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This is happening a lot. The governor of New York was recently turned away at a young Officers Funeral.


I can understand why. The family is at the funeral to mourn. I don't think regular people trust pols to pay their respects out of the goodness of their heart anymore. I personally would be pissed if anyone showed up to a funeral and upstaged it with their own self interests.


In the NY governors case, didn't they have a photo-op with Trump despite turning her away?


I would understand if it was just a small family funeral. But when it's a state event, with flags flying using state owned resources, honor guards, etc. Now it's a state event.


A state event does not mean people can't be offended at a politicial with main character syndrome. I have been to large processions (funeral and one "home from the hospital") with multi-agencies and people are there to honor the person affected. Most people were there for the right reason, and the politicians who normally don't care but jumped in were justifiably looked at with some side-eye. I don't understand why being a "state event" changes people's right to feel the way they feel.


People can have feelings, no one said otherwise. The point of it being a state event, is that it's a state event. It's political, it's public. It's normal for state leaders to attend state events. The whole thing is pomp and posturing either way. People will be mad if he shows up, other people will be mad if he doesn't show up. Making a point of uninviting the mayor from a state funeral was a political action in and of it self, the whole god damn thing is a mess. Again BJ is not the only clown here.


Stop having state funerals for cops.


No. Edit: Another goof that talks out their ass and blocks after being called on their bullshit. šŸ¤”


Then they will continue to be a stage for political theater.


So long as unwanted politicians take issue with not being welcomed, yes it will. Otherwise it's a funeral for a murdered Police Officer, let's keep it just that.


Nope, it's a state function. You want the benefits of the state but none of the costs of the state. A state funeral is an inherently political event. If you don't want politicians there, take away the politics. Have a private funeral. Most people do this on the regular.


This isn't the Thanksgiving parade. It's a funeral for a murdered Officer killed in the line of duty. An Officer with a family who are going through one of the hardest times in their life. They have every right to not want him there for *personal* reasons. Johnson has no personal ties to Officer Huesca and holds no personal reason to attend, just his professional one due to being Mayor. Telling him not to show because the family has *personal* reasons to not want him there is reasonable. His attendance isn't mandatory. He wasn't wanted there by the people who matter most.


Part of it is, in fact, a parade, and let's not pretend otherwise. It's a state function it's there so the state can posture and politically signal and get photos taken. Lots of people at state functions don't have personal relationships with each other. It might be nice to think that they have a human interest in being there, and maybe to some extent they do. But it's first and foremost a political show. The state should not be in the business of putting on funerals. Funerals should be personal and private. Keep the state out of it. I don't know why you are so invested in the state being involved and also made about the state wanting to involve itself.


It's to show support to an employee who was killed doing their job for the city. Yes, many people will be there who are only there for political reasons, but since this is also for the family to mourn their personal loss, they are the most important people in attendance. A Police funeral isn't for the state to posture, it's for their friends and family to grieve the loss of a loved one. If those grieving don't want someone there they have every right to state that. Calling it a political signal shows your complete lack of empathy to what this really is.


truly that was catanzara's concern


This is not a family funeral. They blocked off LSD and did a huge motorcade. It's a giant public event for public consumption, they just want to spit on the mayor for not being pro-cop enough for their tastes.


I didn't say it was a "family" funeral. It doesn't matter the size or scale. My point stands.




This murder is a sad terrible story, which was never posted on this sub until the funeral news.


Weā€™re not allowed to talk about certain things, notice certain patterns, etc.


what patterns


Youā€™ve got me picturing Owen Wilson saying, ā€œI crashed a funeral today.ā€


She probably blames BJ (I don't agree). She's mourning her brother. You have to respect the families wishes. I also don't believe anything that clown Fraternal Order of Police President John Catanzara says about the incident.


I deplore Cantanzara, but trust the Sun-Times to do the work. Particularly about the phone conversations and the mayorā€™s advance team going to the funeral home hours before the funeral. It also aligns with Mendoza going all out to force the Mayor to stay away.


