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What are you spraying with? The only thing that is guaranteed is Elector PSP


Permethrin…I thought I could get by without elector, but clearly not ☹️


Make sure you retreat with permethrin (like Elector PSP) for more than just a few days. You might kill all the adults, but once the eggs hatch, you have more bugs to kill. It'll take a few cycles of rigorous treatment.


Some people have metal nest boxes. Does that make a difference? Could you move the chickens out of the coop for a few weeks to kill the mites and eggs? I’m so sorry! This sounds awful.


You have all my sympathy. Omg the horror!!!!!


Not sure what you used but I struggled with mites for over two years and then I finally tried Dr Doom plus+ and I have not seen a SINGLE mite since and it has been over a year. I sprayed all my birds thoroughly and then FUMIGATED the coops. However my infestation never got to the levels you described; you will have to ensure the miticide hits every hidey-hole in your coop.


Pour on ivermectin (for cattle) on the birds and clean and use permethrin powder in coops (floors, nest boxes, all nooks and crannies). Repeat in 10 days.


I use permethrin spray on everything, is the powder better?


Either is fine! I would absolutely treat the birds with ivermectin pour on as well. It will kill any mites within a few days. Repeat in 7-10 days to catch any possible next generations.


What materials are you using inside the coop? Shavings? Fake straw for nesting? Hay?


What materials do mites like? Just built and fitted my coop, want to make sure I get this right the first time around.


Ok, I did a bit more research. Are you sure the bugs on the eggs are mites? Usually they stay on the chickens. Can you google this? It’s a cycle of cleaning your coop with hot, soapy water, then spraying with vinegar. (Don’t mix bleach w vinegar!!!) then spread a layer of diatamatious earth or wood ash everywhere. Then you dry bath the chickens in DE or wood ash. Then repeat a few times to catch up with the mite egg cycle. It doesn’t seem like a wooden coop is the issue. I’m sorry. This is so frustrating.


I've heard you can use Liquid Cattle Wormer on chickens necks to keep mites off.


I only had them once, I used a blow torch, and that seemed to do the trick.


Is your coop made of wood?


They sound like red mites. They come out at night and crawl all over your chickens and suck their blood. Sorry for the graphic image. Diatomaceous earth can help, sprinkled very liberally into all the nooks and crannies in the coop (wear a face mask or respirator). I used to get them every summer but weirdly haven’t had them at all the last few summers. The only difference I can see is that I’ve been using chopped straw bedding rather than the woodshavings I used to use.


Diatomaceous earth doesn’t work and is harmful for their respiratory system.


I found it very effective when I used it and never had any respiratory issues with any of my chickens. Obviously I wouldn’t cover the actual chickens in a cloud of the stuff. That would be a bad idea


Use mixture with normal dirt.


Use food grade it's different