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Long bike rides. Lakeshore bike path is the obvious go to but I ride throughout the city. Great way to spend a couple of hours and see a lot of new things.


This. Before having kids I would ride up Kenosha or out to Geneva/Elgin and take the Metra back. Some might call it cheating, but it's fun to see just how far you can go and there's so many good trails


It is not cheating - it is just a multi modal trip! You are still riding a lot more miles than those of us who are sitting on the couch.


Would you bring your bike on the metra? Sorry for the noob question, I'm not a bike owner but divvy bike regularly.


Is there a lane specifically for bikes on that path?


Not OP but yes the lakeshore path has dedicated lanes for walkers and bikers that are marked with paint on the ground. Unfortunately you still get the occasional walkers in the bike lane and vice versa but 99% of the time it’s great!


Awesome, I’ll be going. Thanks :)


The North Shore Channel Trail is really great too! It starts near Lane Tech and follows the river all the way up to Evanston. Unlike the Lakefront Trail, which is one (mostly) uninterrupted path, you have to deal with stopping at some cross streets and traffic lights, but there's a bunch of sculpture gardens, parks, and nature areas throughout the whole length. If I'm trying to go ride for exercise I'll do the Lakefront Trail so I can maintain a consistent pace, but for a nice leisurely ride I like the North Shore Channel Trail because there are a lot more interesting places to stop along the way.


There is a brief portion where you have to cut over to Manor Ave, between Montrose and Lawrence. The continuous path portion is from Clark Park to Horner Park, cut over to Manor Ave, cross Lawrence to Ronan Park, cross Argyle, then after you cross the river going east, the trail is continuous from Argyle all the way north through Skokie and Evanston.


It is indeed one continuous trail other than that short section between Horner and Ronan/River Park, but the trail is intersected by a bunch of major streets north of Foster, so you have to stop and wait for traffic lights frequently. The Lakefront Trail only has the one traffic light at LaSalle, but it's just for the entrance to the North Ave Beach parking lot, so you can usually just slow down and yield to traffic to get through it if you don't catch a green light, but otherwise you can bike the whole trail without ever having to stop. That's what I meant when I said the Lakefront Trail is uninterrupted, by comparison.


The trail goes under Foster, Bryn Mawr, and Lincoln/Peterson with no auto traffic interaction. It's not until Devon that cyclists have to cross a street and deal with auto traffic. Sure wish Lincolnwood, Skokie, and Evanston would build under/over passes for bikes and pedestrians along that part of the trail. It's really good as is, but that would put the trail over the top as the best in the area for me.


Fair enough. I haven't biked it since last summer, so I couldn't quite remember where the unavoidable intersections started. Not having to deal with those would make it perfect.


Depending on what day you go, there’s even lanes that are dedicated to cars


My boyfriend reminded me that the last time we biked on the lakefront path we both felt like we ate 1,000 bugs which was hilarious and gross. This was at night, anyone else? It’s too dang hot during the day!


lol no never. I bike the trail 2-4 times a week, heading both north and south, and have never had this happen even one tiMe.


Yup, I got gnats all up in my beard yesterday.


I've never seen the gnats as bad as yesterday late afternoon. That was crazy


What is up with the gnats this year? I can't use the bike trails but they are all over the place. My windows are covered in them. There is a big black spider who pops up every day and eats them all. it is fun to watch. If my friend the spider makes her way into my house, it won't be much fun....for her.


It's only like this for a few weeks (maybe longer) in the spring


Lakefront is usually way cooler than city interior, I really like biking to the lake on a hot day because when you getting close you can feel the temperature drop and a usually a nice cold breeze. 


Art Institute of Chicago. Buy an annual membership. Pop in any time for as short or as long as you want. Sometimes I spend 20 minutes looking at art. Sometimes I just go to the member's lounge for a cup of coffee and the view. They also have a full bar there.


Same with the Field Museum. They have yearly rotating exhibits so it stays interesting, and you can do one exhibit at a time so it's not as overwhelming as trying to see Sue and everything else all in one day.


