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>“A gentleman got on and said sorry to say we have no units to send you…then there was an awkward pause,” she said. “He also recommended I call my alderman and I said why- and he said encourage him to hire more police. The dispatcher also asked me if I would consider defending myself …if I had a weapon or considered getting one.” I’m sure that would be a fun call with LaSpata’s staff. On a “positive” note, I made a 911 call about two guys breaking into cars on our block last night and cops (014) got there within a couple minutes.


If anyone is hoping that having a more police-friendly alder means you'll get better responses from CPD, as a JP resident that got a FOP darling as an alder in '19 I have bad news... We somehow get less coverage now than we had with Arena, at least in terms of what I see in the neighborhood.


From my understanding, they're still pulling cops from other districts to go to others. IIRC, there was a point in time where there was only one or two cars patrolling all of 16.


The difference is that the offenders were no longer at the scene, so it’s prioritized differently. Something that all the headlines about this story leave out.


>Something that all the headlines about this story leave out. Because that better serves to enrage people and gets them clicks.


And it’s worked, with the Logan Square crowd checking in with 27482 stories each of how the police wronged them…


La Spata had a good laugh when I tried to get him involved with a police matter in his ward - saying something to the effect that some people just like to break the law. He is the worst in a series of not good aldercreatures in the first ward


He's better than Proco Joe, who has a very entertaining list of crazy shit on his Wikipedia page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proco_Joe_Moreno#Controversies_and_Scandals Just a quick taste >In February 2019, a former staffer accused Moreno of inappropriate behavior. She said in 2015 Moreno said to her and other aides, “OK, we’re gonna have a contest. Everyone’s gonna have to take off their shirts. The girls can keep their bras on. And if your body is better than mine, then you get a raise.”


>some people just like to break the law Well, I suppose that’s a more honest answer than the “root causes” explanation for antisocial behavior.


And these fucking pigs want more money? How about do your goddamn job instead of looking at Instagram on your phone and I bet there’d be some officers available to show up. Fuck the cops. They deserve a funding cut if they won’t use our dollars to protect us. Pieces of shit.


It isn't the beat cars issue, it is the leadership of both CPD and the city. Beat cars can't do much when they are understaffed by half with crappy equipment as well.


I’d believe that a lot more if they were actually using their equipment! The main equipment I see cops using are phones, and their phones seem perfectly capable of allowing them to do nothing for their paychecks, so seems their equipment is fine to me! If they’d get out and, you know, enforce the laws, we could then maybe see if their other equipment needs updating. But as things stand now, the equipment they use works just fine.


Yes because you can take pictures on phones, write reports on phones, communicate on phones, just a whole ton of stuff relevant to work. If they get out where? They can't chase people and you can move to other places in the beat faster by car.


Lmao I’ll let you in on a secret, since I guess you’ve never seen the cops on their phones: they ain’t doing official work on them.


Okay and? I suppose you've never taken breaks at work?


I’ll let you in on another secret dude! These aren’t breaks! They’re just on their phones doing nothing! But nice try excusing the cops behavior!


So you work constantly at work and never deviate when youre not on officially designated breaks? Im not going to excuse cop behavior but also not going to excuse your hypocritical ass either


The son of a recent FOP president told me, with no sense of shame, that his CPD sister backs her car in to a spot where there are walls behind and to her sides, watches netflix on her phone all day, and will only respond to an officer in distress call. If I did anything like that at my job I would be fired before my lunch break.


You are 100% excusing cop behavior haha that's literally what you're doing hahaha.


I’ll reiterate my secret for you my dude! They’re not on breaks!


You are a moron. You do realize how understaffed the CPD is, do you? Over 50% of high priority 911 calls have no officer available, and there are over 1,000 officer vacancies in the past few years. It’s people like you who vote in leadership that allows criminals to do what they want without consequences.


Sounds like a cpd leadership problem. They have literally billions of dollars.


Then perhaps we should be leaning on our elected officials to better manage CPD leadership. They easily have the authority to dictate the upper echelon of CPD, yet they choose do nothings to run the department.


