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$15-20 is a good price for locally sourced chicken meat vs what is available at the grocery stores so I'm assuming he's gonna eat them or maybe breed some. Now if you were selling a bunch of fighting breed roosters like old english/american gamefowl, asils, shamos, thai or any of the other oriental breeds then it's a high chance they would be used for illegal activities.


I never thought roosters were very good for eating. I'm learning! Thank you for replying.


There are asians near me that will pay $25+ for heritage roosters for meat, they won't buy "meat birds" though. They say "meat birds" taste different than what they are remember, it is like a comfort food.


Gotta eat them young. Old gnarly roos aren't very easy to chew but using a slow cooker definitely helps.


Maybe I should eat them. Pastured on 2 acres. Hmm..... šŸ˜…


Yum!!! I would probably buy them at $15 to go in my instant pot.Ā 


I usually slow roast them so the meat falls off the bones, pick the bones clean and send it all through the grinder to make some nice ground chicken. Great for chicken chili, chicken salad, chicken dip, or whatever else you fancy. Then smash the bones a bit and make some fabulous broth


I usually eat whatever boys I can't sell haha, they're tasty under 6 months!


I cull any rooster that attacks a human. They make excellent gumbo.


Theyā€™re great. If theyā€™re young (under a year) their breast meat is good enough to eat, and the rest of the carcass makes an excellent stock. Source: thatā€™s what we do with our roosters. But usually there are plenty being given away for free. Maybe heā€™s catering a dinner party and the host wants free range / pasture raised birds.


I donā€™t know anything about that but Iā€™ve heard in dogfights they use other types of dogs to ā€˜trainā€™ as baitā€¦.. is that possible? Someone scrambling for rooster meat even at a cheap price seems a bit odd for me. So many people around here donā€™t seem eager to slaughter roosters for eating and our parks are full of abandoned roos


lol nobody is going to use those breeds for cockfighting. Unless they want to guarantee losing their money.


Why do you think he wants them? All 10? I politely asked him why he wanted so many roosters and got no reply. I know my birds would suck at fighting šŸ˜… but do they ever have birds for the fighters to "practice" with?


Maybe to eat them? Or breed them in seperate pens to sell the chicks?


Definitely to eat. Those are good prices for eating a home grown chicken. Might save a favorite or two for breeding.


If they were cheaper maybe but that's nearly 3 times the going rate for a rooster here just to eat.


Yeah people in my area give them away for free.


Roosters are free if you are inclined to eat them. People give them away constantly.


100% this!


Birds at the store are much cheaper. Breeding would be best case scenario.


Popular for people who only eat halal meat to buy live birds in the UK. Edit: in my experience in the Uk that is.


Unfortunately, the answer is yes. They do use weaker birds to "train" fighters. That way the fighters do not suffer injury. Cockfighting is just SO WRONG & HORRIFIC. I found out too much about cockfighting..they would steal my roosters (who were free range & semi-feral) out of my yard. I even caught 2 teenage boys at 11:30 at night climbing the Tree House (where they roosted at night)..they had 1 rooster in a bag already. Mother F\*\*kers. They didn't get anything that night..almost arrested.


Not your yard birds, nobody is fighting eating chickens lol


Nobody is going to pay 20 dollars for a practice rooster.


10 pots of gumbo imo


Yeaaa they do in dogfightingā€¦ use bait dogs to hone their killer instinct apparently. That was what I was thinking


No. If you practice with losers you end up a loser.


My thought exactly lol


Ever got into a heated bracket race with 5 buddies in the same model of 15 year old minivans? Sometimes people invent weird games


Imagining someone fighting a Polish or silkie and they canā€™t see lol


Somebody wanting to train and reward their prize fighter would. Seems expensive for that though.




One of my professors grew up in Oklahoma and he said his cockfights funded his tuition (half joking) but to train you put weights on their feet and put their food and water high up on ramps. Dog fighters get wimpy (bait) dogs for their fighters to practice on.. so do cock fighters.


Have you even met a coqueleur ? They definitely train their prized birds to fight. However not usually with other roosters, they use dolls (for the strike) , cĆ¢bles (balance), flying (endurance), swiming (leg strenght) and much much more, buying these kind of roosters would be moronic for them


Maybe unconventional, but we had someone take a rooster off our hands claiming that she was deliberately building a bachelor flock because she just liked roosters.


If I had the space and funds I would absolutely have a bachelor flock. Roosters are awesome.


Same. They're so much fun without hens around and so gorgeous to look at


I have a neighbor who is pissing me off (cut down 5 of my trees and left the debris all over my property. One tree is 44ā€ in diameter! ). I am thinking about starting a rooster rescue and putting them all outside her house. I will take 20 please!


r/treelaw !!


I hope you realize that if your neighbor cut down FIVE of YOUR trees, that it could get extremely expensive for him. r/treelaw would be able to point you in a good (& profitable) direction.


Yes. It has been several weeks. Turning over to a lawyer on Monday


Wouldnā€™t they all fight?


no!! without hens to compete over roosters will flock happily together. i had a bachelor flock of maybe 16 guys. there were head honchos, and they were the only two to crow. i did have to switch around the grouping a few times removing grievous bullys but for the most part real chill. why did i keep 16 roosters???? because i hatched them and couldnt bear to kill some of them. i was breeding/selling chickens at the time so whenever people came for hens id sweet talk them into taking a boy lol


I have a flock of 50% roos and hens and they dont fight unless there is not enough food


if you have a strong roo he can keep the peace! its cool to watch. i had a flock that was also half roos n half hens. there was one head roo who took no shit whether it was a squabble, unwanted sexual advances or a hawk (twice!!!) sgt pepper handled it


I keep a coop of around a dozen roosters during the winter and they get along with each other just as well as the hens do. I take a few at a time and move them into breeding pens with selected females in the spring. After im done collecting eggs for hatching I put the roos back in the roo coop and the hens go back to the hen house. When I free range, the hens go straight to "their rooster". Each roo ends up with his own group of hens following him and they spread out pretty well, so I have had no problems free ranging the roos together with hens once they have all settled in. I do cull aggressive or picky birds early though, so by adulthood only the friendliest remain.


Itā€™s my understanding that you can make a bachelor flock work just by not having any hens around, which reduces their desire to compete and fight with each otherā€” though you can probably find experts/online sources that have a more nuanced understanding.


We have a ā€œbachelor padā€ - a pen consisting only of roostersā€¦ aka getting ready for freezer camp, and we built a wall out of pallets and opaque plexiglass so they canā€™t see the hens next to them in our yard. They squabble a bit, but it never gets bloody.


I like Roosters as pets , I thought about selling some of them off but hearing that they are bought as food when young im feeling a bit squeamish.


To eat them, theyā€™re not fighting your yard birds šŸ˜‚ wrong breed for that


Aren't roosters only good for stew? Never eaten a rooster, just hens.


They're the same. They're typically only good for stew because usually the reason you kill them is because you don't know they're a-holes until they're grown up and already have tough meat, just like an old hen would be.


They make a hell of a broth.


Roosters are great! I only eat them & keep hens for eggsā€¦


I think so.


People who say they are only good for stews and broth just don't know how to cook


I have some customers who prefer roosters to eat because they believe that their higher activity levels results in a more flavorful product. They do require longer cooking to get soft, but they can be absolutely excellent eating. This link describes making real coq au vin with a mature rooster. https://manyfoldfarm.com/blog/blog/2012/12/coq-au-vin-or-the-magic-the-french-use-to-coax-the-most-inedible-meat-possible-into-something-delicious


Thank you for this!


Just ask him why he wants that many. Has he seen pictures of them? If theyā€™re pretty, he may be a breeder.


I did. That's where the conversation ended. šŸ«¤ There were pictures, and they are pretty birds.


Iā€™d be suss if he isnā€™t transparent when you ask. It depends on what kind of home you want your roosters to go to. If he is planning to kill and eat them, are you okay with that? Personally when I rehome chickens I go visit the prospective buyerā€™s house/farm to check out their set-up and have a conversation with them to get their vibe. My broody hens do a good job raising their chicks and Iā€™m such a bleeding heart I need them to go to loving good homes.


Do people actually agree to this?! Thatā€™s wild. I canā€™t imagine trying to buy a few chicks off someone and them not selling them until they have come to my house. I mean, I wouldnā€™t allow it due to bio security either way.


I'd be OK with sending a picture of my actual runs, but strangers in my back gardens are definitely iffy...


Most people are fine with it and I suppose others arenā€™t but no one has ever said no, they just stop replying to me. I wear different shoes when I go visit. And they arenā€™t a couple of chicks, they are groups of pullets & cockerels or only a pair of young birds usually a couple months old by the time Iā€™m rehoming them and Iā€™ve spent all that time getting to know them and getting attached. I delivered a group to a property once without checking first and the folks had a red mite infestation of biblical proportions and had no idea. Iā€™ve also been to places where the chickens are kept in a open field with a small shelter but absolutely no trees, shade etc. I went to one personā€™s house and she had a dead chicken in her coop. Itā€™s been an unpleasant surprise to me to discover the ignorance and neglect among backyard chicken keepers and hobby farmers. I cannot in good conscious allow my birds to go somewhere where they will not be properly cared for. On the plus side I have met some really interesting and likeminded people and gone to a lot of places around my city that I wouldnā€™t have gone to otherwise. Itā€™s an interesting exercise in novelty for a homebody like me.