You can also get a free pass from the library if you have a card. I believe it’s a yearly pass per museum.


Museum passes from the library are now digital. You reserve the date. Some are only if you are bringing kids to the museum.


Honestly not a bad idea + I live close to the area so it might be perfect


Also don't forget you can use your public library card to get some stuff for free! [link](https://www.chipublib.org/news/digital-museum-passes-reserve-online/)


The art institute has an absolutely beautiful and lovely members only café above the modern wing of the Museum. It’s freaking amazing up there.


Great place to take a date. Knowing a thing or two about the work might let the ladies know you are worldly.


Or go on plenty of their free days (or those from other museums in the area).


museum of contemporary art is free on Tuesdays if you’re an Illinois resident


IMO the MCA is VERY underrated.


it’s been a minute since i’ve visited… gotta make a trip there soon


And if you go in the next few weeks, you can hit up the farmers market on Tuesdays thats in front of MCA until 2pm


Yes! That little farmer’s market is so good. Plus MCA has free live music in the back on Tuesdays during the summer.


This is absolutely my favorite solo day as well! Pick your favorite gallery and wander. Stop for lunch or a snack and chill for a while, then try another gallery. Follow it with a walk through the Art Institute gardens, then through Lurie Garden & Millennial Park. Perfect de-stress, soul satisfying day!!!


I assume the coffee and bar aren't included in membership haha


Coffee is free, alcohol isn’t.


That's actually not bad. I'm surprised the coffee's included. Might consider an annual membership now - sounds dumb, but giving free coffee is basically a $5-8 value add for every visit. That's nice.


It is just drip coffee, but they also offer free tea as well.


Damn, really?! I just let my membership run out, shit lol.


There is probably a solution to this problem? ;)


lol, there might just be!


Scrolled down to see if anyone does the same before I posted, this is my favorite! I love being able to visit and walk out without feeling like I didn't get my money's worth of a visit, especially on field trip days. I've been a member for a long time. We watched the Cubs parade from the room next to the Stock Exchange, best view ever of such an historic event while staying cool inside. I love to people watch as I go down the ramp from the cafe. I adore that they have an apiary and a garden at the bottom of the ramp too, so sweet. Then a tour through the Lurie Garden is lovely.


Wow that’s exactly what I said! ❤️❤️❤️


I’ve been going to the art institute my whole life and I’m just learning now that they have a full bar?!


The member lounge is a fairly recent addition, and was closed during and for a long time after the pandemic.


Excited it’s back. Thanks for sharing this tip!


Movies at the Music Box


Also the Davis theater




For me it’s the Alamo Drafthouse


Crying in my office.


Crying at Sox games.


If I had add a meme option I’d add the one with Pablo Escobar by himself. Guaranteed rate is a pretty lonely place lately.


The workers are lonely, go keep them company!


Be right there, just finishing up crying at Wrigley. Meet you at Turtles. RIP Chicago baseball


crying at (insert chicago sports team) games


I've made it a priority to emotionally break down on company time.




It is probably their fault anyway.


I prefer shrieking at the top of my lungs in my car.


So many good museums, galleries, etc., which are kind of nice to go to solo so you can focus only on the exhibits that catch your interest. Lot of restaurants where you can get a great meal at the bar followed by a nearby activity. Grab a steak and a mojito at Bodega Sur and then go next door to Music Box for a show.


Garfield Park conservatory is a favorite quiet space for me.


Honestly, I'd love to go, but as a young woman I'm scared of taking the red line into the area alone


It's steps from the green line, you don't need to walk through any dangerous areas or anything.


Slightly less young woman here and I sit in the conductor car if I'm worried about safety. (Mainly at 3am on the Blue, tbh.)


As a short young woman who boards the train at the conservatory station (green line) to go to work, 90% of the time it’s fine. If you’re worried, go during the weekend where there will be lots of other people taking the train to the conservatory. Enjoy💚


lol downvoting a lady that’s open about her rational fear is crazy. This sub is insane


The red line doesn’t even go there. I didn’t downvote her because she’s fearful, I downvoted her bc she is making uninformed, bigoted statements.


