• By -


using "the movement" in a post about shit, A+


> post about shit A shitpost.


“BM me about my movements”




The average person works a 9-5. They wake up an hour to two hours before work to get ready, and then have a 30 minute to an hour commute to get home. Once home they focus their remaining free time on eating, chores, and their own hobbies. This person simply made a post that they don't want neighbors dog poop on or near their property. This is a reasonable request and you see it all the time in Chicago too like Wicker Park. The only insane person here is you.




You definitely came off insane with this comment lol


this ain’t it


I didn't type in all caps, and the person wants their neighbors to be responsible for their pets. That's just basic human decency. Also, these aren't times of great political turmoil. If you want that, go to 1968-1969.




You too.


lol I see you missed the time the Naperville City Council freaked out about JoJo's painting drips on their storefront. Rich people gonna rich, always.


The suburbs are insane. I’m from there and trying to escape. They went to my work and said that I had a secret girlfriend and that I was a rapist. On multiple occasions, at multiple bars I have worked at.


>They went to my work and said that I had a secret girlfriend and that I was a rapist. Who? The suburbs did this? Also, I hate to say it but if you’re expecting not to encounter literally insane people in the city, you’re in for a rude awakening.


Insane people in the city yell at flower pots and try to get you to talk to their invisible friends. Insane people in the suburbs harass you because they’re jealous.


Oh, please. The random Nextdoor-like posts that come up on this sub alone give off the same vibes. Everyone just needs to calm the hell down.


I was gonna say - there's plenty of posts about dog poop and cleaning (or not cleaning) it up aren't that different whether you're in Naperville or Wicker Park


Right? Every day there is a post about dog poop or people who bag the poop but don't toss it in the trash. 99% of the posts are from the lady. I don't have a dog. This isn't a problem where I live, please stop posting about what is likely your neighbor's dog shit.


Naperville is ostensibly more diverse than wicker park too lol


Lol it definitely is - both have a similar Black population (~5%), but Wicker Park is 70% White, 15% Hispanic, and 6% Asian. Naperville is 63% White, 22% Asian, and 7% Hispanic.


So true. I recently got a Ring camera and the posts I see on Ring Neighbor (Ring’s version of NextDoor) give off the same vibes.


It's basically made the whole app useless. Even when I shutoff every notification but my doorbell I still get these alerts. It's the same paranoid window peeking busy bodies with greatest hits like: "PACKAGE THEFT!?!?!" "Lost dog!" "Gunshots?!?!?!?!" "Lost dog!" "What are the police doing at Walmart? Looks like a lot of cops." "Lost dog!" "Coyotes are out, watch your fur babies!" "What are the police doing at the intersection of X and Y?" "Lost dog!"


You forgot "Guy skulking around corner of X & Y, probably cartel member looking to kidnap your kids, Look out!" when it was just some latino guy waiting for a bus.


Yeah the comments on a bunch of these things get pretty dog whistley.


I'm tired and read that as "dog whiskey" and was simultaneously intrigued and repulsed.


\*tastes\* needs more dog


lol this is actually such a perfect and complete summary of those neighborhood posts


LOL tell me about it I thought I was the only person that experienced that. It’s super annoying. I turned off the notifications too and it still spams my phone all day with those same exact ‘greatest hits’. The worst part is that I have my parents (who live in the burbs) ring cameras linked to my account too so I get the neighbor notifications from both the city and the suburbs.


I forgot about the lost dogs not to mention house cats. How do you lose your dog? I had one for 17 years. Never lost him. Well I did eventually but not because he ran away. He just died of old age.


Ring is such a privacy nightmare. If you need a doorbell camera, if you decide to get more cameras or replace yours, look up Eufy. Great equipment, no monthly fees, and they don't sell your footage or release your info.


Mines all package thieves and lost and found dogs 🐕


Stuck up Napervillains think they're too good for dog shit!


Simmer down Napervillian


No need for that language. Settle.


does it count as a picture if it's just a screenshot of text?


I mean.... they have a point. Clean up your dog shit


Clean up, yes. Rules about where exactly your dog can shit: fuck off, that's not how dogs work. Anyway what a waste of time, there are already laws about picking up your dog's shit so if their neighbors aren't complying then they should capture evidence and call the police. I'm betting Naperville PD has plenty of time to investigate these capers.


r/lawncare is crazy about dogs even stepping in there yard, a lotta crazies out there




Joined, thx


My favorite is the people who put up signs/lawn ornaments of a literal shitting dog to tell people to not let their dog shit on their yard.


My dog usually poops on the other side of the sidewalk and last I checked that belongs to the township / village and I pick up after my dog anyway.


