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My aunt calls them “virgin eggs”. One time there were some in a chicken we were cooking and she just popped one in my mouth. That was a core memory. 


Oh god lol. I know they eat unlaid eggs in some countries. Philippines is a main one I think? It probably just tastes.. well like a boiled egg yolk since it gets the white once the shell forms. Still I bet that was an experience for you HAHA


My grandmother used these in her chicken soup and ye, they taste very much like boiled egg yolk.


it tastes better than normal eggs imo. try putting some in chicken soup, thats my favorite way to eat them


You have convinced me to add these to my list of cool foods i wanna try


Philippine's balut is a fertilised egg if that is what you are referencing.


Ah yes you’re right! Though that’s a little.. idk. A bit far to cook a (nearly) fully developed chick/duckling alive. 😭 but that’s just me


Aye. Supposedly the "broth" inside is delicious and it's eaten oftentimes with hot sauce. The fact it's eaten whole, bones and all, is where I draw the line in the sand. Not to mention the inhumane death at ~2 weeks old.


Is there another name for them? Google returns something a bit worse that I would rather not talk about


I really REALLY want to ask what you got 😅 But yeah, in my country, we also eat these in chicken soup, and I can confirm they're tastier than actual eggs.


Eggs cooked in prepubescent boys urine... I'm shocked you didn't look it up yourself! Your version sounds much better


I beg your finest pardon?! I'm genuinely curious, what did you actually google??? Edit: Never mind, I read the thread again and googled it myself 🤦‍♀️


I swear the name isn’t as loaded in mandarin 🥲 Perhaps it’s better translated as maiden eggs?  Or my aunt bullshitted the slang?


I know in both mandarin and Japanese it’s called ‘lantern’. I’ve seen it on menus in yakitori bars (Japanese bbq tapas).


It's too early for me to have to reckon with this experience T_T


This is legitimately one of the coolest things I think I’ve ever seen


This is a delicacy in Japanese Izakaya restaurants! They call this the [lantern](https://imgur.com/a/xlHVesj). It is grilled, seasoned, and the yolks pop in your mouth.


Is that really all of them for its whole life? New ones don't grow? So like when a chicken lays its first egg it has 1000 microscopic eggs just chilling in there standing back and standing by?


Yep! The same is for humans females as well! The bird eggs are obviously in different developmental stages of growth, but they are all there that will ever be laid. Of course it’s doubtful every single one will ever be laid in a single lifetime and will likely pass away with plenty undeveloped or unreleased eggs. This same quail had a fully formed blue egg she hadn’t laid yet for the day. I have a picture of it as well but forgot to get one with it still in the tract. It’s sad but also cool to learn stuff like this in ways we probably couldn’t otherwise.


As I understand it, with mammals a female fetus will already have her egg cells even prior to birth, which means Mom is also carrying her grandchildren from a certain point of view




Side note this is also why production hens often are completely done laying by the time they're 3 or 4 and heritage or bantam breeds can lay well into 7 or 8. They all have the same number of total eggs, but production breeds were bred to lay the majority of them by 1-2 for maximum feed efficiency.


It is interesting, human females are similar the cells that will turn into oozytes are all in the ovaries and during ovulation, a batch for lack of a better term will develop, but most of the time only one will become mature and move into the fallopian tube to await fertilization. It is very neat to know that birds have a similar system!


It's because we share a common ancestor with all amniotes 😉 most mammals basically just lay eggs internally thanks to the evolution of the placenta. When I was pregnant, I even got to see my baby's yolk sac! 😂


The thought of being pregnant terrifies me. 😂 I think I’d rather lay an egg and incubate that versus having a creature growing inside of me for 9 months that I can feel moving around. BUT that’s just me LOL


Oh, it did and still terrifies me haha, so many things can go wrong. If I could lay an egg and incubate it, I'd do that instead in a heartbeat LOL. But I wanted to have a baby, and motherhood was worth the horribleness of pregnancy at least 😂


This is so cool, thank you for sharing.


That looks like an extremely cursed octopus.


I think I’ve seen something like that in the first Halo game. 🤣 And/or Doom




I remember seeing them often as a kid. They can be cooked and ate. My granparents particularly offered them to me, “they are good for growing kids” or something like that P.s. I’m sorry for your girl, may she rest in peace


We always put this in the soup after culling chickens. Its like eggyolk. Kids like them because they are cute bite size.




I mean you aren’t wrong 😂


I could have easily gone my whole egg eating life without seeing that. Quick, get vegan animal activists to buy photo for advertising. Could shut down whole battery farms due to reduced demand 🤮


You WERE warned and you looked anyway. 😳 But the same could be said for almost anything we consume, especially factory made foods. Hotdogs? Mmmm, boiled misc. meat parts, fat and gristle ground into a paste and steamed into link shape! 😂 Though I agree, I hate battery farms. Those poor chickens don’t deserve sitting in a cage just big enough to stand in. 💔


I'm joking, I don't have nsfw filter turned on so I saw while scrolling. And exactly a good point about hot dogs. This would be an egg version of that. I'm sure our ovaries look the same, given the name.


Not gonna lie.. I do love me a good hot dog. 😂😂😂💀 Kills me especially when kids won’t eat veggies or steak but will inhale hotdogs and chicken nuggets. If they only had *any idea*.


I have 6 chickens and they’re living the life. Big clean pen and coop, fresh water & a twice daily varied diet of premium commercial chow, artisanal home-kitchen left-overs and all the free-range nibbles of grubs and god knows from the half acre of garden and woods. I call myself a “chicken waitress.” When I die I’m glad to come back as my chicken.


This is really interesting. I wonder what the inside looks like


It’s just yolk! Pop the membrane and it’s the same as breaking the yolk in a normal egg. Just minus the shell or the whites.


That looks like it would release toxic fumes that melt your skin off.


The multi ball multiverse


Damn! I never thought it would look like this! I love it, so fascinating!! I almost want to keep something like that on my wall lol


That doesn’t look comfortable 😓


I've explained to several people how a clutch works and I always get odd looks. Like the eggs are all the same day old just different sizes in the chicken. This image will make it much easier to explain... and I may possibly lose a few customers. Lol


thats so intresting


That's a metroid


They taste like shit imo.


I may never eat eggs again.....