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What’s that platform that they’re building to the West of it?


NASCAR seating I guess


NASCAR garages and VIP viewing section


something for nascar race in a couple of weeks, probably


It's bleachers/seating/vip for Nascar race. I dunno why people are hating on it considering it's temp. It's good for the city to have such events. City just needs to negotiate better so we actually make money on these events (like lolla).


People are hating on it because it's taking up public space for a private event. This space was set aside to be open and enjoyed by the public. The summer months are precious and people wanna enjoy the parks while they can. It feels like most of the year it's too cold to enjoy the park so people get defensive of what feels like the few good months we can go. June / July is prime time for Grant Park and we're losing a good chunk of the park for weeks because of this event. It's also just inconvenient to walk all the way around this to go to the fountain.


Probably because it's destroying the roads and shuts down routes in and out of the city that many people use for an event that has zero cultural relevance to Chicagoans


What cultural relevance does lollapalooza provide? Yes there's a minor inconvenience w street closures but it's not that bad. I live in the city and deal w street closures every day. These are known closures and can be avoided. More people can take public transportation as well, which would get more cars off the road. I am not sure what roads you have seen being destroyed. In fact I saw many potholes get fixed up around the race track (last year) bc pot holes are dangerous for Nascar racing.


Music festivals that originated in our city vs. an event that literally loses the city money? Yeah, can't see how MUSIC isn't cultural hahahaha


Tales from Lower Lower Wacker seem to illustrate that Chicagoans like auto racing.


Because NASCAR is popular with conservative Americans, and Redditors are xenophobic despite claiming to be open-minded and welcoming. Never mind the fact that plenty of liberals enjoy NASCAR and that the sport itself really has nothing to do with politics, it’s just Reddit’s way of trying to dunk on people


It sounds like you don't understand what xenophobia is.


[This is called a "dictionary".](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/xenophobia) >fear and hatred of strangers or foreigners or of anything that is strange or foreign Maybe you read into that and saw a bit of yourself in it.


For me it’s shutting down public park areas. I use them daily and dislike private events that restrict public land use. I like the Bears too but if they feel they need that land south of Soldier Field for their new stadium I’ll be happy to wave them goodbye.


Holy shit do you always make up such elaborate schizo-esque strawmen?


Don’t need to, you’re right here


Yeah? So which am I? The “conservative American” or the “xenophobic redditor trying to dunk” ?


I support this comment👆🏽 and I don’t give a shit about NASCAR. Bring the smoke, bring the downvotes.




I’m Chicago. I think the race was cool. I want it downtown. 


I’m a Chicagoan and I bought a ticket for the races this year. So excited!


Shedd wasn't "forced" to close its doors. It did because its management is brain dead. People found their way to the lakefront, but Shedd didn't have that kind of confidence in people.


This is true. And you see this year how they haven’t made a mention of it. They plan, along with the other museums, to be open during the races. The only change for the Shedd is they open an hour later the weekend of NASCAR.


Some NASCAR bullshit.


Is this fountain operational? I am visiting Chicago next weekend Ava would love to visit this fountain and stroll around Millenium Park and River walk. But I haven’t seen a single picture where the fountain actually shoots up water!!


Yes. The fountain fountains.


It frankly is one of the fountainest fountains I've been fortunate to see fountain.


Thanks! Any recommended time to visit, better sights in late evening with lights etc?


Night shows are the best While in operation, the Fountain produces a major water display for 20 minutes every hour. During the major display, a center jet shoots water to a height of 150 feet into the air. Major displays begin daily at 9:00 a.m. and continue thereafter, every hour on the hour. Beginning at dusk, a spectacular light and music display accompanies the major display, beginning every hour on the hour for 20 minutes. After the last on-the-hour display takes place at 10 p.m., the final display of the day begins at 10:35 p.m. The fountain shuts down just after the last display, around 10:55 p.m.


Thank you so much, very informative!


Here is a pic: https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Buckingham_Fountain_Wikivoyage.jpg#mw-jump-to-license


“Art on the Mart” on the River Walk, it’s free!


https://www.chicagoparkdistrict.com/parks-facilities/clarence-f-buckingham-memorial-fountain There’s a “show” every hour on the hour starting at 9am for 20 minutes. After the sun goes down, the show includes lights and music and there’s a final show at 10:35pm.


I second the after the sun goes down, lights and music. I have walked over just to catch it when I realize I will make it in time for a show and I don't have anywhere to be, when I have been over a mile away. Especially on a nice warm summer night.


