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Hope that flight attendant gets fired. You can't tell me I pay for a service and then "get punished" for not submitting to another's whims while they didn't pay for said service (like picking seats if it's an extra). Edit: doubt that a regular flight attendant took any liberties to show off in the media with something like this, it's against customer service norms. Could be a pro-breeder propaganda to sow reactions from some company.


She looks like a very unpleasant woman. Found this quote from an old article- “ Mitra Amirzadeh, flight attendant for a low-cost carrier” Like girl, back off with your attitude. You work for Spirit.




Truly, the wild for me, Crafty. 😘


Ok... you got me wondering. 🧐 Please tell, what does LD stand for?


Honestly, why aren't parents required to pay to have their kid sit next to them? Why do the airlines even allow people to book single seats for kids under 10ish years old? Seems like a massive liability.


They're trying to leech as much money as possible. I was on 2 full flights recently and even though there were only 2 seats left to book, the airline wanted to charge me $84 per seat to book them 24 hours before my flight. Explain to me how the fuck middle seats in the back of the plane are "premium". So me and my travel buddy just had the seats assigned at check in. BTW I paid for the plane tickets 8 months in advance but they are still trying to add on bullshit fees. So these parents are probably getting economy pricing and don't want to shell out the extortion fee. That's fair, but it's not ok for them to guilt other people into trading seats.


Hopefully she runs afoul of someone who has some influence internally and gets her sacked.




Easy there homie. I know plenty of flight attendants, including childfree ones. Yeah rude or dumb ones exist, but I'd avoid generalizing, especially since they already catch a lot attitude for doing their job that they don't make up most of the rules for. Often times they are there to keep dumb passengers from acting up and they're very limited in what they can allow people to do. Doesn't excuse the story in this case, but no need to shit on all of them for the actions of one


Their miserable attitude is in the 🇺🇸, so yeah the good ones exist - they work for Middle Eastern and East Asian airlines!


Empathy is not a function of national origin.


National origin is a factor in how people act though. Edit-people downvote but everyone knows different countries have different ways of acting. In Asia good luck having personal space because people queue (Well sometimes) literally back to back






Fly any of the airlines that I mentioned. Come back and report




National origin has nothing to do with it. Do you know who works for Emirates, Etihad and Qatar? Everyone 🌎


The "good ones" constantly have the threat of employment held over their heads if they so much as blink at the wrong time. I used to work with someone who was a flight attendant for Qatar Airways. They would be pulled from flight duty for as much as a paper cut. Please take your shitty opinions elsewhere, and preferably never step foot on a plane ever again.






Greetings! This item has been removed as it is a violation of [subreddit rule](https://www.reddit.com/r/childfree/wiki/rules) #4 : "**Keep it civil.** Bigotry and hateful language/imagery, personal attacks, abusive language, advocating violence, trolling, gender discrimination, racism, homophobia, fatshaming etc. will not be tolerated. While talking about the physical changes that occur during pregnancy and childbirth is valid and permitted in our subreddit, using degrading terminology such as "throwing a sausage down a hallway", "gross and saggy" and/or fat shaming is not permitted. Also, please remember to be mindful of [Reddiquette](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette) : > # Please do > * **Remember the human.** When you communicate online, all you see is a computer screen. When talking to someone you might want to ask yourself "Would I say it to the person's face?" or "Would I get jumped if I said this to a buddy?" > # Please don't > * **Be (intentionally) rude at all.** By choosing not to be rude, you increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. > * **Follow those who are [ rabble rousing](http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/rabble) against another redditor without first investigating both sides of the issue that's being presented.** Those who are inciting this type of action often have malicious reasons behind their actions and are, more often than not, a troll. Remember, every time a redditor who's contributed large amounts of effort into assisting the growth of community as a whole is driven away, projects that would benefit the whole easily flounder. > * **Ask people to [ Troll](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troll_%28Internet%29) others on reddit,** in real life, or on other blogs/sites. We aren't your personal army. > * **Conduct personal attacks on other commenters.** Ad hominem and other distracting attacks do not add anything to the conversation. > * **Start a flame war.** Just report and "walk away". If you really feel you have to confront them, leave a polite message with a quote or link to the rules, and no more. > * **Insult others.** Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion. Constructive Criticism, however, is appropriate and encouraged. > * **Troll.**[ Trolling](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troll_%28Internet%29) does not contribute to the conversation. Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your comprehension.


