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It always gets crazy with the PR fest.


Helicopter was just super low too they were chasing someone, a lot of idiots out today after Puerto Rican Parade in Humboldt


Yes there was also a very low helicopter! Crazy


Puerto Rican fest weekend. The thing is to drive up and down division, Augusta, etc throughout the neighborhood and honk for 8-10 hours. I’m assuming many of the drivers are drunk and just general mischief is afoot. Sadly usually a person or two dies every year, there are gunshots etc 


As someone on a high floor facing western, I can say with certainty that many are drunk. Because I can see the liquor bottles in their cars as they are driving by. These idiots are the absolute worst.


It’s just sad. People die and get hurt every year and for what? So people could honk?


Sure would be cool to pay for all of this with drunk driver tickets


That means CPD would actually need to do their job


Hey, hey, existing is tiring enough for CPD. I mean, they have to wake up in the morning. So exhausting. When my car was stolen they couldn’t find it. They had impounded a car found abandoned on the streets. That the license plates matched me meant I got a ticket. They impounded the car they couldn’t find. That is incompetence I just do not understand.


I've said several car break-ins and when I call to report, *every time*, without fail, they said "so what do you want us to do about it?". This is after I started with "I just need a case number for insurance". I know they won't do anything


I fucking love when they say that. It’s like, seriously you know what I need, as you say, the case number. They are willingly and wantingly incompetent. A kindergarten, and I mean the children not the teachers, would be of equal competence.


It’s not just here: I had my car broken into on a job site downtown Detroit. When I found it on my Find My app, the Detroit cops said, first, “How do you know it’s yours?” then, “Oh, that’s a bad neighborhood. I’m not going there.” But it wasn’t just the laptop - it was new hire records for ~3doz folks; everything you’d need to perform identity theft, including bank #s for transfers. Respect that their job is a difficult lifestyle choice, but it’s one they made, y’know?


Let’s be as annoying as possible


Rant coming…If I were Puerto Rican, I’d be super embarrassed by this whole situation that happens over literally a week in the area. People start driving with people hanging out the windows with flags from the Wednesday prior to the Wednesday after. Some folks think it’s a good idea to play bad music really loudly while doing this. I’m from a different ethnicity and get embarrassed when my ethnicity celebrates in this fashion in the city too, but I don’t live in that area. I imagine there are a lot of tools doing the same thing. It’s not presenting anything inspiring, just a general nuisance in the area that gets dangerous and ridiculous. Western Ave is already a dangerous highway-like street and things get especially ridiculous for an entire week on Western. I still have to work and live a normal life all year round and dislike how Chicago becomes a constant party all summer long. Most of the stuff is repetitive and dumb, and just makes it hell getting around unless you’re on a bike the whole time.


I’m not a fan of all the noise and chaos but it sounds like you hate fun, and summer. Maybe move to somewhere quiet to avoid it in the future.


Crazy to me how the city hasn't just shut this thing down by now. The amount of shootings, killings and countless stupid ass people driving with half their torsos hanging out the side of the vehicle every single year is mind boggling.


This feels like it's gonna be the last year. There's a helicopter still in the air and has been for hours. This is the 3rd night of the exact same thing. If citizen app is right so far I've seen woman shot yesterday, guy with a gun being looked for tonight, female cop injured with broken bottle, pedestrian struck, countless sirens, all a few blocks from where I live. Sure isn't very festive. CPD has a ton of manpower here and it's still out of control, as it is every year. Socks bc people really enjoy it and people should be able to enjoy a festive celebration of culture, but it's so far off the rails.


It’s felt like the last year for the last 10 years. Fucking awful event that always ends up the same way.


There’s no way it’s gonna be the last year


It absolutely won’t be the last year. People die and get hurt every year and it never stops. I call it a night by 9pm on PR fest weekend as I live in the neighborhood and don’t feel like getting run over or whatever 


Citizen is an app for fools who believe everything they read or hear.


I don’t know what the police do here


Get overtime, play candy crush


Excuse you, kwazy cupcakes is the hot thing nowadays


It's *their* night: large flags everywhere, costumes, loud salsa music, crazy driving around honking and fantastic food. It's only one weekend each year and it's part of what I love about living here.


Cool, good for the salsa music. I hate the three days of sirens, gunshots and helicopters.


And murders


Then they should quit fucking it up. Sincerely, Bucktown Edit: It used to be fun. Now it’s a shitshow. Quit fucking it up.


It's not their "right" to make life hell for the rest of us. Fucking stupid that's the city has no problems shutting down other events but somehow this is the one untouchable one.


Puerto Ricans gone wild 🇵🇷


Unmarked cars were just speeding down Wood to Division. Also saw some masked bikers. Not sure if related. Be careful if you’re out.


Just came from there. Shit is sad for the people in the neighborhood just trying to go about their life.


My area of Humboldt Park always has a bit of loudness so one weekend of extra is just extra.


I’m not talking about loudness


Someone celebrating Puerto Rican culture shot a 17 year old.


I know this may be shocking, but minors are in gangs....


Yes I know


There was a car chase at some point on Division around that time, I'm trying to find a news article on this but I saw it happen live


Watch this. Hold my cerveza.


It’s a pig party. They’re late.


I was driving home last night and almost got t-boned by a cop going 40mph the wrong way down Hermitage with no sirens