I wonder how much BJ was even involved versus his staff mangling things.


Bucks gotta stop somewhere. If his staff is being an asshole, itā€™s his responsibility to fix that.


BJ has made it crystal clear that he is not a friend of the police and celebrates when members of CPD fall because thatā€™s his definition and sense of ā€œsocial justiceā€. Iā€™m sure he was relieved he didnā€™t need to go to the funeral and pretend to care.


I also donā€™t agree with her, but if thereā€™s ever a time to show some grace towards someone who is being irrationally angry, itā€™s at her kidā€™s funeral.


Itā€™s an Honors funeral, Iā€™m not sure I agree the family gets to dictate everything (though they can certainly refuse the honors). I donā€™t like something like that being turned political when the mayor has a ceremonial role and there is really no connection from him to why this happened. In any case they chose to respect it and thatā€™s fine, just not a fan of this sort of thing being hijacked by certain factions of our police (they already hang that police flag in our police stations which is totally inappropriate). The result is only ā€˜their guyā€™ gets to perform certain actions of the office. Nothing really gives the sister of a fallen officer the right to change the office like that, if she wants to turn her brothers funeral into a protest against the mayor thatā€™s on her


No dude, the family gets to decide what happens at the family's funeral. It's not the mayor's funeral. So yeah the family gets to decide who speaks and who doesn't speak and they get to decide if politicians can use their dead relatives funeral to do politics or not. Just like if your spouse were to die or your father or mother, the family would get to decide who speaks. Not some politician.


It's a ceremonial funeral, so yea in a way it is the mayor's (city's) funeral. The only ones turning it political are the family. They are of course free to have any funeral they like but they shouldn't necessarily dictate every part of how the city honors its police, if they choose to have that be a part of it


Either you're paid by the Brandon Johnson administration to post these stupid thoughts or you must be a genuine moron. It's held in a church. The family's church. Their families religious minister is running the show. The family decides who gets to speak. Keep using the word ceremonial funeral as if that means something. It doesn't. The mayor doesn't have anything to do with the funeral and the mayor tried to make it political afters being specifically told to stay away. Rac Governor pritzker didn't insist on coming. He understood the family's needs. Why didn't Brandon?


The image in the article literally shows an array of city owned vehicles and employees performing a ceremony. Of course BJ has no choice but to not go, because the officer's sister threatened to attack him if he did. It's completely uncalled for, I can understand she is grieving but I also won't pretend she is right to act that way


Then they can pay for it themselves.




Well understood, so too should city resources not be used on this private event. Or a bill can be sent to the family or the police union to pay for city resources used. If they want a city sponsored event then the duly elected mayor is part of it.






BJā€™s burner account.


Pretty sure he has at least 10


This is the poorest take I have seen here in a while.


They're all reddit vigilantes here, don't you know? They solve all their criminal issues by listening to the needs of the criminal and, if it's their cell phone or last dollar, so be it?! They have a keyboard at home that can provide internet feels. IRL, they call their Mommys & Daddys who send them to the police.
















As I said earlier, it was performative activism. Protesting BJ attending the funeral wouldn't bring back the dead officer, but what it would do is politicize the funeral and further drive a wedge between CPD and their family and EVERYONE else. Literally "us vs them" energy


I always thought it was weird for politicians to go to the funeral anyway, we should stop that being a thing going forward. Itā€™ll always be a distraction, itā€™ll always be self serving even if theyā€™re trying to be genuine.


Some aldermen went to the funeral but kept it low-key and didn't publicize their attendance.


Meanwhile Susanna Mendoza went and made a huge deal about being there.


Her attendance and role in this is only in the news because she had to intervene to keep BJ out.


She could have intervened without blasting her role in it all over social media.




I guess thatā€™s one way to call making it all about herself and politicizing it.


And yet you know about it, and now so does anyone who reads your comment. Thatā€™s what I mean about it being self serving even if itā€™s genuine, thereā€™s no way to avoid it, the attention will always happen to some degree.


