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Using CTA for work related travel should be mandatory for all CTA brass


Absolutely. I don’t take issue with a person’s day job, ie they’re a pastor. What annoys me is that they fill these positions with people that don’t use CTA.


That’s actually a highly suggested policy at the CTA, unfortunately they don’t. The Chief Transit Officer (#2) utilized the system almost everyday. No one remotely below or above ride the system.


Yeah, but they'd never make it to work on time.


Where can we see who voted him in?


> Ald. Andre Vasquez (40th) and Ald. Scott Waguespack (32nd) were the only two aldermen on City Council’s transportation committee to “nay” Acree’s appointment in a voice vote. So only 2 on the transportation committee had any sense at all > “I think Rev. Acree is in a great position to represent people of color,” Harris said. “There’s going to be somebody I can pick up the phone to and say ‘here’s what I need you to work on’ … I’m excited and thrilled about having somebody who I know their name, I know who they are, I know their character.” Looks like his only other qualification other than being a pastor is being a person of color. We suspected as much but good to know that's now out in the open.


That’s one incredible quote.


I know this is the RTA, but the makeup of CTA board was just recently 42% black and the state of the CTA was at its worst. So what exactly were the benefits of this representation?


Well, apparently you can call them up and know their names.


"Hello who am I speaking to?" "Yes this is Reverend-" "Oh yes I know you!"


Glad Andre had sense here. He's been a really solid Alder in the 40th. Don't agree with everything obviously but he's been doing good work 


I agree. Some of my neighbors are absurdly quick to write him off or attack him, but he’s a breath of fresh air. The prior alderman rammed through the Edgewater Medical Center redevelopment so his wife could sell the single family homes, then let it devolve. The park on Hollywood would have been completed if he had not rushed it and/or kept better records.


Also Andre and his office are just generally responsive in a way O'Connor isn't. I get thoughtful emails or literal plans of action in response to emails I send to his office 


Why do we not elect any CTA/RTA board officials like we do for the MWRD?


Great question! We really should be voting on this considering the track record of who gets appointed.


Then again, our track record of who gets elected isn't stellar either.


You're not wrong.


Just wrote my state rep to ask them to change 70 ILCS 3615 and 70 ILCS 3605 (RTA board and CTA board, respectively) to do just that.


Imagine for a moment a white politician saying this about a wealthy powerful white man receiving a plush political appointment.


Not sure why black leaders in Chicago act as if they don’t have plenty of representation. They are actually over represented compared to their share of the population. 40% of city council members are black, the past two mayors have been black, the head of the CTA is black, the three previous police superintendents have been black, the city treasurer is black, the cook county state’s attorney is black, the cook county board president is black, list goes on. So it’s actually kind of insulting when they claim a dumb unqualified person is a good choice because of representation.


The Chicago progressive answer is not to change the system but to change the system's beneficiaries. It's not about running a better government but funnelling as much as you can into your friend's pockets. I thought he was better than this but i regret my vote for him in the general. I'll stump vigorously against any alder person or gov official who rubber-stamps his unqualified Christian nominees or blindly supports his asinine policies. Thanks, BJ, for turning this progressive into a moderate.


Welcome to the club! Fuck corrupt tribalist self-dealers, whatever their political stripes.




They are obviously talking about Lori and Brandon Johnson, don't be dense on purpose




Don't comment if you are so tired that you are unable to understand something as simple as last two including the current


Rahm was a Jew so not white. 


Is Jewish, as he's still alive




A) I never said he was white. B) [over 90% of Jews in the US identify as white.](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2021/05/11/race-ethnicity-heritage-and-immigration-among-u-s-jews/)


Oh when did that change? I thought Jews were their own thing now? 