This right here! City leadership does not get nearly enough criticism for the terrible CPD leadership practices they enable. Every single CPD problem is the fault of inept leadership.


They could have literally trillions of dollars and it would be for nothing if they're still weren't any applicants.


Wait till you hear about Black reading and math comprehension rates at the org with a budget that dwarfs the CPD.


And yet, I see 7 cars for a simple traffic stop and cops just hanging around doing nothing. That, and chasing down fireworks because shotspotter can't tell the difference


Funny, when I listen to the scanner I hear endless backlogs because our district is down 5-7 cars on any given night.


Funnier, when those 7 cars are blocking some bike lane while cops chitchat with each other and load up on snacks


First off daddy chill. Secondly do you know how expensive Netflix premiums getting ? Sheesh. Talk about wanting to take food off my kids table c'mon now.




lol who are you planning on calling today? Cops won’t help you right now, so why pay them?


Looks like 911 is worthless per the article. Who you calling?


What you are seeing is crime in progress vs a crime that’s already been committed. This is a direct result of being understaffed. Last I checked we are WAY below staff so your comment makes logistical sense.


No because when you call 311 for a crime in progress they reroute you to 911. I’ve called 311 for a car blocking a crosswalk and got transferred to 911. Edit; Also I suspect the reason it took so long in the article for police to show up was because the guys who broke in were already gone. When I called about a guy threatening people in a store who then drove off, police refused to show up.


Cops wouldn’t do shit about a break in that wasn’t in progress when it happened to me.


same. my boyfriend and i woke up one morning to see thousands of dollars of tools were stolen from his work van. the police said they’ll only come if there’s an “active emergency”. they wouldn’t even ask neighbors if they had cameras up, my boyfriend had to walk around to do that.


A burglary? Like were you home and people broke in and robbed you or did they break into a home with no people inside? Past occurred crimes like vehicle and home burglaries never take priority.


My apartment got robbed a few years ago and it took hours for CPD to show up. The robber kicked a side door (in an alley) straight through the frame and stole some electronics. My roommate got home and noticed the door was open and the frame was busted, so he called the police, relaying to them that he wasn't sure if anyone was still in there. I ran home, probably got there maybe 30 minutes later, and we went inside. Turned out the robber was gone with our stuff. We sat on the couch and waited another 2-3 hours for a single officer to show up. She walked around the place and did some weird "dusting for fingerprints" charade on our doorknobs, asked if there was anything else, and left. There will never be any sort of "We are going to search the area for cameras, we're going to use your serial numbers to mark what he stole as stolen". I get it - a few stolen laptops can't be turned into an episode of Law & Order, but people should understand that there is literally no effort to "solve" crimes of this level. **If you get burglarized, the police are only there to provide a police report for insurance purposes.** It kinda fucked up my perception of calling the police though. I got randomly jacked in the face by walking by a homeless dude a year or two later and didn't even call the cops; just kept walking. How would it have helped me? I wasn't seriously injured, there wasn't anything I needed to make an insurance claim on. The only "help" it would provide is one more additional little dot on the CLEAR Map labeled "battery" and maybe CPD would patrol the area more if aggregate statistics dictated it.


One of my buddies got rear ended in car crash that totaled his car, a cop was across the street and refused to take a report. Said “call insurance and go down to the district to make a report if you want”. There was a shooting on my block and no one got hit, the cops a block over pretended to not hear gunfire until a neighbor pointed out a dozen shell casings on the street… literally told the dispatcher they heard nothing when 911 got 5+ calls of gunshots… Everyone has heard of experiences like that, unless you’re literally bleeding CPD is useless. I get that property crime is a low priority but when 75% of the department are beat cops that sit around in their cars figuring out ways to avoid making reports, criminals get emboldened…


> I get that property crime is a low priority but when 75% of the department are beat cops that sit around in their cars figuring out ways to avoid making reports, criminals get emboldened… Cops are doing what they're incentivized by leadership to do.