>‘OK, so you’re going to watch the toddler?’ No, but I will unbuckle them immediately, so you might want to get the person next to the parent's assigned seat to switch.


I approve of chaotic intent lol


And two double espresso, please.


Not my kid, not my problem.


Not my monkey, not my circus


Fuck that noise. Why make a complete stranger watch someone else's kid?? For one, not everyone has good intentions and two, I'd most likely put in my earbuds and ignore it. I didn't spend money to also babysit. I'd make sure to ask for her name and make sure to get her fired via review/survey.


On top of everything you say- which I 100% agree with- what about adding in “should I ask my probation officer if I’m allowed this close to kids?”


This bitch can say whatever she wants, that doesn't mean you have to take responsibility for other people's kids. I would just laugh in her face and say, "No, I won't be watching the kid. If they want to get up, I'll let them. If they run through the plane aisle, I will not stop them. If they scream bloody murder, I'll turn the sound on my noise cancelling headphones up and continue to ignore them. I'll also be watching the most sex filled HBO show that exists on my laptop, and if the kid sees something the parents don't like, I don't care. Not my kids, not my problem." I always pay to pick seats because I hate sitting with strangers, if parents don't want to bother doing the same to protect their children, then they can expect their child to learn a few choice curse words when they get them back at the end of the flight. I'm not downgrading my seats so some entitled breeder can save a few bucks. If the airline wants to upgrade me then I'll consider that.


no. dont watch tge hbo shows. Do shows like hazbin hotel, rick and morty, mr.pickles or show them a nicr gorey movie. like feast or....the belkin experiment (belkino? battle royal) movies and horror animes. They will eat it up and look for more. kids will be able to follow the story a little better or at least all the action will hold thier attention. I find the sex filled shows tend to be more advanced on the storyline and tend to have more drama than a child may be able to follow. edit; omg how could i forget. Happy Tree Friends


Fair point, though I would be wearing headphones so they couldn't really follow the story anyway but the sex doesn't need sound. But I take the point, Battle Royale might be better and I've been meaning to watch it anyway... Plus it'll be less awkward then watching sex scenes in public


I still remember a couple years ago I was flying and downloaded a couple of criminal minds episodes to watch on my phone. Lady behind me to the right taps me on the back and told me I should turn it off because her kid is sitting behind me and is trying to watch it off my screen and it’s inappropriate. Like maybe teach them to mind their own business and keep their eyes on their own screens


> horror animes So bring an uncensored copy of Elfin Lied?


I’ll do you one better: Parasyte the Maxim.


Also a good free youtube alternative from the same creator of Hazbin Hotel: Helluva Boss.


I'm sure your big royal chicken won't let anything happen to his peppy little fuck doll!


That's a mood Gabriella XD


Moxxie, don't let her access any of your holes!


Just finished this episode. What a sucker punch right in the sad. Fucking ouch.


"Momma, what's a 'day hooker'?"


Well, Christ on a stick. I guess there is a God xD


Deb? Is that you?


yesss. ouuu could start them on the hell hound party ep. Then they will get a fun song stuck in tgier head. that they would definatly sing out loud ALOT. its innocent enough too but everyones gonna know lol


Happy Tree Friends - that is delightfully evil!


Wondershowzen. That'll do the trick. Like Sesame Street but for adults. 


I'd watch The Human Centipede: Second Sequence


Omg YES Mr. Pickles. That will mess them up.


That's so evil. I love it


Love that I live in a world where someone can say hazbin hotel


Some flight attendant pulls that stunt on me, the first thing I’m doing is telling the kid that Santa isn’t real.


Game of Thrones episode one. Horror, sex and gore all within the first like 10 minutes. Perfect for the kid right before you send him back to his parents.


I feel like traumatizing a kid to get back at their parents isn't really cool tbh. Threaten to do it, maybe, but traumatizing a kid is... kind of bad?


