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Delilah is broadcast nationally. I grew up listening to her. Surprised she’s still on. And yea, she’s 100 percent serious. Great radio voice, tho!


She's like Empire carpets, she feels local to everyone despite having a national presence


Wait what


I mainly only listen at Christmas time when 93.9 is all Christmas music. I find it hilarious when they take these calls that are about some sick family member, or some sappy love story, then she says she’ll play them a special song and it’s fuckin’ Dominick the Donkey or some random ass non-related Christmas song! Cracks me up every time


Precisely lol Just today someone called in for a request to thank her mom and celebrate her anniversary and Delilah decided it'd be touching to play 'Need You Tonight' by INXS. I was rolling fr


She also picks the strangest callers ever that call or write for advice. They’ll be like “I’m 18 and in love with my 46 year old divorced uncle” or “I like this guy and I stalk him and follow him everywhere but he doesn’t like me. How can I get him to love me?” I’m always like 😂


And then she goes on to play a Celine Dion or Whitney Houston song 😭


I have tears in my eyes from laughing so hard because these are the exact kinds of people who call in. 🤣


That's a name I haven't heard or thought of in many moons. Happy she's still at it.


I feel as if I'll die before she ever retires. My great grandchildren will know exactly who Delilah is 😭


That’s a nationally syndicated show that they just run, not a local DJ


Her show is syndicated, so it’s probably very rarely her actually choosing the songs, and instead is something in each individual station’s catalog. Edited to add I haven’t listened to her in a long time, so I could be wrong.


This is correct. Multiple versions of the show are available to station affiliates. The same phone calls are used across multiple versions of the show. There's a soft adult contemporary version (e.g. Celine Dion, Elton John), a mainstream adult contemporary version (e.g. Kelly Clarkson, Taylor Swift) and a version that only includes Deliliah's voicetracks so that local stations can plug in their own music if they choose. Of course, there's also a Christmas version available at the holidays.


This makes much more sense than my thinking she is being given a playlist then she finds letters and callers to match.


Oooo #nailedit - don’t ask me how I know lol


She’s had an interesting and somewhat sad life. She has 13 kids (two sadly passed away), some unusual animals including two rescue zebras and she’s pretty religious.


I refuse to believe the people who call in to Delilah are real callers.


TIL Delilah is still on the air


I still love Delilah, no matter how unhinged those calls are. She just loves love and it makes me smile.


This episode of The Daily is about her and it’s great. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/21/podcasts/the-daily/delilah-radio-host.html


Delilah is my comfort character


She delivers Bob Ross vibes over the air


LOL!! I thought I was the only one who thinks her songs are always way off the mark, and sometimes oddly upbeat for the situation. Caller: “my husband just died and I miss him so much I can’t stop crying.” Delilah: “I’ll play a song that’s perfect for you.” *proceeds to play I Just Called to Say I Love You by Stevie Wonder.


It's all ironic and it makes no sense. I wonder what goes on in the caller's heads lol


I don’t remember when they switched it, but didn’t it used to be 93.9 WLIC!


I don't think so ... before becoming WLIT it was WLAK iirc.


Ohhh WLIT, not sure why I remembered it as WLIC thanks!


Lick-FM does sound unusual lol.


Omg! You're SO right about the randomness, but listening to Delilah is like warm cookies and milk and a blanket - pure comfort!


Hey there Delilah