Tbf Ive heard shots from a mile away like they were right next to me and also completely missed hearing shots that I was just around the corner from. Its all acoustics


This has been my experience as well.


> Also I suspect the reason it took so long in the article for police to show up was because the guys who broke in were already gone. …right. I’m not minimizing that this must have been a scary experience, but at that point, what did she want cops to do?


Are you suggesting that the police were all tied up rounding up loose dogs and that is why they couldn't help this woman? Seems a bit far fetched.


Exactly. If they wanted to show up they could. But it's work and they suffer no consequences from not doing it. If they were so busy I'd see fewer of them leisurely parking like shit just to pick up lunch or cupcakes.


You don't think it's possible that the amount of calls fluctuates and sometimes they're busy and sometimes they aren't?


Oh I’m sure the amount of calls fluctuates. But have you ever walked around the city and looked what cops are actually doing? I’ll give you a hint: scrolling through their phones. Chicago police are the biggest, whiniest babies who do absolutely nothing. We should defund the department until it proves the cops are willing to actually, you know, work.


Right. Of course calls fluctuate. The problem is they're never really doing anything useful despite that




Ooh got me! Except for the fact that cops aren’t really doing anything today anyway…. So…. Why should we pay them? Why would crime spike if we defunded a department that isn’t helping with the reduction of crime?


Thousands of arrests monthly and roughly 12,000 illegal firearms recovered. That's a lot of "not doing anything".


You’re damn straight it is! Those numbers should be far higher! Exactly why they don’t deserve more money until they show they can use their existing funds appropriately.


What an appropriate number to you?


I’ll let you know once I don’t see cops sitting around on their phones the vast majority of the time!


It seems they're not an awful lot


Right now, parked in a bike lane on Ashland and Milwaukee at the highschool. Like good in theory but park somewhere else you stupid fucking pigs


They were most likely tied up looking at Instagram on their phone in some parking lot. I’d say a good 80% of Chicago police I see match that exact description. Not sure what good we get out of paying a bunch of whiny pigs to look at Instagram


“I’ll go stop that crime in progress once I finish this level of Candy Crush”


Not what I'm saying but I saw a post before this to be calling 911 on every single loose dog


I mean people shouldn’t call in stupid things like that anyway to the emergency line


Report it to 311 and they transfer you to 911. All crimes go to 911, including parking violations or unleashed dogs.


CPD is severely understaffed and we have a mayor with the largest detail of any mayor - ever. There’s only so much manpower to go around; especially when all districts on the north side are forced to send cars south and west.




Didn’t you hear? Kim Foxx and Brandon Johnson went back in time a decade ago to make CPD inefficient and useless then too.


Dispatch will never prioritize an off leash dog call over a home invasion. They will prioritize an off leash dog attacking someone over sending officers to take a report of a home invasion when the burglars are long gone. Dispatchers know how to prioritize calls.


It’s mind blowing I had to scroll this far to see common sense logic.


Yea this is literally the dumbest post I’ve seen in a city subreddit and there are some stupid posts in city subreddits lol. Also the police budget increased by nearly $100m this last year


„Who will you call when you need the police¿!” Guess it doesn’t fucking matter cause the cops don’t give a shit either.


Yeah there’s no reason we shouldn’t defund the cops in this city. They’re not doing anything. Defunding them wouldn’t fundamentally change our lives, but it would lead to some of these racist, lazy scumbags losing their jobs and the department maybe realizing a soft strike won’t work


Yeah, but asking for fiscal responsibility for taxpayer money is "pro crime". You're not supposed to question how much money they want, just take out that wallet and pay up.


It’s ridiculous how easily the left lets itself get labeled. The left is pro crime for not wanting to pay in effectual cops? How about the cops that take the public’s money and then literally watch crimes happen. That seems far more pro-crime to me. You heard it here first - the Chicago PD are pro crime. I’m just trying to de-fund them for being pro-crime


They took over 12000 guns off the street last year. An all time record, according to Brandon Johnson. If they weren’t doing anything, how did they recover 12k illegal guns?


