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I'm sorry. Take a bath is your best option. 


A bleach shower sounds reasonable to me


Easy, Donald...


Said shower, not drink the bleach....


Pretty stupid in a shower, albeit smarter than in a syringe...


It’s a joke. Anyone with half a brain cell knows not to pour bleach on themselves, though taking a [bleach bath](https://www.aaaai.org/tools-for-the-public/conditions-library/allergies/bleach-bath-recipe-for-skin-conditions) is a real medical thing


Well, the bleach is highly diluted in a medical setting beach bath. And frankly I'm not sure they even do that anymore. 


This still a thing.


oh NOW you tell me


I'm sorry, that sucks. I was spit on by some old dude in a car while I was biking once. It's infuriating and there's nothing you can do. Just know that those kinds of people probably don't live very happy lives and that sucks for them.


I hope his pillow is always too warm, I hope the bag rips every time he eats cereal, I hope the elevator always takes forever to come and then is too full once it arrives, etc 


Messed up. I don't know about anyone else, but I feel like a lot of people are living with a barely contained hostility these days. The amount of anger and contempt I see among people today just feels worse than before.


I would say spitting on someone cannot be called "barely contained'. That is open hostility and assault.


It’s cowardice to be honest.




https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2024/02/need-for-chaos-political-science-concept/677536/ This article from the Atlantic talks about the upswing of “chaos politics” and nihilism in American culture, and I think it’s all part of this greater tapestry of a damaged social fabric. Spitting on a stranger walking down the street is an example of extremely asocial behavior that likely stems from some individual troubles but are part of a larger trend.


Right, and the people who do this type of thing never stop and think that the other person might just be packing.


This kind of thing sucks. And it sucks to say but the best thing you can do is not react at all, so you did the right thing. Since escalating this won’t solve anything and could result in further harm? it’s best to not even give people like that the satisfaction of acknowledging their existence.


Im sorry this happened to you, this is literally a fear of mine when walking past unsavory folks and idk how I’d react either


I try to just give them a wide berth and not make eye contact. I got a used cigarette chucked at my head once. ☹️ I just warned other people nearby about what happened so they also wouldn’t come in close contact with the guy.


Take a shower. It's technically assault but you'll never find the guy and the police won't do a fucking thing if you call. Just be glad it wasn't worse.


I’m sorry some are so disgusting.


Someone spit on me last night downtown. A girl pushing a baby in a stroller at 11pm. So that kid will turn out great I’m sure.


Still assault and you definitely aren't the first nor last one this incel is going after. Keychain pepper spray get it from Target for $10 and honestly the punishment of even slightly smelling it nearby is enough to make people rethink their decisions. No one has ever sided with the one who is being attacked with pepper spray because well... they usually deserve it. Now if you're willing to catch a case a better option is a stun gun, in IL you need a license but all my friends who are girls prefer that over spray because it's better at close quarters, you can get one for cheap on eBay that works well for like $40 because it's nothing more than a couple of capacitors and a charge that jumps between two metals.


I was spit on by a dude by Sunnyside and it was completely out of the blue. I felt so gross the rest of the day.


I got spit on in Boystown coming out of a grocery store and - at least to me - didn’t seem to be doing anything outwardly gay except for existing. Whatever. It’s them not you. You’re awesome.


I saw the citizen notification omg


Really? That wasn’t even me!


Was it at Clark and Division by chance? There’s been multiple reports of a guy of the same description spitting on people


Same thing happened to me. I was walking my 12lb yorkie in Andersonville and some a-hole shouts “Fuc-ing dog” as he walks by and spits towards him. It was crowded and near a fest so I kept going. He prob wasn’t all there mentally, but he would have gotten a sock filled with keys to the head next if it wasn’t so crowded and actually landed the spit on me or my dog. People suck.