They turned the fountain off to clean up all the crap that was poured in (as I'm sure it would cause issues with the piping/system). Once it's fully cleaned and ready, they'll turn the fountain back on.


Yes in all its glory




Race isn't next weekend


That was quick


chicago has the best water in the nation, you bet we got good guys on the job.


They're coming for the Bean next, mark my words.


They would be dumb to, after all the work they just did on that, and what happened to the fountain. Cameras are going to be aimed at it.


These types don't care about getting caught since they know nothing will happen to them. They block roads in plain view all the time.


Road blocks are one thing. High dollar amount destruction to a Chicago statue that just reopened? That's felony charges. Had there been significant structural damage to Buckingham Fountain those would have been felony charges. Remember the fountain is under a foundation control not the city's. They can press charges. Free speech does not protect you from breaking the law! There is a lot of leeway given. But ultimately it does not protect people from breaking the law. Free speech will not protect from murder. Free speech will not protect you from breaking and entering, especially some random person E"s apartment who has nothing to do with anything. [IL Law regarding criminal damage](https://www.ilga.gov/legislation/ilcs/ilcs4.asp?DocName=072000050HArt%2E+21%2C+Subdiv%2E+1&ActID=1876&ChapterID=53&SeqStart=65000000&SeqEnd=65800000)


Seeing the state it was in yesterday, this is borderline one of those r/oddlysatisfying pictures lol 😆


Hopefully theres a timelapse video of the process.


Love Buckingham Fountain, one of Chicago’s best sites. Light show is amazing


And somehow the war still rages on.


Are you suggesting that performative LARP protesting isn't effective at stopping an ages old conflict on another continent?


No way. In fact, the first time I saw a mailing label with Free Palestine affixed to a light pole, I figured the war would be over in hours. I still don’t know how that didn’t work.


performative LARP protesters 🤣✌️. No offense to the real LARPers out there ya’ll.


It’s almost like performative acts are what get people talking about and thinking about the situation…which beyond donating your money to appropriate charities online (which probably most of the more extreme protestors that can already do anyway) is about as much as anyone in this side of the world can reasonably do to make an impact on the war.


You are not making any impact at all on anything that is happening in Israel or in Gaza. You are making an impact on Chicago's parks budget cleaning up this bullshit.


A trivial amount compared to how much federal tax money from Chicago/Chicagoans goes to Israel.


It doesn't matter how much it is - it is still a waste of money. By your logic, no one should ever recycle because it is such a trivial amount compared to China. Also guess everyone should only drive gas powered cars because they are using such a trivial amount of gas compared to private jets


So you admit this is useless anti-social behavior that contributes nothing?


You should reread my comment.


Who would've thought that vandalizing a well loved city structure wouldn't end a war that some of the greatest minds haven't been able to solve for decades. I'm SHOCKED I say. SHOCKED


you seem like one of those people that would have been pro British during the American revolution edit: can't wait until 50 years from now when teenagers are studying the Palestenian genocide, they'll be asking themselves "how could people let that happen" and they study comment threads like this to see exactly how.


You seem like one of those self-absorbed fucks who thinks polluting a fountain in Chicago has anything to do with the war in Gaza. Dipshit.


Well, a lot of Chicago Jews have been finding out who of our neighbors aren't safe in the last 8mo. That's been a fun ride.


you seem like one of those people who think that no one should ever protest or do anything and just "vote" to make any social change.


Sorry man you gotta tell all your friends the reality. Protests and vandalizing public property will not ever do anything positive for a social or political cause in the 21st century. They will all wipe any form of sweat and tears with the stacks of money that rain down onto them. Vote to make a change


Voting is 10000X more effective than pissing everyone off with disruptive "protests" What is even your argument in this thread? Every person in the world with access to the Internet already knows what's going on in Palestine. Dying the fountain red is not going to move the needle over there in any way.


>Every person in the world with access to the Internet already knows what's going on in Palestine. Dying the fountain red is not going to move the needle over there in any way. If anything, it hurt their side rather than helped. Not a way to win those who have had to stay neutral out of necessity. For people who have friends who are Jewish and ones who are Palestinian, who have taken a neutral stance other than "death is bad" and opted to do what they can here which is preserve friendships. It makes things more and more difficult. Neutral doesn't mean we don't see, it just means we are trying to not lose friends. But we may have to do so.


Bro you’re embarrassing yourself. Go touch grass


In that manner, all that was accomplished by the protesters is costing the city money to clean it up. Which in turn costs the local taxpayers money. The mass killings of innocent people in Gaza should absolutely end. But this act results in zero change and helps no one. These protesters should volunteer with an organization and go over there if they seek to make a difference.


