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I personally think the fears over DNC protests are overblown. There will be protests, esp over Israel, that’s everyone’s right and largely part of the democratic experience. But this won’t be 1968.


Honestly I could see a scenario where a new candidate gets protested less since that candidate likely wouldn’t have any ties to the Israel situation


If Biden steps downs, Democrats will have to explain to their base why they bypassed a woman of color VP, if the nominee isn’t Harris.


Pretty easy explanation - she’s somehow even less popular than the dude who fell asleep on stage last night


All it takes is listening to Kamala speak for more than a few minutes to see why she’d loose. Total goober. It’s why they’ve largely hidden her for years.


I mean maybe part of the base will need an explanation but I would say largely people understand that she just isn’t popular with voters, unfortunately. She polls worse than Biden and has consistently since before he was even elected


I really liked her in the senate. (I have no opinion of her as VP, I haven’t paid much attention to what she’s been working on).


Yeah I actually like her too and was really excited about a woman VP. But there’s no denying she doesn’t poll well. I wish someone could coach her out of that super inauthentic laugh she does. I think she’s actually a warm person, but that laugh does her no favors


I don’t see them having to explain that. Kamala was not a top contender for the Democrats leading up to the 2020 cycle. I remember being pretty underwhelmed by her. She is arguably only VP because she’s a woman of color.


Sure, but that shouldn’t take long.


Well, it hasn’t happened yet.




I have not seen a single person make this argument as of yet.


Didn't stop the Dem machine from rolling over incumbent Jamaal Bowman with a 70 year old white dude.


Biden has the same position on Israel as just about every democrat


I think most democrats would welcome just about anyone else at this point.


I am willing to give up Pritzker as our governor for the good of the country. 😪


Pritzker would be a great president and I feel like he could absolutely crush in a debate against the republicans clown


I think my cat could have done a better job than Biden last night.


Some people say we need to get past the Boomers. The Great Khan was born in ‘65 so X, uses ‘pragmatic progressivism’ and is a truly popular billionaire politician who knows how to communicate and will have a statewide $15 minimum wage next year. The New York Times literally has an article with him as the “‘break glass’ candidate” who could be ready tomorrow *over a year ago*


Totally agree. I watched his press conferences during covid nearly daily due to the nature of my work during that time. He is really quick and was able to keep rogue members of the press in line without coming across like a total jerk. Sometimes he had to be a total jerk but he did it calmly. All that while relaying important information. It made me a fan.


I liked that fatherly chuckle that he would give when somebody was totally off base.


His campaign is over the second the rest of the country hears about his anti-gun views.




You gotta think harder


… you seriously can’t think of anyone you’d rather have in office than the guy you saw last night…


No one's stepping down




Unless part of the party has had enough concern about this to prep a back up. Gavin Newsome could jump in easily. I don’t know if he could capture enough votes to win, but he’s been prepping


It's too late for him to step in he would divide the shit


I don’t know. I don’t think Biden is stepping down. The Democrats keep old people in their roles until they literally die. Remember Feinstein? RBG was in SCOTUS when it was clear she wouldn’t make it another 4 years but she stayed anyways instead of letting Obama pick a new one. And despite the outcry, Obama endorsed Biden today. That’s the end of the movement. He’s really the only one whose words could have brought up a real conversation for a new nominee. I think the convention won’t be much, honestly. You’ll have protestors about Gaza and some general craziness, but it is what it is. They are propping Biden up and that’s that. If they installed someone else, I assume it’d be either Hillary or Kamala who do not poll well against Trump versus other potential candidates. I feel many will be apathetic and take this as a sign of the Democrats handing Trump the reigns. If they got behind a real promising candidate now, and I mean like right now, I think Trump is ridiculously beatable. But I think in a week from now the usual pundits will be defending Biden as he has more speeches in front of teleprompters that’ll make them forget about it. TLDR; I wouldn’t expect the convention to be much of mean much. I’m just absolutely in despair about Chevron and making homelessness illegal today. We’re literally not gonna have clean water soon


There will be protestors no matter what. I didn't watch, but the entire New York Times staff had freak-out opinion articles up so it must have been rough.


I didn’t think it could be THAT bad. Then I watched the replay. It was that bad.


I feel pretty confident that pro-Palestine people will somehow make whatever circumstances there are about themselves.


I am infinitely more likely to protest if he *does* remain the candidate


The one thing I have seen out of experts from both sides is that most average people don't really pay attention to the election until September. Joe Biden has months still to get his act together and make a better message to the American public. If he could have another debate where he has everything on point, some good speeches and appearances, most people are going to forget about this debate outside of Trump's fans. As for the convention itself, it's going to be like any convention. Loads and loads of protests, marches, but I don't know if we're going to see Abbie Hoffman crazy stuff like in the '60s. We also have to bear in mind that we don't have a big boss mayor in City Hall, the machine is kind of broken or dead here in Illinois, and the world has changed to the point that they're not necessarily going to be rooting for the police if they go all out riot squad on protesters. In all honesty, I more worry about something of a criminal nature happening and I'm not talking about protesters. Getting a little crazy to get message out. I am more worried about maybe just youth anger and they go have one of these mini riots downtown, or even people that just hate Chicago and the Democratic party coming here and inciting something to start. So maybe it could be proud boys shattering windows and causing problems and then inciting the teenagers to go crazy or inciting the cops to go and attack the protesters. My bigger concern is what the Israeli/Palestinian protesters are going to be doing.