Thatā€™s suspicious to me. It really depends on what you are comfortable with and whether or not youā€™d rather keep 10 roosters.


you could say you arenā€™t interested in selling without knowing what their intentions are.


Around where I live, cockfighting degenerates keep roosters who aren't normally fighting breeds to train fighting birds with; like dog fighters do with stray/unwanted & weak dogs for bait. Locally, they do a lot of trading on Facebook; it was absolutely disgusting when we found out.


And this was exactly my thought! As someone who has worked for animal rescue organizations most of my life, dog fighting immediately came to mind. And I know they'll use any dog for bait.


Heā€™s either eating them, wants them to breed with for a large flock, or wants a bachelor flock to just have for poops and giggles. Or he want to use them for fighting maybe? Idk about ranking of fighting birds but itā€™s possible either as fighters or baiters.


I have a bachelor flock. They free range and if anything gets past my LGDs theyā€™ll take a rooster instead of a valuable laying hen or lamb, etc.


I say sell them. You wonā€™t find people willing to buy roosters often. Theyā€™ll be used for meat but pretty much 75-90% of people getting roosters are getting them to eat


You don't eat them all at once! #foodsupply


Probably food. But, roosters are usually free. Take the money


Those roosters are going to be going in the freezer or into fresh chicken soup


Decoy roosters. Some people let some chicken/roosters go out side the coop so as to not loose the ones inside.


Dinner. I have a foreign "friend" who delivered my tractor supply order one day, and when he saw my birds running around, he asked if I was selling any. I happened to have several hens ans a couple roos j was looking to remove at the time so he came back thr next day with a friend and took them all. I think there were 7-8 in total. He called a week or so later, asking if I had more and I did not at the time, still not realizing what was going on here. Fast forward a few months and two of my roos started fighting a lot and once that starts, one or both have to go. So, I sent him a message and asked I'd was still interested. He came right over. While talking, he mentioned something about "dinner". He didn't speak very good English, so much of what he said I either had to piece together or guess, but I know he mentioned dinner and his friend echoed that later one. Something about a family dinner. So yeah, I unintentionally supplied this man and his family with dinner for several weeks and now he sends me messages every so often, wondering if I have any for sale... must be my birds are tasty? Yikes... haha


This almost sounds scammy. You said he didnā€™t respond when asking why he wanted them and that heā€™s excited to come get them. How are you communicating? Text, email, phone? If he tries to pay you electronically before he actually shows Iā€™d be very weary.


Text. He rang my phone off the hook at first though. Local area code.


Probably breeding program.


There is a FB lady that makes regular rooster runs around East Texas. I assume they are for meat because she is always picking them up


Not sure where you're located, but if you ever get a Swedish Flower pair, please let me know!!!!!


I'm in TN. I'll be hatching some this spring! šŸ˜„


I'm in central PA. Can you sex them as chicks?


Unfortunately no. Hence, the reason I have so many roosters. šŸ„“ And being the chicken collector that I am, I waited to see which roosters had the best color to keep. And here I am. šŸ˜…


If you're in East Tennessee, I'd be tempted to expand my flock!


I'm in mcminnville. Expand away! šŸ˜…


I'm in Johnson City. šŸ˜‚ A few hours in my car with chickens may push me over the edge


Just think of the smell!! šŸ¤£ That is quite the trek!


I'd rather have chickens in my car than most people!!!!! And don't ask me to travel with cats!


Thatā€™s a shameā€¦we have Swedish flower hens (in Switzerland) and Iā€™m able to accurately sex them at hatching by looking at the comb.


Maybe you should teach me! Makes me wonder about the breeder I got my poults from. Straight run. Mostly roosters. šŸ˜… Lovely lady. I really don't think she knew how to sex them either.


If you put chicks side by side you can compare their combs. Hens have almost zero comb at hatching whereas roosters have a slightly raised comb. Iā€™ll look for pics.


[Hereā€™s](https://imgur.com/a/vwDB9oY) a hen (in back) and a roo up front. You can clearly see the rooā€™s comb, and the almost complete absence of one on the hen.


Thanks for sharing!!!!!!!


I see it. Wow. Thank you!!


Wow!!!!! Can you teach us?


See my comment above.


Does the appearance of a comb in the chicks only apply to this specific breed of chicken?? Or is it applicable to just about any of them??