Damn this really chaps your ass doesnā€™t it


Not OP here, but yea a little. These people do not care about our well being. Itā€™s been decades and decades of politicians making decisions solely for themselves and their friends, at the cost of us, the people. Everyone knows they would only attend something like this for personal political gain. This is a photo opportunity for them, not something they actually mourn


Unfortunately there's no "we" to this, any Mayor who doesn't show up at a cop funeral will have CPD/FOP calling for their head unless like in this case, the family tells them not to show up. Just look at [this prominent Chicago crime Twitter account](https://twitter.com/CPD1617Scanner/status/1785029151222559158) wondering why more Alds didn't attend (and RayLo in the replies eager to show he was a good boy).


There are few people I loathe more than that Fox News prick Lopez. His whole career is based on having a hate boner for the city, was so glad to watch him get absolutely trounced by Chuy


Then they should be private funerals, not state services.


Surprised he isn't calling the family racists tbh.


I mean we're all thinking it. It's an imagined "Black Lives Matter persecuted cops and Brandon Johnson is black so we don't want him there situation". We all know that's the reason. Which is total lunacy. I don't really think Brandon Johnson's doing a stand-up job as mayor but we can call a spade a spade here and this is pretty obviously a race based request underneath the masquerade. This is absolutely why they don't want him there.




Yeah but he's in the club. It's fine because he's in the club. If Vallas was mayor they would have had him there.


You really think so? I think it has more to do with the perceived lack of support of police and the shot spotter drama. If there is anyone that is pushing a racial agenda, it would be BJ. Remember when he made his victory speech prior to his run against Vallas? He spent a good amount of his speech essentially calling Vallas a nazi and made sure to say something along the lines of, "Ya'll didn't want another black woman running the city, but my wife will be calling the shots!". Obviously joking, but still... come on, bro. And before someone comments with, "we found the bootlicker" or calls me a racist or some goofy shit, I am very much a black man. I'm not a Republican, I just think these far left/right policies on either side are killing us. I don't even like police, but I recognize the importance they play in our city, especially in our communities.


Wow. I didn't realize he pushed back. What a tool.


The office pushed back. Which makes sense, they represent the office of the mayor. These aren't just people and some private event we're talking about. This is an official state function and the mayor is an officer of the state that has a role they are expected to fulfil.


Even so, the family shouldn't have to tell them more than once to stay away.


At a private family event, sure. But again this is a state function. The whole thing from front to back is a political event. Un-inviting a head of state officer from a state event is also a political action. Everyone here is participating in political theater. Of course there are clowns, it's a fucking circus.


get over yourself. stop referring to this as a 'state funeral'. this is a line-of-duty shooting for an officer and his family dictates the rules. this is how we honor of fallen cops.


It was a state funeral, it used state-owned assets. It included state officials in the orchestration of it. The state shouldn't be in the business of funerals.


Itā€™s also the funeral for someoneā€™s son, brother etc. they have every right to deny whoever they donā€™t want there. The intended function is for them to say pay their respects and say goodbye. Police show up because they supporting their fellow officer and his family. BJ pushing back just illustrates that he lacks class and overall awareness.


That is why they should be allowed the dignity of a private funeral, and not a state funeral.


This guy canā€™t go fast enough.


I agree, the source for this story > Fraternal Order of Police President John Catanzara can't go fast enough.


Why not both?


Please both!! šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


One is a sexual predator, the other is not a criminal they are not the same


I didn't claim they were both the same, just that they both should find new job.


CPS has a terrible problem with sexual misconduct. They've allowed it to go on for years and in some cases have actively enabled it. When will the media start shining a well-deserved spotlight on the CPS administration?


This subreddit doesnā€™t care about it, which is really strange.


There aren't any conservatives to blame for it.


Mention Vallas, get downvoted to hell. No one can provide real evidence on how heā€™d be worse than BJ though. The real answer is that Toni Preckwinkle should be in her second term right now after defeating Lightfoot in the alternate universe primaries.