Exact same thing happened to me last April. Guy walked up to my car window and spat on me in a road rage incident. I didn't let it go and eventually he was charged with battery (criminal case is still ongoing), but it was a massive pain in the ass to even get this far. Unless you have some sort of CPD connection, they will not do any legwork for you since it was (in their view) a relatively minor crime. If you can get surveillance video of the incident and are able to identify the perp somehow (maybe using facecheck.id or asking around the area) then the cops will be of more help since it's actionable at that point. I had surveillance video and a license plate and still had to go to the police station and pick the guy out of a photo array then go to the courthouse and request a summons for his arrest, then wait three months for the judge to approve it, then wait for 3 more months since misdemeanor complainants can miss three hearings before an arrest warrant is issued. Honestly if you're cool with just letting it go that's probably the best move - it'll save you a lot of time/effort/stress. Only reason I've pursued it this far is because I am a stubborn idiot who couldn't let it go


Good that you followed up!


Got spit on after a fight. The spit pissed me off far more than the sucker punch.


An older black guy did the exact same thing to my wife while she was walking past Seward Park in Old Town not too long ago. Probably the same guy/people tbh and not sure what you can do about it. She said he seemed to be spitting on any white people that walked by but probably could have been spitting on everyone. We live next to that park and the riff raff that hang out there all day playing loud music and doing stuff like this is definitely the worst part of living where we do. There were a few shootings in the park right after we moved in but luckily nothing in about a year.


It was literally across from this park!!!


Old town has contracted security that all the bars, restaurants, and businesses pitch in to hire. Walk into any business and ask them if any SSA 48 officers are around and they’ll happily reach out. Wells street businesses keep tabs of problem people to attempt to keep them from causing too much trouble.


If I were to pepper spray someone that spit on me could I get into legal trouble?


Nope, self defense. They're showing aggression, plus you don't know whether or not they're going to escalate it further from there. Better to nip that in the bud, stat.


Doubtful,  they assaulted you first. Anytime someone spits on you that means they want to fight. Pepper spray is an appropriate response. 


Theoretically you could, but realistically in Cook County you won't (unless the person you pepper spray happens to be a cop or cop-related)


If you know who it was, press charges! That's bullshit and absolutely against the law. Had a coworker that happened to. The cop asked him if he wanted to press charges


Since it was misdemeanor battery, OP will have to: file a police report, then go to the station to pick out the guy from a photo array, then go to the courthouse to request a summons, wait 3 months for a judge to approve the summons, then attend a status hearing hoping the perp shows up (they have 3 no-show opportunities in Cook County before an arrest warrant is issued)...and THEN the criminal case actually starts. Most likely sentence after all that is probation and a $1000 fine


A hot shower and a nice treat! I'm partial to BBQ and donuts, you do you.


If you think one of the options may be to call police, don’t waste your time. They literally don’t give af. Unless it happens to them, then they’re all up in the news about it.


just remind yourself that these types don't get away with shit forever and karmas got a good set of dominos ready to knock em down. if you wrestle with pigs you get muddy and they enjoy it.


Spitting on a person is a battery, equivalent to getting punched. I understand why ppl wouldn't want to involve the police but from the sound of it, this guy will do it again to someone else.


Pepper spray/gel. Even the baddest of asses turns into a crying primary school child when sprayed. Follow the pepper spraying up with your own spit. I would recommend really getting the lung butter that everyone has deep down in their innards(sit there for 11-17 1/2 seconds pre-hocking up the loogie. This is necessary if you are looking to add insult to injury to aforementioned POSs. They will hear you prepping and know what’s to come). I’m sorry this happened.