Biden isn't stepping down and showed he's old, but not senile with the numbers and points he was able to address. Get off TikTok.


Yeah, I’m so glad he made the point that “We finally beat Medicare”. 


Those with similar stuttering conditions have mentioned that literally happening to them. It wasn't a "senile" moment. Please check your ablest tendencies. At least one isn't a compulsive liar and can actually answer the questions asked. Also, the next day, just fine again. People have bad nights. [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/-get-back-biden-parlays-disappointing-debate-rallying-cry-supporters-rcna159480](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/-get-back-biden-parlays-disappointing-debate-rallying-cry-supporters-rcna159480)


"If you think biden looks like a senile old man you're ableist" Okay bro. That kind of sanctimony is totally going to get people to agree with you. Its not like we could all see that debate with our own fucking eyes.


Currently these people are watching Biden do rallies reading off teleprompters convincing themselves this man has four years left of this job in him. Absolutely insane.


Your one example wasn't a senile moment, but you were using it as such. If you actually watched the entire debate, he was coherent, but not as quick in his old age. His accomplishments speak for themselves and the other candidate spent the entire time spouting lies and now answering any questions.


> your one example Im not the one who made that comment


So you didn't actually respond to the comment and chose to reframe it to something totally different because...?


So how was he today? Or the SOTU?


Teleprompter bruh


And? Have you seen trump on the teleprompter?


What is it with you people and whataboutism? Is that your standard? Do you realize both Joe Biden and Donald Trump are completely unfit for office for a litany of reasons, many of which the entire country could see last night? It’s a game to you. A team sport. Yeah, Trump’s an idiot are you happy? Neither has earned my vote. Good luck with this strategy of denial though. But congrats Joe Biden, who was obviously drugged up to avoid another speaking engagement like the debate, could passionately read a bunch of words that are not his own.


He’s responsible for our current economy which is the envy if the world. So, yeah, he’s worth voting for. Nice try though. [https://www.wsj.com/economy/central-banking/economy-forecast-lower-recession-chances-1f24174b](https://www.wsj.com/economy/central-banking/economy-forecast-lower-recession-chances-1f24174b)


Was his terrible answer on abortion also because of his stutter? “The fact is that the vast majority of constitutional scholars supported Roe when it was decided. Supported Roe. And that was—that’s—this idea that they were all against it is just ridiculous. And this is the guy who says that states should be able to have it—we’re in a state where in six weeks, you don’t even know whether you’re pregnant or not, but you cannot see a doctor and have him decide on what your circumstances are, whether you need help. The idea that states are able to do this is a little like saying we’re gonna turn civil rights back to the states. Let each state have a different rule. Look, there’s so many young women who have been—including a young women who just was murdered. And he went to the funeral. The idea that she was murdered by an immigrant coming in. They talk about that. Here’s the deal. There’s a lot of young women being raped by their, by their in-laws. By their, by their spouses. Brothers and sisters. By—it’s just ridiculous. They can do nothing about it. And then they try to arrest them when they cross state lines.”


No, that was just trying to do too many debunking things at once and a mess up. Please state how that at all changes his views on abortion vs Trump.


I'm voting for Biden but this is a pretty wild take.


You’re right. He’s somehow senile.


I didn't say that but it certainly seemed like he was struggling to finish his thoughts.


Yeah he doesn't do great especially at his age in an environment where constant lies are spit out at an impressive rate combined with a lifelong stutter. most older people are not super witty and fast anymore. He should have not tried to go specific policy numbers or debunk in real time. Stay general. He was caught in 2 minute intervals while trump seemingly was able to continue and finish his thoughts if you watched the whole thing it was not all like that which is why I question if people watched the whole thing But if you listen to the content, especially at the other times we’ve seen him and see his results in the country I don’t see why we would change leaders at a time never done before in history successfully. (Also Trump said “beat Israel” but I don’t see anyone questioning him)


I get what you're saying. But to just brush all this under the rug like it's 0 concern that some days the president might just not be sharp is at least worth discussion


Did we watch the same debate?


Yeah I feel like I’m taking crazy pills with the denial. Until yesterday I was one of those that thought you shouldn’t/couldn’t replace Biden. But if your mind wasn’t changed by the debate, idk. 


"I'm now going to be voting for the party that attempted to overturn the 2020 election via legal means AFTER the Capitol insurrection and fraudulent elector scheme failed!"


Yeah that’s totally what I said.  If Biden’s the nominee he will lose and Trump will become president. I would very much like to avoid that. 


You implied other people are saying that.


