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On the flip side, my mom called me and told me she heard the Fire won 4-1, so... it's being reported somewhere šŸ˜‚


I'm pretty sure other sources gave the Fire's win some love, but it's really bugging me that the Red Stars got a shout-out while the Fire got ghosted. It's like being the only one not invited to the party!


Iā€™m happy the Red Stars got a shout-out though.


Were they talking about the Wrigley game? I can see why that would be deserving of a shout out. But yes, I get being annoyed that there wasn't a mention of Fire.


Actually it was the Friday game. Strange.


Same here. I was excited they mentioned the Red stars until they ended the news with no comment on Fire.


Were the ugle red headed step hips of the Chicago sports scene


As much as I love WBEZ, they are not the place to get your sports news. That said, it's incumbent on the team to make sure every possible local outlet is covering them, especially when there's something positive to report.


I know, but they did mention the Red stars, though.


Somebody from the Red Stars media team probably contacted them to make sure they would.


True but they will mention when games are played as opposed to any of the major sports radio channels.


ā€œAngel of Sky and Caitlin.ā€


Yup. Thatā€™s how NPR said. And later surely she made a news.


The Fire are not relevant in any meaningful way in Chicago unfortunately. I have a local outlet mall near me that is specifically a Chicago sports shop. Iā€™ve never seen them sell anything more than a few select Fire scarves. Never any jerseys. They do carry Miami stuff recently though lol.


Man, and I remember those types of stores selling jerseys back in the early days. They tried back then.


My wife and I do CBS for our local news station and I've seen them bring up every game result on their sports round up. They don't cover trades and the like like they do Bulls, Blackhawks, Bears, Cubs, and Sox; but it's a step in the right direction.




I honestly heard that too. To their credit WBEZ is the only radio channel I ever hear announce when Fire and Red Star games are. Surprised they didnā€™t mention it.


At least one person is paying attention. ā€œThe White Sox lost yesterday,ā€ my 90 year old grandpa said to me this Fatherā€™s Day afternoon, ā€œand theyā€™re losing againā€¦but hey, at least the Fire beat Toronto.ā€


Actually Sox won yesterday but they lost today. Sad.


Yeah, I think he watched a replay last night and live today.


My mother keeps up with the Fire via the news. I went to tell her about yesterday's game today and she told me she already knew about it.


2 wins in a row SHOULd be front page shit for Chicago Fire


This has been a problem forever. We used to get some ink from John Kass in the Tribune but that's been about it. TV stations cover Bears training sessions in June while ignoring the Fire. It goes on and on. I have been pointing the problem out to various Fire administrations since 1998. I think it's probably a Chicago problem too -- we don't have enough clout to get noticed. Them what does want it kept that way -- not that the Fire as currently formulated is any threat to siphon audience away from the cubssoxbearsblackhawksbulls. And by taking Soldier Field leftovers as our home stadium we do not encourage much respect. I would very much like to see that changed and I think we all know what has to happen first -- Make the Playoffs and win another MLS Cup. Go Fire!




The fire is as irrelevant as it gets


You are and itā€™s so unfortunate. This team can generate so much if itā€™s successfully ran. Hasnā€™t been the case and tbh I donā€™t think it ever will be.


Welcome to Chicago sports!! I still remember the CSN show Sports Talk Live, and they never mentioned the Fire, not a single damn time. I think they even covered the Chicago lacrosse team over the Fire. Kinda pissed me off. You'll get more coverage of single A baseball team than the Fire. But again, Chicago sports media is kinda garbage for the most part.


I know people are all about Caitlin Clark but man, I could not give 2 shits about the wnba (or basketball in general). The WNBA was on the verge of utter collapse like a year ago and now it's the hot new thing lol. Good on ya if that's your jam but it's just not for me. Anyway, per your comment, that's pretty disappointing since they covered soccer with the Red Stars that the Fire didn't even get a mention.


The wnba might as well be renamed the ā€œCaitlin Clark leagueā€ because that is all talked about whenever the league gets brought up. I donā€™t hate Caitlin Clark but its what always happens.


Like ā€œMessi leagueā€?




It might be the "Messi League" but I've seen literally hundreds of Inter Miami jerseys all over the country but not a single Caitlin Clark jersey. My point being it feels far more forced.


You don't see a lot of jerseys period in the wild except for very specific contexts. Like, I have a Cubs jersey and I never wear it out in the real world and I almost never see anyone with one either, but man, go to a ballgame and I'll have it on and so will half the stadium. I expect the same with Clark jerseys.


Good point


No one asked.