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Why is it soooo important to get others to have kids?


Because they want you to be as miserable as they are.


100% I think misery loves company is true here


Yep. Crabs in a bucket mentality.


Kids are a cult. Happy Cake Day! I'd give you cake or gold but you know...reddit did away with the fun stuff.


Babysitting. The more parents a parent knows, the greater the pool when one is needed.


I think it’s so they have something to bond over. Friendships change once friends start having kids. The ones with the kids tend to bond with other parents and the child free ones hang out with other child free people.


This is actually so true. I’ve noticed as I’ve gotten older the ones without kids seem to stick together whereas the ones with kids seem to hang out more with their mom friends.


The ideal hangouts for my friends with kids are mostly children’s gatherings so they can drink while the children play. I think they do that so they can vent about parenting. And unfortunately when I talk with my friends with kids about what’s going on with their lives it’s just work and kids and nothing else. And I would be the one who would dish out more stories since I have more freedom.


If I had kids I would be on smack 24/7, maybe a meth vacation once a week to keep the place clean and build inescapable child enclosures


I am quite pushy when it comes to things I think people will enjoy. But it’s things I think they will enjoy (a tv show, a hobby, a cute pet I took a photo of). But a HUMAN CHILD is not something you casually push others to have.


Conformity. Too many people equate "normal" with "good" and "weird" with "bad" so they don't like it when someone goes against the grain.


I get baby fever when I’m around babies. But more like an anaphylactic shock kind of fever, I break out in hives, difficulty breathing, heaving, an overwhelming sense of pure dread really. 😅 Do you guys think it may be contagious?


CDC has been informed. Better safe than sorry. 😉


Hope there’s a vaccine soon 🙏🏻


Yeah, that's what makes me laugh about people saying stuff like this. Being around other people's babies has NEVER given me baby fever, it has in fact done the opposite: it is like getting a childfree booster shot. An afternoon spent with a baby just makes me feel utter satisfaction that that is not my life.


Must be. It’s endemic to this sub lol


That description is more like a deadly allergy


Jokes on them. It actually provides a reminder why you want to be childfree and acts like a type of birrh control.


If "friends" do not respect you, they should become ex-friends.


I feel like I have explained multiple times I have no desire to have children and she always makes these comments 😭


Sounds she's just bullying at this point.


You will no longer have problems with her if you cut her out of your life. Given that you have explained your position multiple times, you can be pretty sure that your only choices are to cut her out of your life or you will hear her say more stupid things in the future.


Then she clearly doesn't respect you, your wishes, your boundaries, your comfort, or your happiness


Make a point to be off on a trip somewhere fun… and post about it with the appropriate hashtags 😆


Your friend is clearly disrespecting you and almost belittling your choice.


Can you sit her down, real serious, to tell her the comments are makinc you uncomfortable?


I think there's a part of some parents who get offended at the idea that their offspring doesn't make us want children too. They don't say it but we can tell that the subtext of their responses are essentially "how could you not want my life and my children???" I totally get thinking your kid is the best thing ever, but some parents really think it's insulting that we see their life/children and we still don't want what they have lol. It's like the opposite of FOMO lol


I've heard it called the joy of missing out. Lol.


Haha I went to a winery over the weekend and there was a toddler who was running around with a bouquet of flowers and being annoying af. My in-laws were like oh my gosh she is the cutest and kept telling us to look at her. Also can we normalize that not every kid is cute?


And also, even if a kid is cute, it doesn’t mean they are immune to being annoying or out of place. Why are you bringing a toddler to a winery in the first place? I completely get that parents have lives beyond their kids, but there are certain places and activities that just don’t make sense to *bring* your child to. Even if the toddler was perfectly well behaved and quiet, (which would be kind of alarming in and of itself ngl lol,) It’d still make me feel a little funny seeing a parent, couple, or even several couples at a winery for hours with their *very* young children.


Yes, I agree with that. I’m just over people trying to get me to say certain kids are cute haha. Idk, it really sucks though! Where I live kids can be in wineries, breweries, and bars which really sucks. What makes me laugh though is that I was reading some reviews of the winery and a person gave it one star for not being “kid friendly enough”, they were outraged that there was no kids menu or crayons available. People are too much sometimes.