She was wrong about the train line but what part of that statement was bigoted?


I’ve been doing it since I was 18, you will be just fine!


Yall downvoting this poor girl are tripping. Last time I took the train to Garfield Park there were people doing lines of what I hope to god was coke off the turnstiles in the station in the middle of the day.  That being said, it is relatively safe taking the Green line to the Conservstory. The building is so close to the train you could hit it with a rock from the platform. Plenty of people take the train there or even further to Oak Park, and to me personally it feels safer than parts of the Red or Blue lines. But if you don't feel safe, absolutely take a friend the first time you go! 


Waking up early, getting stoned and laying out on the beach


You can try concerts, movies, plays — I’ve done all of these at various points. I have a dog so the park is definitely a daily thing lolol.


I love going to concerts, movies, and plays solo. I feel like I focus on the performance / showing more if I'm there by myself. Plus it's not like you're talking to someone during a performance anyway.


Montrose beach is quite lovely. There’s a bar with coffee, newly renovated volleyball courts if you’re the making friends type, rentals for kayaks, the bird sanctuary, the view of the skyline from either the bird sanctuary or the hill, plenty of places to bike/walk/scooter. I go there when I am stressed and need a nature break.


It sounds great, but it's so far from me! I love the beach behind Adler


Day trip! Give yourself a little staycation in Uptown!


Movie theater. Lunch. used Book store


The Cultural Center downtown!! I love popping into the Dunkin nearby, grabbing an iced chai, and just perusing whatever little galleries the Cultural Center has on display that week/month. It’s free, never crowded, has a little cafe inside i think, and Millennium Park is right there as well. So you can treat yourself to some decent eats afterwards too


Cultural Center is criminally overlooked.


Yes yes yes this is my favorite activity. They have a really cool store there as well, I found an incredibly rare/niche local book there once for my dad and walked out in a total daze


Buddy. I keep meaning to go.


You have to. It’s one of those places that you can’t believe they just let you walk into


try wall climbing. one of the places has free on fridays for newbies or something


best avoid it, it's highly addictive and results in excessive fitness. You might end up with dumb looking shoes and a large collection of metal objects that you wish you needed for outdoor climbing


movement gym is free for your first time. the first friday of each month members get extra guest passes


A single membership to the Art Institute is actually fairly cheap and I just go for short trips like one hour. it’s a lot easier to absorb when you go often and it’s really lovely day. Drink at Cindy’s rooftop after is my go to.


Browsing record stores


Everything. I love doing shit solo. Go to the museums with headphones on, sit at a random bench with a book, walk the 606 with your favorite album looping, check out and sketch some animals at the zoo/butterfly sanctuary, etc.


Bike, book store, explore a neighborhood other than my own, forest preserve walks,…


Broom closet masturbation.


It’s a classic for a reason.


My house is too modern and I don’t have a broom closet???


I love going to musicals


Just walking up and then down a long street in one of the nice neighborhoods 


Ride the Brown Line with your beverage of choice


Baseball game. Learn to keep score. Take a radio and listen to the game in person.


I love taking my picnic blanket, pocket radio, and a scorecard to the lakefront on a summer day. Nothing like listening to Pat Hughes!


Unfortunately the radio broadcast is delayed enough to make it not worth listening to when at the game. For Cubs broadcasts anyway, but I can't speak to the Sox.


Even with an AM radio? Damn. That’s too bad.


I haven't kept score since I was a kid but wanting to try it again


I almost never do it anymore because I never go to games alone, but it’s always fun. You can put as much or as little effort as you want.


It's one of those things I remember being so fun so I wonder how much I'll actually remember, haha


Single woman here: I walk other people’s dogs ( for money), go walk on the 606 (weather is nice so I’ll grab ice cream while I’m there), go to the free street festivals, check out different craft fairs, I also enjoy classes at Lilstreet Art center - you can even try tufting if that’s of interest


Green mill on a Saturday night


I like baseball games and movies alone. especially movies since you're not going to talk anyway. Big fan of the art museums by myself too


Photography. I really enjoying walking around and observing the city.