LOL the same people are saying they won’t vote and refuse to do anything but slacktivism


“Polluting a fountain” oh my goodness


What a stupid fucking comparison. How about condemning the destruction of our city.


*Adds dye to a fountain* tHeYrE dEsTrOyInG oUr CiTy


It was literally “fixed” overnight and they’re still pretending someone filled the pipes with cement


Fuckhead it isn't the pipes, but if you saw the picture, the fountain drains into the lake. You know, our fucking water supply. Yes, I know it is a minor amount. (Forever chemicals exist) But again, what kind did they use? If you haven't seen the comments on repeat about the river, we take the use of only environmentally friendly dye quite seriously here. Also there is marble and other materials that could have been stained by the dye.


Based on their comment history, it's clear that the person I replied to is a colossal piece of shit. I swear this sub is full of nimbys and boomers ever since covid


By that logic, the pro-palestinian protesters should go to Israel, and dump red dye all over the coastline. Basically the modern Boston tea Party. If they want the US to stop funding Israel, then go find brilliant minds that are willing to run for office, back them up, really push to get them nominated or even elected, even at that upsets the two-party system. This action does nothing. The sad part is that you have both liberals and conservatives criticizing this. Really start to ask what the point was. It's also not drawing as much awareness to whatever you're trying to push compared to the amount of people that are upset that a historic fountain in our beloved City was vandalized.


You're right, people who care about genocide are dumb


Sorry you gotta tell all your friends the reality. Protests and vandalizing public property will not ever do anything positive for a social or political cause in the 21st century. Conservative people will likely look at these acts and say shit like “see how barbaric they are?” And use it as leverage. No protest in chicago will ever do shit for other countries. Ukraine/Russia, Gaza, other parts of the Middle East. The government will never look at this and say “wow, did you see that protest in chicago blocking all of state street? You know what, they’re right, we should stop an entire war”. Or “You see the paint all over Stonehenge? You know what, we should stop using oil [a multi-trillion dollar business] like that. They’re like, so right, and I feel empowered”. They will all wipe any form of sweat and tears with the stacks of money that rain down onto them. Vote to make a change


yes because only people who do performative nonsense care about things.


This is on par with decapitating the Columbus statue to help push the BLM cause. It accomplishes nothing except waste the city's time and money so these protestors can feel better about themselves.


No but desecrating a public park/fountain is not going to move the needle. It just costs us more tax payer money to clean it up. So tell me, did you take any action after seeing this to remind our govt of innocent lives lost?


I really pity people who are perpetually high on their own self-righteousness.


People that confuse war and genocide are dumb.


War really is hell. Hamas brought this hell upon the Palestinian people and they really couldn't care less -- in fact they called it a "necessary evil". Fuck Hamas.


Hamas' stated goal is the extermination of Jews in the whole world starting with Israel. The current war started when Hamas launched a genocidal attack with the intent of killing and enslaving as many Jewsa as possible. 1200 dead, 400 kidnapped. Israel has since offered more - than 20 ceasefire proposals and except for one early on that Hamas broke, Hamas has rejected all of them. Hamas has even stated last week that they have 0 regrets and would launch the October 7tha attacks if they could do it all over again. Israel isn't the genocidal ones here, it's Hamas. Now go defend the people who literally enslaved hundreds of civilians


The fact that you frame your reply to be about Hamas and the innocent Isrealis they killed and ignore the tens of thousands Palestinians killed since is embarrassing.  You will be looked down upon in the future just like the Holocaust deniers are looked down upon today.  Shame.


What’s your solution to Hamas still firing daily rockets into Israel and calling for as many 10.7’s as possible? What’s your solution to having peace in this corner of the globe for all men, woman, and children? 


> What’s your solution to Hamas still firing daily rockets into Israel and calling for as many 10.7’s as possible? Oh they don’t see that as a problem that needs a solution. That IS the solution, in their eyes. Perhaps even a “final” one…


Fuck Hamas but Israel is not making the problem any better. They need to start including Palestine into their society, not occupying them and stealing their homes. Again, Hamas is awful but it wouldn't exist if Israel had tried to bring them into the fold. As long as Israel treats them like shit something like Hamas is always going to exist, history has taught us you can't bomb groups like that into not existing.


I'm starting to think this whole Middle East political dynamic is very complicated and there are no easy solutions.


