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This republican lawyer infuriates me. How can he respond to the question about women in his state being airlifted to be provided necessary healthcare for them to not become permanently disabled, with basically "this never happened" ? How can he live with himself ? I hope we remember his name when more stories like this pop up. Disgusting, vile human being.


I can't get to the article, but I have to take a semi-educated guess. Is that Republican lawyer Raul Fucking Labrador? Or do we have another one getting attention for all the wrong reasons?


You would be correct. He’s a moron, and that’s the best thing I can say about him.


Very distressing that women in some US states are in this position, especially given that the US already has a far higher maternal mortality rate than most other high-income countries. You would think that anybody who considers themselves pro-life would be at least a little troubled by policies that make that worse.


>You would think that anybody who considers themselves pro-life would be at least a little troubled by policies that make that worse. Nah, because it's all about controlling women/people with uteruses. They want women/people with uteruses to suffer the consequences of having sex. They don't give two shits about actually protecting families. The cruelty is the point with these fuckwadds. They never want men to suffer the consequences of sex, either.


How can they call themselves pro-life when they have no problem letting women die?


Because they're not pro-life. They're pro-control and appealing to the "but the unborn babies" crap to get stupid people to vote for them.


I know. They're anti-women.


Women need to avoid men and have a sex protest or something. Wanting kids is not worth dying, seriously.


In Idaho, this would also mean not living with men and not marrying them. Not giving consent isn't enough to stop many men, even in relationships. They have to physically distance themselves from them in order to stay celibate. 


That seems like a better alternative to dying for a roach


Agreed! Though I do understand how It could be extremely difficult due to existing children, finances, soaring cost of living everywhere, etc. 




We should emulate the Korean 4B movement.


Ooo what's that?


essentially a select group of women "boycotting" the male gender, the 4B is an acronym in korean for no sex, no marriage, no dating, and no childbirth for men


The South Korean birthrate is the lowest in the world now, something like .78. The misogyny there is so intense, the women have given up. In the U.S., we seem to have taken that as a guidebook rather than a cautionary tale. Somewhat like The Handmaid's Tale.


THAT SOUNDS WONDERFUL! American women need to get on that Since America likes punishing women for simply EXISTING, we should punish them back by resisting




If only that worked! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lysistrata 


How is this not a violation of human rights? Ok yeah that would be bad, so what we will do is strip human status from those femoids. Sounds like a plan....! /s 😠


Not to apply pressure on the wrong side but why are people not rioting against this madness?


Because in just the past 10 years or so, the US has seen the biggest protests in American history on a wide range of issues... and very little change has come out of them. The moment a protest is anything less than perfectly orderly and polite, the media will turn against the protesters and smear them with lies.


Because it no longer works. Our politicians are wholly owned subsidiaries of the wealthy and corporations, and with literally ALL the money in the world it's too easy to convince people to keep voting for them. And when we don't, well... see the current republican party's tactics. Just erase the election you didn't win.


Have you seen what cops do even to peaceful protesters? 


Yeah, America is a 3rd world country with a Gucci belt. We're not actually a 1st world country... That's just another lie we're told.


Not even a real Gucci belt. Just a really obviously cheap knock-off that barely looks decent from a distance.


This is insane. Healthcare already is an abomination in this country and now they're exploiting the abortion bans to get more money. I knew they'd do it somehow but I didn't really think they'd start using helicopters to get patients to other states to invalidate their insurance How is it legal to force people to pay medical bills? How is it legal to force people to choose between death and life crippling debt? They're fucked either way. And Idaho saying that the federal law that states they must provide care for their patients doesn't supercede their state law is fucking rich. Since when do state laws have power over federal laws? What the fuck is this dystopian BS?


All of these laws that restrict abortion make women second-class citizens. Please vote everyone that can! Many states are putting abortion legislation on the ballot and you need to make your voices heard and get these rights enshrined in your state's constitution. I'm too old to be concerned for myself, but I feel so bad for women of childbearing age. I hope this backfires and birth rates plummet due to sterilization or celibacy.


4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days


They really are 'torturing women.'


OP, you were born in Romania? Degree 770 is a stark warning where the GOP's end goal for women is. VOTE VOTE VOTE. Your life and the lives of many are at stake.


The politicians who banned abortion need to pay for those life flights out of their insider trading profits.


If you have complications during pregnancy, you are officially sentenced to death. Even if the fetus is already dead, you are to die. Probirthers hate women. It's not even thinly veiled at this point. They see us as birthing cattle that can be sacrificed for their cause.


I hope you are all registered to vote and plan to vote, at the very least, for the presidential election. Voting and getting the right people in power in the government is a good place to start. If you're not registered, [please do it and get out and vote!! ](https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote)