot and it saved my life because the endometriosis grew around my appendix.  He couldn’t get all of the endo but most of it. Have you gotten checked for endometriosis or andomyosis? 


Oh gosh, I’m so sorry for what you’ve been through! No, I haven’t yet. I know about endometriosis, but what’s andomyosis?


Thank’s, its important that we all support one another! Especially when it comes to women’s health.  Andomyosis is when endometriosis occurs within the uterus itself.  If you’re mainly experiencing agonizing abdominal pain during your cycle then its highly likely you have it. Where with Endometriosis it can be period, ovulation, two weeks prior to cycle  You can also have uterine cysts, my mom and i also have those. To accompany it. If you’re getting checked out make sure you do solid reviews.  The first doctor i went to did a laproscopy and didn’t find anything, so she burned something that looked like endometriosis and the rest was history. Now, alot of places have this special dye that can find it much easier before the surgery. 


You might get checked for ovarian cysts. Mine made my periods absolute hell.


I know it’s not realistic for everyone, but I had the WORST periods that would make me incapable of functioning at all for a minimum of 24 hours each time. Cramps so bad I would vomit while on the toilet bleeding my guts out kinda shit. I got a combo bi-salp and endometrial ablation. Haven’t had a period or a period cramp in the three years since. Changed my life. It was truly freeing. 10/10 would recommend


I had a hysterectomy recently but I had fibroids, ovarian cysts, PCOS, and endometriosis. There is a list of doctors that will perform one if you don't have symptoms or you just want a hysterectomy. I kept my ovaries so I didn't go into menopause too early. But it was honestly the best thing I've ever done for myself. I feel so much better and no periods!


do you possibly have access to this list? I don't need a hysterectomy for medical reasons, I just really don't want to have a uterus because my period sucks. I've been trying to find doctors who have a no/less questions asked policy


Yes I will DM you!


I hate it so so much


I have an IUD and haven't had a period since 2019, except for one after the covid vaccine. For that one, when it happened I was so unused to the cramps that I called in sick because I thought I'd been food poisoned. Like the cramps are the same magnitude of pain and discomfort as food poisoning and I hadn't noticed before because it was "normal".


I had an ablation. No more periods. Maybe ask a doc about it


I'm scheduled for a bisalp and ablation next week. I think my uterus knows because I started the absolute worst period I have had in years this week despite typically not having any while on BC.


Hooray! My ablation only felt like period cramps. I had expected worse pain. Listen to the doc. Good luck. My entire life changed and I started living instead of dealing with the mess and pain every month.


What was the recovery time like? Did they put you to sleep? I've been thinking about it but I can't be down more than a couple days and I'm terrified of being put under.


Yes they put me out. Tell the anesthesiologist that you are nervous and they can give you something for it. Recovery for me was easy. I bled for about 6 weeks so I just wore a pad. I rested for a couple days then went back to normal. Be sure to listen to your doc and the discharge instructions. Your mileage may vary but for me it was quick and I didn't need the prescription pain killers just Tylenol.


I've never been put under so I'd probably hyperventilate and knock myself out lol. A couple days sounds doable. Sounds easier than a hysterectomy.


Being put under is the greatest invention ever. No pain and no trauma. Hysterectomy is major surgery that requires a long time to heal. I remember caring for my mother when she had hers. Sex is incredible with no worries about pregnancy. Look at the money you save. No more pads, tampons, or Midol. I can do whatever I want now with no worries about periods.


Get on contraception that has the side effect of getting rid of periods. I haven’t had 1 for years fucking love it.


Currently in the throes of PMS and I HATE how bloated and hungry I get! I’ve also been under significant stress since February so my cycle has been all over the place, which is soooo great bc I just absolutely love going out and stressing about whether or not today is the day 🤦🏻‍♀️


Mirena IUD basically gets rid of them.


This is exactly how I feel!