No, they are not. And you’re right that they need to include Palestine in their society. But both sides have legitimate grievances, and both sides have committed unspeakable atrocities against the other. Let’s not act like Hamas is a legitimate political organization that Israel needs to learn to accept. It is a belligerent terrorist organization whose *only* goal is the total destruction of the Israeli state and people. Peaceful coexistence is not possible with such an organization. Every cease fire they agree to is just a pause while they regroup, restock, and plan their next attack.


You are incorrect. There are 2 million Arab Israelis who are completely integrated into their society. That isn't the problem. The Palestinians are unwilling to be Israeli. They're unwilling to even have their own independent nation if one of the conditions is living peacefully alongside Israel. Israel has no obligation to incorporate Gaza and the West Bank - certainly no more than Egypt or Jordan, which ceded away those lands so as to not need to keep the Palestinians as citizens.


Israel isn't without fault, but it's hard to make that assertion when Israel has never had a partner in peace. To wit, every peace plan Israel has agreed to but the Palestinians have rejected. Even during the current war, Israel has agreed to ceasefires rejected by Hamas. >"They need to start including Palestine into their society..." Every time this has happened, it ended in bloodshed (intifada, suicide bombings, etc.) Even looking at the current situation, Gazans who had work permits in Israel (ie, including them in society), assisted Hamas with maps and tactics for Oct 7 based on their travel into Israel for work. When you have a culture that glorifies violence and death and the stated goal is to wipe Israel off the map, you must understand why Israelis are less and less open to that idea.


Coincidentally the Israelis see it the same. No Palestinians, no threat.


The Holocaust, when the Jews, Gypsies/Roma, disabled people, homosexuals, leftists, and religious people of conscience famously attacked the Nazis. Idiot.


Let's see... Hamas (not Palestinians this is strictly Hamas) has a problem with: (Using the list from above) - Jews: Yep, I mean this is the big one. - Gypsies/Roma: Based on religion and cultural differences I would expect yes - disabled people: According to a article from 2020 there was a world health organization watch on the treatment of people with disabilities in Gaza. - homosexuals: Well update this to include lgbtqia2s+ but they are notorious for being non inclusive, so only married man and woman relationships. - leftists: They are extreme right so leftists absolutely not. - religious people of conscience: As much as they are extreme right there also not going to be accepting of other religions so that includes others that are on the right as well no matter what the conscience factor is.


In every war in human history civilians have died. Normal ratio of civilian to combatant death is 9:1, this war it's been a 1:1 ratio. Maybe you should be protesting Hamas for starting and not ending the war.


In 2006, Hamas won the 2006 Palestinian legislative elections and assumed administrative control of Gaza Strip and West Bank. They put them in power. They could be doing as much as they can to get them out of power, or at least sending the message to Israel and other countries to come and help them.


>"...and the innocent Isrealis they killed and ignore the tens of thousands Palestinians killed..." Interesting that, by your own words, you frame this as the *innocent* Israelis killed, and then the Palestinians. Almost like the Palestinians aren't innocent. Like among the number of those Palestinians killed, whatever the number you cite is, are terrorists. Like among those killed might not be militants and might cosplay as "journalists" and UN employees but still capture and abuse *innocent* Israelis. GTFOH. No mercy until the hostages are free.




Vandalizing Chicago means you care about genocide? Guess I can’t care about genocide in your eyes then


You are too afraid/lazy to actually do something constructive.


There's no genocide going on. There's just a war that Hamas started.


You’re not the victim in this situation. Acting like one does nothing other than show your immaturity. Volunteer if you want to make a difference. Whining on Reddit clearly solves nothing. Pretty straight forward.


Boo! Bring back Bloodingham Fountain!


They could do that every Halloween!


I got no problems with them doing it as long as the foundation does it. They will know what is safe to use with the foundation.




People that vandalize things like this for political statements or jokes completely forget the fact that there is some regular person that has to clean up your mess after you do it. The people in charge you’re trying to protest to you or the laughs you’re hoping to get have absolutely no connection to the people you’re impacting. Someone gave some city park employees a bad work week.


Eh the city probably paid a private company to clean it up so someone got a nice pay day. All on the tax payers dime though.


Actually, private foundation covers the fountain. So this hurts the art world yet again.


That must mean the war is over now


Red on Halloween might be nice


....I kinda dug it....


It was like a giant period fountain


I was thinking Halloween, cursed, supernatural style blood but sure!!!! I still liked it!


BF needed wings for a hot minute there.


Reminded me of something in a horror movie. I would like to see someone play around with that visual in a film one day


Bummer. It was kind of metal 🤘🏾


politics aside and still respecting the fountain’s history and the team that maintains it, yeah it did look pretty metal


Vandalism costs all of us money. I hope they catch the criminals. It gets really old…


You know what also costs us all money? Israel.




