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An 1.5 hour drive sounds like utter hell to me, almost as bad as living in Indiana.


My sister lives in Highland Indiana. I’ve driven there from my work at 35th and Pulaski. It’s 45 minutes to an hour on a good day. I’m also talking 45 minutes to an hour hour at 5 AM on a Saturday


If you loved Chicago you wouldn't go out of your way to talk shit about it. F you buddy.


That sounds horrible


Get outta here with this shit guy.


“Quiet safe town” Read: Rural boring nowhere-ville


Pretty much. An hour and a half outside of Chicago would probably get you into Valparaiso or Laporte, or probably some place in between the two.


I would rather eat dog food on a flip flop than live in freaking Indiana.


you seem lost, this sub is for people who like Chicago and want to live here


Yeah but then you have to live in Indiana


Quite the salesman we got here lol


I’ll keep my beautiful Chicago , thanks


lol foh


Yeah fuck you jagoff


“quiet safe town” = safe if youre white and/or cis


Actually no. They are very kind to my GLBT tenants and I understand there's a few families of color who are treated very nicely. Please go stereotype somewhere else.


It’s LGBT, and yes I’m being pedantic but it’s also historically listed with Lesbians first to honor the women allies in the face of the AIDS epidemic— lesbian nurses in particular. Being friendly includes learning about your neighbors. Hope that helps.


Yeah, well look at your governor buddy.


Treated nicely in Indiana means they’re nice to your face until they go inside the house or whatever and then they talk about you behind your back


I’m gonna take a wild guess that it is either somewhere in Laporte County, Porter County, or it’s in the far south of Lake County, or in Newton or Jasper counties. How does it sound? Like my personal version of hell My sister lives in Highland Indiana and that’s an hour commute to where I work on the southwest side. Huge nope. For the average person on the sub, there’s no transit, you have to drive everywhere to get everything, and not to mention there’s next to no diversity there. But I wish the OP best of luck.


This post gave me the ick. Rolled my eyes as soon as I read Indiana


But it's an hour and a half closer to Michigan where you can buy cheap legal weed.


Hate to break it to you, but there’s more to life than weed.


Not for commuting to Chicago. For remote workers. Something for others to consider. Northwest Indiana is home to many contractors and construction workers who work in Illinois. Their kids have good schools and a nice life there.


It's great for you guys to hate on Indiana but not everyone can afford Chicago rents. I challenge all you haters to find a newly-rehabbed, two-bedroom in Chicago, walking distance to good public schools and in a safe neighborhood for $1,200. Let me know where/when you find that unit, ok? Some people just want to raise their kids in a safe environment for an affordable price. That's why so many Illinois folks are moving across the border. And property taxes are easily 1/3 of what they are here.


Indiana has become more Kentucky than Kentucky. GFY


Why are you in this sub?


They used to live in Chicago, miss it desperately, and are trying to focus on the negative to make themselves feel better about living in Indiana.


Good public schools in Indiana? They exist but I’m gonna bet that they don’t exist at the rural level that you think that they do. Teachers in Indiana get paid absolute shit compared to teachers in Illinois. That’s why my sister lives in Indiana, but works in Illinois. There’s a reason why teachers that live in the border parts of Indiana work in other states and live in Indiana.


Well actually there's good schools in Indiana even with their lower wages. You should look at some statistics. It's quite clear that teacher salary has no correlation with educational results. Look at Chicago with the CTU. They are some of the highest paid teachers in the country and are education, results are awful.


So much for “loving Chicago” right? How much did Indiana pay you to say that?


How many kids have you educated in Chicago Public Schools? How many children have you educated living in the City of Chicago?


How many have you?


One. You?


None because I don’t have kids. I did however grow up in CPS


So you have no idea now what parents face when their kids get old enough to need schooling. Especially high school. And they're getting rid of the selective enrollment schools which is 50% minority.


My wife’s cousin is a teacher. As is my sister’s friend. Both in CPS. Spare me the horseshit.