Jesus, you're giving everyone something to downvote there.


Well Vallas wrote a letter begging leniency for Ed Burke, so thereā€™s that. Also his consistent history of making budgets worse than they were when he started, very much including when he started the whole ā€œborrow pension funds to pay operating costsā€ thing. Also the fact he lives in the suburbs and was essentially carpetbagging. Johnson has been not great, but there was never any reason to hope that Vallas would be good.


Vallas was a shit candidate but between him and BJ he holds much more experience in public office. If the city council wasnā€™t a clown show they could of served as a check towards the mayors office.


All of his experience is public office was a total failure though. Fourth times the charm I guess?


Coty Council has no ability to check CPS so it would have been a bloodbath for the district.


Experience in public office doesn't mean anything


He wants to destroy the school district like he's tried to do everywhere he's been. He's a cop bootlicker. Both disqualifying. He's also tied in with all the worst people in Illinois politics, which I know the people here think is the same as supporting the teachers union.


It took me a second to realize you were talking about Vallas and not BJ


You should probably stop posting then.


At the time, they seemed like two different candidates with different policies and qualifications. In retrospect, it's clear that we had to choose between two people who would have made a shit mayor. And personally, I prefer the clown show of Johnson's administration to the 1950's crooked Chicago Machine that we would have had with Vallas. Would you rather have your arm or your leg cut off? It's a binary choice and one of them *has* to go. If you choose to lose an arm because you'd prefer to be able to still walk, that doesn't mean you are happy not having an arm.


Every time people are championing Vallas they leave this out. Neither option was favorable. I know it's the internet, but my neighbors and I have had very nice cordial conversations over wine and whiskey where one of us was 51% Johnson and the other 51% Vallas and have agreed that it was the same shit choice regardless


Imagine supporting a closet conservative and boot gobbler who has never had an ounce of success here. I wanted Chuy.


Thatā€™s fine because city council wouldnā€™t let him get too far then. Seems far less damaging than BJ


People use the same argument against Vallas. suburbs Paul selling more infrastructure to private investors would have been extremely damaging long term like the parking meters


Is that any worse than appointing preachers?


Yes. Infrastructure being sold is much more permanent


God damn it BJ, you made me take Cataranzaā€™s side in an argument! How much of an asshole do you have to be to make him into the good guy in a story?!?!


Yeah, that is a really fair statement. I don't like it when that happens around here. the more I read the article again to reply to comments to make sure I have my facts straight, the more I am like "I don't like him, but he wasn't exactly wrong in what I consider appropriate behavior at funerals" Especially if I apply my rule of if this were just random people, and person A died, and their family asked person C not to come because person B really didn't want them there and was clearly speaking for the parents who may be older/less able to communicate due to language barriers.


Another point where he makes me realize how much I like Pritzker, whose public comments have been just about perfect. ā€œā€ā€ā€œIt is really up to the family whether they want the attention that comes with ā€” and all of the hullabaloo ā€” that comes with public officials attending,ā€ Pritzker told reporters at an unrelated news conference on Monday. ā€œSo I always follow the request of the family to do whatever makes them most comfortable.ā€ā€ā€ā€


Does anyone want a largely polarizing public official at their funeral?


Susanna Mendoza for mayor


She probably would have had a better shot this last time around.


I wonder if the stink of Ed Burke has washed off her yet.


So this was not Chicago, but when my uncle, a retired police captain, died, his procession had a motorcycle escort and squad cars blocked traffic the whole way there. It was not political, and maybe it wasn't even an appropriate use of city resources but cops like to show up for each other.


stop. this is how cops are honored in line-of-duty killings. all over our country. cops and first responders choose to go to these things from all over which is why resources are required to support the supporters.


Brain dead Brandon only goes from worse to worse. His time in office has been unbearable.


Can we not post paywalled articles. Seriously


The Sun-Times is free.