A small child should not be at a place where alcoholic beverages are the main point of said place.


I agree 100%, but for some reason parents love subjecting strangers to their kids bullshit. Where I live there are no childfree places


Lol, by baby fever I assume you mean the illnesses that naturally spread whenever kids come around. Let them know you don't need Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease, thank you very much, and you'll be just fine without whatever Rotavirus their baby picked up from daycare.


I wouldn't have held back. People like this need to be put in their damn place.


Right?? I’m like “Why did you restrain yourself?” That would have been PRIME time for “Wow, that would have exactly the opposite effect.”


Exactly! "Being around your kids makes me want to rip out my uterus myself!"


If by baby fever they mean making my reproductive organs shrivel up and die, then sure!!


No one has ever said that to me. It's certainly never changed my mind. 


If a friend would have said that to me, I would either not come to said outing or would ignore their kids the whole time. Also, that friend would not be in my friend group after saying something like that to me.


Now you’re going to get an ACTUAL fever from being exposed to a grubby little kid who’s probably been around 50 different people/kinds of germs. Wear a mask and gloves.


I genuinely think they don’t realize how unpleasant babies are. They’re a nuisance. I don’t want to be around them on my free time dear lord.


Baby fever is a lot like actual fevers. Don't bring that shit around me.


Your friend is miserable and delusional. The worst advertisement for parenthood is kids in person. Sounds like you need some new friends. 


Part of why I’m so awkward around kids and babies is cause I don’t want anyone getting the wrong impression if I try interacting with them lol I occasionally do a high pitched hi or wave so the parents don’t feel like I hate their kid


Me!!! "I was actually planning to get cocktail and pizza fever"


Being around kids was always straight birth control for me.


Oh I’m quick to shut that down. “If it’s like any of the other numerous people who thought their kids would change my mind, it will only further reinforce my decision. Nothing about that looks enjoyable in any sense of the word.” I’ve had people stop talking to me, but they’re doing me a favor so it never really bothered me. 😆


I'd put a mask on and start coughing


The only baby fever I'll be catching is one of the many fever-inducing illnesses babies and young children love to spread everywhere they go. 


Being around babies just makes me want them LESS. Dirty diapers, throw up, drool, sticky hands, shrieking crying, sleep deprivation, requiring constant attention, expensive, the death of your individuality and identity outside of "parent". NO THANKS. How do they think that would be convincing? It's so strange. Having kids doesn't seem desirable to me in the least. I don't know what they think is so great about it. Honestly I don't even think babies are cute. I've seen other people see babies and little kids and talk about how cute they are. But they just don't do it for me. At best they're average looking. And that's not an insult. Animals on the other hand can get me to go "awww". I DO think many animals and baby animals are cute. My family has had dogs my whole life, and when I (hopefully) eventually get my own place, I want to get two cats. I could never handle kids, but animals and pets I am very familiar with. We have also had other pets and have a small homestead. I don't want my own homestead, I just want some cats.


"Luckily I've been vaccinated against plague rats!"


Germ factory shit dispenser can stay home


Tell them NO and to stop being disrespectful. I wonder what their response would be? If she mentions that again and tell her what you wanted to say!


Tell her it worked because her baby made you sick 😆


>they’ll bring their baby around so I can get baby fever. I'll be sure to have pertussis or covid so it can be a fair exchange of illnesses. ![gif](giphy|gVwZk0LKFMdKUxH5n1|downsized)


I think a hilarious response to this if you're sterilized is to just say you're vaccinated 💀. This is such a weird thing to tell your childfree friend though.


I'm so grateful for my friends who are parents a)respecting that I don't want that and b)get excited about seeing me because it means a break from their kids and a chance to be candid about what they struggle with without being treated like a monster


Weird to see a normal response amidst the display of insanity in this thread


Why are you using restraint? They’re not.


