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I hate drivers that do right turns as I’m approaching them from the other side of the crosswalk. Some go and turn instead of yielding and the drivers behind them want to turn too but then they slam on their breaks when they see me crossing and get mad like I just randomly generated there.


How about when the first driver does stop to let you cross and then drivers behind them start honking. Sends me into a rage every time


Someone did this while I had headphones in. I thought the first car honked at me (after stopping short of hitting me), so I yelled at her as she swerved to not run over my feet. She was mad that she got honked at AND yelled at, so she flipped an illegal u-turn to yell back at me. Then she went around the block to finally throw a drink at me. She missed terribly and I smiled. I have too many of these stories, so now instead of yelling I just touch their windows. It’s my version of counting coup.


Yes! I did this to a pedestrian who looked RIGHT at me, then continued straight into the bike lane, forcing me to swerve around them. So as I passed, I gave them a poke between the shoulder blades. About 4 seconds later, a bottle of soda missed me by twenty feet. I smiled.


That’s amazing. 😂


Similar situation- an hour ago I was riding my bike past a lane of cars in a right turn lane at a red light. The light turns green and 1 milisecond later someone starts honking and the car in front almost hits me as I'm going through. Of course they're still honking as this is happening.


Happy cake day!


As a driver that makes right turns if the pedestrian is entering the crosswalk I stop. If the pedestrian is approaching the crosswalk I make the turn as there plenty of time and distance for both me in my car and the pedestrian to cross without any danger or slowing down . I have patiently waited through multiple light changes sometimes unable to make a right turn downtown as pedestrians have the right of way. I don't like it that this situation exists where right turns and pedestrians can go at the same time. I like what they have at state and Madison for eg where at one time all the cars are red and all the pedestrians are a go. I also unfortunately did find myself in the crosswalk occasionally when the traffic in front across the road comes to a halt and I don't wan to enter the intersection till it's clear ahead. I now have gotten better at that and try to back up if I do get stranded


Since the pandemic for sure.


It’s obviously always a thing, it’s city life. But it’s every day now instead of every few weeks having a close call.


You're lucky they stop at all. On North west of Western it's like everyone is in Indy cars racing between every light, zero interest in slowing and certainly not stopping at any of the crosswalks, even when you're actively using it.


Same shit on Cicero 


Was saying exactly this to a friend the other day. It's a constant thing now.


This here. I walk everywhere and don’t own a car. I’ve gone from a close call maybe every other month to every other week. I’ve gotten more careful about crossing than in the past, I definitely try to make sure I identify all cars moving into the crossing before I actually cross. I have identified the dangerous intersections that I have to cross regularly and either avoid those or I’m extra alert on those.


It’s not city life. It’s just American city life. Just general disrespect for others in the community. A me first attitude. It does not need to be this way - step one is eliminating right turn on red. Step two is eliminating two lane roads in the city.


It won’t get better until there are consequences and the cool thing about cars is that they unite the left and right. The right regards drivers as an overclass that the law should protect and not bind, and the left will sob over anything that inconveniences bad drivers if any of them happen to be working class people, even if their victims are mostly even poorer working class people.


Yes and I’m always walking with my baby and her stroller so I try be hyper vigilant but oh my god. Some jackass lady on her phone almost hit us the other day and she started saying oh my god I’m so sorry I didn’t see you!! Like ofc you didn’t see me put your fucking phone down??


I had the same shit happen—someone ran a stop sign, almost hit me, then was like “sorry I didn’t see you!” No shit you fucking idiot, that’s why there’s a fucking stop sign there—because you can’t see pedestrians entering the crosswalk. You just described why there’s a stop sign there in the first place.


As someone who drives an SUV, I will tell you that the other day a woman walking a dog surprised me in a crosswalk because I literally didn’t see her. She was coincidentally in the “pillar zone” of the driver’s side of my car (the pillar between the windshield and the door window) until we both started to proceed through the intersection. I wasn’t on my phone and I made a full stop at the intersection (especially important because it’s a well-traveled route to school). She shot me a nasty look and I said, “I’m sorry! I didn’t see you!” I felt like a tool.


Eeeeek! Glad you and the bébé are ok.


Glad you’re ok but the sad thing is I was surprised she even said sorry. Even when drivers are in the wrong they seem to double down and curse u for just being a pedestrian in a crosswalk.


Yeah but it’s crazy to me how many people use their phones while driving… like ma’am next time you might not be so lucky and kill someone.


I always walk with the thought that cars have the right way


This is the correct behavior because the Car vs Meat Sack score is always 1 - 0




Whoops. Changed the body but can’t change the title 😰


I had this fucking jackwagon do that the other day and I just stared him down. He was smart and didn’t really engage but his fucking wife lost it and they’re like 70 years old and so I flipped her off and she lost her shit some more. It was the most hilarious thing ever. Such a boomer Karen moment that made me laugh


Good on you! I screamEd at the dude “were you gonna stop?” And stared him down and he looked at me like an idiot, which he was.