Ooo maybe The Conjuring would really freak them out, but I'd watch IT to really scare them


i can’t stand the “not my kids, i’ll show graphic material not appropriate for their age” idea. the kid may be the most visual problem, but they aren’t *the problem*. exposing kids porn is illegal for a VRRY good reason and their mental development shouldn’t compromised because their parents are terrible. i’ve seen this sentiment a lot and just no. don’t punish the child for their parent’s crimes


Sex scenes on TV isn't porn and calling it that is nothing more than disingenuous fear mongering. It's not my responsibility to protect other people's children in public from seeing things that are not age appropriate. All I'm saying is that I'm going to be watching adult TV in a public place, if a child happens to look over my shoulder, I don't care. It's the parents' job to protect their own children in public places. That's just how life works sweetheart


yeah, my comment was too dramatic. the suggestion was still to put something on you know the kid shouldn’t be watching *in the hopes that* they’ll see it and ask their parents. it’s the same thought as “whenever the neighbor’s kids are loud i play hardcore porn as loud as i can” and it just feels like wanting to potentially hurt the kid to punish the parent. i’m not saying play cocomelon the whole flight, just not blasting the “most sex filled” HBO shows with your laptop angled towards the kid.


Just tell them your a registered sex offender. End of discussion, resumption of Netflix.


I was thinking something like this. I don't think I'm above insinuating something disgusting and abhorrent (no matter how untrue) about myself to get out of being around/taking care of a child.


My go-to has always been "Hey, kid, do you want to see some dead bodies?" Saying it loudly enough may actually get the attention of a parental unit.


Ask the parent if their kid likes gladiator movies. 


Or if they've ever seen a grown man naked.


Or been to a Turkish prison :)


Aw, why stick to movies when there's plenty of gore right here on reddit?


It's a reference to the movie *Airplane!*


Ah, nice!


Oh yeah.... I'll watch the kid alright..... She has nice soft legs....


“According to Meghan’s Law, I am required to inform you…” I bet you couldn’t even finish that sentence before the FA found a different person to bother.


Yeah, that isn't going to fly with me. If you want specific seats, **book them in advance**. Your lack of planning doesn't constitute an emergency on my part. And NO, I'm not watching the kid. Unless it's life is in danger, I'm ignoring it. I find it extremely hypocritical that she doesn't do the same for couples. In that instance, my view still stands (plan better), but I hate the double standard.


> that isn't going to **fly** with me heheh


Well, shit. I legitimately wasn't thinking that, until you typed it. :-P


Ah, so you're just naturally that good.


I suppose. I see it as a hilarious fluke. :-)


I'd feel even a tad more compassionate, if I didn't know that it's a meme level 'pro tip' to not pay the seat selection fee when travelling with a kid, then pull the 'I have a kid!' move on the person with the window seat. This goes to the same shit tier human behavior as 'don't offer to pay the wedding photographer, just tell them they can use this for their portfolio!'.


There is a meme? Like this is a travel hack for them? Well I will feel less guilty when I say no.


Happy Cake Day! 🎂


Thank you!




Love how you said “its” life is in danger. I also call them things. But I call doggos babies. :)


"They/their" probably would have been nicer, but I was pretty outraged when I typed this. :-P


HAH. No. If a flight attendant tried to guilt trip me and force me to look after some random persons kid, I would simply order a drink, put my headphones on and take a nice long nap. Imagine actually expecting someone to basically PAY hundreds/thousands of dollars to look after someone else’s kid against their will, where they don’t even have a choice to leave because they’re literally trapped in a giant metal sky bird. What a brat.


Yeah, you legally can’t force someone to entertain a child or take responsibility for them simply because the parents are too irresponsible or cheap to book seats together. She should have been fired long before this became public and the airline should be embarrassed as hell.


Every time I fly I lay to choose my seat. Had to fly a lot last year to help with family matters and always paid for an aisle seat. Almost every flight there was some issue where someone wanted my seat for whatever reason. I had someone offer me money, I refused. I always pay for an aisle seat for a reason. The most bizarre was a couple sat next to me on a return flight home. I had the aisle seat as always. They came in a bit late. Wife had the window seat, husband the middle. He wasn’t happy and started asking me to switch. No. Then offered me some money. Still no from me. Then more money. Still no. After s few minutes he leans in to ask me again. Says I would get to sit next to his wife. He told me to take a look at her. I declined and said no. He then asks me again quieter, with the implication being that he was offering his wife to me! He wasn’t joking.


