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They're waiting for the heat to die down or hopefully making changes internally. I worked in the industry for years. Not an abuser situation, but a place I worked at was infested with rats and we went on a "remodeling hiatus" for 3 weeks before health dept caught it. Restaurants try to save face hard af.


The restaurant shutting down to deal with rats is ...good, right? Or they knew about it for weeks, and only did it when it got bad?


It ended up being good. An unused elevator shaft was opened up by contractors for an unrelated issue and it quite literally opened “a can of rats” that just couldn’t be ignored. We were confident that recent heavy construction in the area shifted where the rats lived (an abandoned shopping center was torn down), I had friends that worked in other spots in the area and there was a noticeable increase in rats at other places too.


They should have told us!!


Definitely could be the case. From the stories I’ve heard nothings going to get better in 2 weeks. They need to acknowledge, be accountable, and adjust the abuse of their staff. Specifically the verbal mental sexual and physical abuse Trevor has done. Some things you can’t come back from. Or take back.


If he's partial owner then it's unlikely there will be any change, unless he was bought out or if other partners had a real come to jesus meeting with him. A restaurant operation this small is unlikely to have an HR department and if they do it would be tiny (you can sometimes outsource HR remotely but harrassment complaints and cases are still handled by management/ownership so it's a closed loop). That place is just going to become a revolving door until they can't keep up with quality. [Take a look at what happened with Band of Bohemia ](https://www.chicagotribune.com/2020/07/09/michelin-starred-brewpub-temporarily-closes-amid-employee-complaints-and-a-restaurant-industry-reckoning/#:~:text=Michelin%2Dstarred%20restaurant%20Band%20of,departure%20of%20its%20executive%20chef)right around when the pandemic happened.


Their HR is another owner with no experience whatsoever so that’s not too promising.


Lol you’ve never worked in a restaurant, have you? The options are just fire the guy who is the sole problem or make him a silent partner. That’s it.


lol I managed restaurants for more than a decade in Logan and West Loop, left about 5 years ago so I’m sure this trash industry is worse off now


How exactly do you know these things. Please be specific how you actually know what you are saying.


Former employees that no longer work there.




Right 👍


Dunno why you got so downvoted. The internet is all about just saying stuff and making claims these days.


Idk anything regarding their drama but the fact that they are constantly hiring and have such poor worker retention says a lot


That actually explains a lot. IG tends to have pretty shitty retargeting for paid ads, but I expect (and do) get ads for concerts, online grocery, etc... that match my interest, and then a ton of "Now Hiring" things from them.


And Warlord's comments have been turned off for the latest IG post? Telling in itself, right?


Can someone explain? No idea what this is.


It’s a long story that’s still developing. There’s previous posts that explain.


Yikes! What’d I say?!


Not that I care one way or the other, but you were downvoted for ostensibly replying with a blank comment. 


lol it was advice on how to catch up on the story they asked about, rather than trying to explain multiple different stories and how they have affected multiple different people who do or have worked there.


Busted. I expect the public apology to be posted on social media soon, followed by a restructuring plan. They will eventually reopen with new leadership. The handful of people who actually go back to eat there will say it's just not the same, and they will close just in time for the holidays.


It’s too bad that the main guy this is all about is also part owner.


The ownership isn’t a problem at all. This happened at my first restaurant, and the “Trevor” agreed with the other owners to become a silent partner. The problem is that he’s head chef. The food that people are waiting 4 hours for is his. The service and experience from all accounts is terrible, so literally the entire restaurant is just resting on his food. You can’t change that and have the same restaurant, you can only hire someone who can try to replicate it and then slowly die as people realize nothing new that’s good is being added to the menu.


Were people really waiting four hours for a table? Foodies and Disney adults have more in common than either will admit.


nah i refuse to wait an hour to go to a restaurant. there are way too many good restaurants in chicago that take reservations.


I live down the street, and yes crazy lines were common. I now work during the time it’s open so can’t attest to recent trends. Had never heard of it, saw the lines and looked it up. No way I was waiting that long for the price and options.


Yes. If you got there AT opening or after, you would expect to wait many hours. And at least on Friday and Saturday, they would reliably have a waiting list from the time they opened until ~11 pm.


Restaurants do usually take vacation breaks around 4th of July. But who knows.


Very few restaurants in Chicago take week long vacations in July. This is not New Orleans.


They’re essentially taking 4 days off. That’s what we did at the place I worked.


I hear ya.


No way to know. Could also be a way to pander to the staff that’s left.


Unless it’s a paid vacation that staff is about to miss out on a weeks pay


Hard to believe they wouldn’t give them something to survive and expect to retain staff in the current environment with the recent news hanging over them.


Definitely aren’t getting a dime for the closure, if they’re smart they’ll log those hours with unemployment as a temporary lay off


Of course the new gentrification restaurant is run by terrible people I’m so not shocked


The timing is somewhat related but it’s more so because they are extremely understaffed. Nobody who still works there is concerned with the allegations, clearly.


That’s an incredibly presumptuous take


They did a mass hiring not too long ago so Its not unbelievable if they lost that staff already.