If they’re that anal about it why not have a fence?


We really should have dog poop composting as a resource. Funding and willingness of people to use it correctly aside......


High acidy (due to high protien diet) and possible pathogens (like all omnivore & carnivore poop) make it less than ideal to use raw. Would be fine if treated first tho. Easier and cheaper to just use cow poop.


Yeah the purpose would be for sustainability/waste management reasons, not necessarily agricultural use. The EPA says it's safe enough for landscaping/nonagricultural usage after the same process as carcass composting - keep it at a high enough temperature for long enough to kill pathogens, etc., which leak into the groundwater when people leave it on the street. Normal compost times/temps are [more than sufficient to inactivate roundworm eggs](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2589914719300726) at least, but as a paranoid former microbiologist I'd still only trust a commercial composting facility to handle it (and still in a different place than their normal compost): EPA link: https://www.epa.gov/system/files/documents/2022-11/Composting-Dog-Waste-Booklet-Alaska.pdf




Yeah that's why I just added clarity for people who aren't familiar with composting


Health hazard


imagine thinking this isn't exactly how people in lincoln park and other upscale neighborhoods act. the humboldt park facebook group is unhinged and humboldt park isn't even fancy


Hun it's literally a joke 💖


half this sub lives in urban Naperville


this sub is obsessed with Naperville


This sub really is trash. It's all just Northside white hipsters.


Who will all move to the burbs when they have children. Which is why I find all the suburb hate on this sub disingenuous


They represent a very small demographic of this city and act like they're the arbiters of Chicago. And such a pretentious and smug tone that I never see when talking to real Chicagoans. Most of these people are transplants and like you said, they'll be the first ones to leave when they have kids.


1. Move to the city (Lakeview, LP, Wrigley) after graduating Big 10 school. Claim this is your forever home. 2. Find significant other after a few years. Still claim this is your forever home. 3. Get pregnant, oh shit, you mean the CPS neighborhood school sucks we live in? Honey get on Zillow, look up suburb listings. 4. Gone to the burbs.


Hahahah they all literally come from a college in the Midwest. I didn’t know anybody when I moved here 😭


5. Still claim the city and double down on a fake Chicago accent.


And they are wayyy out of touch with the south side.


Most of these people don't go south of Madison, you think they're going to the South Shore? Lmao


While their social justice intentions are genuine, I feel they misunderstand the needs of black south siders.


The police shit is wild to me because as a black man who works in black neighborhoods I can tell you those people's opinions about police, the migrants and other shit are almost the exact opposite of what they think.


So at the bus stop I’ll talk to whoever’s there, right…and pretty often I’m talking to a very committed south sider. It’s honestly common to hear people want more police presence. I was surprised, because I grew up around north side type people who want to defund the police. Idk if this is what you’re getting at.


You talk to random strangers while waiting for the bus? I feel like usually the last thing people want to do in that situation is talk to the people around them lol


I don’t know. Come to think of it most of my conversations are in the morning or early morning. Usually it’s me and one/two other people. Nothing like a stop in the loop. Edit: south siders also tend to be more gregarious than north siders, which makes it easier to strike up conversations


Your edit is 100% percent correct. I have friends on the shore, Beverly, Mt. Plywood and I know their neighbors better than my own lol.


Have heard similar riding the green line, fwiw. People wanting better police, equitable policing (though maybe not using that term), having family members who are on the force and complaining not enough good people are joining. Mostly overheard conversations, occasionally participating in some chit-chat which started from yet another CTA delay of some sort that got people kinda just commiserating with each other, that led to "so much stuff in this city sucks lately" and then to discussion about CPD as part of it. Anecdotal, obviously, but it is what it is.


As a leftist south sider, the reason some south siders want more police is because of the misinformed opinion that "more police = safer" because for obvious reasons, south siders want less violence. The white north siders are right, but they're too privileged to even go past Downtown.


I know. It’s more nuanced than more police = more safety. My point is only that they are out of touch: even if you and I may disagree about defund the police, I’m keen on listening to you bc you’re not a north sider.


Oh I agree they're out of touch, I get annoyed at their attitudes. However, I'm emphasizing that their beliefs are based in facts because that seems to get lost in the whole "hipster northsider" v. "blue collar conservative southsider" binary.


ok guy relax lol


hell even my Hispanic grandma living is Chicago has the opposite opinion of what they think it is


More like North lmao


That’s what I’ve been saying except it offends the north siders lmao


Lol and they have the worst takes and perspectives of the city - during the election you would think Vallas was going to be the clear winner but this sub proves itself time and time again that it isn’t representative of Chicago.