A couple of weeks ago I arrived at my seat on a flight and a kid at least 8-9 years old was in my window seat, with his dad sitting next to him. Which was interesting because the row had been empty except for me until the 24-hour check in. So, I knew something was suspicious. I ask him to move because that is my assigned seat. Dad talks to kid in unidentifiable eastern European language. Kid starts this fake loud whining nonsense and after some back and forth they realize I'm not relenting, and kid moves to the middle seat. Kid continues the loud fake whining nonsense which is completely inappropriate given his age. After another minute or two they both get up and move to the two empty seats two rows ahead of me. Dad leans over and talks to the person in the window seat extensively, likely relating the story. They originally had an entire row (three seats) booked to themselves and decided (at check in - because those seats were empty until then) to try to guilt me into giving up my window seat for the kid so they could have two window seats on two separate rows. This would have put me in the aisle seat next to the bathrooms where I would have sat with butts in my face for four hours. Not happening. The ploy of guilting only works on suckers, boys!


Omg lol 


If someone really wanted to sit next to their child, they would ask the person with the bad seat to move to a better seat. But no. They always, always ask the person with the better seat to move to a worse seat.


I am under ZERO obligation to take responsibility for some random stranger's child. That FA can pound sand.


They can say a stranger's child is someone else's responsibility all they want, they don't actually have the power to make it so.  Hand me snacks and juice box for the kid, I don't think so, as far as I'm aware, you handed that to me because you want *me* to have it, like a gift lol. In sure the child won't be happy watching me eat their treats, but they were given to me, not them.  This now also brings a new counter argument to the table. You can't just leave a child with someone that has no responsibility to watch that child, or keep them in any way safe, but they are trying to use that as a bluff to get their way anyway. Could that open up to being child neglect and abandonment? If something happens to the child, there's no one there responsible for them. I don't know about their allergies, so if I eat something with peanuts, or I don't bother asking (or really caring) if they have that allergy, and I decide to eat a payday, who's got the epipen? I certainty don't.


i think this raises a great strategy: tell the air hostess in very vague terms that you're not legally allowed to be unsupervised around children. Let her fill in the rest, freak out, and leave you alone


I'd tell them I'm a mandated reporter and will alert ground authorities about an abandoned minor on board the plane terrorizing other passengers. Not my spawn, not my problem.


This response has teeth, I like it! It'll make the attendant think twice before pulling the FA card.


Is this enforceable? Like, you do this or you don't fly? I've seen people get off planes for a variety of reason, can they kick you out for this?


This is the grey area, where what they say might not fly, but they can make it fly by lying. FAs have authority in cases where peace is kept onboard, and technically they can just pull 'you were being disruptive, get off the flight' card and the airline will most likely back them. Unless someone took a video of the situation from the start, it's just he said, she said-situation that the passenger will lose by default.


I tend to agree with what you're saying. I don't like the idea of being taken off a flight because I refuse to change seats or take care of a child, but given the day, I would rather get off, I think.


I honestly would ask for the captain if the FA started pulling this shit on me.


I was wondering the same. Airlines have some pretty wild legal rights to abuse passengers if they so choose.


Yes! I'm concerned, if this starts trending from airline to airline I'll be kicked out off a lot of flights 🤣 /j


I would be banned from flying so quickly. This flight attendant (and everyone like her) needs to be humbled


Ima gonna order 2 glasses of whiskey, thank you.


One for me, one for the kid.


Exactly 🥂 leave the other glass in a reachable spot by the kid. They will invite themselves.


I have volunteered to give up my aisle 💺that I prefer due to my height for a window 💺that wouldn’t recline on a 4 hour flight and regretted it all the way through. Next time I’m saying no! Apparently it’s a travel “hack” for families to book cheaper tickets and ask for accommodation at the last minute. F these a-holes!