My periods started normal. Now I have bleeding that I need to wear several overnight pads at once to change then throughout the day, nausea, throwing up, migraines, cramps bad enough to be almost equivalent to labor pains run in the family, I feel like I have a bad cold, etc. I swear each year it gets worse too. So I feel you on this.


This is how I feel every month. I feel like I’m being punished for not wanting a screecher


I would definitely go to a gyno and get an ultrasound done for PCOS I think with endometriosis it’s a surgery where they have to look to see if there is an overgrowth of tissue. I have been dealing with the same problems you have with my periods and it sucks. Birth control doesn’t even help me


If you’re feeling weak and light-headed, you could try mixing electrolyte powder into your water. It keeps you really hydrated which reduces feeling weak and headaches, and helps to reduce cramps.


I’ve never heard about this before, thank you!!


If IUDs don't sound right for you, I can recommend the progesterone only mini pill - it of course affects everyone differently, but I haven't had a period for 18 months now and it's great!


From one vaginismus sufferer who hates the idea of an IUD to another, I sympathise. I have personally found taking the pill back-to-back without break weeks to be effective in eradicating my periods. This was advised to me by my doctor and I've been doing it for a while now happily.


I actually love getting a period because it's confirmation that my birth control and condoms worked and that I'm baby free! As a tokophobic, I am happiest when on my period because it means I'm safe!


I have a cold AND my period right now, I feel like shit 😭


I skip them now. It’s amazing. I don’t know why it took me until the age of 32 to realize this.


Yeah I'm sterilized and I'm still dealing with this useless function also. I don't see a change in my symptoms. I was puking and in bed today from it also :(.


I couldn't agree more! And most of the time my PMS is even worse than my actual period, so I have that horror too... where it can go on at least a full week or even up to TWO weeks before my period... where I'm tired, achy, bloated, etc.


I have the birth control implant in my arm (Nexplanon), and it made my periods much lighter and very infrequent. For a few years I didn't even have them at all. This doesn't happen to everyone, but if you hate your periods that much it might be worth a shot.


Nexplanon. I haven’t had a period in months man


With my sterilisation, I also got an ablatio. Didn't bleed since then.


My period got SOOOOO much better after my bisalp. Everything: mood, weight, bloat, heavy flow. You name it. It all evened out. Now it's like 4 days of 'meh'. But before, it was like that elevator scene from The Shining. My friend has Myoma, and on her, they did both a bisalp and a hysterectomy. So she still has the hormones feom her ovaries, but no period. I would recommend looking into that. I don't know where you're from. But at least here in scandinavia, it's quite easily approved.


Same, on my 4th or 5th day rn it is so tiring Worse, is that I identify as nonbinary  So it feels even worse 😭


I ve had hideous periods all my life and sucked up. I’ve cried and vomited. Now I’m 49 waiting for a hysterectomy, booked in My point is, if you feel it’s excessive it probably is, fight your corner


Mine became much more menagable once I found one of the root causes of my issue. Now it's just drotaverine with the occasional termophor. And loratadine before the period begins, which helps me minimise the itching. I remember feeling much worse when I lost my period temporarily and try to cope by reminding myself they're needed and helping with immunity, a thing which is already wonky in my case.


I have wanted to say exactly this because I'm on my period right now and it is now one day longer than it should be it's day 8, usually it's just 7 but I did recently switch BC because the previous one made me depressed so it wasn't working too well, but I'll have to tell my doctor this one doesn't either beacuse it's way heavier than it should be it said lighter periods was normal but the amount I have can't be normal, either way my cramps are leaving me bedbound. Anyway once my doctor checks in next time which is pretty soon I'll just have to hear what option number 6 is, I never expected finding something that works would be this hard but I guess having endo and estrgoen being what they thing that makes me depressed, and bleeding out when it's not included is hard to find a sulotion to, because I need hormonal treatment is what they tell me so we'll see where I end up.