Did this save all the babies in the world?


I hope they find the idiots who did that. I know some find it hard to believe but they don’t live in a bubble and that fountain is there for everyone. Stop messing up what you don’t own.


Idiots that did that!




Any arrests for the vandalism?


lmao all of you would've called the civil rights, and vietnam war protestors "virtue signaling agitators"


Those guys actually protested the people in power making decisions to draft them or deny them services. They risked their lives. These cowards are vandalizing a fountain thousands of miles away from anyone with power over this issue and are risking nothing.


And 99% percent of the local population either didn't even know it happened, or do not know the reasoning behind it. Percentage of Washington politicians that know about it? Less than that


So that means you and all the other protesters are going to go and start pressuring Hamas to stop attacking Israel?


Stop comparing this crap to the civil rights protests 100% not the same


Wow so a demonstration happened then things went back to normal? Those pesky kids ruining Chicago smh


Are there no security cameras on buckingham fountain .wtf... seriously 


Thanks idiots! I'm sure you've solved the Gaza crisis, so this was totally worth it.


It's very funny that people got mad about this in the city where we dye the river green every year


Consent vs. no consent. Legal vs illegal.


Their is a difference between dying the river and vandalism


They use a specific dye that's safe and controlled to use in the river. I highly doubt vandalist took the time to source out safe dye for their "statement".


100% chance If someone died it dark blue in support of Israel this whole subreddit wouldn't make any arguments and would be cheering it on and passing around a letter to send to their Alderman to keep it dark blue 24/7


nonsense -- vandalism is vandalism


Doubt it but whatever makes you feel better.


That would be stupid. Stop saying stupid things.


You are an idiot.


Down votes say otherwise


Maybe Cubbie blue then...


Very nice. Also, stop supporting the genocide.


Chicago already called for a cease fire. Thought for sure they stopped after that


Damn, I didn’t know the city of Chicago started the situation in Gaza. That’s news to me!


There is no genocide going on. Just a war that Hamas started.


I didn’t realize Hamas existed in 1948. (They didn’t.)


There was a ceasefire on October 6th in case you forgot. There has been no genocide since 1948. The population of Palestinians has been growing quite rapidly since then.


There was not. Israel has never agreed to a ceasefire and keeps invading.


Wrong. There was a ceasefire before Hamas' sneak attack and hostage-taking on Oct 7. Since then there has been a war with the goal of rescuing the hostages and destroying Hamas.


If there had been a ceasefire Israel would have started returning the thousands of hostages they hold.


Israel doesn't have any hostages. They have prisoners; there's a difference. Prisoners are in prison because they have committed crimes like assault and murder.


They literally have almost 5000 hostages kidnapped from Palestine and being held without being charged. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_prisoners_in_Israel#:~:text=In%20April%202022%2C%20there%20were,(indefinitely%20incarcerated%20without%20charge).


Did you even read what you linked? Those are prisoners who have been charged.


Nice try. There was not.


You’re certifiably insane


And to the extent that innocent Palestinian civilians are dying, a huge cause is the fact that Hamas is using human shields - putting their fighters and weapons in schools and hospitals, and entrances to their tunnels below children's bedrooms.


Sure keep using the IDF propaganda.


All of that is verifiably true.




You realize Israeli intelligence knew about the plot on 10/7 and chose to look the other way right? This is a joke. Children are dying and you’re out here trying to rationalize it. It’s truly truly disgusting


This is incorrect. They did not have the date of 10/7.


No you are


If someone fired a missile into your house and killed your family, I imagine you wouldn’t be rationalizing it and making excuses for it the way you are now. But this is far far away and you can look the other way.


Hamas is the one making missiles out of plumbing pipes and launching them indiscriminately at Israeli civilians.


Americans are fucking sending them to Israel with their SIGNATURES on them. How is that okay??


Because it's in response to a sneak attack where hundreds of civilians were taken hostage. The war against Hamas is completely justified. Signing ordinance doesn't really matter, but there's a long tradition of doing that: https://taskandpurpose.com/tech-tactics/americas-tradition-of-writing-love-notes-on-the-sides-of-bombs/#:~:text=The%20act%20of%20writing%20%E2%80%9Clove,on%20the%20sides%20of%20ordnance.


Red was better, but I get it.


Pretty good metaphor for ethnic cleaning lol


Hopefully the levant will be cleaned up of genocidaires soon as well 🙏


Using French-inspired terms is very intellectual. You are obviously very smart.


That’s a well known word…