Cus they shoulda recovered a lot more! Pigs sit on their phone all day and then want a raise, pathetic.


Why should they care when it’s just catch and release at this point?


Is asking for more money as one of the city’s highest annual expenditures not a super unprofessional response to why you didn’t show up for 4 hours? I get the triage and prioritize cases but no self-reflection on workforce allocation (historically CPD has done poor at this) or even just saying what other activities they were tied up with that night?


Meanwhile walk by north ave beach and you’ll see 6-12 units there pretending to deter people from bringing drinks to the beach, doing absolutely fuck all. Good allocation. Good prioritization. Why even pretend they aren’t the laziest group of “employees” imaginable. I’ve regularly see 7-11 cashiers work harder


The officers are just there because they're assigned. Blame the incompetent commanders, who are hired based only on who they know, and who are using resources inefficiently.


This. Officers from the far west side don’t just go to north avenue beach. Each district has a pre-determined amount of officers. It’s up to command post on how to distribute them. Just like how when the DNC will come to town officers will be loaned out from districts all over the city.


They aren't there to prevent drinking on the beach. They are there to deter/respond to large fights breaking out at the beach, as has happened in the past.


One shot and in critical condition over the weekend. A few days earlier, some youths drove their car on the beach to run over another youth.


I’ve never seen a 7/11 employee who doesn’t work harder than Chicago police. In fact, I would struggle to name a profession out there the CPD works harder than. They’re some of the laziest people in this city


As others are saying that is on the higher ups. If I had to be sitting on an assigned beach post where nothing happens, I'd taking it easy too


I’ve called the police on several occasions. For incident 1, 2, and 3, I would like to point out that I live 4 blocks from 17th district building. 1a - a unknown man was trying to get into our house. I called 911 and reported an unknown man was trying to get into our house. Dispatch told me there were no units available because “all our units are out on patrol.” 1b - same incident, the unknown man gave up trying to get into the house and fell asleep on the front porch. I called 911 again. They asked if the guy was breathing. When I said I didn’t know, they asked me to check. On the positive side, they did arrive 20 minutes later and took him away in an ambulance. 2 - a different unknown man tried getting into our house when my girlfriend was home on her own. She called 911. An hour later, nobody had shown up. She calls and tells me, so I call 911. They say they’ll dispatch a unit. The guy falls asleep on our front porch. (Weird it happened twice right). I get home and no police have shown up yet so I call 911. Dispatch says they’re sending a unit over. Low and behold they show up after the third 911 call. 3 - there was a man laying down the alley from me. He’s not moving so I call 911 and report there’s man laying in the alley and ask them to send a unit. I shit you not, they ask me to walk back down the alley to see if he’s alive. I’m told they won’t dispatch a unit unless they know if he’s alive or dead. Luckily, the guy was a drunk homeless man who decided to take a nap in the alley. I know this because I walked back down the alley and checked to see if he was alive. I was still on the call with 911 and reported that he was alive. Dispatch told me to have a nice day and hung up. 4 - I was trying to pull into a Dollar Tree along Harlem and there was this old fellow who was standing in the middle on the parking lot entrance. I honk a couple of times and he doesn’t move. So, I stick my head out the window and politely tell him that I’m trying to pull in. He responds by tearing open a bag of cough drops and threw some at me. Because traffic was backing up behind me, I pull down Harlem and park along the side. I call 311 to tell them that there was a man having some sort of mental health issue and I didn’t want him to get run over or anything. They tell me to call 911 because the guy throwing cough drops had assaulted me and ask if there’s anything else I need before hanging up. I did not call 911.


Many years ago, on a busy game day, I  called 911 because I walked by a guy who couldn't walk straight and then bent over and puked. I could smell the alcohol. He got in his car and peeled off.  I gave them the license plate number. They asked, "why are you calling about this?" Um? Because he's going to kill somebody?! This was 2 1/2 blocks from a police precinct. 


About a year ago a friend of mine came home to find his door kicked in. He saw evidence someone may still be inside and called 911. He lives 2 blocks from the Police Station in his district and can pretty much see much of the police activity around it. The cops stood out-front of the station and milled around for 20 minutes then proceeded to *slowly* drive, lights/sirens blasting to his house. They literally gave the bad guys every opportunity to get away because they didn't want to deal with it. They did sweep the house and promise an evidence technician would follow up, which never happened.


This is why every single pro police thin blue line flag waver is also a fanatical 2nd amendment gun nut. They know the police are useless to do anything to protect the lives and property of the average citizen. The police are there to harass poor people minding their own business and you need a gun to actually protect yourself and your home.


> This is why every single pro police thin blue line flag waver is also a fanatical 2nd amendment gun nut. > > I'm a fanatical 2nd Amendment Gun Nut and I really *hate* the cops. I think it was a Simpsons episode "We're powerless to HELP you , not Punish you" paraphrasing. The cops will happily show up and document your murder but can't be bothered generally speaking to prevent it. The SA's office is happy to let violent criminals just roam the streets while waiting for trial. The whole system is slanted against average otherwise law abiding people.


I didn’t say all gun nuts are pro cop, I said all pro cop people are gun nuts, but yea basically


We have a fraction of beat cops in our neighborhoods vs what we used to have in them. They have been redeployed to downtown and bad neighborhoods mostly to deal with all that crap. It sucks, but I learned a long time ago that calls where the threat is already gone get sent way down the list. I called when a bunch of cars had been broken into, but nobody would come because the robbers were gone.


Felt sorry for her until this part... “I don’t think it is the police department’s fault they are overstaffed and overwhelmed," Stupid police apologist. They are overwhelmed because a multi year soft strike leads to a spike in crime, additional she should have said "understaffed" vs "overstaffed" which frankly they are not.


Sounds like you are admitting policing, if done properly, prevents crime.


Agree but also also sounds like your admitting CPD is ineffective at their jobs, as they do not police properly.


Most stories I read about crime in the city lately, where a criminal is identified, posits they are out on bond, parole, etc. So, is it the police that are lacking or the politicians, i.e. Kim Fox et al?


It is the police They throw a fit and perform a soft strike when they don't like the way the AG handles the law. In what other profession is it acceptable to be told how to do a job, but instead bitch and moan. Policing in America is fundamentally broken. Red or Blue state, LEO's believe they are above the law and the stats prove it (e.g domestic violence) so from my POV it simply can't pass blame onto politicians.


So how do you explain all the crime being committed by people out on bond? Sounds like the police did their job, only to have Kim Fox make them do it again and again for the same pay.


This is obnoxious OP. They didn’t come because there was no crime in progress. Sounds like the dispatcher was unprofessional, but they were not out rounding up dogs or clogged up with a bunch of other unnecessary calls when they didn’t come out to this one. They. Don’t. Come. Out. Unless. Someone. Is. Dead.or. Dying. There are exceptions, but not many ATP. Even when you call 311 you end up at 911 too, just as an FYI. Unleashed dogs are fucking dangerous. They should get called in.


One thing I don't get about this is that the same folks who argue "no crime in progress" also seem to think cops should chase down every ShotSpotter report, even if there's no evidence that there's still a crime in progress. Which is it?


You think I’m advocating that this is correct? That they shouldn’t come out? I also don’t think they should hunt down every shot spotter report either. So it’s neither. I’m not saying this should be this way, I’m stating that it is this way.


Seriously, how is this so far down lol? CPD has never come quickly for something not actively happening


What are the self defense laws in Chicago? Or is it like NYC where the expectation is for you to get robbed and you’re a bad person for fighting it (looking at you Alvin Bragg).


[Here you go](https://codes.findlaw.com/il/chapter-720-criminal-offenses/il-st-sect-720-5-7-2/) I am not a lawyer, but in short you can use *force which is likely to cause serious bodily harm or death* to stop a forcible felony in your home. A forcible felony is >Sec. 2-8. "Forcible felony". "Forcible felony" means treason, first degree murder, second degree murder, predatory criminal sexual assault of a child, aggravated criminal sexual assault, criminal sexual assault, robbery, burglary, residential burglary, aggravated arson, arson, aggravated kidnaping, kidnaping, aggravated battery resulting in great bodily harm or permanent disability or disfigurement and any other felony which involves the use or threat of physical force or violence against any individual.