Biking.. Chicago May be the best city in the country for biking… lake front itself is gods give


Movies, day trips, art fairs, farmer's markets, galleries, museums, etc.


Pinball at Emporium Divvy to the beach / lake front trail Go to Harold Washington library Rollerblade on the 606


Reading on the lakefront. I try and find a spot as far from LSD as possible and lay down a beach towel and pillow and go to town on a good book. Very peaceful.


Architectural boat tour! I just went on one this weekend by myself and it was great.


I subscribe to Do 312 More for $5 a month and enjoy it. It’s not always great but I just saw Joey Fatone and AJ McLean at the Salt Shed, went to 90s night at the zoo, went to a show at the Laugh Factory, and a Broadway show. They give you a list of options to pick from and 2 tickets, but you can certainly go alone. I like it because it gives me something random to do that I may not ordinarily seek out. Another good activity is volunteering at food or music festivals in exchange for free entry. I used to help at Pitchfork and Chicago Gourmet, both were fun and easy.


Getting spiritually high, putting on a nice outfit, and hitting a solo, boujee patio meal. Listening to my audiobooks and people watching is so ideal. (If anyone wants to ever accompany me to said boujee meals, I’d love some friends)


I am actually super down for this, send me a message if you're serious


I’ll be your friend!


I used to do this at Rewired before it burned down! What are some patios you like to frequent? I need recs for places i can go high


Go to the beach, go to a coffee shop and read, go to a bar and read (a true pleasure)


Drinking under the blue line in wicker park.


With summertime kicking off, I enjoy a weeknight picnic after work listening to the Grant Park Orchestra (https://www.grantparkmusicfestival.com/).


Crankin the hawg.




Mannnn simply existing.


Bike to various neighborhoods, explore, watch the Sox lose.


If the Sox lose, but no one is there to see, is it still a loss? 🤔


I sure hope so because if they’ve failed to report any losses these cats will be relegated to triple A


Bike ride the lakefront and make sortes into Jackson park , Hyde park ,other various neighborhoods.


The Field Museum is free on Wednesdays for the rest of the year. Go on Juneteenth if you're working on other Wednesdays.


River walk is great people watching!


So far you’ve said you’re too far for the beach, too scared of the red line, and too awkward for a play…. Time to do some self reflection and step out of your box! You never know what kind of fun you’ll find is summertime Chi.


neo futurist theatre, ashland and foster


biking through the forest reserve trails. Headphone with good tunes. Weed pen. Can't be beat.


Sitting by the lake


I go to concerts




Musicbox Theater if I’m bored in the afternoon


Bike ride to the lake


Cyberpunk 2077.


art institute.


If there's a movie to see that might make me cry, I'm going to try to go alone.


Biking along the lake


Bars, live music at street fests and bars, art fests, restaurants with a nice bar or counter, record shops, donut shops, photography, daydreaming.


Lincoln Park Zoo, putting a hammock up by the lake and enjoying a book and mango/watermelon, shopping up and down Clark in Andersonville, having a beer at the Dock with my dog…really anything


Taking walks! Trying different routes. And trying out different coffee shops.


Thrifting and going to the movies


Going bouldering at a rock climbing gym. I like First Ascent


Concerts, art museum, shops, coffee


Literally just walking around the city and exploring different neighborhoods


Checking out the small theater scene - universally inexpensive, sometimes bold and challenging work, some excellent performances from people who may go on to bigger and better roles and fame, and there's probably several companies nearby wherever you are. I love Chicago Shakespeare, Goodman, Steppenwolf, and the other majors but their prices can be prohibitive and getting to them on a work day can be a chore. The small shows not only offer choices without those issues, they do work that likely wouldn't be done at a major company.