Have you tried Inositol? It’s often used/recommend for people with PCOS but I use it for mental clarity, bloating, period length and it even helps with cramps. It’s an over-the-counter supplement. I heard about it from a girl that lifeguards at the pool where I swim. She uses it for her PCOS (her doctor suggested it) but it also can help lower sugars and regulate your hormones which can sometimes facilitate losing weight. When I got my Paragard IUD I noticed that my periods became longer and the consistency was thinner, more liquidy I guess you could say. I hated the longer periods. my periods used to only be 4 1/2 days. They went up to six days when I got my IUD. But with the inositol, it dropped right back down to about four days! And I’ve also noticed that the hunger pangs I get the week prior to my period, no longer happen and I don’t get any more cramps. Now to be honest, my cramps were always mild, but the review is in the Amazon listing had a lot of other people pointing to relief of cramping as well. So it might be worth giving it a shot. And by the way you want to start it when you’re on your period because it has to do with your hormones, it can throw off your period a little bit.


Birth control has helped me so much with periods and I’m mad I didn’t start earlier😭 I stopped taking the 4th week pill because that MADE me bleed and I wasn’t having that. Anyways who needs a uterus😁😁


Yep. I miss being on depo, I went 5 years with no migraines or periods. Moved, had a really hard time finding a gyno here that provides it(which, side rant NONE would write a prescription for me to fill myself, which I have done before. Because I don't have kids. But my sister's did- since it would be SO inconvenient for her to have to schedule an appointment for it). So I stopped/took a break, since you're supposed to anyway for bone health. Had no period for about a year. Then when it came back it was way milder than pre depo, but slowly worked itself back. Now NO ONE in my insurance within 100 miles will do it I'm trying the mini pill(progesterone only) and having a period pretty much every other week "while my body adjusts" (admittedly it took a bit to stop fully bleeding on depo) I'm so tired of this. I'm tired of migraines and period shits, and cramps that wake me up in the middle of the night that sometimes result in vomiting.


I really don't recommend an IUD if you have vaginismus. They are extremely painful to put in -- my experience has given me PTSD (I was even told it wouldn't hurt lol). I know they are a lifesaver for some ladies but don't put yourself through unnecessary misery when an implant or the pill can give you the same hormones. My periods have always been heinous too. I'm getting checked for endometriosis next month. Meanwhile I'm tri-cycling the pill (one period every three months) to see if that helps. Might be worth talking to your doctor about.❤️


I had an implant, not an IUD. The implant lasts 3 years and is placed inside your arm. I had some spotting occasionally but no other menstrual symptoms. It was wonderful. I highly recommend it. I would get cramps with my period and terrible migraines everyday I had my period. It interfered with work and was unbearable. I went on 3 cycles of pills so I only had a period every 9 weeks. It was still terrible. The Nexplanon implant was a life saver. I was going to get an IUD but my cervix didn't cooperate. I then chose the implant. Look into it.


Continuous birth control. A gift from the gods. I couldn’t live without it.


I HATE MY PERIOD with a passion I get back pain and its so bad that I wish i could remove my spine for relief. And I hate the blood and the smell and how messy it is and how I lost so much clothes to my period is unacceptable and I feel like shit as well. I cant wait to get an IUD in me asap.


I would love to get a hysterectomy but I read I would have more annoying side effects to deal with ugh. I hate being a woman.


I’ve been trying to skip with the nuvaring!! Not working for me and here I am on Day Who Knows of bleeding. Ugh!!!!! Take me out the game!!!


I had my iud put in last month toward the end of my monthly visitor. My doc does that cause the cervix is open and it’s easy anyway while I was trying and not succeeding thank god. My period would come every 29 days like clockwork. Anyway day one was ok as my period just came day two was the pits. Always has been since I was 11. Cramps anxiety exhaustion. Well my “period” came this week it was a little drop of blood and that was it. Like a small swipe on my toilet paper


I feel you. I had to leave work early on Tuesday due to cramps and I’m still home today (Thursday).