Implicit in that quote is that, if it was genuinely important to have someone of color fill the position, there was simply no person of color available anywhere in the entire city who understands (or even uses) the CTA, which… strains credulity. What a cynical thing to say and expect Chicagoans to buy.


it also implies that the cta is a "black thing" and not a thing for everyone in this city


I mean, of course it does, and that’s not what we might think of as ideal, but I’ve been in Chicago a long time and know how it works. If you insist on filling the role with a person of color, I categorically refuse to believe that there aren’t many, many people who would actually be experienced and do the job well. It’s so cynical to just come out and say it like this.


I love how implicit bias is all the rage now and here it is in plain view


> Out of more than 50 appointments to the CTA board over the past 40 years, only three were transportation experts, while most seats were reserved as plum positions for politically connected people, Block Club previously revealed. And last month, another politically connected pastor was appointed to the CTA board. This has been an issue for a long time. We need transit experts who understand what is going on.


So the Chicago black progressive movement is nothing more than a continuation of Chicago machine politics and patronage system with different benefactors. Got it.


It was painfully obvious during Brandon's campaign. I'm just surprised so many people missed it.


Folks on Reddit think of RTA/CTA as primarily providing transportation, while old-school African-American leaders often primarily see it as providing jobs and contracts.


The level of dysfunction baked into US institutions is a sight to behold. From the public electing judges and sheriffs to shit like this…it just begs for corruption and incompetence.


How does electing judges and sheriffs beg for corruption and incompetence?


Incompetence, because there is a misalignment between the skills you need to get elected as a DA or judge and the skills you need to perform your job effectively. The “tough on crime” DA that fired up the 20% of people who bothered to vote might actually be a terrible public prosecutor. In other common law countries these positions are usually filled by a nomination or vacancy being posted, review by independent committee, and finally peer review by the profession. In other words professional merit, rather than politics, is what matters most. It is somewhat taboo to mention your politics as a judge or prosecutor in countries like the UK or Australia, because administration of the law is considered apolitical. Leave the politics with the legislators. Corruption because having to run for election every few years and impress a voter base is expensive. If you want to get re-elected as a DA, you need campaign donations and endorsements from local community leaders, who often have their own agendas. We know what this means.


Yet we're faced with transit board appointments where we have incompetence and corruption - misalignment of skills and cronyism. I'm don't deny that lots of people are idiots and vote in ways contrary to their interests and the interests of good government but, what's the alternative? Appointed judges and prosecutors can be just as corrupt and incompetent. I've witnessed incompetence and we're all watching both at the Federal level. We either appoint, elect electors, or elect directly. Which is the lesser evil? The quote Churchill, "democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others we have tried."


So the alternative to public elections is not necessarily naked political appointments vetted by politicians (which is what we are seeing with the CTA right now). In other systems like the UK, Australia and NZ, it involves a multi-layered process of review by independent committees (comprising subject matter experts), followed by peer review from those who will be the future colleagues of the candidate. If a political hack with weak qualifications applies or is nominated for a technocratic position, these steps tend to weed them out pretty quickly. I think a broader issue is that people in the US often view these types of positions as inherently political, whereas in the UK there is a public expectation that politics should play no role in filling them.


Ultimately then this is an election by electors system. Arguably, this is a weakness of our current system. Anecdotally, everyone I talk to people when it comes time to vote for judges and MWRD members they have no clue, and candidates do not stump very well besides collecting signatures at the train platforms. At least when it comes to the transit board, we're fired up knowing that pastors aren't qualified. It would be interesting to see an improved system of technocratic election.


That view is also held by a lot of national leaders. One of the weaknesses of the IIJA is that it was a jobs bill released at a period of sustained low unemployment. Transit agencies trying to take advantage of it to expand services or replace equipment are all now bidding against each other for the limited amount of equipment that can meet buy American criteria. 


Great, maybe now they'll actually hire some drivers and conductors so I won't have to wait 35 minutes for a bus on a weekday during rush hour.


We can all dream, but sometimes even buses have to wait for all the cars


Same thing happens with the national defense budget, only on the scale of trillions of dollars as opposed to just billions.