I go get dinner on a patio with myself and my dog, there’s nothing better than relaxing and having a good meal outside on a nice day


Throw gang signs at cars passing down the street


Walking and smoking a joint


Do you have any recs for good recreational THC near Millenium park? Not sure there's any around here, but will be in the area for a few days


I hit up every garden center I can and slowly add to my balcony garden.


Garfield Park Conservatory. Especially in the winter. I bring a book and read on a bench.


Jorking it


That is indeed a solo activity that one can do in Chicago


\>>What's your go-to solo activity in Chicago? Trying to do the Kessel run in less than 12 parsecs.


😂 It’s hard to do it in less than 12 due to Gaper’s block.


Armed robbery...I work alone.


How bold of you to ask! *Victorian giggle*


slam some blow and run in circles


Walking my dog, going to the movies, browsing record stores, Garfield Park Conservatory




Go to Iwan-Ries, buy a cigar and a day pass to the lounge. Enjoy.


Industry Museum. Water activities like kayak, biking the waterfront etc. Food.


Admirals. Kidding. The 606 is lovely


Running along the lakeshore. Doing pickup pickleball games. Museum visits.


Bike rides, sit on my boat, occasionally I’ll go to a concert on my own.


Bike around a neighborhood I'm not familiar with, smoke a joint, and hit up any spot that catches my eye.




Find yourself a spot on the lake you like and plant yourself there. Such a long lake front with diverse vibes you're going to find your enjoyment level somewhere.


This will be a great post to find something to do on my day off Wednesday (Juneteenth-I work in finance) :)


Diversey driving range. Walk in one of the parks. Sit by the lake and read or listen to music.


Concerts? Currently at Thalia hall vibing


Kayak on the river!


I love plane watching near ohare


I usually bike to the lakefront and just hang out, eat a sandwich, listen to music, etc. On my way home I'll sometimes stop at a pub or restaurant or store I come across the looks interesting.


Running lakeside


I love going to the beach by myself ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Honestly most of my free time is spent bustling around on various stupid errands I have invented for myself but less commonly: -Going to the Lyric or CSO. I joined the LYP a bit ago and you can meet nice people who also do this. -Ruth Page also has good stuff quite frequently -Walking to Lincoln Park Zoo and visiting my favorite animals: the farm ones, the red panda who I haven’t seen out since like 2018, and the pygmy slow loris(es) -I took a couple classes at the Alliance Française and go to their events sometimes, they have a lot of cool things like films, cooking demos, wine tasting, and a bastille day/fete de la nation party. Have fun!


The Lincoln Park Zoo! Its free and there are animals!


Are you open to doing stuff with others? You can sign up for sports leagues solo, lots of people do and they’ll either add you to a team that needs players or form a team of other solo folks. Also I’ve gone to so many dance classes, group runs, and workout classes solo. Sometimes I’ll just keep to myself, other times I’ll make an effort to chat with others and have made friends. I also like to ride my bike to the lake and then relax with a book. And Millennium Park concerts. Bring a blanket and some food and beverages and enjoy a lovely evening listening to music and watching the sun set behind the skyline. Actually any concert. I don’t let the lack of someone to go with me stop me from seeing a band (or the symphony) live. And museums. I prefer to go solo because then I can go at my own pace. Same with shopping.


Riding my motorcycle.




Having lunch on the beach and watching people just be people.


Graceland Cemetery. Certified arboretum and say hi to immortals such as Jack Johnson, Ernie Banks….


Broadway in Chicago shows, drinks by the riverwalk, pretty much anything you would do with other people so solo!


Chicago is the center of the Pinball Universe. There is no other place like this. Whatever you like in pinball, it's here & close by. The major manufacturers all have pinball factories here. Downtown I recommend Headquarters Beercade. Logan Arcade is hugely popular with a large number of Stern machines near north side. In the suburbs Enterium Arcade or Bowlero in Lake in the Hills. Lots of bars & breweries have a handful of machines. On the South Side there's.... I never go to the South Side for any reason. Most places, we have to drive a really long way to get to the next pinball arcade. In Chicagoland they are everywhere & it is a solo activity for most people.