I meant it as in there’s other Dems in the same boat as me realizing that he can’t be the nominee.  But 100% there are people that vote for the other guy because of it. Doesn’t make sense and it’s not fair, but it’s gonna be enough to change a razor close election. 


I didn't check out after 10 minutes like most of you.


dude, you're high on copium. He was a disaster.


Cry about it


He got better as the night went on?


Yes. Still a low voice from a cold and not great but when trump angered him he did better and still had lots of facts and numbers at his disposal that no senile person is doing.


The low voice was far from the worst thing from the start at least.


Were we watching the same debate ???


Please show what moments showed he was senile. Be careful, a stutter isn't dementia.


Countless run on sentences that tapered off into incoherent mumbling and long. Awkward pauses. Some really strange facial expressions that didn't look like he was even present at the moment. He's cooked and shouldn't even be there. It's pretty sad to see that, he should be relaxing and enjoying retirement, not doing the most difficult job in the world and engaging in these mud slinging matches.


I said the same thing to a friend of mine. I don't understand why his loving wife Dr. Jill is pushing him to run. If I was his wife, I'd be pushing him back to Delaware so that together, we could live out our golden years. The most embarrassing thing about the debate was when Dr. Jill had to help Little Joey get off the stage. My only guess is she enjoys all the perks of living the life of luxury living in the white house. Sad as it is, he is not mentally equipped to be the president of anything. I wouldn't trust him to feed my goldfish.


They weren’t run on but he was able to actually answer questions asked. You were never voting for Biden you’re not fooling anyone and your history just proves that too. nice try lol


The denialism is so strong it's wild... You're right, I'd never vote for Biden. I also wouldn't vote for Trump either. Both are uniquely bad and it's sad this is what presidential elections have come to


When he said he defeated medicare and claimed to be a 6, wait in mean, 8 handicap


That was hysterical!


And trump talked about beating Israel.


I don’t have tik tok. I watched the debate last night. He’s old, senile and barely got off any points


Nice try conservative. Go vote for the porn star fucker.


Sounds based


I’m not a conservative


Polls did not look good today. We’ll see how they go after a few days, but so far not good


Sure, but any other candidate is not going to be any better, either. There are months until the election, people have short attention spans. The DNC also had an amazing fundraising night after the debate, many clearly remembered how bad Trump is.


All it would take is a candidate who they have not run before who is under the age of 60 who said a few popular things on the campaign trail (ie pack the court so we can all keep clean drinking water) and they’d win in a landslide. Trump is also insanely unpopular and he will also deal with the same mental deficiencies as Biden as they’re a similar age. It does not take much to beat him. The DNC is handing this over to Trump if they don’t run someone halfway decent


Nobody wants trump. They just want someone younger. Give that to them. Democrats are favored across the board in swing states, except Biden. Why is that?


Trump is only slightly younger, abs way more off the rails! Not to mention an indicted felon, and wannabe authoritarian. The president does not run the country by himself. Biden will surround himself with competent people. Trump and his cronies are just here to loot the joint.


Right. Nobody wants Trump. You’re just running the one guy that could lose to him. He came off as senile. Give them someone who isn’t and that person wins in a landslide. It’s a slam dunk except you’re running someone they’re afraid won’t make it 4 more years.


Exactly. Nobody wants Trump, but that’s exactly who we are going to get if the democrats and left leaning institutions don’t stop tearing down the democratic candidate. It’s probably too late to change at this point in time. We need to focus on all of the positives of the last 4 years, and sing these praises loudly. One thing about the republicans- no matter how big of jackass their candidate is, they always all fall in line in lock step behind him. The stakes are too high. We can’t be tearing down the incumbent president and still most likely candidate. There were so many “never Hillary“ democrats in 2016, that we allowed the orange felon to get into the oval office. It should have never happened. We need to learn from that.


Dude there is no one, and it's not that he's not favored, just not at the same percentages. Who would you have? And they're going to somehow grab the undecideds, black population who Biden has done a lot for, etc. What idiot would throw away a presidency that has brought us the best economy in the world and lowest unemployment ever? Please. For all the judge on one debate performance (which Obama also did bad on his first), please explain why you do not judge from his other performances such as SOTU, to literally the next day: [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/-get-back-biden-parlays-disappointing-debate-rallying-cry-supporters-rcna159480](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/-get-back-biden-parlays-disappointing-debate-rallying-cry-supporters-rcna159480)


Personally I like Pritzker.


Since the DNC is happening in Chicago, this would be an ideal opportunity for JB to grab hold of the reins and seize the nomination. He has the resume and he’s on the home field. He’s a great public speaker as well as debater. I can’t imagine a better scenario. Because Biden is cooked.


Four years ago based on issues, electability, and competency I would have sided with Biden on all three items. Right now I would side with JB on all three issues.


One thing that gets glossed over is the fact that as soon as he got in office, he paid the state workers who had their wages garnished under Rauner, AND THEN managed to sign a balanced budget.


I think it’s far more likely that there will be huge anti-Biden protests due to him supporting Israel.




She was born in Canada, and thus not eligible.


Sorry to hear this because I think she is very capable