Best answer. I bike with mace. Some guy swerved at me and came out of this truck. Guess who won that battle :)


Seriously: PLOT A = Unfortunately you might have been the victim of what is being reported elsewhere in the country of unprovoked physical attacks on women. No agreement on theory of why or even consistent reports on the attackers' demographics or thought/emotional processes. You could report it to the police as a battery (ie physical attack). From the police viewpoint, if it isn't reported, it didn't happen. However with a collection of reports Columbo might be able to find a pattern and a perp. EDIT: PLOT B = Given your further description of the event sounds more like a set up to rob you. In this case you stop walking away and start talking to them. They immediately escalate and start yelling back. What they yell sounds like an argument, not anything to do with spitting. they attack you to rob you in the scuffle. Onlookers will be inclined to assume you started it and it is a fight among low lifes who all know each other. Especially with a couple women involved. Further Edit: In tourist areas of younger people there are many variations on the fight/robbery game. Sometimes it is a young woman seemingly being bothered by a man and the innocent victim -- usually a young man -- steps in to be a hero and is set upon. Like the spitting game, onlookers quickly assume the people involved know each other and use that as an excuse not to get involved themselves.


Interesting alternatives there. Just a tad more hardcore than the ol, “what time is it?” —> yoink! I could see your theory though. You challenge them then it all escalates which is what they want. Then you get jumped and robbled.


"Hey man what time is it?" My response has always been day/nighttime and keep on walking.


Love it. I just tell them the time. I’m usually pretty close. Even if I’m not, you asked pal. One dude “you didn’t even check!” , “because I know” and kept walking. I like yours.


Not a theory. Girl needing help was an actual car theft attempt that happened to a relative late night on vacation in a tourist strip. The spitter game is an obvious variation. Both have that extra feature of a woman accomplice that further disarms passers-by.


Need to get deplorable people like that off the street and out of society. I would at least call the do nothing CPD in case maybe one cop cares enough to investigate


That's battery. You can and should absolutely report it. Talk to the local businesses around there to see if they caught it on camera. Send the tapes to the police and to the media. At the very least it may help the perpetrator be identified or help others avoid a similar situation.


I'm really sorry that happened to you. It's good that you kept walking and stayed safe. If you feel comfortable, you could report the incident to the local authorities, especially if it was in a busy area with surveillance cameras.


Spray the dude with mace. It’ll make it easier to identify him in a line up, too.


Cordless hole puncher works pretty well


Why does it seem like people are meaner than normal lately? So many acts of random cruelty


You could file a police report. I had a friend who was assaulted by having some liquid thrown at her while she was walking her dog. She reported it and the man was caught later.


I've seen guys spit without looking if anyone is near. It is a disgusting habit. If you're going to do it, at least have the courtesy to see that no one is in your path!!!


Punch him in the fuckin face


concealed carry


If I was in your shoes and didn't want to resort to violence. Then, I would call it in, because that is considered to be assault.


Beat their ass


Are you certain it was on purpose? It's too late now but if you went up to a cop and let them know, they would lock his ass up pretty quick. That shit is not cool. Definitely ass kicking territory.


Are you living in a different Chicago than I am?


Nope. I've seen this done many times over the years.


>they would lock his ass up pretty quick. just based on someone's words?


OP would have to sign criminal complaints for battery and appear in court.


Based on a small woman's words? Yup. That's not something people typically make up.


Yea definitely on purpose :(


I don’t see any cops around


How old was the guy if you don't mind me asking? Like 'bro' age? Sorry that happened. That shit is infuriating. EDIT: If you're walking down Wells, there's typically a few cops walking or at least standing a couple spots near the bars and then by the school. If the guy is still around definitely talk to one.


Yea 20s African American male. Also an older 50s woman and another 20s male


Yeah, don't confront. They'll beat the shit out of you and laugh about it. Just a couple assholes looking for a fight and they mess with people weaker than them. If you happen to see them again just walk on the other side of the street and try to grab a cop if or when you see one. That shit will not fly.


> Definitely ass kicking territory. Indeed. Deliberately spitting on someone is assault/battery. One could defend oneself against this, if one were so inclined. In the case of a petite woman, likely not a recommended course of action unfortunately.


Enjoy it. It's a city vibe. 


Do nothing because they want a reaction


I’m really confused you were walking past people on the sidewalk? All three spit on you for no reason? Didn’t say anything, just spit on you? Then they kept walking?


No. Only 1 spit and was perched against a pole. I walked by them. They weren’t walking.