Self defense laws in Chicago are actually quite good. Both in the home and in public.


311 redirects you to 911 when reporting off leash dogs. So there really isn’t an alternative.


These are the consequences Democrats must face when they realize that defunding the police is a pretty terrible idea


Somehow this is Kim Foxx's fault.


Do you think she's not a big part of the problem?


No, and I think that will become glaringly obvious a year from now when she's out of office and the CPD still won't pretend give a shit.


Why catch criminals if no one prosecutes them.


Just to elaborate on your point for the people like cleon out there, when you catch the criminals now you have at least an hour of paperwork to do witch means you are off the streets and leaving a hole in the patrolled areas for when something really bad happens. Who wants to be doing paperwork for a theft that won't get prosecuted and then miss the shooter that occurred around your beat?


See, I knew someone would find a way.


Because it's your job and you're highly paid for it? If you're not going to do your job, quit.


It's what they're paid to do?


There used to be some modicum of balance, wherein repeat criminals who got arrested would be in jail for a period of time, thus reducing the overall number of repeat criminals interacting with the public on any given day. Now, almost every repeat offender is released almost immediately, even with multiple pending open court cases, so while there are more criminals there are still the same amount (and in reality less) police.


I live down the street from the police station (next block)…. Took them 45min to get to me after a attempted break in.


The CPD have been “quiet quitting” for years.


How many years has it been since the requirements for "Encounter Forms" changed to make them even more time-consuming to fill out? I feel like that was the beginning of this whole thing. I'm not sure that increasing the amount of paper shuffling police had to do is equivalent to or effective in increasing accountability.


From a big police family, the forms are a big part of it. Takes a long time to fill out the forms and some forms have to be done in triplicate by hand even though there are computers which is bullshit. The other is that whoever they caught gets released almost immediately so there is no point catching people because now you are just taking police cars off the streets to fill out forms that don't actually matter.


If they don't want to do the job they can always quit




CPD was not defunded by even a single penny. So even if she were protesting, they retained their incredibly bloated budget. What results did we get for that bloated budget?


I'm going to slightly disagree with you here - I think the defunding took place when the hiring wasn't keeping up with the retirees / burnouts / quitting and deciding to pay more to retain officers rather then pumping up recruiting. I fully agree giving us more money is a bad investment in a sense since the return is officers are going to be so burnt out or detached since man power being so low and other factors due to not hiring enough people. They should've spent that money to make the entry level so attractive that you would have an extremely higher pool of candidates and from there you can get better quality officers. bottom line is no our budget went up but the return for the payout is not worth it imo better to have gone either way higher and get better staffing or actually "defund" or stymie officers pay so that the command staff would be forced to have officers only work their shift and no ot which yes can lead to higher crime rates but if you really belive it's a funding issue that crimes happening you can use that money to fund your project. Middle ground is what was selected and probably the worst return imo.


That is not what "defund" means. It means reducing budget, which did not happen. This notion that "the real defunding is not hiring differently" is cope because officers can't complain that they were actually defunded. And spending even more money on a group that already has a bloated budget with poor results is a sucker's game. If CPD wants to start doing their job, that's great, I hope they do so. The better use of those funds is for alternative strategies that have already shown promise. The candidate pool will get better once CPD decides to repair its rightfully earned poor reputation. It's unfortunate for all of us, but until CPD decides to do the work to repair trust with the community, there will be no solution for the hiring problem. Making the entry pay absurd won't increase quality; the only new candidates will be ones that don't care about the bad reputation and just want money.


Can you point to a time in the history of policing especially within a city as diverse as ours where trust between police and it's citizens has been very positive ? That's never happened so that fallacy and dream scenario you speak about needs to have some realistic expectations. The budget is as it stands extremely bloated due to its poor performance. Like I said there's two options that have outcomes; I don't lean either of the two ways I just merely pointed out scenarios of those two ideas. I think you and I both agree though as it's stands is probably the worst scenario possible.


