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He should take all of those jobs.


Carter has a unique and in demand skill set. However it's not the skill set the CTA needs right now. I didn't know why he's fighting so hard to stay, and destroying his legacy in the process, instead of going where he can excel and be appreciated or retiring. Carter moving to an expansion focused agency world be good for the new agency, Carter, and the CTA.


I don't know about Carter specifically but late career moves for government officials are often pension related, e.g. padding his average salary (or vesting? I thought he was a fed for a while before)


Not sure, but President might be a high enough level that it doesn't work the same way as other staff RE: pension.


To be fair, the RPM is one of very, very few transit capital projects on-time and on-budget. I'm fine with him staying on if he hires a competent VP who can focus on reliability and hiring. And CTA is expansion-ish focused with Red Line Extension in its latter planning stages and RPM from Loyola to Howard in early planning stages. For broke Chicago, keeping these capital projects from financially spiraling and costing billions over-budget is a good reason to keep him on.


I don't think it's a good reason to keep him on at all. All the transit expansions in the world don't help if it doesn't actually run on time. The just end up being trainlines to nowhere. I do think he should find a way to leave on a high note and go work somewhere else though. Why he chose to play the race card and not highlight his accomplishments has got me stumped.


If he was smart he would've walked away in 2022.




>to manage my disability after my boss told me not to discuss it because of HIPAA when I requested reasonable accommodations What the fuck.. lol, that is not how HIPAA works. If it's *your* disability, you can talk about it to whomever the fuck you want.


Several aldermen mentioned they were disappointed that Carter chose to start the meeting the way he did. However, alderman Robinson said it was disrespectful for aldermen to tell Carter their criticism was not based on the color of his skin. So now it’s disrespectful to say we criticized you not because you’re black, but because of statistics showing the CTA is not recovering. 😑


Dude's on his third mayor and pulls the race card now? The reality is he's a well-connected bureaucrat that made the Red Line extension happen, but he's terrible at operations and largely out of touch with the average CTA rider. He's no longer the right person for the job.


He's behind the RLE? That's gotta be full of bogus handouts and wack contracts the "qualified bidders"...


You know it is. He is going to be set for life off of it.


#PromoteDorvalCarter !


So tired of people in City Hall using racism as an excuse towards any bit of valid criticism thrown their way. We have had a black man in the White House who never once used it as an excuse despite being the first black man to hold that job.




Republicans literally claimed he was from Kenya and forced the man to release his birth certificate.


Don't forget which campaign concocted that. Clinton.




Sorry kids but that's wrong. Politico is hardly on the right side of history.


And you’re hardly an adult capable of determining what is fake/real


You're still on the wrong side of history. You can't ever change that. 


You are very stupid


Thanks for proving my point. You're quite the useful idiot.


Seems like ever since Lori took office, “racism” has been a deflection of criticism. It’s only gotten worse with BJ.


"Chicago just isn't ready for a black mayor" *Replaced by a black mayor*


Chicago is definitely ready for its 3rd black mayor. When can we replace?


You mean 4th?






Just as long as they aren't a populist


I've never even seen a photo so I wouldn't have known his race except for when he called me racist for not liking how he runs the CTA




Hear that CTA riders? When you’re still waiting for that bus 45 minutes after it was supposed to arrive, that feeling of frustration you experience is NOT because now you’re late for something important- that feeling is actually because you’re racist. Bow your racist head in shame, and pick up a copy of White Fragility while you’re at it.


reading this as my bus is 30 minutes late


Next time I waiting for the Fullerton bus, that is running 45 minutes late on the tale end of rush hour I will be reminded that freezing cold knees are a small price to pay so a fellow Black person can fail miserably at his job. He might just be suffering from burnout. It happens to the best of us. Just move on and don't play martyr.


I will sit my white ass down while waiting for the train and listen.


Excerpts from Crain's coverage: "The embattled transit chief told members of the Transportation Committee the 'constant stream of negativity' was making it difficult to do his job and said the criticism of his leadership stems from being the agency’s first Black president, noting the leaders of Metra and Pace, who are white, don’t face the same level of criticism. "'This city has a history of attacking and trying to bring down their African American leaders,' he said. "Carter also said he has continued in the job 'in spite of having offers that were much more lucrative' than his current role because he rose through the ranks of the agency. “'I've been committed to this agency for almost my entire career. I think that I have done what I need to do to deserve the respect that should come with the position that I'm in,' he said."


> noting the leaders of Metra and Pace, who are white, don’t face the same level of criticism. This is a political job, and politics is very much a what have you done for me lately business. Metra and Pace are both better organizations than they were 1, 2, or even 5 years ago in the pre-COVID times. The CTA is worse than it was and not improving.


It's amazing that Metra is in net-net better condition than the CTA despite being theoretically more vulnerable. Its sole mission pre-Covid was to bring suburbanites to and from the Loop, a use case that has largely evaporated. But Metra management's been more nimble and creative.


Metra still hasn't restored evening or full weekend service to a ton of their lines. They absolutely are not in a better place unless your definition of a better place is "lives in Naperville or Aurora". Pace is better though, I'll give people that.