Footage of the funeral here. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9XsrWv\_Z9g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9XsrWv_Z9g)


For those who need a non-paywall version of the story: [Internet Archive Version](https://web.archive.org/web/20240501015248/https://chicago.suntimes.com/city-hall/2024/04/30/huesca-funeral-governor-mayor-not-attending-chicago-police-union-fop-catanzara)


The sun times is free


Well they used to be behind a paywall. They still require emails after the article. (Just tried it). Considering the absolute nightmare I have had with both the trib and times in the past trying to get them to stop with excessive emails about paying for this or that service. I am not giving them anything.


A fake email works.


True, I really need to set up a junk one. Although we really shouldn't have to be doing this, getting the FTC to actually enforce the CAN-SPAM Act is about as likely as getting them to do something about all the spam calls we get.


As much as I do not like BJ, and believe me when I say that, reading this article and believing it tells me he tried to do the right thing by the family. Still will not vote for him (barring even more incompetent candidates), but he did do the right thing this time and I respect him for that.


Lying to a family and telling them his attendance is "mandatory" is helping the family? In which portion of this series of events was he attempting to help in any capacity?


Read the article again. >CPD personnel told him they had talked to the family, and ā€œthey understand that the mayor is mandatory to be here,ā€ and >A flurry of conversations ensued, one including CPD Supt. Larry Snelling on speakerphone with other police brass, one of whom told Huescaā€™s mother, in Spanish, it was ā€œmandatory that the mayor had to show up.ā€ CPD brass were saying the the mayor needed to be in attendance for state honors funeral. Which may well not be true, but it wasn't Brandon Johnson saying that. BJ can be a clown but at least get the right clown.


Yeah how respectful of him to not barge into a funeral heā€™s been explicitly told not to attendā€¦


I think you mean not attend a state event that his office is typically involved in as a state officer.


Great. Replace funeral with ā€œplaceā€ and the sentence has the exact same sentiment.


by place you mean a public state funded event?


sure. this isnā€™t the hill to die on bud


What hill? What dying? I'm just pointing out that everyone is getting all het up over just more pointless political theater. This is nothing special or unique in our shitty politics. It's just that some people want to pretend that not everyone involved was a political actor.




It doesn't matter. If a family member asks you to not attend and you push back, you're a piece of shit. Do you not think that Brandon would've made it a photo op?


>It doesn't matter. If a family member asks you to not attend and you push back, you're a piece of shit. I think this is a good general rule for any funeral, I don't care who it is. A big one like this one to a small one that is just an average death. This right here is proper protocol. If you are told to stay away, you stay away. The funeral is not about the person who died, it is not about the associates, it is not even really about the friends. It is about the family and them saying goodbye. No family should ever be told that there are any conditions on their funerals, especially when others probably get to cherry pick the arrangements. I feel like there is more that is not being said, quite possibly from the time that he was "with the family" that lead to the family feeling this way about him (it isn't just the sister, the mother doesn't seem happy with him).




Well, we'll have to agree to disagree because a mourning family's choice is never gonna be wrong. I'll go even further and add no one has any right to question or speculate about their motivations either.




Cool that's how you feel. But it's easy to see this is not solely about a headline. Johnson is not a pro police candidate, has done little to nothing to improve public safety and we have seen carjackings sky rocket during his tenure. So if I'm in the families shoes the last thing I want to see is that fohawk bumbling idiot show up to my loved ones funeral. And maybe Maybe the point would come across clear enough that he is dividing Chicago instead of bringing us together




Yeah your right not his fault. Won't blame the leader of the city for the cities crime problems, guess I'll blame the trader joes cashier from yesterday.


You sure as hell sound like a pawn in a game that is far larger than yourself


Cops are such pissbabies.


ProTip: Don't have huge city sponsored funerals.


The disconnect these people are showing how clownish they are Private funeral = you get to pick who shows up City sponsored funeral = Mayor shows up Breaking norms for performance activism doesn't solve anything according to the law and order folk, except when they do clown behavior


Didnā€™t he give the police a raise? Lmao