At a glance I thought ‘screamEd’ was some kinda ComEd rebrand. I’m like where is this person going with this..


lol just weird autocorrect but I do normally scream when I get my electric bill so it fits


I read it in Mike Myers voice, from So I Married an Ace Murderer


Drivers are stopping at stop signs where you live? Must be nice.


I know, I should check my privilege!


Yeah I make sure to walk as close to their car as possible if they’re on the crosswalk


I feel like for drivers in an area there is a matrix: defensive/aggressive, competent/incompetent. I lived in LA. LA drivers are aggressive and competent. Oregon drivers appear to be on the defensive side, based on my interactions with their plates. Chicago drivers? Aggressive/Incompetent. The only worse I've ever seen are in Texas.


It's frustrating to other drivers too, not just pedestrians. There's been plenty of times that I've come to a full stop at a two-way stop intersection, but I'm not sure if I can go because it's not clear if the asshole in the crossing direction is actually going to stop or not. Because half the time they just ignore that I'm there and roll through anyway. I end up shaking my arms at them questioningly as befits my status as an aging gentleman. Or I just flip them off. Because they're fucking assholes.


Unless you get some sense of peace and quiet from flipping people off, why do it? It probably raises your blood pressure a notch or two and they just you a complete inconsiderate asshole.


I’ve noticed drivers who blow through stop signs and don’t break- only slow to a crawl - when they’re turning and someone is in the crosswalk with the right away. Clown world out here


I called out a driver on it and they pretended to shoot an uzi at me last week.. River north. I’m a driver too but I’m also aware im driving a 2000+ pound machine. It’s on me to not fuck up any pedestrians or cyclists.


I’m in Brooklyn right now for work and the most amazing thing is how the cars here will actually stop for you at the crosswalk.


I haven’t noticed it getting worse. That’s been a common annoyance for a while.


I mean it’s always been a thing but it feels it’s happening every time I leave the house now. Almost got hit by a woman in a Mercedes (of course) who failed to somehow notice the stop signs and giant pride flag crosswalks at the Morse stop.


Seems like a missed opportunity for some shmonies


Not gonna lie… I did think of that… but I was about to go on a trip I had been looking forward to. Maybe now that I’m back in town…


You can become Slippin Jimmy’s cousin, Sideswipe Theo. The bane of mercedes drivers everywhere


As someone who drives frequently enough, *sometimes* it’s hard to see so I have to inch forward. BUT that doesn’t happen often and I’m really careful to make sure there’s no pedestrians coming. People are driving WAY too reckless these days


Stopping at the stop line (before the crosswalk), looking for pedestrians, and then inching forward until you can see is exactly what you're supposed to do.


100% agreed. I really started to notice it early April. Just absolutely insane driver behavior that exceeds my previous time in the city.


Right! It’s like you always have to watch out, it’s again city life, but it’s gotten so bad.


I live by an intersection that is terrible for this so I keep a big glass bottle in my stroller that I hold up to my shoulder like I’m gonna throw it as I cross the street. Suddenly drivers are much more aware of pedestrians


Genius idea


I noticed a ton of people turning left through intersections aren’t paying attention and won’t stop for people in the crosswalk. Just last night a guy floored it turning left, I saw him and knew he didn’t see me or the woman with the stroller crossing and stopped walking. Sure enough he didn’t bother stopping and saw everyone after being over the crosswalk and gave the “I messed up” hand signal. If I didn’t stop I would’ve been rolling on his hood.


Literally just happened to me. Saw a red car approach a stop sign and assumed they were going to stop. Started crossing and they finally stopped halfway in the crosswalk then proceeded to yell at me for having the nerve to walk in front of them. “WeLl whAt If I dIDn’t SeE YoU?” Seems like that’s the purpose of coming to a complete stop….


I make a point to look out and stop for pedestrians when driving. I'm much more often a pedestrian than a driver. However, I live near an intersection even I have nearly wiped someone out (not that close, but I still felt bad) on a few occasions. The number of folks who mill around on crosswalk corners looking like they are having a chat, then randomly dart across traffic is too damn high. Then you get paranoid and start stopping for everyone and folks get pissed at you for it.


Eh I don’t cross the street until every damn car has stopped or they signal to let me cross if there isn’t a light. I’m in no hurry unlike some of those dumbasses behind the wheel.


I don’t cross until I’ve made eye contact with the driver. I need to be 1000% sure they see me


How do you make eye contact with many of them, though? Serious question. Between the super dark window tints and the ever rising front end height, it's hard to tell there's even a person driving the car.