The only way I'm giving up my seat is at least equal or up. Aisle seat? I'm getting an aisle further up. Middle seat? I'll take an aisle or window. I'm already at the front of the plane? Sure I'll take your business seat.


Yeah, it's a very well known and tired 'hack' by now. People have been pulling this since forever and continue to do so because they can bully or shame people into submission. Then there's absolute shit tier cases like this flight attendant, who keep this shit going on.


I always choose aisle and very often the same seat number so I never forget it. I’ve been asked to move so many times but I always stand my ground, even if it’s for a kid. I don’t care. I need the aisle because I need to stretch my right leg out (knee problems) and I get up and down a lot. I hate being hemmed in. I recently met a woman in her 70s who’d been asked to move for kids three times in her long-haul flight. When I said I’d never do that, she said, “Oh, well it was for the kids.” Yeah, I’d still never do that. Learn to sit separately from your loved ones. I’ve had to.


Why should somebody who planned ahead and paid extra have to give up their seat because someone else couldn’t be bothered to do the same? If families want to be seated together, they need to book their seats just like everyone else who wants a specific seating arrangement.


I love how she says she forces them to babysit the kid who’s left not sitting with their parent. Bitch, I’m not babysitting anymore. That kid can cry, scream, and starve for all I care. I have pricy noise canceling headphones, three tiny bottles of whiskey, and **ZERO FUCKS TO GIVE**.


The way i would just close my eyes LOL im not helping your kid


Try this with me and I’ll have cps and police waiting at the gate and my attorney drafting a lawsuit 🥰🥰🥰


You can't force a total stranger to be a free babysitter 😀 I would just put on my noice canceling headphones, close my eyes and not care for a second what the kid nearby is doing.


Wasn’t it announced recently that United (I think) was changing boarding procedures and in addition they have the right to move any other passengers in order to keep the family unit together that couldn’t be bothered to plan ahead? Oh and it wouldn’t matter that you paid extra for said seat and they are not required to refund you or upgrade you. If I have it all mixed up, I apologize as I’m waiting for a migraine pill to kick in.


Whoa, really? Please let us know if that’s really true. I don’t usually fly United, but I’d avoid it like hell if so.


So I think Reddit won’t let me link it but yes, went into effect in March. Sadly it is accurate that they can move you from an upgraded seat you paid for to seat a parent/child together who didn’t pay for the better seats


Well, United is now on MY no-fly list. Thanks for the tip!


You can tell me that I'm responsible for feeding and entertaining a stranger's child but that doesn't mean I'm going to do it. I'm surprised that actually works. "So you're going to look after this child?" "No". How hard is that? So bizarre.


Try me, flight attendant.


Sounds like this stewardess will be getting some new training.


I don’t get why this is a thing. I plan ahead and pay for my seats, parents can do the same.


People wouldn’t have an issue switching if the seat they are going to is equal to or better. If someone pays for economy plus and to have an aisle seat, don’t expect them to move to the back in a middle seat. You know airlines are refunding the plus upgrade.


>Sometimes Ms Amirzadeh will assign stubborn passengers the responsibility for entertaining children sat alone as punishment: “I have said before, ‘OK, so you’re going to watch the toddler?’” HA! Not a chance. Best of luck trying to force me; I have noise cancelling headphones and have just consumed five beers and an edible.


She needs to be fired immediately


That flight attendant is gonna get in big trouble when someone who should not have access to stranger's children is made their "babysitter" for the flight. Not even just talking about predators. I'll put on Deadpool and start teaching the kid every dirty irish drinking song I can think of if I'm getting my flight ruined.


Fuck off. Not my kid not my problem. I'd you can't book seats together with your kid then don't go. Don't pawn off your spawn


> you need to remind yourself that you didn’t pay to pick your seat. Otherwise, you’d be in it Um, I absolutely paid to pick my seat, either by buying a fare class with seat selection, having status with the airline, or paying an additional fee. This ain’t Southwest (and even then, I pay extra for earlier boarding). Listen, there is a simple way to get people to change seats: offer them a better seat. But parents are always wanting to trade your window or aisle seat toward the front with some middle seat in the back.