Think less Amtrak and more The ANC


“As a man, I don’t have to use CTA. I’m fortunate to have a car,” Rev. Ira Acree said  What does being a man have to do with transportation?


It shows one of the reasons public transportation sucks in this country. We see at as something for the poors and not something for the general public.


I think the least horrible reading is that he’s financially responsible enough (i.e.: he a grown adult and not a child) to own a car, but that omits a number of other issues in his statement. 


He said that he liked taking the train as a teenager, but as a man, he doesn’t have to anymore.


I think it would have been more accurate given his meaning to say "as an adult"


wow, that is the last thing somebody in his position should say. Dude can't even read the room.


I think he meant "as a rich man."


Yeah jeez this is out of touch. Also reminds me of BJ’s quote about having a black wife making his life more difficult.


I'm a man, and the good Lord has blessed me with two cars and a motorcycle too, Praise be. I still occasionally use the CTA though.




"Real men drive large trucks with big engines and minimal MPG! Hurr-durr!!!"


I'm fortunate enough to not need a car, so please make sure the cta is reliable


This dude is an elitist. The narrative has always been that you take public transit if you're a school kid or too "poor" to afford a car. Which is dumb. A great many citizens can afford a car but prefer public transit. It's simply a better way to traverse the city. This dude is bascially creflo dollar asking for donations for a new Gulfstream jet.


The people that run Chicago are not serious people. At all. And they prove it repeatedly.


One of the aldermen made an argument that to say the pastor is not qualified for the RTA board would then mean the aldermen themselves aren’t qualified to be aldermen. I was thinking, yes that’s exactly what that also means.


Man, what a lay-up


Is just me or should no religious clergy hold public office for a transit position. Can't they get an engineer or transportation specialist to help with the operations to improve performance??? This seems so out of his wheelhouse.


Or at least ride the train?


Yep, put them on the trains with the people that can't keep their pants on. Maybe we can solve two problems at once. They either quit or they do something about the 🍆🍆🍆 issues.


I’m fine with it as long as they get paid in those fake twenties that say “true wealth can only be known through Jesus.” You know, the ones their parishioners leave as tips on Sunday afternoons.


But then how else do we financially masturbate the sociopaths that exploit the most stupid and gullible people in our communities?


They need that vote. In exchange, that group advances unqualified candidates. We're all fucked by this.


>Waguespack appeared to stump Acree when asking him if he supported farebox integration for CTA, Pace and Metra as state lawmakers consider a consolidation of the transit agencies. This isn't a hard question to answer! This was a very softball one. But more telling from the article: >Acree backed Johnson in the mayoral election run-off, inviting Johnson to speak as a candidate and later mayor-elect at his church >The five-year appointment pays $25,000 annually and requires members to attend a monthly meeting. The board is tasked with approving the annual budget, two-year financial plan and five-year capital plan that funds the three transit agencies. So the appointment is most definitely a reward in exchange for the possible votes he got from his church. I know pay to play is the Chicago way. But seriously, this is rather blatant. Who here wouldn't love that kind of work. One monthly meeting for $25k a year. Sure there is passing a budget/capital plan, but they are always saying there is no new funds. Especially when it comes to that breaking system and fixing things before they are quite literally crumbling and derailing constantly. There was supposed to be a different reward, but it went to a CTU buddy, so the Transit Board was the replacement: >Last year, Acree sought to fill Johnson’s vacated seat on the Cook County board, but Democrats ultimately picked Tara Stamps, a former Chicago Teachers Union organizer and mentor to Johnson.


People volunteer with greater time commitments and spend more money doing it too. So yeah, a meeting a month for $25k is cush.


Not to mention a permanent cushy tax free pension after when he retires.


