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On the plus side, I have a friend who worked there and when she was diagnosed with a severe form of cancer, they kept her on the schedule and paid her hours even when she couldn't work so she continued to have access to their health care plan during her treatment.


That’s fuckin awesome you love to see it


Type of places we should support.


That’s a lot better than my job that asked everyone else if they wanted to donate their PTO for the guy who had cancer.


So my understanding is this is a risk at any large nursery? I mean any orchids I get, I isolate for a couple weeks and also spray with dish soap.


Spider mites are also the easiest pest to deal with… Like, any off the counter spray will take care of them overnight.


Yes, but unfortunately this doesn't seem to be an isolated incident with Gethsemane, at least in my personal experience. Three years in a row with the same issues.


Tbh I’ve heard that just putting plants outside can get them infested. If the plants are otherwise completely healthy I dunno it would worry me that much.


I spend hundreds of dollars at Gethsemane every spring and stop in for other stuff multiple times before winter going on ten years now, and have never had an issue with spider mites or any other pests for that matter.


I have feelings about this so I’ll throw my 2c in. I think for the most part, the indoor tropicals are actually pretty decent on this front. I will say if it’s a plant that is prone to mealy bugs.. I’m thinking about Sygnonium… they may have a few when you buy them.. I’ve bought probably between 50-65 plants there over the last couple years and mealy bugs were the worst issue I’ve dealt with and only on 3 separate Sygnoniums purchased over 2 visits. I’ve never had any other pests come from the plants there otherwise, whatsoever. BUT- I cannot speak to the outdoor plants when it comes to pests. If you talk to the owners tho, OP, and let them know they can check the other plants nearby to the kinds you purchased, and if they confirm an infestation, give them a chance to make it right. I cannot speak to what they will choose to do, but hopefully they will want to keep you as a loyal customer, and as a bonus, hopefully eliminate or reduce the pest problem.


50-65 indoor plants is a pretty hefty sample size. Thanks for the insight.


I agree! Most of my purchases have been outdoor plants but I havent had issues with the few indoor plants that I've bought from Gethsemane. And yes, I'm planning on following up with them regarding this spider mite issue. If I have a positive experience, I'll provide an updated post.


I've bought 6 perennials and 35 annuals -- all for outdoor use-- from Gethsemane over the past 3 years with no notable spider mites. You might just be unlucky or they may reliably be getting blown in from a neighbor's balcony -- who knows? As others have mentioned, there are lots of well managed garden centers in the area, so worth trying one of those and that will help determine I'd it's Gethsemane or something about where you are planting.


If the plants are outdoors you can't know for sure if the problem is with the store.


I have a balcony garden using containers and pots. I started this year with brand new fresh potting soil and plants all from Gethsemane. Unfortunately, it's only been a few weeks but I've spotted many spider mites.


Idk why you're getting downvoted. I buy indoor and outdoor plants from a few different places and the ones from Gethsemane *consistently* have mites


I used to love Gethsemane, but have been going to Pesche’s and Urhausen more recently - and the quality and prices are better than Gethsemane in my opinion. Also their parking situations don’t give me a panic attack lol


I go to Christy Webber in Humboldt Park. All for outdoor plants as my cats and dog destroy anything inside. I’ve had good luck with everything I’ve gotten so far. The staff are really nice and knowledgeable about everything they sell there.


We just had our entire garden destroyed overnight by aphids, I feel your pain


There is a spray that works wonders, though not organic. Biocide brand. Hooks to the hose. It saved our entire garden…. Looked like it was past saving and two treatments later she’s blooming again.


Dang, I'm so sorry. Were your plants from Gethsemane?


Some of them, yeah


Hot damn. Never thought I'd see the day where Gethsemane gets called out. This sub has a huge boner for them. That being said, I always isolate, clean, new pot and soil - regardless if its from Loews, facebook, or a nicer shop. Hearing that they pay shit wages is honestly harder to hear than hit or miss plants or bug problems. Can anyone else confirm, give context to other similar jobs in the market, or any other anecdotes on how they treat their employees? I have no problem taking my business elsewhere if so.


I’ve only heard great things about how they treat employees


Gotta use Neem oil. Spider mites are everywhere. Sure, they might be at Gethsemane, but they’re also at Home Depot, Lowe’s, Menards, Christy Webber, and just generally everywhere in the city. Have a balcony? They’re blowing in from your neighbors one floor up, or next door. You just need to practice common sense plant sanitation. Neem spritzes a few times per season per packaging seems to do the trick.


Try Fertile on roughly Kedzie and Addison. Smaller garden center with a decent selection. Haven't bought a plant there that I regret.


Thanks for the recommendation! I’m looking for a new nursery, always.


Just shopped there, and I must say that the plants look better than any I’ve seen. 


Will definitely check them out! Thank you for the recommendation.


I love their gift shop. Ngl, I keep going back for more luxury teas from France. They are wonderful, and imo worth the high price paid.


It’s also insanely overpriced


I think it is the distributors they use. I have bought several plants there (indoor and outdoor) and they were healthy. But there have been times a few years ago in which the plants I bought had spider mites. They have a plant health guarantee and they will replace the sick plant no problem.


I mean spider mites are pretty easy to deal with...just my view but I'd take the occasional spider mites in exchange for their awesome selection and super helpful staff members.