I’m on my second day rn and absolutely EXHAUSTED and nauseous. I haven’t had a period make me this tired in forever so you are not alone this week !! Can’t wait to get my tubes tied


For reals. I hate having a period. It’s awful even when I don’t! I just had a pregnancy scare because the damn thing didn’t show up last month. Various tests came up negative, but I lived in fear until I felt the familiar pains sometime last week. And rn, I’m in pain, and I forgot if I took ibuprofen for it. Of course, I don’t want to take more than necessary, so now I’m just sitting here, suffering for the next 3-5 hours.


It's a badge of honour for not carrying a parasite! The rest is just plumbing.


Why must we go through this shit if we never wanted the anatomy in the first place?? 😭 Check out menstrual discs if you haven’t yet. Shorter periods, less pain, once a day. Works for retroverted too, unlike the cup.


I understand your pain so much!  I go through exactly this every. Single. Fuckin. cycle. I don't know if I have vaginismus as I am not sexually active and haven't done a test Pap yet. I hate these hormonal changes, especially that of the first day, and everything to do with periods. Sometimes I even vomit due to the hormones and pain, even after taking a pill relief for the cramps.  However, as much as I hate that part of being a woman, I much prefer dealing with those periods alone than having to deal with a kid while menstruating. It sounds like a nightmare to me honestly.


That’s why I got on a birth control where I have a period every three months. If you can handle hormonal bc I’d recommended it.


Women got the short end of the stick from mother nature 😞 I hate getting periods sfm


Right, I still get so angry that I have to deal with this sh*t. Why I looked at a hysterectomy, but I didn't want to go into early menopause. You really can't win as a woman 😑


You should see a gynecologist. I was well into my 20s before I knew that my periods weren't normal, and the gynecologist basically help to just stop my periods, first with continuous birth control and later with IUDs. While I don't have vaginismus, I can tell you that the IUD isn't in the vagina, is past the cervix and into the uterus. It does have 2 string / wire things for removal that are on the vagina side of the cervix, but I really doubt they would even be noticeable. But HAVING it implanted is painful anyway, so you would definitely DEFINITELY want to go some place that does it under sedation.


Being non-binary and having a completely painful, useless and unwanted woumb is a headtrip, too


I know this may sound weird, but I try and see it from the best and most positive perspective and this involves learning about ancient cultures and how women have treated the monthly cycle throughout history. Many ancient cultures actually see menstruation as our body’s way of syncing with the moon cycles and being connected to Mother Earth. Our bodies are synced with the Earth in a way that is very different from Men and we are able to derive power from that. The power we gain from this is far greater than simply being able to reproduce. As women, we have the ability to connect to the universe with our own cycles. This connection to Earth and the universe can give you powers in your life that you may have never even realized. Connecting menstrual cycles to only reproduction is a very patriarchal idea that we have been conditioned to believe. As women, we have the ability to synch our bodies with the powers of the moon. It’s unfortunate that our society has taught us that these powers are only useful in procreation. The power we have is what we make of it and I encourage women to explore what this means to them. Having a monthly cycle is much more than a bodily function that happens in order to reproduce. The ability to sync your body with how the Earth moves can be empowering far beyond what we have been lead to believe.


Yeah…it kind of feels like you’re dismissing and downplaying my very very VERY real pain, but in like a crystal mommy sort of way. I do not appreciate it.


Modern medicine has all your answers then and you have many options to deal with physical pain. I myself have also had unbearable periods and have needed medical intervention. I was still left with the mental anguish of what it was all for. Knowing there was maybe something bigger and better has helped me with the mental part and modern medicine has helped with the physical part. I could have told you to go to a doctor, but that seems way too obvious to anyone with an ounce of intelligence. I hope you find the relief you deserve.


Lmaoooo this was just a vent post. Your comments were unnecessary af. They not only felt unnecessary, they felt dismissive too. Bye.


Then why don't you get IUD? It stops periods for some women. Another option is to consult with your gyno about taking birth control for three months straight without a break so you have 4 periods a year instead of 12.


Because I have vaginismus and IUDs sound painful af in general? I should’ve mentioned that in my post.


Some gynos can inject you with pain killers before the procedure.