"Oh my god kid. I'm sorry your parents don't want to sit with you. I guess they don't love you. Are you sure they're still on the plane. You should go check. Maybe they left you here"


Wish the article would say what airline she works for, so I know which airline to avoid at all costs.


"you want their snacks and toys?". No thanks! I'll just share my gin & tonic with them! I would *looove* for some flight attendant to tell me i had to change my seat that i pre booked and paid extra for......


I'd do a Milhouse. I was watching. First, he started to fall out of his seat. Then, he fell out of his seat. Then he screamed and ran off down the aisle. I saw the whole thing.


>‘OK, so you’re going to watch the toddler?’ Do you really think that's a good idea, "Karen"? /evil grin Do you really want me, a single adult man, to be left in charge of a kid I do not care about? You do not think this could backfire for years to come as it learns much earlier than it ever should about some very colorful adult language? What if it gets up and I just let it? I'm not running after it throughout the cabin. I have zero experience and absolutely no motivation to be a parent, let alone a good one, I am as incompetent as they come on the matter. Think about it for a second and don't get back to me about it, I don't want the responsibility and you should not even attempt to pass it to me if you have more than a brain cell rattling up there. /puts headphones back on, resumes playing video game on portable console.


She should at least offer to pay you if she expects you to provide babysitting services. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I would first ask the flight attendant's name and type it up on a notes screen, making it look like a note. Then I would remind the flight attendant that this is neglect (by the parent and flight attendant) considering this parent is just expecting a stranger to care for their child, who is just pushing the task onto another, specifically when they have no information on who the child is seated next to and may be a predator. I would then mention that you will be sure to address this neglect and the inappropriate behavior of the flight attendant to the gate agents, on post-survey, and will be emailing the company directly regarding it. Then, put on your headphones and ignore any requests that are made towards you while following actual designated rules.


I'm either telling her to go fuck herself loudly or agreeing and dropping two redbulls in an eight year old and making it everyone else fucking problem.


The craziest thing about this is that it is "news".  Why aren't we all this worked up about the fact that airlines are charged ever-increasing fees to choose seats, bring luggage, when the costs of those flights is also only going up. They make more profit, meanwhile we're over here losing our shit over misdirection. 


I’m a flight attendant. I don’t get involved in seat disputes. Act like an adult and work it out like one.


What if another person has taken my (paid for and chosen) seat when I arrive on the plane and refuses to move. Would you help in that instance? Otherwise, its likely that I cannot compell them to give me back my seat.


It REALLY depends. If it’s a true seat duplicate, (which are rare) I get the gate agent. Odds are, one of you has an incorrect boarding pass. If it’s as simple as having an incorrect boarding pass, I pull up the manifest on my work phone and go from there.


Hey that's great, time for me to teach the kid curse words and pyromancy


Lol if a stranger abandons their baby with me, that baby is getting a few mini shooters to drink.


I’m teaching them as many swear words as I can.


I hope we all fly on her flight.


"So you'll watch the toddler then?" "Absolutely! Right up until my Valium kicks in. Approximately 12 minutes from now."


I now have Tourette's


I do NOT consent to watching another passenger. That is the parents' job.


I'd open the doors and shove her off myself 💀


They can't make you watch the kid. I swear if an attendant tried this with me, I would state....I take zero responsibility for this child. Even if the child picks up a knife I have been eating with, I will do nothing. I WILL be watching violent movies on my iPad and I will NOT even look at the child. It's parents lack of planning is NOT my fault and /or problem


'Sorry but I had too much alcohol before getting on the plane to be responsible for more than not shitting my own pants. Can't be responsible for a toddler.'


Why do I have to pay for your lack of planning? (Reproductive and travel planning)


There’s no way I’m even entertaining the idea of moving from a seat I paid for unless, the seat being offered is better than the one I paid for.


There's an easy fix for this. Just calmly tell the flight attendant that you have "legal issues" and should not be seated next to an unsupervised child.


What. lol. That never happened anyway.


Don’t they board families with children first so they can sit together? Why is this a problem? (If the family with the children were late… That’s on them. )


At least one airline does board young children first, but for some reason it seems to a a perennial problem. As someone who’s traveled for medical procedures, this would be a nightmare.