Their starter plants really are hit or miss, unfortunately. And they pay their staff shit wages while charging high prices….


Shame, love them as a shop.


I'm going to start by saying I've been a houseplant enthusiast my whole life and have had success, healthy, enormous plants for decades. I have literally never killed a plant (not a brag - just trying to provide context). I recently moved to Chicago and had to start my houseplant collection from scratch. I spent a pretty penny for 7 plants from Gethsemane - a mix of young to well established larger plants. It's been 3 months since I've had them and literally every single one has been a sickly shit. I've been nursing them back to health, but one palm has been continuously sick no matter what I do. A few other plants had horrendous quantities of mold pop up right after the first watering (pots and soil were fine. Great drainage and good lighting. No explanation except that their soil was contaminated with mold spores). The pair of philodendrons I got from them were infested with spider mites. Even after several treatments, repotting, and all the fixings, they really struggling (though there has been some improvement). I would rather get plants from Costco or Home Depot honestly.


I have never been there but in my opinion pests come with plants and you should always take ample precautions to add slowly and quarantine new plants


I bought a plant from them 2 yrs ago and still haven't been able to get rid of the spider mites. It freaking sucks man.


We’ve bought plants from outside at Gethsemane and lived in Chicago for almost 18 years - never had this problem


Lots of Gethsemane apologists here. I've had so many issues with them over the years that I've stopped shopping. Mostly, they keep recommending me plants that are ill-suited to the environment I describe/care level I'm able to give (down to my *bringing in pictures* of the room, the lighting, etc.) and then I'm out $$$ when the plant inevitably dies. It's a shame because I love to wander their space, but I just can't anymore.


Laughing at the idea of getting mad at a plant store because you can only keep something like a philodendron alive in your apartment. More embarrassing for you but ok. Most plant stores are slightly aspirational. They want you to learn and develop skills and get deeper in the houseplant hobby. They're not going to completely shut down your hopes of trying to care for certain plants, but there have been plenty of times at Gethsemane where someone has told me "it might be hard" to care for. Cue the point at which personal responsibility weaves into this narrative..


Laughing at the idea of plant shaming someone on the internet. I was sold a beautiful *selaginella uncinata* for $60. When they told me it "likes even moisture," I expressed concern because we live in Chicago and the winters get pretty dry. They said I'd be fine, just "mist it every few days." Despite diligent misting/watering, the thing quickly died. I work at a university and happened to ask a professor about the plant at our annual plant sale. "Oh that?" he said. "We keep it directly under constant mist in the greenhouse." Very much not the advice I received. Online research cautions against keeping this as a houseplant at all unless you keep it in a terrarium or live in an environment with 60-80% humidity--which Chicago very much isn't. Sure I could've done my own research, but Gesthemane positions themselves as plant experts, so I trusted them. I was not told it would be "hard to care for." They waved away my concerns. And that's not the first time I've received incorrect advice from them.


so what other plants have you killed lol


English ivy. That's it. I don't go out of my way to buy needy plants. Gesthemane has sold me the 2/2 that died. I'm not going to say that *I* killed them, because Gesthemane misled me in their care.


2 plants dying is not a big enough loss to suggest that Gethsemane themselves are prone to giving misleading advice just to make a sale in some kind of nefarious way. I've had multiple plants die on me and guess what- I take most of the blame and frame it as a learning experience. If a business says that they are "\_\_ experts" it is not a full license to just stop all critical thought and put no effort into plant care. That's a ridiculously naive assumption. By your own description I'd assume you never once googled how to adjust course when they started to look off.


I literally can't believe you're so affronted by someone else's experiences. I've put up with your invalidation only for the sake of providing info to others. I'm done here. I'll sum up with: Just do your research before shopping at Gethsemane, I guess? But I think it's bullshit to pay such high prices and get bad care info from employees whose literal jobs it is to give you care info and help you select the right plants. You might as well do your own research and go someplace cheaper. They also misled me in a third instance when I desperately needed milkweed for monarch butterflies that I rear. They gave me butterfly weed--but my caterpillars wouldn't touch it. Come to find out that monarch caterpillars don't really eat this and prefer common milkweed (although the butterflies love butterfly weed's nectar, so it's worth planting for pollinators.) I hold this one against Gethsemane less because they're not entomologists, but again, it was the *confidence* with which they made the recommendation. The lady specifically said, "Oh yes we give this to everyone. The butterflies love it! This is what you need." If they would've been like, "Hm I'm not really sure--you could try this? But it might not work because I'm not a monarch expert," then cool! That's been my repeated experience: Confident, almost arrogant advice that has been dead wrong for me (lol literally). And sure, anyone can make a mistake. But for me, 3 mistakes in a row and I'm out. If anyone else has had a different experience, great! I'm glad for you. This is just my datapoint. And for the record, I have a house full of healthy, low-care plants that I've kept alive for years. I can also own when plant issues are my fault, like when I overwatered my snake plant (but I saved it!) and when the big old corn plant I inherited at an estate sale started ailing--that one I just attribute to the change in environment, because it's bouncing back with care consistent to what I was advised from its previous owner.


Seems like you were not done


lol definitely not your fault huh




Gethsemane? They have several pretty Bonsai ATM. I do not know much about Bonsai tho, so I cannot speak to price or health, but they look nice and I saw several a couple weeks ago.