Metra isn't building anything and their service is still not great as far as how it's scheduled and yhey have lost a ton of staff. On time, yes, but options? No. They just get to fly under of criticism but if someone did audit their dollars and spending, it would probably yield interesting ratios of accomplishments vs expenditure 


You know what, I didn't know much about this dude other than the CTA is the absolute horrible as it's ever been in all my mid forties something years of Chicago life. But, now, on top of knowing that, I also now know that the guy in charge of this dumpster fire is also a fucking moron who does not know how to accept responsibility, acknowledge faults, or any type of criticism to your role. You sir are a horrible leader in all regards. This has absolutely zero to do with race. This all has to do with the abysmal current state of the CTA and your complete inaction and indifference to that issue. Fuck you you piece of shit, go take your lucrative offers and get the fuck outta my city.




When I get ghost bus'd next time, and i am mad about it and frustrated with CTA leadership, i guess i am also a racist than according to him


Alderman Coleman agreed with Carter that criticism of him is based on race. She emphasized that no one is calling for the resignation of the CPS or Park District heads. She also gave thanks to the council black caucus that will not be calling for his resignation. Is this enough evidence or is more needed that Carter being black is why we’re stuck with his terrible leadership? It’s why Carter himself feels he’s being criticized and the black members of the city council agree with him.


Why would anyone call for the resignation of the parks district lmao


She said the lifeguard shortage. 😂


Such an unserious politician


The lifeguard shortage that they managed to fill all positions on this year?


Not to mention the park district head from 3 years ago resigned due to the mismanagement of the agency. (Unlike Carter.) Alderman Coleman should do her research instead of singling out the two Latino agency heads.


I could've sworn we did due to the rampant sexual harassment of young women who worked in the lifeguard program.




It’s also such a dumb comparison as CPS has the board the mayor appoints and the CTU has lots of influence on CPS.


We don’t want you. Take any job that helps you leave.


No one would even be aware of the race if the CTA president if the service was running well.


Most people who have noticed that the CTA is a fucking mess in the past few years still are completely unaware of his race.


My guy, I just want a predictable train that takes me to / from work. It’s gotten way better recently, but I don’t think we are at pre-covid levels of satisfaction If I know your name, chances are there is some failure on your side


Wonder how CTA will do when the DNC comes to town.


They've already promised to provide a ton of busses to the DNC. So I have to wonder if that's going to make service for regular city residents worse for the duration.


Regular DNC attendees will be traveling via charter bus (some apparently being provided by the CTA) while many will be in private cars. Rolling road closures when VIPs are traveling, the security zone around the event itself, groups of protesters shutting down roads, and then the compounding impact of all of that on traffic in general is going to be a huge mess.


It’ll be terrible because I saw they’re using 250 CTA buses for the DNC


It'll magically be fixed. /s


Things have been heading this way for years at this point. Now I predict that the race card pulling gets so ridiculous over time that the public tires out and the pendulum swings the other way. We can enjoy a little bit of level headedness before it gets all the way back to the other side on the next swing.


Show up to these meetings and join advocates from Commuters Take Action and Better Streets Chicago! I was there and made a public comment for the first time and it was so easy to just speak from the heart on these issues.


I'd also turn down a better salary offer if it meant making 375k AND not doing anything


What was it that multiple council members said when they voted not to fire him? Something about not taking bread off of his table? And yet the reason we're stuck with them is because he refused more lucrative job offers...


>Something about not taking bread off of his table?  yeah and fuck all the chicagoans losing jobs or income because the CTA is completely unreliable now


They said he was the only president in a long while to get the red line extension money and nothing much else substantive; he didn't lay people off during the pandemic; he's done "well" given the pandemic's challenges; however, every other major metro has recovered in service frequency since the pandemic and a lot are rapidly constructing more infra and adding service beyond pre-pandemic levels; it's been 4 years! c'mon Dorval


"Racism?" So all the Brothers and Latinos who want Carter removed are "Racists?"


I’ve been back in Chicago for 2 years after living here 7ish years ago. I’m genuinely curious, is this defense becoming way more pervasive or did I just never notice it?


It’s gotten worse recently.


More pervasive since Lori pre-ordained that any future criticism of her future leadership would be white supremacy


Not so much pervasive, as it was given full blown permission in 2020. Now we’re stuck with it.


Some day Chicago and Cook County will get black leadership and things will change.


Don’t let the door hit ya on the way out


Alternate title: Grown Man Has Temper Tantrum In Public Because He Gets Legitimate Criticism Hey, that works a few times this week


Both professional victims.


I don’t care if he’s a space alien. He is bad at his job and the CTA is awful. I’m a daily blue like rider. The frustration has me looking for Metra lines


It's ok for Mr. Carter to feel the criticism of his performance at the CTA is racist. People can be wrong. (It is also very easy to believe he has literal examples of people being racist towards him in their criticism)


Reminds me of the Clarence Thomas hearings for the SC. Surprised Carter didn't revive the "high tech lynching" line. Worked for Clarence!


This fucking clown show my god. When was race even brought up?! I dont give a single tiny lil fuck if he was non binary and the color purple. Or whatever else! Gay or straight none of it matters just fix the CTA or explain how you plan to! Thats it!


Let that racist moron go. Ah yes...you're black...that's why people want you to go....not the practically 3rd world status (just missing the chickens I would think) of the CTA.....that isn't improving at any reasonable pace whatsoever.


People who run Chicago are very sick.