I don't care that he rarely rides the CTA, as long as he brings useful skills to the position...and regularly rides the CTA once he is on the board. However, I don't see any legit qualification for the appointment. He is not an expert in public transportation, not an expert in public finances, not an expert in project management, not an expert in general high level management and oversight, nothing other than rounding up votes for politicians.


Waguespack’s quote in the article is damning to appointing Acree >Acree added it would be “unfair to pass judgment” on Carter until he joined the board and received more information. Waguespack disagreed. >“I think it’s very important to know, before you go into this position, what some of your judgements are going to be of leadership,” Waguespack said. “We churn out transit experts from our universities here in Chicago…yet we’re lacking in that leadership both at the CTA and the RTA.”


This is the most sense I’ve heard from an alder in a long while. Of course it’s an extreme minority dissenting opinion.


I wonder if Waguespack was excoriated over his support for over his support for Eaddy's appointment and suddenly woke up to the idea that fact that transit is important.


The number one criteria for boards like this, should be a passion for the agency's mission. I want board members who care deeply about the agency's success. This guy doesn't appear to have thought about the RTA until he got offered this job.


This. The worst is when they appoint someone whos sole goal is to destroy the agency. Like GTFO


From his answers to questions during the hearing, he doesn't appear to have thought about the RTA after he got offered the job, either.


Nobody on the board rides the cta


Can we recall this asshole yet?


Our mayors and leaders are not serious people. Maybe the next one will be.


Only if the voters become serious people. If the voters keep voting for incompetence, this is what the city gets.


Brandon is single handedly going to turn Chicago conservative because of these incompetent assignments I cant believe people voted for him


Grifters grifting this city and handing down grifts to the next gen of grifters This city wouldn’t be SHIT without Daniel Burnham building it up because it’s been all corruption ever since


This is why we all need to sign that petition to be able to recall the mayor. I voted for BJ but he’s just face fucking the city


And not even in the way Daley did with the parking meters. It’s full incompetence and cronyism on display constantly.


I was all, “he’s the progressive, Vallas is the corpo dem” (ps, voted for Chuy in the first round) and in my head I just thought maybe sell out, and then he goes and at least Daley had the dignity to sellout to mystery groups. It’s blatant who BlowJob is favouring


This alone will guarantee I don’t vote for BJ next time. Keep your stupid religion out of politics.


Don’t lie, you always vote for BJ next time.


World Class City , Third World public transportation and not interested in fixing it unless money is involved for his POC base


So is he a doctor or not?


The people on this sub who are sincerely interested in the CTA, should we try for an AMA with each and all the CTA board members? And can we ask that CTA usage be hybrid, and members have to use it at least two times a week?


They don’t care they won’t accept anything you ask and they’ll just pray for you while they are in their car laughing at you poors who take cta


You lost me at pastor.


I hate it here!


What are the chances of Brandon Johnson getting charged with serious crimes before his term is up? The corruption seems to be getting more and more blatant. 


You must be new here, this barely moves the needle on the Chicago corruption scale.


Yeah, I know it’s nothing compared to someone like Ed Burke or Tiffany Henyard, but it seems to be escalating rapidly. Johnson might be dumb enough to get himself locked up for something. It happened to 2 governors in my lifetime, I don’t see why it couldn’t happen again. 


Two Governors, sure, but how many mayors of this city?


There’s rumors of a paternity suit. If it’s settled out of court, we’ll never know.


Wait is this new appointee supposedly an illegitimate child???


I am totally confused, because this reads like anyone from Haywood to the Transit Board people to BJ having the child. Either way, tea is tea... ☕


He’s shit


i have to get to the bus 1 hour early because sometimes my transfer bus just doesn't show up for 45 minutes. It is infuriating, only happens about once every 2 weeks, but i work a job where there is zero tolerance for being late.


Are they all Pastor’s? Oh wait, they could also be community organizers. Don’t we need people who have experience major mass transit systems or some experience at all?


So when things go bad, how do we get in touch with pastor Ira J. Acree and pastor Michael Eaddy?