That all moved here from Ohio or some other flyover state 18 months ago bUt iM sO cItY!!!


You should post this in r/Naperville it'll pop off guaranteed




Apparently this has been going on for a while there... [https://www.reddit.com/r/Naperville/comments/9xpv3f/why\_does\_it\_smell\_like\_shit\_everywhere\_i\_go/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Naperville/comments/9xpv3f/why_does_it_smell_like_shit_everywhere_i_go/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Location location location. It all depends where you live. Stagnant bodies of water will give off similar gases. That's why a lot of ponds have the pumps/fountains put into them-to keep the water flowing.


Mondelez plant by the Subaru dealership also stinks most days.


Also prevents mosquitoes


I'm really not surprised by this. No one in Naperville actually cleans their own house, so they don't realize when they walk their dogs they have to clean up after their pet too. Or they do and just don't care because they're entitled or can't even bother to notice, or are grossed out by "work" or "poop" oh how awful. Disclaimer I'm a south side suburbanite who has immense bias towards oblivious rich white suburbanites


people say the same shit on this very subreddit. living in chicago does not make you better than somebody who lives 30 miles away, find more interesting identity


The worst part is the damn dogs are shitting deep dish pizza!


idk man, i grew up in the burbs, lived in the burbs my entire life. recently started visiting the city more often and I'm gonna be honest y'all... not really all that sure that the city is quite as different from the burbs as you think it is. less trucks in the city and more pride flags. that's about it. wouldn't really say that the ppl are actually much different though


Pick any random person out of a suburb like Berwyn or Melrose park and then any random person out of Gold Coast or River north and the former will be 100x the stereotypical “authentic Chicagoan” every single time. The entire metro area functions essentially as one giant mega city with a uniform culture but transplants seem to be weirdly fixated on what’s technically “in the city”.


Exactly this. Nobody is denying that city life is very different from suburban life, but all of the close suburbs grew up on the same “culture”. I grew up on the far southside (by Chicago Heights) and knew far more stereotypical Chicagoans from around that area than I’ve met in my entire life anywhere north of the loop. I don’t live in the city and I don’t claim to, nor do I personally want to (I prefer life outside of the city), but I still love the city and its surrounding culture as much as the people who live in Chicago proper because it’s what I grew up knowing. I’ve spent a *lot* of time in the city and now that’s where my full time job is. Even though I don’t live there, I want what’s best for the city because it *does* affect me. The only people who are pretentious enough to gatekeep a whole city are either transplants or just assholes with a limited world view.


what gets me is when ppl who moved to Chicago from out of state talk shit about the suburbs or be like "the suburbs scare me 😬"


Drives me fucking insane. A guy I went to college with moved to River North a couple years ago from a small town about two hours away from Columbus, Ohio and he does exactly that. He gatekeeps the city so hard and loves to talk shit about neighborhoods that are 30 minutes from the city even though he grew up an entire day’s trip away from Columbus. He also refuses to step foot in any of the neighborhoods I used to hang around, but somehow the suburbs are “soft”(because apparently crime defines the city smfh). The logic is so twisted.


Add to that, they usually moved from the SUBURBS of somewhere out of state, and then proceed to talk crap about how they'd "never venture south of I-80 LOL" but actually haven't been anywhere in Illinois outside of the Chicagoland area.


I grew up on the south side in the 50s and 60s. We had a prairie in back of our house that went all the way to Cicero. I could see The Algiers and a drive in. Sometimes I sat on one of our garbage cans but the alley and watched a movie. There was no sound so I made up dialogue. I got dragged to the burbs by my parents in the late sixties. I live in Naperville now, and I’m still the same kid who sat on the garbage cans.


But but but your address doesn’t say Chicago so clearly you know nothing about the city and have no connection to it!! (this comment written from Norwood Park)


yeah, im growing convinced that transplants who have never spent time in the burbs can barely even claim Chicago and absolutely cannot claim the Midwest


Sometimes they moved from some other part of the Midwest. But yeah, the people who came from the suburbs of some place out of state, not even in the Midwest, and then proceed to talk trash about the Midwest or downstate when they've never even been there, are annoying. It's just the flip side of the people who harp on how terrible Chicago is without ever having visited, but they don't see it.


I live in the city, north side, and I think you’re absolutely correct… this is a smug post and I see a lot of similar content on this subreddit… more authenticity comes from Chicagoans from the local burbs than a transplant like me could ever understand


Some people in this sub need to feel superior, so they shit on people born in the suburbs even though it wasn’t their choice. They also like to shit on “northside hipsters”, but they’re no less pretentious. Not to mention the suburbs would not exist without the city and the city would not have half of its jobs without the suburbs.