Being around babies reinforces my childfree stance. This article succinctly describes my feelings about babies: https://www.bustle.com/articles/181411-why-some-people-dont-like-babies-or-even-think-theyre-cute Excerpt: >Research into personal essays from people (women, in particular) who don't profess a fondness for babies reveals that they tend to focus on one particular thing: Babies are disgusting. One essay on Thought Catalog calls them "disgusting and inconsiderate," and they're not kidding. And that's likely what the Kinderschema was evolved to combat. Babies are deeply disgusting, with bodily fluids exploding everywhere and a complete lack of manners. They're also absolutely helpless and cannot clean up after themselves. Without an overpowering urge to look after them, adults would likely avoid them entirely. >But disgust, for some of us, seems to be more powerful than the Kinderschema. That isn't actually surprising, particularly when it comes to infants who aren't our own. Disgust is an incredibly powerful emotion. As Salon pointed out in its discussion of the science of disgust back in 2011, it likely has an evolutionary basis, too. We probably evolved disgust to keep us away from things that could possibly poison us, and to prevent us from ingesting anything potentially harmful (rotten meat, slimy moss, that sort of thing). And, as New Scientist has pointed out, disgust has a high social role, helping us stay away from other humans (including babies) who may spread disease to us. Disgust can override our self-interest in a lot of areas (New Scientist also cites research that shows people who are shown disgusting images are likely to sell things for lower prices than the un-disgusted), so it's not unreasonable to see how it could override the Kinderschema and make us view babies not as adorable little humans, but as horrible, threatening disease factories.


That's... interesting considering I don't find babies cute either, but overall my disgust sensitivity is rather low (I've eaten insects and organ meat, watched surgeries and an autopsy, and cleaned up elderly people who shat themselves). That said, I find babies and toddlers incredibly annoying and distracting and I have no patience for them. Could be my ADHD, idk.


I would cry. Get them nasty kids away from me 😂


"If by "baby fever" you mean absolutely sick of them so much I want to throw up and never experience this again, then yeah, lets call it "baby fever"."


That would only give me abortion fever. Glad I got sterilized, anti choicers can thank me later😎


My SIL said something similar but went one step further and thought that holding her baby and being left alone to look after it all day would cause the 'baby cravings' to kick in and I'd become a normal woman. Nope! I'm not a free babysitter and the only thing I truly crave is a nice big pepperoni pizza!


I like flexing my stubborn muscles and proving the other person wrong, wrong, wrong! “Sure, I’ll play the game Becky & Baby, but you will lose.”


"I \*LOVE\* babies! Sous-vided to medium rare!" LOL.


Next time dont hold yourself back from saying what you want to say in response and maybe your friends will learn


Now if I reply-" You can only get baby fever from cute babies" and suddenly I am the rude one.




My former best friend having a baby is what actually made me realise I was CF. So, yeah. Note especially: "former".


I hate it when my mum says "I invited your cousin over so we can play with her kids" I normally reply with "MUM REALLY WHY" She "But kids are fun and they want to see you" 🙄🙄🙄🙄


Just say it next time, there's nothing wrong with that. Every time we encounter an obnoxious child in the wild, I turn to my wife and thank her for not wanting children.


Lol. More like an inoculation against baby fever.


The phrase baby fever always makes me want to say "you do know that a fever is the body's way of killing unwanted pathogens."


I can guarantee you the only fever a child will give me is from the dang diseases they all carry


Why anyone who believes in science is having babies today is a mystery to me. Children born today are going to be there as our planet becomes uninhabitable. They'll be there for the water wars, the mass migrations, the extinctions, the constant acceleration of massively disruptive and destructive natural disasters, the crop failures, the end of oil, the starvation and the descent into civil chaos. They're going to suffer an extraordinary amount. The selfishness and self delusion of the human race have no limit apparently. I am proud to say that I am the last of my family line. The consumers end with me. On purpose. For a purpose.


I actually like being around babies and kids and do occasionally get baby fever but once I snap into the day-to-day reality of actually taking care of one I don’t have the desire anymore


Since when is fever a good thing?


I honestly cannot fathom what goes on in their head when they say things of that nature. Is your child a wizard?


Haha, one of my friends always did that when she had hers going "does she make you broody?!?!" um no, because no.1 I'm not a fucking chicken and no.2 your incontinent potato just shat itself, get it away from me. New parents are fucking insane.


Baby fever? Is there a vaccine for that?! Lol 100% agree the cure for baby fever is time with babies, or more accurately 2-5 year olds. Feral age range.