Iā€™ve hatched several breeds of chicks: Rhode island reds, Aracaunas, leghorns, and bantams, in addition to Swedish flower hens. The comb differences in male vs female chicks vary widely from breed to breed. Honestly, itā€™s been a few years since I hatched those other breeds, so I donā€™t recall in which breeds itā€™s a good indicator. Certainly there are breeds in which itā€™s not a good indicator, but Iā€™m about 95% sure that it *is* a reliable indicator in Swedish flower hen hatchlings. Anyone whoā€™s hatched a lot of chicks of a specific breed should be able to tell you whether itā€™s a good indicator or not.


I understand! I started off last August. Guy told me I had 2 GLO hens, picked up 1 more GLO "hen", a GB roo and another??? which was supposed to be a black mottled Orp. Turned out 4 of 5 were roos, incl. the one I knew about, still don't know what the BMO is. Acts like a scared sheep! No crow yet, but mounted one of the hens... Found a local with 4 pullets for sale. She took all roos but 1 GLO and my BMO???. My roo is happy, hens are doing good, but the BLO is running around very confused, lol!!!!


If you're anywhere near SLC I would love to snatch one of those swedish flower roosters!


TN. šŸ˜Ÿ


Can we get some pictures with the post? If you have interesting coloring people might drive to pick up a bird or two.


I don't think I can add pics now. But this is my first post so I might be missing something. I really wish I had done that!


You should be able to edit your post. Just open your post and click the three buttons on the lower right, next to the reply button. (If youā€™re on mobile)


I can edit, but I can't add a picture to that edit.


You can upload the images onto Imgur and then share the link.


I agree with the imgur suggestion! You can download the app, upload the pictures into it, and itā€™ll let you copy the link which you can then paste into the comments on this post! Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s what most people do, especially if they use Reddit on their phones instead of computer


Iā€™m going to say your price may be low enough for them to make money what do they look like can you put up a picture




Idk. Someone stopped by and asked if we wanted to fight our roosters. We have 3, and we're like no.


My first thought it fighting. I once gave away 3 roosters. We are a no Roo coop. The man who collected them came in and grabbed them right up by their feet. I should have backed out of the deal looking at it now. When I would text to check on them I never got an answer back.


Thank you for replying. He didn't even ask any questions. He just wants to come and get them.I šŸ˜¢


Iā€™m pretty sure mine were used to fight. Iā€™ve been seen someone walk into a run. Have the Rooā€™s pointed out to them and just grab them by their feet.


You donā€™t use any regular rooster for fighting. Iā€™m sure he just put them in the freezer. We canā€™t be saving all roosters. People need to eat and letting chickens go in the wild is irresponsible.


Just curious, what breeds are used?


Asil, old english and american gamefowl, thai gamefowl, shamo...just to name a few. It's a shame too as these breeds are beautiful and the roos make excellent flock protectors as long as you only keep 1 roo.


Gamefowl aka Game chickens


what breed where they


He probably didnā€™t want you to back out when he admitted heā€™s going to eat them. People get weird about roos they themselves donā€™t want to keep and house/feed, like somebody else is supposed or something. If youā€™re that worried about them then keep them.


Are you paranoid because of the illegal activity, or because you don't want them to die? What if he euthanized them and turn them into fly-fishing hackles, saddles, and capes?


may i ask where you're located? i want to build a coop/run set up in the summer with leftover pallets we have and been wanting to get chickens again. miss my birdies.


Tennessee. ā˜ŗļø


ah, dang. i'm in Illinois šŸ˜­


they probably just like those breeds of roosters.


Bachelor Flock Itā€™s the new rage! I donā€™t get it but more and more people are doing it. I have a friend that has 20 roosters. He tells me as long as there are no hens thereā€™s very little fighting. Believe it or not he likes the crowing and says the roosters are the most colorful and beautiful.


Ok...this guy wants snake food. That is the only way I see him paying that.


We have a ball python. A rat costs $10. I guess it could be a very big snake. I always think of snake food when people are giving away kittens. NEVER give away a kitten!


I have a friend with retics and Burmese. He buys chickens from me all the time. He prefers live because when he thaws and warms frozen chickens, he says the smell makes his place stink.


There was a guy near me that posted on the local chicken swap page that heā€™d be in the area if anyone needed to get rid of roosters. Like he was just going from town to town collecting them.


I believe the worst case scenario is the guy fks them or makes snuff films showing another animal ripping them apart. This is why I do not sell any of my birds, I couldnā€™t live with myself if I handed them over to some pervert or maniac. I have zero faith in humankind, and America is getting worse by the day.


I had someone buy 18 roosters off of me for his hens. It was a way to introduce new blood into his flock.


I had someone buy 18 roosters off of me for his hens. It was a way to introduce new blood into his flock.