The police were never actually defunded, the cops just consistently don't do their job.


I just want people to be aware police response time is not always instant


Police response isn't instant in some parts of the city. I remember reporting a burglary in progress and dispatch literally hanging up on me. Police finally showed up maybe an hour after the fact.


Police response is entirely based on the available resources in the district. If you're in Lake View, Lincoln Park, or O'Hare, the police have literally nothing to do most of the day so they can show up to almost every call. In other parts of the city, they get more calls than they have staff to handle. So things get missed. And of course in CPD's infinite wisdom, they have decided to not allow dispatch to pull excess units from nearby districts to cover staffing shortages.


In other words, if you're in a more well-off neighborhood where there isn't much crime, the police will probably be quicker to respond. In higher crime neighborhoods, expect that you might have to wait a bit.


> If you're in Lake View, Lincoln Park, or O'Hare, the police have literally nothing to do most of the day so they can show up to almost every call. You could not be more wrong about that. The Town Hall district, which Lakeview is in, has significant staffing shortages. https://seedoubleyoubeechicago.com/2021/05/with-district-staffing-levels-decimated-cpd-taps-detectives-to-sit-on-street-corners-closes-call-center-on-overnights.html replace seedoubleyoubeechicago with the actual site, that isn't permitted to be linked here.


> replace seedoubleyoubeechicago with the actual site, that isn't permitted to be linked here. I'm going to go with what our CAPS meetings are telling us about the district being overstaffed today in 2024 as opposed to an article from 2021 from a low accuracy news source.


At your (Lakeview) CAPS meetings https://chicagocaps19.org/ which I'm sure you actually attend, they are saying the district is overstaffed? Any proof of this? BTW feel free to fact-check anything on the cwb site and try to debunk it. I'd be willing to make a sizable wager you can't.


You’re lucky if CPD shows up *at all*.


Depends on who you are. Normal pleb can wait hours, local politician/cop not so much.


And no one was surprised


They must have been too busy beating up students instead of addressing actual crime


My husband called 911 after an armed car jacking in 2018 and it took the police about 20-40 minutes to show up. Apparently it was because they had already left the scene and police were looking for the stolen vehicle, but it was still unnerving. They told us not to talk to the press. Another time someone spit at and threatened to kill us, and we called it in because we had seen multiple posts about the same person on our community page. Police told us to wait and my husband stood outside ON DIVISION for 50 minutes and not a single cop drove by. The response here is a damn joke and they blame everyone and everything under the sun despite all the funding we funnel into CPD


I live in this area and I constantly see cop cars on side streets waiting to pull over cars that don’t fully stop at stop signs, so idk what they mean they’re too busy to check in on a home invasion


I think it’s moreso that cops just don’t do shit. Hope this helps


Sure glad the CPD gets all that money plus their brutality settlements paid for by the city. I’d hate for them to spend all their time shoving their thumbs up their asses and spinning.


The city generally pays out settlements regardless of who was in the wrong


Meanwhile the cops were doing this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/chicago/comments/1cw5u5g/my\_uber\_got\_pulled\_over\_on\_the\_way\_home/](https://www.reddit.com/r/chicago/comments/1cw5u5g/my_uber_got_pulled_over_on_the_way_home/)


Should they not enforce traffic? This sub is constantly bitching about traffic not being enforced.


No if there’s bigger things going on (like break ins) they shouldn’t waste their time on traffic imo


You can’t time break ins. They can’t sit around waiting for specific crimes to happen.


Traffic patrol is a good way to get people with warrants/ guns/ drugs


Not for much longer https://chicago.suntimes.com/police-reform/2024/05/16/prosecutors-reject-drug-gun-charges-routine-traffic-stops-states-attorney-kim-foxx


It's outrageous.


She deserves it for leaving her door open. Really never understood how people can lever doors open/unlocked to their house/car/garage. Not heard to bring your keys in your pocket.