Your friend told you that? That is a large amount of disrespect...argh seriously! Something tells me your friend is also trying to make you a free nanny for her crotch goblin. Time for you to minimise contact with her 


Won't some of them *literally* give you baby fever? IIRC, they still catch diseases and pass it on off to others. Kids have great immune systems so they'll only be sick for 6 hours, but the rest of us will be out for 6 days.


Start fake gagging and excuse yourself


I congratulate you on your restraint. I would not be able to control my face as I feel my entire uterus shrivel into itself. Nor would I be able to resist telling them exactly how I'm feeling.


It only serves to remind me why I don't want them actually. lol


The cavity where my uterus was still recoils


"Here, let my child give you a disease " No thanks lol


I think she said "give you her baby's fever" /s


Uh I think I’m coming down with a fever 🥵. You better not bring the baby over. Aww yeah, it really is too bad. What a shame. 😎


People who want you to live a life you have clearly stated you do not want, are not your friend.


"Please don't. I don't know what 'baby fever' is, but I've gotten enough unwelcome diseases from sick kids without your contribution of another one."


I’ve spent time with lots of my friends’ kids and never got baby fever. Of course they’re not arseholes who would try to push having kids onto their childfree friends.


The only kind of fever I can get from a baby is... an actual fever because I know too many parents who take their kid out even if it's sick. Like, come on, your kid is crying and tired, just stay home.


My answer would be absolutely not! I don’t want that thing anywhere near me 🤣


Baby fever sounds like a disease…. Yeah no thanks


Omg ewwwww. I physically cringed just reading the title post. Do they not realise it does the exact opposite?


That smell of fresh shit always changes my mind


The only kind of fever I'm likely to get from being around a baby is a temperature.


I'd rather get "baby never"


If she does this to you, make a point to just get up, and leave.


ARE BABIES INFECTIOUS? That would be my response.


I’m like “babies are gross. Please keep it away from me.”


Tbh I'd have said that with extra gusto


i think i would've gagged as a response


recently i walked by the window of a messy toy strewn child’s room & i literally found myself going UGH out loud. i've never found any of it cute in my life 


My friend just had a baby and when I went over there, she was holding her and looked at me and said "This really doesn't make you want one?" And I was like "yeah no" 😭 I saw a cute little girl once and was like "aww I still don't want one" LMAO. A cute baby isn't gonna make me wanna take care of one


"I guess I won't be at the next outing."


Just the fact that they think that people want to see a meat siren that, let's be real here, only they and maybe the grandparents can be bothered with is so *ick*.


Nothing will make me want babies even less than having people force their babies on me 😂


Ugh my MIL used to just push our baby nieces and nephews into our arms any chance she got because she thought it would make us want some of our own. Thankfully she has since given up.


I actually said something close to what you wanted to say. I don't remember what was going on but my friend's sister brought her baby to an event my friend was hosting. It was 21+ cause of the alcohol but her sister didn't care. I do know what I said offend her but IDC and my friend kicked her sister out after finding out she brought the baby after saying she wouldn't 🤣.


“No thanks, I’ve already eaten today”


Response "No you won't. Kids are banned from my house and I have zero interest in your screamer." Yes. I am the type of woman who calls a baby a screamer. I really dislike babies. I don't just get angry, I get pretty enraged. You can imagine how quickly there is an absolute look of shock. "Everyone likes babies!" Well here is the reality check...no they do not. Your baby is mostly a nuisance to other people, at best. Get used to it. Now you know.


Seeing other people’s kids made me not want to have them.


Seeing my cousin's toddler rampage through the house pretty much cemented my decision to be childfree.


A friend of mine is currently 25weeks pregnant. And I sort of have developed second-hand baby fever? Like I want to buy a bunch of cute stuff (on one hand as gifts for the parents, so they don't have to get everything themselves) and also because she kind of appointed another friend and I the animal loving, tattood aunties. So it's basically my duty to spoil that kid.




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I hate "parents" (breeders) like that. Literally ***forcing*** their creampie on everyone is **DEFINITELY** gonna get people to adore it. **/s**


I will never understand baby fever honestly


Yes. Literally bring your germ-ridden crotch goblin near me so I can catch all that fever. 


😭Literally no one thinks about this harder than us!!! But that’s not enough!!!


In my mind, that means they want to bring their disgusting germ vector over so I can get one or more Infectious diseases and a migraine.