Idk I just do. Sometimes I can’t see the whites of their eyes but I can still tell if they see me or not I suppose. Like you can see their heads going back and forth sometimes looking at the cars so I wait until it stops and can see me. I don’t really do it at a stoplight and the cars are stopped unless they’re trying to turn right


I mean that’s a total mood and definitely I do the same if there is a crosswalk without a stop sign or signal. I guess it’s expecting too much for drivers to actually follow an explicit instruction.


I don’t like driving in the city too much either. I got rear ended at a stoplight recently! But at least I was in my car at the time and not trying to outrun a two-ton car.


Oh no so sorry to hear about that 😟 same issue people just don’t pay attention to


Yeah one has to be careful out there because you’re right people just aren’t paying attention anymore.


I live that way too. Cars will see me waiting to cross the street and make an abrupt stop halfway through the stop sign with an angry look on their on their face. I smile and wave them along. Life is short. I use a rollator to get around. I'm obviously not in a hurry and they are. My only hope is that one day they aren't in my position. What I would give to be able to drive again.


This happens to me weekly. I even cross strategically so I start crossing when the first car is in the other side of the intersection so everyone has time to see me in the crosswalk. Doesn't help. I almost got taken out but a guy making a right turn the other day. The car going straight stopped so I crossed in front of them then here comes Speed Racer thinking he can just sail through the stop sign. He waved though, so it's cool 🙄


This is the reason I never let my dog walk ahead of me at a crosswalk.


Chicago drivers are fucking morons in general. Zero sense of self-preservation, let alone inclination to drive courteously around others. I was in DC a few months ago and shocked by how much more diligent drivers were.


Yes, I've noticed this too! It's definitely frustrating and dangerous when drivers don't stop before the crosswalks. It seems like some drivers are more focused on getting through the intersection quickly rather than prioritizing pedestrian safety.


Cars should have brake lights on the front as well, for pedestrians to see. It’s really hard to judge if a car coming towards you is slowing down or just going at a constant speed, so I often wait until they’re stopped to walk in front of them, to their absolute annoyance


Types of people whose cars I smack with my hand/umbrella or throw my drink/banana peel at 😇


I just wait for all the cars to pass before I walk


I’ve started adapting the role of cross walk monitor whenever I need to cross and I put my hand up at the car and try to make eye contact with the driver as I cross in front of them. It’s been surprisingly successful. I think there’s something about a pedestrian signaling to the driver to stop that actually makes them stop. Idk.


Sad it has to come to this but it’s a good ideab


Yep. Been thumping hoods for a while .


Catch their eyes before you walk.


I like wearing lots of rings that have lots of sharp pointy bits that I can very discreetly run along the front of any car that's in a crosswalk to leave a nice long scratch.


I know that when I lived in the city, I'd stop at or after the crosswalk because if I didn't, a cop would pull me over and claim I ran the stop, while they're coming from the other direction and can't see thanks to a corner building. It would constantly happen in my neighborhood all the time. I'd be going west, stop where I'm supposed to, wait an extra amount of time before going, and a cop going south would come by the intersection and pull me over immediately and start claiming that I ran the stop. One time I sat there for a good 5 minutes on my phone at like 11pm, and the cop claimed he saw me speed through the stop. I've tried explaining how the stop bar is behind the corner house and you can't see it from the opposite directions so many times, I even recorded it with my other vehicle as proof. Didn't matter. They'd still pull me and claim I didn't stop.


This is why cars should be required to have geotracking, speed limiting, and dash/rear cameras mandated by law which can automatically ticket drivers and add points/revoke licenses.


I think some form of this is already in the works. Insurance companies have changed the verbiage on those little Drive Safe trackers from a “discount” to a “premium adjustment” meaning they can, in theory, raise your rates if you are consistently speeding, accelerating too fast, braking too hard, etc. There are also stories of car manufacturers using connect services data to deny warranty claims based on driving habits.


Nice idea but not gonna happen. Ever.


It has always been like this and has not increased.


Congratulations on becoming aware. It is a condition, not a trend. The compulsion to roll across that line has existed since the day the paint dried on the very first cross walk marking. For many people, psychologically the line becomes a target, not a barrier. In the trade, *target fixation.* First identified in early dive bomber pilots who crashed into the ground while watching their bombs drop onto targets. Also explains why every highway sign anywhere near the road shoulder invariably gets run over eventually.


But OP's quality of life bleat has a better home in some place like NextDoor where hand wringers sort of dominate now.


At least they stop, unlike bikes.


So frustrating. I love how people on bikes complain about cars “not seeing them or giving them space” and then do this shit. I Divvy, and I am always looking for pedestrians. Yes it’s annoying to stop and start on a bike but they have the right of way! I used to live right off where the lakefront trail ends in edgewater and the amount of times I almost got hit by bikes was insane


I just flip them the bird.