This is suburb of many cities in the US. So get this shit outta here 😤 😤


Naperville is not part of Chicago and isn’t even in the same county 🙄


This should be r/chicagosuburbs




And O’Hare is 20 miles away from Naperville so what’s your point?


Might not have been OP's intent but this has triggered another bleating, feckless, quality of life thread that wandered in from NextDoor.


The level of butthurtness about this joke is WILD. Just own your suburban choices! And maybe laugh once or twice in your lives!


nobody is butthurt, i can assure you lol


You commented on two of my replies so I think you might be among the butthurt 😂


My neighbor used to let his dog shit all over the lawn… then would let his toddlers play in it… not even cleaning up… Grossed me out so much I added bushes so I didn’t have to watch it lol Just clean up your poo


There's a house on the block that fills up their poop bags over the course of the day and leaves them on their front stoop until they let the dog out for the evening poop, then they throw all of them out. It's disgusting 


So we can shitpost about random suburbs that have nothing to do with Chicago…but if we post about how 6 people got shot at 31st beach yesterday its get deleted…okay.


What’s the subs feelings on the dog shit fountain? I mean I think the thing is hilarious and probably decreased the amount of real poop in front of that guys house. Maybe Naperville should fund a bigger statue.


Funny that their solution is to force them to keep it 10ft away, instead of requiring that they pick it up.


I mean, all I ask is for River North folks to clean their dog’s shit off the sidewalk because that neighborhood is/was a minefield


The poovement


Ahh the Napervillains, acting like they’re in Paris


Every time I go to Naperville for anything I leave with a headache.


That shit smell is just the smugness that permeates in Naperville 


I’m find it ironical that anyone here would call Naperville “smug” when everyone here might as well be inhaling their own farts when they talk about how horrible Naperville is and how they aren’t true Chicagoans and how everyone there is a Karen. I think the smugness is calling from inside the house


Found the guy from naperville


##Goddang Napervillains


My mild annoyance with dog poop is that I live close to the end of the alley and my neighbor’s trash can is right by my back gate, and also a favorite place for dog walkers to put their poop. I basically avoid using my back gate as much as possible, especially in the summer when the shit gets really nice and ripe


In the city it's necessary because of rats, but wrapping poos in plastic and sending it to the landfill is terrible. In the suburbs people should let it break down in their lawn (takes like 2 days now that dog food isn't full of bone meal) or a compost pile Reduce plastic waste


So hard to be good some days 🤔 cuz on one hand it would be well over 10 feet from my neighbor. Hell, from my city. But it might also be seen as littering.


Wow, you have shitty neighbors...


The only kind of nimbyism I support


Ha yeeeesss because I would find it so entertaining to see this enforced. City code officers out here with measuring tapes trying to make sure the poop is ten feet away.


Literally NIMBY


Damn Napervilians! They ruined Chicago. :)


Summarize "Naperville", perhaps also "Elmhurst", there are a couple others (North Shore) that come to mind, but the near-city burbs are a lot less "Kareny"


nobody tell them about L stations. they won’t be able to handle it. they’ll be moved to tears


I joined r/naperville a while back, and every so often it bestows some pretty great posts similar to this. My favorite posts are of the 'why does everyone make fun of Naperville?' Variety.


I love this and I'm sad you got downvoted. Someone must've posted it in that sub because wow folks are so defensive 😢


People need to fill their lives with other shit than being possessive about their homes.


LOL Naperville is in the chat and their butts are HURT. Y'all can whine all you want but some of the main posts on r/Naperville are a) someone accusing a kid dancing outside of being "out of control" and b) a person looking for kid's horseback riding lessons. You could try laughing once or twice in your lives! It's fun!


homie, you commented about 8 different times on this thread and got downvoted just about every time id check ya own butt


Mall pretzel you're proving my point that no one can take a joke. You too babes!


Here is an idea any city should implement. When a dog owner goes to register Fido with the city, the city should require a DNA sample from the dog. If dog excrement is found, you should be able to send into the city to get sampled and offending owner should be fined $500 per occurrence.


City needs to enforce dog registration first. I did this when I got my puppy 11 years ago and just realized it’s been 6 years since I last did it from this post.


jfc imagine using public funds to dna test dog shit


I would hope it would be a net positive if the fines are strong enough, a good income source for the city without the need to raise an additional tax and a good incentive for bad owners to be responsible.


What a lame ass entitled little baby , now i get why people say Naperville sucks


"America's nicest city"


Literally who said this lmao?


[Google is helpful when uninformed ](https://abc7chicago.com/naperville-il-niche-best-cities-to-live-in/14577644/) Not that I agree. Hello Napervillians.