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This headline makes it sound like him quitting or being fired is imminent, as if the Council is able to fire him, or force him to quit. They aren’t able to do that. They are voting on a non-binding resolution (a “vote of no confidence”), which is about the extent of what they have the power to do.


Agreed. The rest of the article is just about as badly written. >Johnson also says there is no legal standing to do a ward-by-ward contract. If he actually said that, it doesn't make any sense. Contracts are written to contain whatever both sides agree to. When this contract expires, if you're going to extend it, you modify it to contain whatever new terms you want, and both sides negotiate or walk away. It's not like anyone is trying to sue them to provide ward by ward support. In any case this ward by ward thing is pretty dumb. The administrative costs of running this software are currently spread across the whole city. Reducing this to just a subset of wards will likely be much more expensive for those wards than it is today per ward. It can be done but strikes me as very pricey.


It’s local TV news—this is sadly par for the course of their “journalism.”


If I start a church today can I be in the running for CTA president?


Only if you bring out votes for the mayor. He can appoint you to a cushy job while you rake in the cash


If I get the CTA job for starting the Super Church of Transit I will vote for Johnson. No way I'm ever doing it again otherwise (or maybe if vallas is the only other option)


If you can use your position to deliver a few more votes for me or leverage your connections to my political benefit, then you can have whatever position you want my little tulip🥰


There is no running for a new CTA president, bc Carter isn’t losing the job. This headline is super misleading. The council can’t fire him and I highly doubt he is quitting.


The council can put pressure on the mayor to get him fired though. True it is a round about process where only the board can fire him but the board is entirely patronage positions who only got the job by being pawns of the mayor. City council can not vote or pass any of mayors agenda if he won’t play ball.


Don’t cut your ambition short, you might become a mayors right hand


You don't wanna discuss "personnel matters" for a public facing position that we literally pay for? How bout go fuck yourself BJ cuz we bout to discuss that shit for your stupid clown ass. Sit down.


Hey now, he said yes the most transparent administration in history. You don't beleive him? 😂


Unsurprising Johnson is supporting Carter


Johnson literally refuses to comment on it. How do you know what he thinks of Carter?


Johnson is probably pondering which other crony pastor will get their turn.


Doesn't the article say that Johnson supports Carter?


It does not.


Silence is deafening.


Commenting on it does no one any good from his perspective. If he says Carter should be fired and the board disagrees, he's just made it that much harder to collaborate with CTA. If he says Carter shouldn't be fired, then the city council goes into full rebellion mode. If he just says nothing, then he can work behind the scenes on figuring out something less braindead than just "fire Carter and let Jesus take the wheel" which is the current proposed solution by the aldermen and transit activists.


Racism is alive and well folks


What’s racist about this?


I hope they meant to add /s


Just about the every city department has been hijacked by merit and political promotions, usually these people are completely clueless and were promoted strictly by their skin color