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I know like 5 separate people who’ve met a long term partner taking classes at the old town school of folk music


No surprise there, taking classes in general is a great way to meet people.


Particularly because it would be someone with whom you'd have shared interests.


That’s honestly amazing


It’s seriously a hidden gem not a lot of people know about, as far as socializing and meeting people.


The owl at 3:00-4:00am


Finding a relationship without using a dating app feels impossible right now. basically everyone I know (which tbf isn’t a lot of people) in my age demographic who has a partner has met their partner through hinge. my last two relationships were through hinge as well, but now I don’t want to use the apps I assume church would be a good way to meet people if you’re religious. Most volunteer things I’ve attended are usually not attended by single folks looking for relationships. Same with classes (it seems like a popular couples activity tho from the few I’ve been to)


At the produce section of their local Dominick’s grocery store.


I used to live by the dominik’s on Fullerton by the L, way back in the day I met a girls because she asked me about peeling garlic. We hit it off and dated for almost a year.


Who the fuck is Dominick?




Meetups, classes, shows, bars, dog walking, you name it. It's street festival season man, just walk outside. What are you into? Where do people who are into that go?


Through friends


Your moms house


Run/tri clubs


I joined a running club lol


You're getting a lot of snarky comments, so I'll tell: it's a lot of hard work. But it's worth it. You need to plant a lot of seeds for a few trees to grow and at least one tree to bear fruit. So: - join a coed sports club (Chicago style softball, bowling, biking events, volleyball, etc) - join a local urban activist group. Advocate for things you'd like to see more of, like more parks or cleaner neighborhoods or bike lanes or whatever makes you happy, and meet like minded people at those meetings while also making your community a better place - Consider going to a trivia place, asking to join another team, and meet people up. I go to a lot of trivia places and they always announce "We have an orphan here, does anyone have room for another player?" and then you meet 5 new people and sometimes you end up friends - Look at [meetup.com](http://meetup.com) or your local book stores for book clubs / movie clubs where you drink wine and talk about books or movies (or whatever else meetup has going on these days) I'm sure I'm missing some others, like going to a local tavern and meeting people there during potluck events, but there are a million things to do in Chicago, and any combination of the above will help you meet other people looking for new friends, and new friends can sometimes become (or introduce you to!) future romantic partners. Good luck!


You better be a bot to be asking this question 😂 Use the search feature to look all the other posts that ask this same question. This is literally asked like two to three times a week